K ¿í VOL. X H alsey enterprise H A L S E Y , L IN N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , M A Y I I , t<»23 NO Shedd Shota Mrs. A . H Freerksen of Seattle (Regular correspondence) is visiting relatives in and about Miss Vera Cornett spent the Shedd. Mrs. P. J. Troutman spent the week end at Monmontb with Edna Gregory. week end at the county seat. Jots and Tittles Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly Cook of this place officiated at Mrs. Burnett’s funeral. ThefOdd fellows will have charge of M r. Burnett’s obsequies. 3* A JUNIOR SUCCESS High School Actors Draw an Overflowing House Jack Arehart of I^banon has been assessed a 85 fine aud 825 Those who wont to Rmlto halt costs for not sending bis 14-year- Saturday night io learn “ Why old boy to school. Mrs. luez Freeland is a guest at hand caught in an electric wringer Smith I-eft H o m e ” report tbe the home of her sister-iu-law, Mrs Monday morning and it was drawn W . H . Newman was at the beat entertainment of the year and W . A. Carey. in to the thumb before the machine county seat Tuesday. the junior class members who Dr. C. R. Templeton and wife could be stopped. His baud was Page 8 this week was printed in played it and the directors who and daughter of Portland were as large as two the next day, but too much of a hurry and errors managed it come iu for much guests at the borne of the doctor’s no bones seem to have been broken. escapad notice. By a misunder­ praise. sister, Mrs. W. R. K irk , for ths There was a full house, every Mrs. Mary Taylor of Corvallis standing in hearing. Mrs. W. J. week end. They were en route to cams Tuesday to visit her sister, Lane was dragged intoan item seat having been engaged before Berkeley, C al., where they will Mrs, M. B. Southern, and other about the Woodworth fam ily and the doors were opeued, and addi- spend the summer. made to take a trip to Eugene. tiouai seating arrangements were friends. Mrs. Collins of Wyeth has been * ‘ 5 prize offered by the American I t was only Miss Elaine Wood- inprovieed. The receipts amounted Mrs. Andrew Brown was an A l­ visiting her husband, who is work­ Jersey Cattle club to the first 33 The Herald mentions Mrs. Frank worth who went to Eugene and to 8104, which paid for the class calf clubs to file applications with bany shopper Saturday. ing at the paving plant. Logan as being at the couuty seat visited Mrs, Hemenway. On thr rings and left a surplus of $22, 20 or more members. Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith Tuesday. The young son of Ray Duncan is considerable same page the dates of the Harris­ although there •nd Miss Alice Porter of Sweet As a part of the Linn couoty and wife who formerly lived in Mrs. Harrison Wallace and 1 ttle burg Chautauqua were given as in expense involved in tbe presents, Shedd, cut off bis index finger on program for the Jersey jubilee the Home spent Sunday w ith the W. daughters of Newberg are guests at July instead of June. If you Want tion of such a play. Not every boys and girls of ths Jersey calf R. K irk fam ily. his right hand with an ax. to wait till July to go you’ll g t body realizes that besides all the the Moruhiuweg home. clubs will put on a show at Sbedd left. Charge these errors to the hard work, which ir considerable, The Christian church continues Alvin Leach went to Portland Dr. and Mrs. T. I . Marks were rush of politics if you like. on the morning of May 24 In or­ and the expense of settings, a to use our advertising columns. last week on business. der to do this snocessfully all of the I l there had been any newspapers Albany visitors yesterday. A. J. H ill was suffering the royalty of $25 had to be paid for Mrs. McCellen spent 8a turilay oalves must be in condition, «nd it in his day ths Galilean probably C. M iller has his enlarged qualms of rheumatism this week, the privilege of staging the pop­ is urged that the members start would have used them, for he was in Albany shopping. barber shop painted and ready for but his store did’nt look the least ular production. preparations immediately. All tbe characters were so well a good advertiser; he did the next business and