W H E R E YO U R T A X E S GO H ALSEY ENTERPRISE arrived at, oi the “ iDTiaibleem- A» independent—NOT neutral—news- pire.” K ’S . T T ? R IA L T O T H E A T E R , F R ID A Y « » •„ » » - o k « ,, „ „ e r f , , Win. H. W hiki . b » Editor. candidate with the longest odds in Mas. A A. W hkklmb Busin,« Manager his favor, counters against Hall ALSEY GARAGE (by Edward G. Lowry) CtorrWM. w « m ™ iMw All Aboard for Grand Excursion !$ xvn. G O O D R IC H , G O O D Y E A R and F ISK T IR E S NO REWARD FOR LOYALTY What can a man hope for who, en­ ters the government seijvtpe as a career? Let ns look et «orne actual W e w ill be open evenings from now cases. Here Is the story of one as on during the summer months. told by E. J. Ayer«, chief clerk, De- Please do not call Snnday unless ueces- pertinent of the Interior. He cite« It Yours truly, 'is • case similar to that of many oth- •, r y « ers In his department, and says there : are many others who are In worse clr cumstances : “The record« of oor department ehow that he entered the eervlcy as a O lin llin g events on the T exas® C tran ge heathen rites of hordes oí laborer at $660 a year, after a service border, seething w ith deeds worshipers, clad in jeweled cloth of three and a half years in the Uni­ of bandits, gamblers and soldiers of gold. ted States navy as a first-class fire­ 1 of fortnne. — pectacular use of elephants,snakes man, with an honorable discharge. He bears, peacocks, crocodiles and p a la c e s , temples in a vast and dogs has been with us for more than thirty- (The crocodile fight is the ■*- towered C ity Beautiful, built moat blood-stirring sensation ever three years, and 1« slxty-six year« on teeming lagoons. filmed.) old, and has given more than half hl« life to the service of the government. typ e v e l scenes, street scenes, bou- tA a n c e s Siamese, dances Pa- ‘‘He owns a little property three doir scenes,*feud scenes, tbea risienne, and marvelous vision miles beyond the Chesapeake Junc­ skating dancers w hirling through ter scenes, storm scenes, scenes, fire scenes, war scenes, water the ballet of ice. tion, and he gets up early In the morn­ scenes. ing, before daylight, and comes In to F . m . F r e n c h a S o ns T ^ u n d re d s ol alluring beauties weaving these wonders all work and goes ont after dark at night. ALBANY ORES. of the orient bewitchm gly together—a poignant, glorious Today he Is getting »840 a year. He attired. story of human heart*. ”‘ has raised a family of nine children— three of whom are now dead— eight boys and one daughter. His elder sons are married and have established homes of their own. Two of his sons were In the military service In France, Lavyere make our laws and bad decided to "go it alone” and and his daughter, twelve years old, lives with her grandmother, where he ■ p it ha ire over them end eit on let Armenian and Greek Christians la supporting, educating and clothing judicitl bsncbsa and deefare them perish. Its fioal boundary will be ■ALTIMOaX BUILDING her. valid or invalid, and what one of reached when the last Christian "He la a whlje man, ■ very Intelli­ Cor First A Lyon sta, Albany, Oregon gent man, eminently qualifled for thia t ism bolds to be valid another there has been slaughtered, particular line of work. Hie wife la arguet is utterly inconsistent with --------- w i w dead. He Is his own housekeeper and the constitution. I Governor Olcott strikes a re- he does the cooking and the washing and the Ironing. --------- --- ------- '—— —— ■ — If .i body of farmers could make I sponsive chord when he oalla fori ATTO RNEY A T L A W His home was established In Its a more useless, eelf-oontradictory the suppression of K. K. K. or any present location because It was uot SHt of laws than these lawyers de- other body of men who parade thought practicable to raise a family 201 New First N a t’l Bank Bld’g, In the district, and he bought a piece ciare their handiwork is, than w* masked aud uuidentihed, armed or Albany, Oregon. of property In Prince George's coun­ would like to see it aa a curiosity. I unarmed. He correctly declares ty three miles beyond the railroad T ie farmers cast more votes than Americans cannot tolerate an terminal, which distance, aa I said, he the followers of any other occu-1 ‘ visible empire 'w hich imposts walks twice a day, leaving In the morn­ ing most of the year before daylight, pat on, and they gat lass oonaid I P*n«lti«« on individuals without and returning home by dark. This LA W Y E R AND NOTARY station at the hands of those whom process of