For tho I m t 10 yean. the went by the Pacific Te'«phone & $25.00 i.OOOof iu “ refunding earnings averaged over twice tho A v ie g ra p h c o m p a n y in « n e w a p m .r m o rtg a g e 5 per cent gold bonds.” fixed chargee,” is an announce- advertisement in which it offers for Net earumg. . r„ wUrat ,ir„ M t j after all bills have beeu paid. The (Continued from page 1) ®o»t notable thing about a public H. A. Renninger was in Albany utility it its versatility. I t sella its securities from the gates of Friday. golden prosperity, and has its rates A son was born to DeLos Jack-1 m a d e a t th e doors of the poorhouse. sou and wife of Ash Swale Sunda v 11, v m Jots and Tittles Attention, Mr. Farmer* A WARNING! — P o rtla n d fo u r n a l. A drove o f men will call on you to sell or ‘he “ do,ted ,ine ' Who pays these men ? Answer : you. yar.m^ v n n 'I t e h J7>! ?nd b7y yonr machinery where 3 oil get the best results and save money. Cut out such expense. W E D O H IL L & © H alsey, Oregon Moline Farm Bureau Distributors 1 his is the time to clean u p and paint up. We are putting in a large stock of best w . . P A IN T S and O IL S We have increased our stock ef FURNITURE" Linoleums and kindred goods. ure , general hardw are LAW N M OW ERS G a r d e n hose Come in and get prices, Our prices lare made w ith the object of making sales H ill. Ár rn Two Chautauq uas Mrs. B. Logan received won! ¡Saturday that hor H-year-old niece, residing south of Corvallis, had been taken| to a hosiptal, seriously ill. Rev. M . 8 Woodworth and all his family except Carmelita came iver from Brownsville in his ear T u rad ay, bringing also Mrs. W. J. Lane, who took the train for Eugeue to spend the week end as I the guest of Mrs. C. Hemenway, J Miss Elaine Woodworth also went to Eugene to see the circu«, which was there the next day. By S C O O P C O N L O N A Genuine Riding Corn Plow for George Maxwell fouud his lost tire by advertisi ng. M r. and Mrs. Snfley and H. J. The Chautauqua season ot 1922 Falk and wife were at the county is important in the history of the metropolis Thursday. Ellison-W hite association, being W ilm etta Gienneva Junkin and the teuth anniversary of the establishn ent of their Chautauqua Loren Luper of Tangent were business in the west. The date at married in great state Thursday. Harrisburg is July 1 to 5. The O. W Frum and fam ily. Frank outstanding number will be the k irk and Miss Mary Smith went production of “ Happiness,” which to the circus at Eugeue Friday in will be given by the Elias Day Mr. F ru m ’s car. Players of Chicago. The Garner The Halsey Harrisburg pave­ Jubilee company and male quartet, ment is to be of concrete, which the Loren Bates oompany and the : Patricia trio are muaieial enter­ is safer for horses than asphalt tainers and among the lecturers being less slippefy in cold weather’. Linn countv’s taxes this year are to be Dr. W illiam E . Bahn, Judge George D. Alden and Virgil amount to »1,060,962.82, of which Shepherd. the bouthern Pacific company paid SheJd is on the map in the $115,636.87 or 7 | per cent. matter J of Chautauqua entertain Mrs. L illian Howe completed ; ments fhe Radcliffe Chautauqu her nursing job of a couple of i has been secured tor three davs, weeks at the English home and May 1. 2 and 8. The program returned to Browusville Saturday. emphasizes American patriotism The C. J. Breier company there being, besides the concerts anil fufintuking, lectures with such which has a store in Albany, is titles as “ The Spirit of the Colo about to open at Newberg its nists,” “ The Spirit of the P a trio t,” fortieth busiuess place of the kind. I and “ The Spirit of the Pioneer.’ Next Sunday is mothers’ day and both churches will send cars for all who are unable otherwise to attend the services. H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E Price» on other machinery have a drop over. We handle the l ’A G B 3 $40 I i .ow e in and let us talk it u B I N D E R and i ! McCormick and Deering _ the standard makes of the world. K M OW ER We w ill swap for your old hinder. « i !i G. W. Mornhinweg i A Popular Kcfreehment One that is relished at all times by young or old is our ice cream. I t is made from pure, unadulterated cream and flavo red * ith pure fru it flavors There i . no more wholesome or delicious refreshment on earth. Parties and fam ilies supplied in any quantity. ____ F We sell the Claxtonola Come in and hear it play A ll phonograph records and needles. Stewart & Price Confectionery THE HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY, O REG O N Capital and Surplus $35,000 Interest paid on time certificates e f deposit v\ e invito your banking business C. H. KOONTZ, P res.“ IxTAYLOR, Vice-Pres. B. M. BONI), Cashier Be Honest With Yourself C I f you h«ve been d rift,U g a lo n g -s p e n d in g all, and th in k. raving n o th in g -s to p r T h e F irst Savings Bank of A lbany, O regon 4 +'+-’+“F+>+.'+•++■+ + +- + + T + + + +.+ + +■+■+x f • A « S 3 D e tro it Vapor Oil Stove œ p >1 P CL fD 05 ss £3" * kTX w crç 3 % e 4B A R TSC H ER » & ROHRBAUGHX 415—421 W est First st., Albany, Oregon +4-4-Y«F>r Automobile Insurance I*ire, theft, collision, property damage and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. o_ f i * * * * * * * * * * * o f a check was even larger. Bruce You must realize that it cannot gb on forever. O ne’s earning days are followed suit. But when Father CHAPTER S numbered. Now, while your earning power is the greatest, see to it that K elly had it all totaled it was not Before she could make a last plea, each payday pay, S o m « t h in g toward your future I n d k p k n o k n c r , enough. H e turned with the smile iW right observed Father Kelly, Capt. W e w ill welcome yonr acejunt aud help you save. o f faith and trust that so well ex­ M ather and Isaac Abrahamson en­ No county warrants are to le pressed his firm belief in mankind. itering his front gate. H e hastily stamped ' ’ Not paid for want of - shoved the protesting girl into the “A shade short,” he said to W right, funds,” hereafter in this county ikitclien and out the back door, but “but would you not contribute the ,she had determined not to be put off Bills that would exhaust the fuuds ’ Where Savings are aafe ’ ’ Honr p „ ce„ , difference for the future happiness . 'to easily. So when W right was ad- Of your birthplace?** Almost inao- will be held over until there is g 'initting his callers, Alice slipped back money to meet them before war into the house, unnoticed, and con­ rants are issued. cealed herself where she could hear the conversation. She had heard Sixteen members of the W F M. jvague but disquieting rumors regard- 8. of the M .E . church met with Mrs. ling her lover. Kenward W rig h t received his N. T. Saeed Friday. An ins true ilers^ with his usual suavity and tive and interesting lesson was on se. “Come in, gentlemen," he said, Africa and the organization of the - , t h a smile; “what can I do for fiel'l for missionary work. Mrs ¡you ?” But he could not deceive ¡these wisemen o f Sandy Bay. They M cW illiam s and Mrs. ‘ Wesley (were courteous in turn, but blunt. rendered a vocal duet which was Father K elly acted as spokesman for appreciated. (the community. “M y son,” he began, with his usual After much travel in California allowances fo r all I human beings, “we and Oregon E. B Penland tell have heard that you are building a the Albauy Democrat that the cannery on your marshland. We have also learned that you have gone worst rood he has seen is that be­ into a partnership with MacTavish. tween Albany and Halsey. Mr W h y have you done this, lad, when and Mrs. Penland have just re­ you know that it will wreck the pros­ turned from their tour. perity o f our little village?" Father K elly said this last with a touch o f B. C. Statzer of Salem and sadness. Even in his heart he sus­ Archie Cornelius once did photo pected the truth. The very goodness o f the kindly graphing together. A t the sug- father might have touched even Ken­ gestian of Mr. Cornelias Statzes ward W n g h t, hut it happened that came up and stayed over Thurs­ young Bruce W ilton joined his elders day night and next day took pic­ at that moment Perhaps it was his | HSff <•” < •-X-X'X.;.. . «( arrival that prompted W righ t’s reply. tures of the schools. Regret was “W e ll, Father Kelly,” he said, with expressed that he could not stay r i l U e . r ? ’ L l,‘ rBi‘ OrL tO c a - n - T to tire pointed sarcasm, “I must make a liv- villagers w h o seek to save th e ir beloved S andy B ay. he aro u sa. ibo another day to photograph the ing on m y marshland somehow.” ; unior class in costume. The very insolence o f the man who MM • u ndlyu “ **r Kelly « « f r r o « .X a c tin « God and h . dissuade, th e F - irascible old . Bu‘ . . c »»>• a p ta '* in sat before them aroused the ire o f Browusville, Albany, Soio, Crab r e n < M n c e th a n an d th ere. * every one bat Father Kelly, who re­ tree, M ill C ity and Lebanon high tained his composure with difficulty schools were represented at the Irasable old Capt. M ather bounded to his feet in a rage Shaking his sank back in his chair, beaten and high school track meet at the lantly, W right picked up the paper fist in the face o f the young cad, j heart, but not so the captain county seat Friday. Albany wou. hearing the sum total. H e studied who nevertheless sat unperturbed and and Isaac. They were on their feet, Brownsville winners of events were with little amusement at the I M ather cursing and Abrahamson ges- it carelessly, and knew that in all w iu i not a iretie Turner (3), Robertson (2) and old man’s vehemence, C apt M ather tKuJatmg impotently in their anger •decency he could not refuse their offer. But he still refused. H e cast shouted: "W hy, you young whip per- at t" e soulless traitor who would he- McFarland. the paper back on the table and only ' snapper! You're nothin’ flbt a tray his people. T o all their anger The Stewart & Price have changed W rig h t preserved a «lirx.k his head in rejection. traito r to the town that raised you Kenward others sat stunned. Now , even Instead of getting bread I f I had my way, you’d be run out o’ t f ” ect a*r non<:halance Father I ither Kelly came to know the' bakeries. Kelly was the first to recover his from Eugene, which arrives after town on a rail. Yes, sir-reef” depth, o f perfidy in this fellow. But Even the peaceful Isaac was in­ equanimity. H e was bitterly disap­ 12 o’clock, they take Albany bread, while the group rat in silent despair, censed to the point o f joining with pointed, hut he still saw a way to Isaac Abrahamson, Hebrew mer-' which comes in just before dinner. capta'n *n hitter denunciation, save the future o f the community. chant, acted H e drew his check book while young Bruce stared his anger 'Now, there is my building fund We were peppered with a sample But Father Kelly counseled patience. for the Church o f the Rosary,” he and quietly wrote out the' d if­ of hail at 10:45 Sunday. H e could not believe in W righ t’s said, but he could not conceal the ference in amount,. W hen he pro f­ fered it to W righ t, he unexpectedly complete perfidy. H is sense o f jus- heaviness in his voice. The new Wreatling matches may come to I tice was too great W h ile it was ap­ church had ever been his dream lie caught the rotter in a trap. They be as dsngerous as boxing, auto­ parent to all that W rig h t was delib­ nao contributed his own personal had met W right's own figures, ■HL R E D STAR I» a uiarvefou« a d v a a r e in e s t for honied w ith o u t ga*. mobile racing and baseball. No­ erately trying to wreak vengeance on small inheritance years ago; he had cruelly exorbitant as they were They It g iv e s to these hom es th e dame dinok *Iedg arirl o d o rle ta h e at a t does