the second chair in bit crippled. Glenn H ill visited Portland last presented that it wonld be an in- best thing; be told his followers to place. Any Linn county boy or girl en­ week. Mrs. L. E Walton and Mrs B justice to the others to single out go into all the world and spread rolled in industrial club work may Johnson Burnett of Harrisl urg, M- Bond delightfully entertained any one of them as having been J. C. Clay, who had eighteen win a thoroughbred bull calf, ac­ his news. whose wife died two weeks ago the Women’s 8tudy club last Sat especially good. As the compel­ teeth pulled Saturday, is quite sick cording to an offer made by T. J. Three-year-old Linden, son of Tuesday, followed her last Tues­ urday afternoon at ths Bond home. ling and amusing situations de­ as a result. Daunen. Danneu says: “ A t the K arl Bramwell and wife, got b is day. He was 72 years old. M r Fourteen ladies were present. Mrs. veloped one could deduce that, as international last autumn I pur­ R. a . Templeton was elected pres­ hie final words imported, the rea­ chased the calf, W hite Cup I I . ident, Mrs. J. W Moore vice- son “ Smith left home” was that shall be destroyed. lA A A V I This caU is developing away be­ president, Mrs. C. P, Stafford sec he “ loved his wife.” What Scriptures shew that death yond our expectations. K arl in­ retary aud Mrs. G. W. Laubne Besides the orchestral music two eln’a penalty means extinction t W e H ave tends to'show this bull at the state treasurer, to take office next meet- highly appreciated cornet solos Job. 6: 13, 18: My brethren have and county fairs. To the calf club E V E R Y T H IN G ing. The literary program w, s were rendered by Clarence Cor­ dealt deceitfully . . . and as the member who writes the best de­ given by Mrs Drinkard and Mr . nelius. O ptical streams of brooks they pass away scription of this calf I will give a Mrs. Stafford and Mrs A number of people were beard - . . They go to nothing, and per Marks. bull calf sired by thia bull and out E Y E S T R A IN Refr-sli to say they would attend a second *ah. Pa. 87: 10. 35, 3«: For yet a lit Moore furnished music Is the Cause of Many of a pure-bred oow, the calf to be Mrs. J. W rendition if it were given and a tlo while, and the wicked shall not b e . mente were served. delivered from the next spring calf HUMAN ILLS yea, thou ahalt diligently consider bla Rector and Mrs. W. H Beens were move has been started to guarantee If your eyes give you trouble or crop at the ago of about ten da’ a. place, and It shall not be. I have seen guestrof the club. receipts of 840 for its repetition iu your glasses are annoying The description is to be abort. Any the wicked In great power; . SEE US. We can Relieve You club member is eligible, Conuet- Mrs. W H- Beene visited at the the same way that sums are guar­ yet be passed away, and lo, he was anteed for Chautauqau and lyceum Bancroft Optical Co. n o t Pa. 104: 38: Let the wicked be home of her aunt, Mrs. Jasper ants must register at one of the Halsey Christian Church courses. 1st St. W. Albany, Phone ne W fairs or at our ranch. A book * 11 no more Pa. 49: 12: Man being In Gulliford, and M n . W ill Gordon Home seutiment helps to draw honor abldeth not; he la Ilka the at Eugeue Friday. be provided for this purpose " » large turnout at productions by beast» that perish. Church Announcements We bad snowflakes In the ai the young people of the town and What does Christ's death as aur C h ristian : Mondajr and Albany bad them and their judicious use of printer's ink ransom prove to ba sin’s panaltyf 10, Bible school. Mat'. 20: 28: Bven a t the Son of bad white frost on the ground, bu added to the finaocial success of 11, Communion service and spe­ uo damage waa dona. The tem­ the affair, hut tbe knowledge that U m i came . . . to give Hla Ilfs cial mother’s day sermon. we have talent at home that can Ransom for many. 1 Tim. 2: 6: Who perature of the wind aince indicata ¡7, Christian Endeavor. gave Himself a Ransom for all. Is. that some of the Hakes remained satisfy an audience as well as any. 8, Evening service. Sermon on 83: 6, 8, 10. 