IX A l^ JSY JKA I M RI R IS U * » in i « 1, «7«« X-+-+-«f.'t‘- f - ^ f ¿ ^ - ^ ( if B f ._ . . Summer i i coming and you will want _ . __________ ____________ while the suit retains Its simplicity It | hat lo ti Its severity. Jackets have be­ come vague la outline and with true coquetry the Parlslenne often wears a picturesque veil trimmed hat with these tallor-d suits. Russien blouse styles are very suc- ù I ceasful. There Is a youthfulness to : suits having thia outline that no worn ? man can al ord to overlook unless she j i be very yot.ug indeed. Last Friday a Hall Game G A R D E N H O SE Ä'S.'S S 5 | on 50 feet 50 feet . ROGOWAY, Rubber '’‘’■friz , * 2nd and Baker, Albany, Cotton § ;ia No such bargains elsewhere Good line of new and used COAL O IL STO V ES 2-bole, $16.50 3-hole 2 0 .5 0 Delivered free in Halsey TENTS o f all kinds T Flanners, ROG A W A Y 'S I T save m oney X at' S econ d & B ak er, A lb a n y | The Primariea committeeman this year, and I am The Oregonian thinks the race constrained to send just this word for thj republican nomination for of appreciation lor your splendid governor lies between Oicolt, Hall service on the committee all the time that I was chairman. Vour and P.ittereon. Stm kweather of Tillamook wants election as vice-chairman of the the democratic nomination for national committee was the fullest governor. One of the pointe on possible evidence of the committee's which he relies ia that be was with gratitude to you and their confi the highway program from it» dence in your great future useful incipiency. If that program bad ness to the committee and to the produced a few good macadan A party. In this I join most heart- roa I p from the railroads to the" ly. Kindest regards and best farms we want immigrants to bring wishes always “ Will H. H ays.” into production it would have commended itself better to the Enterprise. Ths interests demanding the re call of the public service commie »ion are scattering their fire so widely that the recall may fail. The present commissioners face the uiti-ic and oppose legal proceediug« to have the petitions declared de. feu live. They say the, want the Outfit Retains Its Simplicity, but mu iter passed upon by the voters. Has Lost Severity, Author­ To Ralph E. Williams, whose ity Asserts. candidacy to succeed himself in the republican national eommittee is idvettised in two places today, Mill H. Hays, who needs uo in­ troduction wires: ' ‘Mutual.friends have told me ti »t you are a candidate for re­ Various Clover Dressmakers Use •hades as Means of Setting Thalr el otioi as republican national 1 Basques With Russian Blouse Suita I Jenny, always noted for her youth- j fui models. Is having remarkable suc­ cess with her Russian blouse suit« ' trimmed with fur and worn with tunic i blouses of matching color which are ! long enougn fo snow below the bottom of the Jackets. One of her best mod­ els. strangely enough, has an Ameri­ can mime— Boston This suit has been having an enormous success In Paris because of Ils becomingness of outline and Its smart and Interesting details i What appears to be a baud of em I broidery around the skirt Is really the I edge of the tunic blouse. This blouse | is such s usable model not only when i worn with this suit— which, minus the i fur. will make one of the best designs | for the spring season— but as a sepa­ rate blouse. One of Jean Patou’s best liked Rus­ sian blouse styles is In his new color, a soft sage green. This maker’s pref­ erence for green Is so msrked that he Is using lamb’s wool dyed In this shade as a trimming for many of his smart­ est Russian blouse suits. Valours Model of Indefinite Outline. Color Is becoming a factor with va rlous clever dressmakers as a means of setting their own particular seal E. L. Stiff FURNITURE EXCHANGE RED STAR Oil Stoves $30 to $75 O ther Oil Stoves $15 up Everything at bargain prices. 422 West First st„ Albany, Oregon. alsey garage H G O O D R IC H , G O O D Y E A R and F IS K T IR E S W e w ill be open evenings from now on during the summer months. Please do not call Sunday unless neces­ sary. Yours truly, Suit? ARCHITECT Foote Bros. A . C JE N K IN S •• BALTIMORE BUILDING Cor First & Lyon sta., Albany, Oregon C .C . B R Y A N T Y on pro b ab ly have forgotten th e price, b u t do y o u re m e m b e r th e kind o f -service th e su it h as given ? the patterns and the colorings in lh e ATTORNEY A T LAW cloth. This Is a very new idea and one which will be extensively featured 201 New First Nat’l Bank Bld'g, In spring models. Albany, Oregon. An amazing number of wlde-sklrted dresses have made their appearance In the last few weeks. Earlier In the season this type of dress was seen to a considerable extent, hut