PAGE 4 HA LSEY E N T E R P R IS E M AY I I . 1722 HALSEY ENTERPRISE by Back, to bis own private for­ Aa independent— NOT neutral—news* tune. paper published every Thursday, by W m . ¡1. * A. A. W H EELER . Wm. H. W Haiti. mb Editor. llm. A A. WHaaLMB Business Manager and Local News Editor. There are plenty more high lights in the news but our space is limited. WHERE YOUR T AXES'GO Political Advertising (by Edward O. Lowry) Sen. f XVL THOS. F. RYAN W HAT OF THESE OLD MEN ? or Oregon City aararraararaaaaaa ^ aaaaaaraaaaaaarars ^ a aa ^ ^ ^ aa ^^ v > w w < J. W MOORE S / t e a f (¿ s ta te a n d i n s u r a n c e f ’ongreas enacted a law In I860 re­ quiring all beads of departments and for Independent establishments In the We learn from the democratic federal service to report each year to Subscriptions, $1.50 a year in advance. Transient advertising, 25c an inch; per­ press that the victory of Beveridge the secretary of the treasury the num­ P O L IT IC A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S manent, 20c. No discount for time in the Indiana republican pri­ ber of employees under them who were below a fair standard of efficiency. or s|*ace maries was a blow at the republi­ Every year thia la done and the letters In “ l'aid-for Paragraphs," 5c aline. No advertising disguised as news. can administration and from the to the secretary of the treasury from Honesy, efficiency and economy, with thirty per cent reduction in republican papers that it was an the various departments and bbreaus are printed In the book of estimates of maintenance expenses 1IAL6EY, Linn Co., Of«.. May 11, 1922 indorsement of all that their psrly appropriations complied for use by guaranteed has done. And oneclassof papers congress In making up the annual UNCLE SAM AND THE DEVIL has just ae much regard for truth supply bills. Congress never pays the slightest heed to these reports. They Time was when at a word from ae the other. are made up year after year, but the the United Sta’es government the Inefficient are never fired. For example, last year the chief sultan of Turkey freed American The votere decided that 93 a day clerk of the treasury reported 170 em­ missionaries from persecution in waa pay enough for a legislator ployees of the Treasury department as hie domains. The legislators discovered that below a fair standard of efficiency. But When the American Perdicsrie their wives and their sisters aud nothing will be done about It. The Interior department reported 130 tn- was avid for ransom by a bandit their cousins aud their aunts are efflclents, and will probably go on re­ whom the Moroccan government worth more than they and they porting them till they die of old age. de .-land it could not bring to terms, pay them $5 a day for doing cleri­ There are employees of the goven» ment In Washington who are totally America did not pay any ransom. cal work —pay it out of the tax blind and who are led from their Five words sent by cable by Theo- payers' pockets. homes to their offices each day and back home again In the afternoon. do-e Roosevelt brought about the I knew in 1020 one gentleman of i u i d ’ h prompt release. One man hid 9:000 in greenback, ninety-two years who had been In the Today our isolationist govern­ in a flue and theo forgot it and government service for seventy-two years. He was being paid at that time ment adheres to the motto "Every built a fire and burned it up >900 a year. His maximum pay dur­ naijmi for itself and the devil take Another postponed repairing a flaw ing bis long service was >1800 a year. the hindmost,” and bis sataoic in his flue and fire got through the James K. Polk was President when this old gentleman came Into the serv­ majesty acta on the bint. Mission­ flaw and burned bis borne. Which ice. He was born on January 10, aries are being persecuted and waa the bigger fool? 1828. His father was a captain of the regular army In the war of 1812. Christiana by the thousands mur­ After that service he led an active life dered by the Turks and Washing­ When a candidate asks you t< In other occupations until 1848, when ton never bats an eye. he tiled, leaving a dependent family of vote for him for the legislature ask nine persons, three of them boys. It A light, typified by that atatue him if lie will promise not to divert fell to the lot of one of them to be the which France erected in New York any mors than his own pay from chief support of the family. hard ir, came out of the darkuess I t came to pass, then, that at the age member from each state in the union and is the political organization the publio funds to his own rela­ of the Amerioan continent and of twenty he received through the of the party tives. Influence of navy friends of his father cast, its rays over the blood-soaked In Jt\ne, 1921, at the committee’s first meeting after the inaugura­ a small clerkship at the naval observ­ wor d, and there was a brief pe-l Mr Deb. . ay. if the sedition!