PAGE 4 MAY 4. 1922 HALSEY ENTERPRISE Mrs Georgia Mitchell of Tennes­ see precinct will be foreman of tbia I aold lor f 100 and a Jeraey cow for summer’a grand jury, and that Jots and Tittles I more than either horse. mere man, Cbarlee, ber buaband, a member. John A- Clemens of When the woolen mill buildings this place is also on the liet. (Continued from page 3) and the flour mill at Browuaville Miss Lila Dudley wae bit by a Guy Bramwell bought a (arm are painted white this summer ball thrown by a small boy Tues­ wagon, as good as new, at the there ought to he a market for The blow drove Tycer auction at Browusvilla Sat­ house paint among residents of day afternoon. some glass into ber eye, but a doc­ that section. urday for $80. A team of horaea tor removed it and the results were not eerious. Herbert Wilson, o n e -t im e P O L IT IC A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S Brownsville preacher, bae been bound over for tbe murder of Cox, whom be shot in trying to break jail at Loe Angeles. Work is to begin soon on a 14- fect-wide macadam road from Cas­ cadia to Foster, tbe county paying $38,000 and the federal service a larger amount. Albert, son of George Bayne and wife of Peoria, drank gasoline by mistake and, whether as a result of that or not, had a mental aud nervoua breakdown and waa taken to Portland last week for treatment. Cleve Dunlop, whose brother Bower died of consumption and was buried at Brownsville two months ago, succumbed to the same disease last week and was buried Wednesday beside Bower His father and three sisters sur­ vive. His mother has been dead several years. Made of all-wool Mrs, Umstead did not go to Cor­ I he only westerner ever elected vice-chairman of vallis, as stated on page 3. Slu fabrics in Tweeds, was taken ill aud was unable to t i e republican national committee. make tbe trip. She ie at tbe Stripes and Checks Kibelin home. Dr. J. C. Booth of Lebanon was called to Haleey Saturday to see The republican national committee consists of one his brother-in-law, D. H. Sturte­ member from each state in the union aud is the political organization vant, who has been ill for tbe past of the party month. gco In June, 1921, at the committee’s first meeting after the inaugura­ R. L- Winniford and A. F. b l a i tion of President Warren G. Harding, every state cast its vote for Ralph E. W ill­ Goodbrod loaded a car of hay iam < of Oregon for vice-chairrian of fhe committee, reognizing by their una il Wednesday which they bad sold to in us vote his fitness and ability as a leader to fill this rsponsible position. M G. Reed if Albany. Reed has The store with a square A vote for Ralph E Williams for republican national committeeman will eon- bought a number of carloads of deal for every customer. fi' i the action of the forty.eight states in electing him vice-chairman of the hay here. RALPH E. YOUNG MEN’S S u its $24.75 W IL L IA M S Sport Models R E 'E L E C T Belted Backs R E P U B L IC A N Patch Pock­ ets N A TIO N A L COMMITTEEMAN KEEP THE WESTin POWER ^ republican national committee, a position never before held by a western man. Ralph E. W illiams of Oregon, as vice-chairman of the republican national co nmittee, is directly in line to become national chairman, the highest position attainable in the republican organisation. A national comuiittteeman on the national committee does not make nor execute the laws, but carriea out the policies and platform of the party adopted b / «he delegates at each previous nations! convention. Mr Williams is senior member of the national committee. Seniority in this I'ommittee give one the same power as seniority in the United states senate, VO TE TO Twice as much squirrel poison is being used in this county as last ylar. Tbe squirrels must go, F. H Porter motored to Port­ land yesterday. The Im p o rta n t Things. I f a society woman can he sure that her clothes and her dog are the very latest things In styles she will take a chance on the proprieties. KEEP HIM Of Names. " Tongood’ Is a name Impossible to (Paiil'ailvcrtiseinent by committee of republicans, C. L, Starr secretary, 617 Board live up to," remarks a contemporary How different Is “doollttle."— Boston of Trade Building, Portlaud, Ore., Transcript. N CLOTHIN ) ALBANY, OREGON Piano Must be Sold W ill sacrifice fine high-grade piano now in storage near here for immediate sale. Can give easy terms if wanted to any established home. For fnll partic­ ulars address Wholesale Department, Oregon Ellers Music House, Eilers M u­ sic Building, Portland, Oregon. Love, Faith and Hap*. A little love from day to day, and strength enough to preach It ; • glimpse of heaven along tha way. And faith and hope to reach It. Conaola Thyself. I f thou suffer Injustice, consols thy­ self, the true unhappiness la in doing It.—Democritus. Mistake Geld fe r deed. Miser» mistake gold for food, where­ as It Is only a means of obtalalng IL— Rochefoucauld. A Prophecy ef Christ. And the angel of the W>rd protested unto Joshua, saying. Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that alt before thee: for. be­ hold, I will bring forth ray servant the branch. In that day, salth the Lord of hosta shall ye call every man his neighbor under the vine and under the fig tree.