It did not play a major role, as It does now. So rapid has been Its growth that It LAWYER AND NOTARY ■ieems as though a changed allhouette had sprung up overnight. B rownsvili . h , O regon The theater always has a great hearing on dress. The clothes seen on the stage reflect the mode and have a greater influence on costume than the casual observer realizes. Both the Paris and American stages are now featuring .the full-skirted dress, and Two doors north of the hotel. It Is to these sources that we may at Am prepared to do all kinds of tribute Its renaissance. Designers permit great latitude In shoe repairing. Satisfaction guar- the outline of these bouffant sklrta, ¡i nteed. and It Is Interesting to observe the dif­ ferent versions and Interpretations of this mode. It makes little difference whether the hoop or extended portion of the skirt be at th" hem line, at the half way mark or at the hips. Each Repairing. dressmaker has a slightly different In terpretatlon. Fine Deep Pointed Scallops. A typical version Is a model with deep pointed scallops at the hem. The polnta sweep the ground, while the 501 Lyon * t , Albany, Oregon, ut-away portion Is so extreme that a «hort effect Is Ingeniously produced This frock Is seen on the American stage developed In rose-colored taffeta. The right fitting bodice, which Is ALBA NY, OREGON sleeveless, Is cut In scalloped form at WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. the waist line and Is topped by a her Regular meeting next Saturday I ha which serves In place of sleeves night. Garlands In rose silk and gold cloth W ill sacrifice fine high-grade piano peep from beneath the bodice and trail now in storage near here for immediate down one side of the dress. sal» Can give easy terms if wanted to Many are the fabrics that lend any established home. For fnll partie themselves to hooped styles. Taffeta ulars address Wholesale Department and faille are always In vogue when Oregon Filers Music House. Eilers M u­ Office 1st door south of school house the full silhouette Is exploited. Metal sic Building, Portland. Oregon. Halsey, Oregon. lacea and nets are used singly or In combination over foundation skirts of W e make farm silver doth. Handies Town and Country Property. L oans for one of Give him a call and see if he can fix Ribbons add Immeasurably to the the largest xastern insurance co M T a - attractiveness of the hill skirted nies and are prepared to give yon a N v you up. model. A frock worn by a noted kind or A loan yon desire. Ix»W in­ French actress In a recent continental terest rates. Long term, and preoay. production conslsta of a sliver doth inent privilege of S100 or multiple on foundation, the sfcjri of which Is en any interest date. Write Peterson * McCnlly Eugene. Ore. tlrely covered with sliver ribbon loops, Electric Haircutting, Massaging while the bodice Is resplendent with steel beads. snd Shampooing. Amor A. Tussing S h o e R e p a ir S h op O ur fine su its a re n o t high priced, and from th e sta n d p o in t o f service th e y a re th e m o st econom ical y o u can buy. Own Particular Seal on Their Models. C o n f e c t io n e r y What did you pay for your last T h at is th e th in g to co n sid er when you p u rc h a se y o u r new clo th es. COLOR IS BECOMING FACTOR The smartly dressed Parlslenne Is faithful to her recent love— the tai lored suit, declares a Paris correspond ent of the New York Tribune. I.ast spring there was an amazing vogue for the mannish tailored suit. It was astonishing to see .this type of dress become such a craze with French women, for they never have been ad vocatea of the severe outdoor cos­ tume beloved by the women of Eng land and America. So great was the erase for the gray tailored suit In Paris last spring that It became almost a uniform. Now a new element has entered Into the suit— a feminine element—and William Umatead of Portland came up Saturday evening and spent a few days with bis mother, who is ill at the W. J. Ribeiin home. The Model Named Boston. PARIS APPROVES TAILORED SUITS Q Cite Halaey and Sweet Home crossed 129 Broadalbin at. f a'» on the Halsey diamond last OREGON Friday and Sweet Home won the ALBANY I f you are hungry when in Albany victory with a score of 4 to 3. come where tor a very little money you The game was exceedingly fast can get the best lunch or dinner, pre­ and full of pep and the players on pared by the beat cooks, and eat it amid both sides played a clean and fair pleasant surroundings. A few items ? game. Neither side scored the Soups______. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c a.-IS an d'joc first few innings, but toward the M««t»................................... Vegetables______________________ 5c latter part of the game scoring Sa'sd* - .................................5, 10 and l5c commenced. ?’