M - ) H alsey enterprise HALSEY. LIM N COCMTV. CMkEGON. THVBSbAY. M A Y Ml l« 3 H a b ry Hears C alifornia present better eats than hare beea Monday evening H C. Daria •» the b»ma of bu sow, K D I took Archie Cornelia» and family Tbe Claaa o f *22 ierner, and wife oes- Rr< machine perfected as ret, using of Browotri!}«, ia down wita S«cy. Lion Co. J. c . club. tu- ■og a© many totode tn t to ir atore ! Corral its only a telephone recairer. but has - f * * r*®«*f by b*r . lb * ‘ b* « H « herealoak. The M V. ‘ ™ gul.r receirer in Free Sni Carl Proehate I of Br^wearilb Albany, which be will moo get. Vacation - - * Ulfca is the sama w h l rnewlay, and feft la»( ©jgh, foi J 2 » * b ,‘ ''** r » ' J» re . kw^wa • * - M »• e h a a « t geu a I interested a chance to make iood Low» and Fort Worden. « K. o rz/.Lar.g» Eat e b x k « diDaer touaorrow in Mar 27. The but we will be able to get the rei the government will provide but r . not p- __ ___________ - bat > are , or get k » ^ * * * * r . t . Mtrmo© will o, •» Tbe ebange ef reas-fewe« will h taa MeCuUy turns on ali leading sport, and also tr»aaportation to and from c ib d sympathy for tbeir famtlsaa. iber. and take 1» fexae ,a „ * * * • C‘ T - the Portland market prices each board lodging, medical attention, ¡bgfip the Jadms par for K hr»> day, and th u would be an adrau- uniforms, eqmpmsnt, arms am- D o o t forget tbe candy eule at > **• 1 * < b t will ba May » and tage to the farmer as well. munition, laundry, athletics rec­ the McCuliy building. May 29 Mr Davis said he believed it reation sod rsligious service p riri- It will be all r . ""¿ t fexdiw a« bar» wduid he a good idea for some one Jigea in the various creeds 91 A d •oW by the H o m e a « k it< girta a car. , i, it> t > , ” •* to can rase the town. He suggested plications for the red course, which Mrs. W. J. Bibeiia wsa a te b n e h t t i * « ia th * n w » t ts«» »m to. a n T u w t o .* ? ^ “ U n * * ífc ‘ lá n a to , Who woa the potting u from the water tower to requires no previous military ex. Sunday, tbe firrt Uaee ia e rrtra l expfeae-x. of Z z. »< fro « th* Wit the M c tu lly building and baring penence, are especially desired W aaaMe to u a ir» r« fy w ill attond acfooot Tt the etAtioa ia the library room. Successful applicants for these weeks that sh* has hewb ahi* ta ba preanaaabsy rt- 'aai *** J *• M * « 1 < i« .id ia a Ceak » « «ha ehwha ia HXKt The v ung msn who has the sta summer outing p ririleg « will j 0. ° ° 1' aaa.og oa uw atlawdsna th«r* ■ Bkrrria baa beuwbt the G a ^ fi F r^ * * • tioo has had quite a bit of exper­ enr no obligation for future mili. H ill Co are t r r ng « d * » a - Defoe C ïa rk ______ „ ience aud ooa.d be got to install t*ry »eryics, the purpose of these tilAt tt&fdvar* eas b t i >Bli I I wm r xb * t* * ^ * « t**»«« aa eUetr» bm fami.y m t , < the srstem. H i, when complete Camps being to stimulate and pro. at quite a. low pnoe. for a g r w T b * a r r e M v ^ a w ^ torthdar rbe d s^ w « bandog py j w < • * * »a Portiaad. will coh him lew than $50. » --------z . . . mote citixenship, patriotism and quality in • «— is Aita Hav«s wifi tak* Jawraaia« tbe fin * moos he amencauiem, besides returning 1 O» CJ- » iw th * bwsMweg Jersey Jo b ik e Banquet tb e « young men to their hoses Has«! GeU terd will tok* a Bt to litat ¿''XJfct Mk J The chamber of commerce oom- physically benefited through ex- «rarrae to Pertfead tto 'a mntee of Albany, beaded by D O pert physical direction and ath. M fl- H, A ?ta-i» z^l « letic couching. Woodworm, has nearly finished With Mr» E. C MMIgwandOi iM w tia •* Age lim it 17 to 27 years- ex- its plans lor the banquet and enter- ------- - to A \ , W ay Batorday. Ir . ;Grnto K r k w « ij a a ant « ih u iM thfe ,>J; J Z n'.tond n .