PAGE 6 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E M A Y I I . 1922 H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E Jots and Tittles North I No. 18, 12:01 p. m 24, 5.50 p. m. (Continued from page 3) South No, 23, 11:29*. m. 17, 5.39 p. m. C. J. Howe of Brownsville is not | e r iN n iV u a h u n n » o diacoursged by the burning of bia I ° * M A IL H O L R 8 brooder house. Ha is planning to I The delivery window of the rebuild at once and at the earn* Halsey postoffice ie open Sunday« time ba« thought hie partner'« In- grom 9 :15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 iereei io Ute grocery etore. I to 12 .3 5 an d 4:45 to 5.00 p. in. Crawfordsville J u n ‘eei3 will b ,rb e c u ' have ,D d n I W O R L D 'S LARGEST : C H A IN B U Y IN G FOR OUR 3 12 S T O R E S DEPARTM ENT STORE ASSURES LO W EST O R G A N IZ A T IO N 312 DEPARTMENT SR ALBANY, a picDic I PAID-FOR Tbe bueinr«« part of Holley wa« destroyed Thursday night by a fire which started in Malone’« «tore after it wae cloeed for the night. Petitions are ont to have tbe PARAGRAPHS 2“ Swanson, Brownsville road district divided., | ft i. so large as to be nnwialdv. Reid’ D e a le r- E llio tt three in one picture I Which is W illia m T. Cochran, B row ni.i-^.«« as * b you i i agree some w combination you'll ville pioneer, celebrated bia 71st They all appear in Paramount’s klirthiluv at bis kia home home in in Albany A 1 k * an » I a rtaasst * 1 feature f a .» .,.* « in o ... n 't m ■■ Every. n b irth d a y at special "D Tell »Saturday. I thing’’ which comes to tbe Rialto D I. Isom of Halsey was in the“ ter tomorrow night. I t con- Eugene Saturday on business, and I . ID* • P °l° game, golf, plenty of •• • •- I situation« and a strong love inter­ est. What more could anyone ask ? - E"gene Register. It is so large as to lx unwieldy. Showing Patent- “ Straps,” Milady’s P'avorite Footwear Bewitching Dress Styles In Taffeta and Canton Crepe E have received a large allotment of a recent extraordinary purchase of gowns which we believe will win instant admiration. In many respect«,‘this offering of dresses is the best we have yet made this season. Each garment is distiucth new, expressing the veipr latest development of fashionable New York and Paris. The manufacturer offered his entire stock to us knowing that the requirements of our 312 stores alone could use them. Thus we received a price-concession which enables us to offer them for sale at such a remarkably low price. The price does not begin to represent their true value. * W We have a lew copies of tbe pro Help the public library by eat­ gram of the Shedd Chautauqua w hic'i interested parties can have ing chicken dinoer at tbe MoCully building on election day. on r-quest at this office. Chasley Robinson, employed at Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at the A. H . Quimby farm, out off a Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and thumb while splitting wood. On Friday. Tburiday our two physicians and Mrs. Howe of Browneviile, nurse, F»r bomeii acreage and farms admioietered an aneethetic and eee I d# M. Cumminga, 227 South dressed the wound. Fourthstreet, Albany. Phone 278 R Mrs. Fred Jackson and dangh. H ay and wheat for sale. ter aod Mrs. Bert Minckley of Lake Creek were in town Saturday. —J. S. Nicewood. D. 8. McWilliams and wife aod Parties having borrowed my •on Elliot, aooompanied by James Rector, spent Saturday at tbe wire stretchers please return tbeui. — G. W. Moruhlnweg. county metropolis. Farmers, Attention! Before ycu Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell and L. E. Walton drove to Albaoy breed your mares see Zimmerman a Shire atallioo, at Halsey Fridays. Friday in the Maxwell oar. H M. Bond-end bis mother, Mrs M C. Bond, were Albany visitors Friday. SILK, VELVET, TINSEL POSIES Flowers In Vast Profusion Now Adorn the Millinery Counters for Spring Wear. James Bond and wife of Albany vi«itad their daughter, Mrs. J. w . Moore, and family hare Tuesday. Flowers have arrived In vast pro- fu»l6n In millinery departments, and the woman visitor