those whom he thought had in­ even starved h im w lf to gain more had sacrificed everything, personal body has Imen killed in one re­ fortunes, to do it W h at a wonder­ 3_. - the city gad range. I t i i w iekleM , a ll I dirtledd, liera use it gen- fluenced Ichahod W righ t to disin­ lunds, and from time to time his cently, but Saturday night one ful realization o f the brotherhood erates its own gas from cheap kerosene, g a i » lin e o r is tilla te , co n cen trât- J| herit him, yet Father Kelly gave him worthy friends had contributed theie < ’ f,, nT n w a‘ f*>e Proof o f these un- Olson broke the leg of an antago- m g a double rin g of heat beneath the co o k in g u te n sil and sa v in g a t least * the benefit o f the doubt m ites Then, too, there was the one-fo u rth of fuel bill. O perates 19 ho irs on . gallon of fuel. +» niet in a show match at Albany. B e . Patien’ - f?°od friends.” he money that the grand old man o f s-’Ifish men desperately striving to save their beloved home from strife counseled. “There is some truth in Sandy Bay had left towards the He got a hold on it and snapped it and unhappiness t what the lad says. H e must make a building fund Altogether it made Kke a clay pipestem, the “ crack” But Kenward W rig h t was no« living somehow.” Then be turned a tidy sum. It would go a long way being heard all o/er Moose hall. made that way. Caught in hrs own tS* • to W rig h t towards satisfying the greed o f the He “Come, lad," he said, “what will young man And, after all. the peace >*P . he was not ashamed. The paving plant of Dennis & you sell us the marshland for? W e o f the village was vastly more im- waved aside Isaac's check. Co. will probably be at Tangent “No, gentlemen," he said, finally, w ill buy it for the sake of Sandy portant than the building o f a new during the paving of the Albany. I do not care to sell.” Bey- St ch„ act* were oo)>' typical W righ t smiled quietly. H ere at o f Father Kelly. This time he did not meet w ith Tangent section of the road from last was the beginning o f his revenge The others protested in chorus, either pleas o r compromise*. It was here to the county seat this sum­ Like a snake torturing a bird, he held vigorously. But Father K elly was Father Kelly, himself, who. throwing mer. his auditors in suspense while he not to be dissuaded “W e can put up down the gauntlet, rose to h i, fee«, lightly smoked his cigarette— and with the little church for a while above W n g h t, and thundered: Mrs. C. T . Cook promised her •>5 pretended to ponder the question vet,” be said, simply. Having sensed “ N o man can live for himself Sunday school close a feast if they Finally he took a pencil and paper to m t turn like this, Capt. M ather alone! > ou may bring ruin to the and started to figure. When he had had come prepared. would commit the 28d psalm to H e reached village—but a* ye sow, so shall ye finished, his guests leaned forward back into his hip pocket and extract­ reap 1" z memory. They all made good and in their anxiety. ed a wallet, rather than the usual And the good man whirled in hie lost Saturday she and Mirs Ooral- aT TerT SOT . ” he Stated, plug o f fine cut. W ith a glare o f tra c k , and quitted the room, fol­ dine served all kinds of delicacies m ildly, “but, my friends, I could not wrath at the unperturbed W rig h t h< lowed by the others. Father K e lV s to eleven of them and with games think o f selling out for less than—" cast a roll o f bills on the table be­ w o rd , had not been in vain, for the and then be named an impossible fore Father Kelly, who smiled hi« calloused W right was shaken to the snd conversation a happy after­ figure, one that he was certain they , *aac w a’ nof ,a r behind rotten core o f him. noon was passed. co Jd not pay. Poor Father Kelly him. H i* contribution is the form I . I- ... - r % (Continued on page 6) (To be continued.) 3 g I i ' > 1 » - C. P. STAFFORD, Agent, i; I