12: He was wounded for on the hills. thing imported goes a long way, John's Aospei. our transgressions; He was bruised Mias Mona Bond was coach, Lester Jones, pastor. Mary Wooddy of Brownsville was John Standish play manager aud for our Iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon H im ; He was operated on for appendicitis last electrician, Wayne Robertson stage Me'.bodist: cut off out of the land of the living week. Sunday School, 10, manager, Preston Newtou property for the transgression of ray people Preaching, 11. W . J. Lane came over from manager and B. M. Bond musical was Ha stricken. Thou ahalt make Junior League, 8, His soul an offering for sin. He hath Brownsville Monday and he and director. Intermediate League, 6:30. poured out Hla soul unto death Archie Cornelius went to Eugene in d Ha was numbered with the tran and attended the first day of tbe Epworth League, 6:80. Brownsville Briefs gresaomi and He bare the sin of two-days' meeting of the Oregon Preaching, 7:30. many. Prayrr meeting, Thursday, 8. (Regular Correspondence) jewelers, who fraternized there 1 Cor. 1«: 8: Christ died for our donday aud Tuesday. F. M Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor May Day feati ziti«« were held sins, according to the 8crlptures. Rom 8 : 8, 8, 10; In due time Christ died French and W . O. Biddle of Al- Monday cn the south side school fe r the ungodly. . . . But God bany and their wives also attended. gtounds. Tbe program opened Pine Grove Church : commendetb Hla love towards us In with a parade by the school chil­ Sunday School, 10. (Continued on l«ge 3) that while we were yet sinners Christ dren, Miss Edith Howe was Prayer-meeting, 7. died for us We were reconciled to crowned Queen of May and a num­ God by the Death of Hla Ron Rom ber of dances and drills were given FASHIONS IN BRIEF 4 : 25: Ha was delivered for your of T he ijove best new fabrics have ju st come bi. in her honor. Immediately follow­ tenses, and raised again for our Justi­ The Penalty of Sin O ur -counters are piled w ith b rillian t ginghams Rows of beads mark off geometrical ing the program there was an inter- fication. and ljnens, the charming new printed cottons, n 2 Cor. 6: 14: I f one died for all, figure« In silk or velvet to cover hat class track meet in which the dotted Swiss, crêpes o f cotton and o f silk, in -Sopbomorea won first place for tbe then were all dead. Heb. 2 : 9 : But frames. every summery color, crisp organdies, delicate Muff» appear with more frequency high school. A large crowd at­ we see Jesus, who by the grace of voiles. Come in today and see them. Select God should taste death for every man. Both the square and the melon types tended the excerciea. • y The Laym en’s Home Missionary materials in interesting color combinations for I Pat. 8: 18: For Christ also hath are used. The game Monday night between Movement, 1127 Snyder A v e , Narrow patent leather and narrow north and your Spring frocks. once suffered, the Just for the unjust, south Brownsville metal link belts are worn with coats that Ha might bring ns to God, being Philadelphia, Pa. marked the opening of tbe haxtball or dresses. Five hundred designs for the put to death In the flesh. / W h a t Scriptures show th a t death as I t seems to he rather a fad to «eason for tbe Tw ilight league, r - How can we ba savad fro m sin’» season are at the pattern The north match up one’« felt hat. or Its trim ­ cently organized here. ain’t penalty moans destrvetionT panaRyf -tide was victorious with a core of ming. with drop earring«. Job 31: 3: la not destruction to the Y o u can m a k e • a y (1) Repentance. Luke 24 : 47: Re Handkerchiefs with lace edges of 6 to 1. wicked? Pa. 9 : 6: Thou heat destroy­ one of these bea pentance and remission of sins should varying widths and design, also with May 8 to 13 has been set aaxle ed the wicked. Thou hast put out A surprise party was enjoyed at M r. McCall, the head book- keeper of the A. D. Kern Co , was the J. C Clay home Friday night an over-Sunday visitor in Shedd in honor of Hope Clay, Anna Mc- Connel, Dalton Gibbs, Mrs. Tom p- Mrs. Hartsell spent the week io kin and Mr, Roberts. Portland with her mother. Mrs. S. P. Brock, 76 and a pio­ Nick Kennedy and wife were neer of 1858, celebrated her birth­ couoty seat visitors last Friday. day Saturday, Bha and her hus­ W. E. Burton and wife of A l­ band, who is still living, had their bany, who have recently returned golden wedding in 1914. from the east, visitod at C. A The Shedd Jersey calf club, with Troutman’s Sunday. 