will find more flowers than she has Imagined, In all the modish new fuchsia, violet and The Shedd Chautauqua ie May ruby shades; In all tbe tawny and 19, 20 and 22, skipping Sunday. orange «hades from lemon yellow to brown; In flame and scarlet, rone and Don'toe misled as to date by pink; In peacock and Irla blues; In • bat blundering paragraph on page wistaria and lavender In a doren *1. •hades. Beautiful silk roses, there are. Sherman Savage and Loie Pearl a pair of them made with French art. and with long green trailing stems and of Brownsville have been licensed leaves In ruby, or rose or pink; huge to wed. flat velvet meet In all these shades, The county realty board, of also In purple and blue. Magnificent which J, W Moore ie secretary, I looking tulips and lilies, and charming trails of fuchsia; monster single mom met Tuesday at the county seat. 1 Ing glories and popples, flat roses with Next meeting is June 8. ostrich flues and orchids and ferns Mise Edith Forrest Red Cross are also worthy of mention; smaller executive for the county, ie home garlands of roses and grapes, gay as any garden, and specially Interesting from her month's vacation inSe- are the silver rosea and metal tissue •ttle. leaves. Mrs. Lottie Bowers of Eugene is visiting Mrs, Wheeler for a few days She arrived on today's i rain. Fred Frady and wife of Peoria have an 8.pound aon, born Satur­ day. Henry Moran of Brownsville has celebrated his 09th birthday P O L IT IC A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S REPUBLICANS! Sh*i: Oregon continue to hold the preeminence that I* now hers ? Answer “ Y e s !”—Vote X13 RALPH E. WILLIAMS National In the presidential election of I'1!«, when there was dissension and division everywhere, Oregon was the only state west of the Missouri river to go republican. Harmony I Progressives and republican* united in giving credit tor this remarkable achievement to Ralph I- Williams, national committee­ man sinoe l'» 4 lu recognition of this sndother service* Rslph Williams was elect e l \ ice -chairman th* second highest honor within the power the republican national com­ mittee to tiestow. It i* a position of influence to be reached only by years of faithful and intelligent service of for Ralph W illiam s is th* first coin raitteeman representative from any western slate to be elected to the vice-chairmanship. Ralph W illia m * is a veteran of the national organiutiou He stand* at the head with the lead­ er*. A new man wonld. of cus­ tom and necessity, stand at the foot with the followers Republican leaders, in congress and out. are Ralph W illiam s' triends This friendship meant much to Oregon and th* north­ west W ithout ostentation Ralph W illiam s enlists the aid of these leaders for the things the north­ west needs from the national gov­ ernment Vote for RALPH E. WILLIAMS for Republican National Committeeman leader. CHIC MILLINERY Are Values Unsurpassed in Town! for Spring The display includes every conceivable fashion, from the perky tailored chapeau of unrelenting outline to the transparent lace hat with a lazy droop, from the ever straight-brimmed sailor to the brilliantly flowered and col­ ored hats that suggest spring­ time loveliness. The prices are amazingly low, quality and style consid­ ered. T h ..1?™ fi?r I*/1*™00”' ’ tr*et Vote X18 lor Ralph E. Paid advertisement by W B Ayer W illiam *. By the way, have yon recently viiited our Ready to-Wear Section? I t to now a great baxaar of Spring richueu. • $2J49, 2.98, 3.98, 4.98 LA FRANCE U VOILES Fine Ginghams Fancy and Plain Vou know the merit of La France ginghams, the standard from coast to eoast. We buy them directly from tbe mills and save you money. Newest patetrns for spring ami summer. Printed voiles, 39-inch ; new dainty designs; beautiful shsdiugs; also some staple colors. Yard, 25c Fancy, 39c Plain colors, 29c OUTING SHOES BOYS’ HOSE - 2 0 2 ” Brand Real wear in Made of ' M2 • brand hose high-grade GLADIO 99 GINGHAMS Percales of Quality yarns ; extra heavy ribbed . shaped ankles. rein forced heels and toes, pair .