«, atory, then under the superintendence tion of President Warren G. Harding, every atete cast its vote for Ralph E. W ill­ rind when all the people of earth who are Mrving geoteurn.” committee, is directly in line to become national chairman, the highest position wind and current charts and other publications issued from the observ attainable in the republican organization. I Turkey, America and Conscience atory for the benefit of the world. A national committeeman on the national committee does not make nor NEWS THRILLERS From a copyist at first, November 0, execute the laws, but carries out the policies and platform of the party adopted The Oregonian rays : The fellow who can find nothing 1848, at >3 a day, the young man was by the delegates at each previous national convention. ot interest in the news di.p.tcbe; I. |kH/ ’vilienily Int.end tha' advanced as follows: Mr. Williams is senior member of the national committee. Seniority in this . .. . , . . “ . there shall be no more Armenia, July 1, 1853, clerk at >1,200 a committee give one the same power as seniority in the United states senate, of the last week or too days is hard They intend to settle that question year; July 1, 1854, clerk at >1,500 a to please. I bv completing the work of exterm- year; July 1, 1870, principal clerk at In Indiana New. who supported I Greek and other minor. >1,800 a year; December «, 1011, clerk il>» Na.harr. and basked i in - ad- ,lo llT nationalists in Asia have at >1,400 a year; May 1, 1018, stgrnog the Newberry prO8pect, t for Minor ,rf rapher and typewriter at >000 a year. It will be seen that he was demoted ministration sunshine at Washing-1 rience with Turkish perfidy bav. I in, waa defeated badly in the proved that Turkish pledges an In December, 1011, and again In May, 1018, to lower positions, Involving less (Information furnished by R. C. (Paul advertisement by eommittee of republicans, C. L. Starr secretary, 617 Board state republican sanatorial pri worth even less than German trea­ work and responsibility. These demo­ Glover et al. ties. tions were at his own request. In maries tiy Beveridge, who waa de- Much has been said of late yean October, 1017, he received from the ounued by New’s campaigners as . - - | about the conscience of the Atner- assistant secretary of the navy, Mr. a chronic kicker and opposed to ican people. 1 bat conscience can- Roosevelt, the following letter: “I have to Inform you that you have the administration. And now the not (ail to be troubled if we stand administration’s friends have dis- watching a fate befall tin been granted leave without pay for six months beginning October 13, 1017. covered that he is and always has Armeni*»« for which we are in As you have been tn the employ b e e n . m . „ t ihom . „ j . u . • u- pBrt responsible. Some word been one of them and that in hts ahoold go out jn prole8t hw, of the government now nearly slxty- nlne years, and during all that time nomination they have won a great leaving the Turks free to work your record has been excellent, 1 re­ victory. When the mountain re- their savage will and against thi gret that there la no way In which the fused to go to Mohammed Moham- (Dockery ot ••■ring those whon department could continue you on the me dwent to the mountain. When lhcv oppress M the protection of rolls with compensation. " I desire at this time to express .r**oni*"• “ The situation FOR officers about the old and feeble em­ opposition to Newberry and provision seems to be made for the ployee« favor of the Voletead act were protection of the Armenians. They He Raid: "I don't know whut con strong cards in his favor. were our allies in the war and did xress Intends to do about them, but I know what I Intend to do with those at tbs »nnaanev Friday, May 19. „ .a . In my department. I Intend to leave peace and are viciously fighting .tending that they were to have them alone. They can stay here as H a is a m a a a f ra re pessonality and long as they like, until some provision about it. protected homes when the war wa« Is H a ra . made for them. When I was new b riefly, his K o ry : Isaac Lee P a t- Russia has reneged on all her o7 ’ r’ n#*lher ‘he United States nor In the department I dismissed two of ¿ « • o n was b o ra « B anton C o u n ty . promises .ud promised to m .k J '” ’" " 1 10 be