ÏÎll w »•rv.ee men to 35 year». naiumeot for the Jeraev jubilee Almost any average healthy Dr Gars/oowr tx A J. D Frit visitors oe the evening of May 24 young mao can meet the physical M « U wife to C - r r . a M ^ , ï t o re-n. g , rJ*te as aigb aa 300 people and camps. Applications must be in p or neces- the ox-amutoe iaaoohdent that it on or about May SI. ®®ry information folders write will help m ike a reputation for Chief of Staff, 96th Division, Albany as • ‘ The city that can really ~~~ Portland, Oregoo, ealcrtaio.*9 7 d baesdes tb* Albany mutic tha Kbom 323 new post office building fall O A. C. glee club wti| £ » ♦ - • ato s m « o u tr a » ___ brought from Corvallis for chorus H ab e y S w « t H * * » < • « • Maafipets a a f «ehto aa. solo and Mont work. The Oregou' Clark Smith baa tb * contract ^torylhsag as« t h « wrfl r , speakers are being lined up, while waraaab « 9 for four year, to carry mail six • J"tnrmsoed effort is being made u “ * * batw«n Haiaev and for at feoea ooe out-oi-toe-atate' owe*t Home, commencing July 1 Taa tk aqp a « waaa* m in of nafeowa* promioense. The start from here is to be l»to«, súba. s « y the Tne < amoer of eommerce ia • * * * * * * artxfea «tah» made after tha arriyal of tha train »err appreemtireof the importance totwaeu 4 and 5 ia the morning Ahydh«| of tb* dairy indaaU r in the de- j bat not later than 7. Three boon ▼eicpmeot of th* community and ___ d to to Sweet Home, through Brnwoe- coo ty. and nas worted out n lle . Holfey aod Crawfordsville •tod as. t'to»»d * r ___ arrangements for o banquet 'at t l a r a .a » « for sax years three^M rtera of a boar at Sweet per Piale. awd fee.» that it will A » 4 d « ««>« :.w - - » f n Home and tbrde boars returning Mcthtohat: to Haleey. a to* s a y « « . L a « > « r a i • Fundar Stto-at, Motorcar k to to used wheuerer * « * « < « a « to » « s r « w-atot* am w« a® tha « tbe eoodition of tbe road will -Preaching. 11. Juaior Lc«g*t 1. perm it Wt H a vg Iaterasoi^as* League •ex- » a K art*»«« t c « i t h ir « t, Priee, 11416 a year. r v « T THING Epworth LsagT* 4 » . * tatoy TTisiifr. O t t k a l Preachiag. 7 » . An a rtic k on page 2 erroneously ••»Ip « I Pray»r w w tis g Thux« refera to M r Ryan as a candidato S T R A IN for state aeo.tor J, wa. . E*’ . C. T . Ceau D to* Casa» ef Maay « g «WM M ^ h PartlMwf » « t * * -, the pen. Treaaorer’ should W H TM A X ILLS May 1 4 « . a a w f e a « t W a M a r » t bare been written. 5 " r ”* r<" ,r3rtto « i Pia* Grow* Cbacch { SEE , S. Z Z Z T y ,. Sunday Schaa4. P*I ir A Few of the M any O p p o rtu n itie s a t H om e S h o e« Patent Pumpg-TJno-atrap Baby Doll» $ 6 .0 0 P o llran n a Patent Welt». t»ro.»trap.... 5 .0 0 Black K id one>«trap............................... 5 .0 0 Cloth one-wtrap P u m p a 3 .0 0 b ite •• »••»»» n n t H f/nifry w hite <>nrdoran in oott/Mi Ifole at 2 5 3 5 4 5 and j p cont» tbo pair « Ik and fltM r r c o l o r « black, wbib ' o rd o ra a at 9 8 the pair f^ iW re n '« bl«efc cf/tton pfblMd at 2 3 c t fib F ii^ k o r i-a/ji -a X«w JJn« ©okiPB, at B lo n a e W a ia tfli, < ia rk Gracary Special« r > e p e n d a b l a R o a a t o d C ^ tT ^ , > jN H in d « P e e t '« W 'a a h in < M « f;h B » w M o a p , 3 f o r , , , . N e p to n e R ,, « z« . f W h i t e o r S i lk H o a p , > fo r tm r » ........ * n « mm tees td fe* «<•» M. V, KOONTZ CO.