- $1.69 to $2.25 START EGGPLANT IN WARM. SUNNY PLACE Rich Soil and Good Cultivation Is Necessary. Occasional Application* of Vary W eak Liquid M anure le Beneficial—» L ittle Flea Beetle I* Most Troublesome. Eggplant, to called because the great fruits are about the else and shape of an ostrich egg. It closely re lated to the tomato and pepi»er and require* very much the same treat­ ment aa do peppers, say garden spe­ cialista of the Vntted »tales Depart men! of Agriculture. Tbe eggplant la very easily Injured by cold and the plant* must be started Indoors » W a n t la F rali Ac Vlalder. throughout the greater part of the country. 8tart the seed Io the house be transplanted ta pots Oç to a shal- I 1» J am*IL box ttiled_wi£h b7 busln-aa wear by either women or misses They are as colorful as Spring Itself; also embrace the staple colors such as black and navy Fron the accompanying Illustrations you can gather something of the beautiful line* possessed In these garments, but to fully enjoy them you sbould visit our ready-to-waar section and stutb them carefully. Committeeman Keep Oregon to the fron t-D on ’t let her («lump Keep Oregon a $3.98, $4.98, $5.90 The quality of leather and work­ manship that goes into these shoes assures you of long wear ami foot comfort. Our low prices make them exceptional values. Klk and niulehide shoes, dull soles. ' nailed and sewed bellows tongue; for Republican 1 he large buying power of this great nation-wide institu­ tion brings these smart styles to jou at exceptionally low prices. See them on display at this store now. Military, low or junior Louis heels, with plain or perforated vamp and quarter. Men’s Long Wear Stull she forge ahead as * leader in the republican party? OREGON Values for May That Need No Emphasis Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line Three Stan in one Picture P R IC E S Our Own Brand The J. C. Penndy Co. exclusive brand of fine percales. Bought di rect from tbe mills for our 312 stores Pnll 36 inches wide; staadard qua I ■ty; lig h t and dark shade*. Yard, only Butterfly gingham* — The J. C. Penney Co. brand. Variety of beau- tiful plaids and check* ; also pi . j n colors. 37 inches wide. 19c 19c MEN’S HOSE KHAKI PANTS A Real Value For Men Made of heavy khaki drill to a*, Good weight cotton hose, rinforced heel* and toes. Black, navy, brown snra long service. Cuff bottoms; button flap hip pockets; belt loops; and gray are the color*. suspender button*. A splendid value at 2 pairs for 25c low box or tray filled with soil and TTia pipe from the city water kept In a warm, sunny place until the tank to tbe ground, 64 feet, was weather Is quite warm. Eggplant re­ quires a rich soli and good cultivation. renewed this week, wheih neces­ Occasional applications of very weak sitated the cutting off of the water liquid manure also benefit the plants yesterday. greatly. Robin*° " , sister of Eggplant It attacked by several . *• Kitchen, returned to her kinds of Insects, the most trouble­ some of these being the little flea home on Monday, attending the beetle which works upon the leave*, funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Mary filling them full of small round bole*. Rogers, of Harrisburg. As a remedy, dust the plants thor­ tn £ ,Mr*- G T - Kitchen oughly with air-slaked lime or very 1 I-ogan attended fine tobacco duet. By removing tbe ♦kd rM rl fru it* of the eggplant a t toon a* they the funeral of Mrs. Logan’s niece, attain good site th * plant* can be T ° P al W inkle, at Corvallis kept fruiting antll killed by frost Tuesday. Miss W inkle was but Black beauty and Improved large pgr- 14-years-old. ple a rt among the leading vartetlea. Mra George Hayes was the gueat of Mia. Esther McKinney at Corvallis Wednesday. —— vjlrde, Beversl aperies of bird* that are The bank of the river caved in associated with snow are given this name, as the Junco and snow bunting and let Ralph M iller and bia home These birds rear their vonng la sum- into the stream near »Shedd the mer in m s b much the same as other other day and be thought himself oirus. lucky to eacapo with B duckiug.