17 members, is going to try for a Spring Fashions and Fabrics TAe colors and styles that suit you best new dresses like a pro- feaeional, for every new Butterick pattern haa a Deltor andoaed. The Deltor givee you theawift, economical cut­ ting o f an expert, the daft putting together of t h e c le v e r fin is h in g touches that spell Paris. I t is all there in pictures and c le a r d ire c tio n s . W ith i t you con make like a professional you never < tem pt before. Butterick Patterns with the D elto r Desiga U t I y tiny, tnJepcnJm « ft/ yiftur it i* ? tlt ih t J t h r u » « > / tku frock c t yet i oUy D esiga 1474 TV u a mrrr- 'W «*•/ eev w t t f n v J h « r y f aaSr, « L e vm •ear dren. colors like bright green, rose luncheon waa held bv the B ro w n ­ hath God exalted with His right hand and a very deep lavender being popu­ ville chamber of Commerce T t le - to ba a Prince and a Savior, for to lar. -lay noon. give repentance . . , and forgive Wool stockings, by the way, may ba neea of tins. Tbe question of lioxlthg found lo a silk mixture that IS quite <21 Faith. John 3: 14-18: Even so comfortable to many women who can­ second Calapooia valley fair tin- must tbs Son of Man be lifted up, that not bear the feeling of all wool fab­ fall has been diacue-ed and d> finite whosoever belleveth In Him should rics next their skins. steps taken toward it not perish, but have eternal lif e : for Among the very newest blonaea now S am uel T onM i God so loved the world that He gave being shown for mid winter, south­ two a n d a h a lt «<-i -- - His Only Begotten Son. that whoso­ ern resort, or very early spring wear, B r o w n s v ille fro m ever belleveth In Him should not per are walat-length, over the skirt mod r ii- x p . lah, but have everlasting , lif e : for els. made to tie either at the back or God seat not His Son into the world aide. place luto a c ln c a c it ra u e d . to condemn tbe world, but that ths Party dreaaea for wee girls are of world through Him might be saved. Senior H igh Note« sheer handkerchief linen all made by He that belleveth on Him Is not con­ hand and trimmed with real Irish “ Mr. B>b” will be here, bag and demned. John 8: 24: He that . . crochet. Some of these exquisite lit­ ll»gg*ge, May 20, at the Rialto belleveth on Him that sent Me hath tle frock» are dropped over pale pink i theater. Help tbe seniors. Give everlasting Ufa, and . . . la slip« and have sashes of pale pink ad from death onto Ilfs Jahn 20 81: ribbon. him a warm receptioo. These are written that ya might be­ The following program has be to lieve that Jesus la the Christ, the Son Combine Field and Rough Weave« I arranged tor tbe last week of of Ood. and that believing, ya might Fabric and color combinations are have Ilfs through Hla name. Acts all Important In the development of school and all exercises will beheld 10: 48: Through His name whosoever children's clothes, both In dreaaea and at the Metbodiet church; belleveth In Him aball receive remit Clasa night M a y 28. wraps. A coat and cap outfit has a alon of sins. Acta 13 : 88. 39: Through straight line coat of plain color roogh ( Baccalaureate May 29, Rev. 0 . this man la preached ante you the weave material, with cap and ecarf of IT . Cook preaching the sermon. forgiveness of slna, and by Him all Commencement exercises May a bright tartan plaid. The scarf was that believe are Justified from all fringed at the ends, and was long 31, Prof H. T- Reed of O. A. 0 things. enough to tie entirely around the fig giving the sddresa. John St 18: He that Selieveth not ore. with ends swinging either at aid« .. la -ondetnned aJ ready, because ha or hack The whole outfit waa pic­ L. W Byerley spent the fore- hath not believed la the name of the turesque for a cold, snowy day. , part of the week io Portland. O nly Begotten Sea of God.