law. The oflener Acknowledges the Corn pany and he dropped,'« roll of many small place Consista of a shack and a few acres of land on which he has a they help to elaot. If they would * UC‘J marauders are prepared for thousands of dollars on Mr. Ryan’s A newspaper editor rejects more mortgage of »1,000, and you can judge B rownsvili . b , O regon own funerals, as near Lo<- items than he accepts, and the table. they cculd nominate Mr. Patterson their ‘ that he enjoys no conveniences other Ryan say« he called a couple Angeles the other day, the belter. moat serious errors be commits arc than the small house, which protects for governor, and sleek him at the in not rejecting more than he does of clerks to count the money to him from the elements. pills. We love Governor Olcott have witnesses if needed, and "The house la divided Into four The supreme court of the United In the effort to make an interest­ fo hie vetoes, but be himself must ing publication the temptation is turned the amount into the state rooms, the partitions being of paper States did a full day's work M w ru i the judgment that lad him tacked to the framework, there being strong to publish what appoars to treasury. Two doora north of the hotel. When the Morris books were no laths or plaster. to let loose the lawmakers iu two day. It knocked out the federal b i a good story which appears “The smalt stove standing In the under scrutiny Etheridge expressed Am prepared to do all kinds of r uds on the treasury in addition anti-grain-gambliug law and tb- plansible ou its face, even though solicitude for the result of the center of the room he baa used for shoe repairing. Satisfaction guar­ there is no time to run it down to federal law taxing articles made t i their regular sessions. The finding of the record of thia pay­ more than twenty years, and the pot child-slave labor. Those its source and ascertain the truth on the stove contains hts 8unday din­ anteed. probability is that he who gets the by ment by the company. of all its details by positive ner, which he has prepared for him­ judges are the real American “ Have no fear,” answered rnpublicsu nomination will be evidence. self, consisting of white navy beans aristocrats. They hold office for governor next term. The Enterprise is no exception Ryan. " T h a t money went into and fetback. These beans are now life and are responsible to uobody It sometimes publishes what it be­ the state treasury.” costing him twenty-five to th llty cents 1 he grange and the Farm Bu- Practical Shoe “ Great Scott!" (or words to that a quart, and the fatback coats him for their decisions. And no recall lieves to be a correct statement reau are not in politioa, but their Repairing. forty cents , a pound. It could have offect) said Etheridge. “ Do you only to find that the evidence on been purchased a few yearn ago for members cau e-td ought • » « • <>f »hi w ill find that every service seems to on this and it will have a good ef­ learned several things of interact gathered at Salem. Park Beatty • • ,eaUon-d*J be quite proud of Its work. I know A R C H IE C O R N E L IU 8 fect in making us extremely About 11 o’clock Sunday morn you w ill find It In our service a t far cautious about these matters iu the would try for it. A new broom, ng the scout« returned home well as compensation and such as that are pleased with their experience and concerned. The pay In this office Is might sweep cleaner than the old Who will be governor? K .K .K future. Weeincerely hope that you will declared they had had a "bully small, but that element, that feeling Expert workmanship. Watches and one, which carries an accumulation ’ *?* clocks a specialty. In a man's mind that be Is really help­ not regard with suspicion and dis­ good time.” of rubbish—of germs, maybe. | "O f all sad »orde of tongue or trust everything that emanates O REG ON ing to sccomplish good work and IH A L S B Y |>en helping this government to function from the Associated Industries About Those Bonds well. Is really part of it. I find In all J O C K E Y IN G FOR T H « BTAR t | T h * W* maT have hereafter. We hope that the rule my talks with employees that they Mr. O. P. Hoff, State Treasurer of evidence as to witnesses' credi really feel proud of their work, end The numerous candidates for hility will not be applied in this Salem, Oregon, that bride Is really what gets things Dear Mr. Hoff: hereby of governor are warming up and the I Robert Ttiney was injured «o case. done. I think that Is true everywhere When yon come down to Port- j let