* ................................................ . The Halsey boys showed better Cake ..................................................... jo g Chicken dinner evey Sunday_______40c technique in this game than in the Other prices similar, BrownsviTle game and now it is E D S T O R T Z Prop. about time they were winning a few. JEWETT the COBBLER. A. Peterson,ractic” shoe BLAIN CLOTHING Dress Shoes T he sto re with a sq u a re deal fo r every cu sto m er. striped Beige and Brown Woolen. a Specialty I. O. 0. F. Piano "Must be Sold on their models. The Madeleine blue, affected by Madeleine et Madeleine In the autumn, has become widely known These makers have announced their Intention of bringing out a new shade each season and giving It promlneuce throughout their line. Foe the mid-season they are featur­ ing a suit, known as Cei talnement. de­ veloped In this shade of blue broad cloth. It Is trimmed with gray Austra llan opossum fur, the fur forming not only the big eollaT and cuffs but wide Hosting panels at the sides of the Jacket. Cherult makes a beautiful model In brown velours de lalne with a loose Jacket having the Indefinite outline so greatly desired In tailored suits show Inp the latest developments In fashion The coat Is ent several Inches shorter Cleaning and Pressing. in the front than at the bark or the Bright Dots on Valla. Fifty-gallon; brass faucet ; $3. Veils dotted with bright colored •ides The skirt alto shows ths lift Enterprise office. A taupe or front drapery so characteristic of chenille are very popular. mesh, with Jnde, henna or sapphire Cheruit's new models. ARCHIE CORNELIUS With this suit Is worn a Lanvin hat dots being a prime favorite. FOR SAbE which is often seen at afternoon tens. One nearly brand-new wiggle-tail It Is of marron colored crepe Morocalu trimmed with rose-colored taffeta flow­ Expert workmanship. Watches .and ers snd an embroidered tulle veil. clocks a specialty. Qlrdlsa That Harmonize w ith Cloths. Striped woolens In beige and brown HAI.SBY O REG ON are used by Chernlt with great suc­ N. T . S nkbd cess for the development of tailored FOR SALE stilts. One of her best numbers has a straight little coat with the shawl col­ lar draped so as to form a hood. Another new feature Is the large and unique braid ornaments which trim All work done promptly and the front of the Jacket. The skirt la One j ear old. | Phons 26 reasonably. Phene No. 26U.9 straight and laps half way around the A. H. Q U IM B Y figure, closing at the left aide. With the suit Is one of Madame Georgette's newest quill-trimmed LIC EN SED F U N E R A L DIRECTO RS toques. There la Just now a big erase for toques fairly bristling with small HARRISBURG LEBANON wings and feathers. ^ >one 35 Phone 15 The well dressed woman Is giving Branches at more and more rime to the selection Brownsville. Phone 17C15. of her hats. She spends as much time Halsey Phone 1M>. Frank Kirk, Mgr In choosing her hat or her handbag as she does In buying her costume Many of the new spring suits will , usually have an have metal or composition girdles de ~ i~ ■ . - »«-'cumulation of articles no looger.needed. or succeeded signed to match ths cloth from which by better ones, which somebody would they are made. This will he especially F M . F r e n c h a S o n s lik e to obtain. An advertisement advertisement the the tm e of the suits of the new Rndter A LBANY O R EO . •ize of this, coating 2-Sc, 2.5» might find a fabrics, the gtrlea Harmonizing with I buyer and covert what a a a . I now only trash into W . J. R ib eiin FISK TIRES T im e t o R e-H re? I B u y Fiali» «U V. « P m . i R E D -T O P 3 0 x 3% Extra P ly o f Fabric— H eavy T ?ad Price $ 1 7 .8 5 TTO R poor roads, for heavy loads, for hard use anywhere the Fisk Red-Top cannot be equaled for small cam. A n extra ply of fabric and a heavy read o f ««Ira tough red rubber make a strong tire built to meet exacting conditions. ,im eI on® Red-Top has outworn three ordinary tires. Its distinctive looks indicate vour ° ( * h,* h * r- d c ,ire w h ik • « « " mileage more than justifies your choice. T**r r * i / * * * 7 > * ° f * * ,ra " ,tu* *• -• co r. tr u .lt o r mig,.,, Money to Loan Dealer in Real Estate. BA R BE R SH O P M etal Oil B a rrel, E. C . M IL L E R H o n o r M oth er by Corn C u ltivator 1 H o rse Com Ranter your presence at the special services on R e g iste r e d S h o rt­ horn B u ll. Mother’s Day next Sunday at I I < m. at the C hristian Church « w* 1CHMAKER & Jeweler F. M . GRAY, D raym an . W R IG H T & PQ O LE We m ake a S p ecialty o f F rien d sh ip , E ngagem ent and W ed d in g Rings FA R M E R S' ’«□¿i CASH