doi"« , n >- these old people and demoted another schoal. an d w o rka d h i. w ay th ro u g h thing to carry out the pledges on the ground that they were super­ some new ones if thee allies will | which have been repeatedly made annuated and Inefficient and were a C h ris tia n C ollage, M o n m o u th . Be­ c a m e a s u c c e s s f u l m e r c h a n t in loan her money enough and [by all parties concerned. hindrance to the work. Salem . In IS 9 4 was elected State “All three of them wrote me sad quickly enough. S «n«‘ ° r fro m M a rio n C o u n ty . I „ letters and promptly committed sul l»9fi was ap po inted C o ll.c to r o f Japan continues to send soldiers clde. That was enough and more M d C ? * “ P ,r t U n d - *»T Preeidont and equipiusnts to Siberia aod to than enough for me. Never again will I disturb one of them. I do not vow tiiat she is trying to get away choose to have It on my conscience from there. that I pronounced sentence of death on an old man or an old woman In Lloyd George ie trying to quiet Oregon Blood Medicine, t h . bus,nam . f M r P . t , „ 4 ------- a tonic and kidney stim­ the service of the government. They India by throwing sops to Turkey, ulator ; aids in rectifying kidney can all stay on here as long as they Russia, Germany or any other liver, blood and skin diseases. like I found them here and some of Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery them will he here when I leave I f Certierus that will accept them Tanlsc ’ congress chooses to provide for them IV run a In China, which has two rival that Is its obligation. But I will never Mile' Restorative Tonic i. . m .X , goverumeuts, one under Sun Yat sentence another one of them to self, Ayer' Sarsaparilla •a la r y . desiruction, no matter what the coet Sen at Canton in the aouth and TA LC U M POW DER to the taxpayer and the government " one in the noith at Pekin, a brig, Pompeian Melba J*»CO I»1 J Stata taaw Lava ¡------. . . j T4a - ___ . and from the deposed Manchuraer Political Advertising W illiams' i ^ W S d T t ' X ’ T u i^ h r ^ ! bore down upon |Pekin last week Men nen's Vote for • t a n t ia l dec r e a • « in y o « r a la te ta sa « L " f i • ,u ^ ' DjerKiss but was defeated and his forces Mavis ■ o m ic a l a d m ia ia tr a O o a . A v o ta fo r * C®' Mattered by the Pekinese. Twelve pBMeraon ia • v o ta fo r o la a n , e c o n o m ic a l ‘ “ Violet Formerly Brownsville Man STATE TREASURER T Make Oregon Safe for the Republican Party HON. R E 'E L E C T W. C. Hawley RALPH E. Republican candidate for renomination to congress W IL L IA M S Representative Hawley Should be Renominat­ ed because R E P U B L IC A N N A T IO N A L Ie is a hardworking, ca­ pable, s n c c e s s f u l, COMMITTEEMAN trustworthy and faith­ ful public servant, ie remains at his post of I The only westerner ever elected vice-chairman of the republican national committee. duty, attending to the needs of his constitu­ ency and of the state of Oregon. The republican national committee consists of one Ie is a native of Oregon who is loyal to and familiar with every in - terest of this state. No detail is too small or task too large to com­ mand his best efforts for any person in ev­ ery worthy cause. He is right on the great questions of the day and his record is on e of increasing prestige, VO TE TO steady achievement and successful serv- lce. KEEP THE WESTin POWER HIM h INMH KEEP Eor Republican Nom­ ination for Governor If nominated and elected governor I promine y o u I will use the pow ­ "V* : t „. Beef IKE PATŒBSON GOVERNOR er of that office u To reduce taxes] To reduce tele-1 Spring Tonics thousand men foil in the battle. Hhie in Oregon every candidate ie standing on a retrenchment plat­ form plank that reaches from now to election day. Borah claims to have proof that of 9 1tk 1.000.000 loaned by Uncle Fern to HakhmeticfT for the Kerensky government a share was diverted K A IR R E S T O R E R Daudenne Goldman's lls ir Cotor Restorer Wildroot Wyeth's Sage and Snlphur Parker's Hstr Balsam Hall's lls ir Renewrr Wslnntta Hair D ie Liquid Arvon £ V. A. Ringo, Druggist I phone rates To enact an eq-| uitable auto I license law] To prevent ori-j entals from controlling! land by own­ ership or lease in the] W. A. EASTBURN ¿a state of Or­ for egon County 1 L. FATTERSON.I Commissioner A business adminis-' tration on business principles. L ot ns get out of debt anti stay out. ® ■n^^,^eCor^ XÎ HX U Aehievement ¿ » ..s ‘♦5 î ,S5ÎÏÂ5LSÂ'( ï ï ? i . cï * c ’ - '• ’ ° 'L ^ , » a , ^ r¿ ° n ° n d St° i> th is W aste! ^ » I Feld Adv. t o r so n campaign c o m p i t o ra ‘ n ' Imperial Hatal PvrUand, Orr