to repurchase from the state of In the whole service, end particularly present electoral contest it not such severely in a boxing match at Bar A ll work done promptly »nd land, either of you, 1 hope yon Oregon, the entire list of Oregon throughout the executive depart a languid affair aa tba last. Francisco on the 10th that a fatal will find time to ooms in and see municipal bonds sold to you as mente ' reasonably. Phone No. 26B.9 Charles H all is vigorously at rem it was feared. Of course; it’» me. and tha lunch will be on me state treasurer by Morris Broth That is curiously true, and It Is one tacked by Ike Patterson aa being a noble sportl ere at tha full and exact basic of the reasons, possibly the chief ree Yours very truly, price that you as slate Measure* son, why men stay on In the depart high in the Pacific telephone mo. Associated Industrie« of Oregon, paid to Morris Brothers for said rents year after year at a low rate D. C. Freeman, Manager. nupoly, aud tha proofs are com plate. LIC EN SED F U N ER A L D IR E C TO R S P«ggv Joyce says she "must bonds, plus accrued interest to °t pay end no; much possibility et I t does not do Hall much g.xxt to HARRISBURG LEBANON promotion. have men.’’ W ell, how many* date. decry this as a personal attack. » Phone 15 Resisted Temptation . The bonds cannot be duplicated She has had several. There are eo many voters smarting Branches at Thomas F. Ryan, candidate lor >” ‘ be market today at the price Brownsville, Phone J7C15. under what they deem extortion by Prof English spent lh« week the republican nomination for y ° u Pa'd or at the interest rate tb- H«tsey Phone 146. Frank K irk, Mgr etate senator, relates t h it when '»at* ie receiving. _ _____ w’ ‘ h a proclamation calling for Subscription«, »1.50 a ysar in advance | th ‘ ' uP P " « » ° n of illegal parades Transient advertising, 25c an iach; per J10 noM^ , °» w hich the K. K, K. is manent, 20c. No discount for time guilty, and for opposition generally or space to an empire within au empire. In "Paid-for Paragraphs," See line. No advertising disguised as news I t may be potaible for these three leading republican candidates to HALSEY, Linn Co., Ore.. May 1», 1922 stir up such dissension in their I party aud make such hopeless T H E P R IM A R IE S rents in it that a democrat m ay Tomorrow will be decided who win at the polls, but this is not ebsll make the race in the fall likely. election as tba candidates of the parties »■»»««, W ill someone kindly tell ua the Tb<- Enterprise is interested ¡n *x,und*o«a of that region which is nolitiral nartiaa aa i» ¡a in described by the term the e e political parties, aa it .a in any ..Ne. r East?’ ’-A lb a n y (N . Y ) hor «Vil Amari. I Journal. other evil that »Haeta effects ih# lbs Ameri-1 can public. .. . .. . . . , ’ It i« • portion of Asia Minor I., a field of candidates for sny where tba Turks commenced butch. office, other characteristic being wing C hriitian, the ,noment thej rq u tl, its preference would be tor learned that the United States a farmer and againet a lawyer the only power that had caused especially, them to refrain from the practice, Join the year s greatest p l e a s u r e t r i p to __________ a Fool’s Paradise” Î Foote Bros. Via Mexico. France and Siam, in­ cluding Flight Throngh the Clouds! We make a Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and W edding Rings Ç /R 10 R E E L S O F S P L E N D O R Admission Adults 50c A . C- J E N K IN S Children 15 ARCHITECT A PARAMOUNT PICTURE A Cecil B. DeMille Production Also good Cartoon C, medy C .C . B R Y A N T J. W. MOORE S R e ci/ & s t a t e a n d 'in s u r a n c e Amor A. Tussing Shoe Repair Shop JEWETT the COBBLER. L Dress Shoes tfirt a Specialty I. O. O. F. W. J. Rihelin Dealer in Real Estate. BARBER SHOP «1 E. C . M IL L E R ’I ' l T W ATCHMAKER&Jeweler F. M. GRAY, Drayman. W R IG H T & P O O L E the company that Mr. H all will end with hie mother, Mrs. E liia surely lose votes on the issue. hath English, at Engena. To offset the effect of the monop oly charge Mr. H all has joined hands with the K. K K. and has the jtubke indorsement, secretly I Fifty-gallon . bras» faucet, |& Enterprise office Metal Oil Barrel, he was a deputy under Kay in that office he bed charge of the pur- chasing by the state of some bonds through Morris A Co., the Portland bond brokers who recently went to the wall. John L. Etheridge negotiated the deal for the com- Money to Loan ™ The «»•»• will receive through, out the life of the bonds approxi m»tely $126,000 more interest the