—Zechariah 8:8-10. Beet K E PATTERSON R E P U B L IC A N N O M IN E E FO R GOVERNOR Suffer to*. There la no suffering tn the world hut ultimately cornea to be endured by God.—A. T. Quilter Couch. a t the p rim aries F rid a y , M a y 19. H a la a m an o f ra re p e rs o n a lity and r o v e d a s a c u t i v a a b ility . H e ra , n a fly , is bis story: Isaac L e a P a t­ terson was born in B enton C o u n ty , O re g o n , in I8 S 9 . A tte n d e d c o u n try schools and w o rke d bis w ay th ro u g h C h ris tia n C ollege, M o n m o u th . Be­ c a m e a s u c c e s s f u l m e r c h a n t in Salem . In 18 94 was elected State S enator fro m M a rio n C o u n ty . In 18 98 was ap po inted C o lle c to r of C ustom s a t P o rtla n d , b y P resident M c K in le y : rs-ap p o in tsd by P resident Roosevelt in 1902. Shedd Shota Political Adtcr U *iug (Regular correspondence) Mist Helen McElvain of Port- laud ia spending a few day* with relatives. Miaa Frances Frssrkssn was an Albany shopper last Saturday Glen Hill and wife returned Saturday from a fishing trip and Beinap springs. A dancing parly at Troutman’s Hall waa given last Saturday night About fifty were present. Music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Morgason. A “ get-together” program was given at tbe W. O. W- ball. Speaking, singing and party gams* were enjoyed by young and old Mrs. L. C. Pennell and son Lyle of Canby drove up to Shedd Saturday after Mrs. Pennell's daughter Laura. J. McCumber and wife drove to Salem Sunday to visit Mrs. Mc- Cumber’s cousin. Kenneth Carter and wife of A l. bany spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Rogers. HON. Tbe first community and social club to be organized in Linn county wae formed at Shedd last week. Mrs. P. B. Shedd waa elected temporary president and J. C. Clay temorary secretary. Laurel Pugh, Clifford Coon and Kenneth Robertson were appointed to draw up a constitution and by­ laws. C. C. Dixon has a new Buick touring car. Junior H igh School Notus Clubs: County club leader F. N. Wil- lamson and Miss Smith, who was substituting for the assistant, Miss Cowgill, met with the various clubs and leaders last Thursday after­ noon. Club work was displayed and the meeting wad enjoyed. Tbe cooking club is planniog on giving an exhibit before school is out. Tbe Homemakers’ club is at the bead of a general clean-up move­ ment by wbich Halsey will be bene­ fited greatly. Junior play: Saturday evening. May 6, tbe juniors will give their play at the Rialto hall. They have been working on the sets the paet week and have succeeded in preparing the interior of a wealthy city home. [Tbe cast of sharacters appears on page 8] Some furniture of the eet is by tbe courtesy of Hill A Co. and tbe Claxtonola by that of Stewart & Prioe. * Whatnots: . . W. C. Hawley Republican candidate for renom ination to congress Representative Hawley Should be Renominat­ ed because He is a hardworking, ca­ pable, s u c c e s s f u l , trustw orthy and faith­ ful public servant. He rem ains at his post of duty, attending to the needs of his constitu­ ency and of the state of Oregon. He is a native of Oregon who is loyal to and familiar with every in­ terest of this state. No detail is too small or *task too large to com­ mand his best efforts for any person in ev­ ery worthy cause. He is right on the great questions of tho day and his record is on e of increasing prestige, steady achievem ent and successful serv­ ice. (Information Glover et al. furuiahed by R. C. H A LS E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E North No. 18, 124)1 p. m. 24, 5.50 p. m. South No, 23. 11:29 a. m. 17. 5.39 p. in. SUNDAY MAIL HOURS The delivery window of the Halsey postoffice ie open Sundays grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 to 12:35 and 4:45 to*5.00 p. m. PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line Only five more weeks of school! Lost—Tire carrier and tire and All are busy preparing for exams license plate No. 52087. and class events. Senior notea were not turned in this week. J. B., Reports». W h a t C hrist Saw le Christ saw much to this world te >ver. and much tv pray o te rj but He saw nothing In It to look upon with contempt. Happiness In Our H e a rt The happiness that we vainly tbe world over la all the time wtthta us, nestled cíese to ear ewa hearts.— Bruce Calvert. • * Our Cernfe our comforto Young. C George Maxwell. Weeks Spent Film ing Scenes Thirty-five persons, including staff and extras, spent five weeks in and around San Francisco, and aboard tvjo sailing ships and a yacht, securing the sea scenes for “ Moran of the Lady Letty,” which comes to the Rialto theater Friday. This is George Melford’a latest production for Paramount and Dorothy Dalton plays the featured lead, supported by Rudolph Val­ entino. For Sale, 4 ft, second growth Red Fir Wood. Delivered in Hal­ sey, $5.50 per cord, W. H. Beene, Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and Friday. _______ For homes, acreage and farms Ida M. Cummings, 227 South Fourth street, Albany. Phone 278 R A Record of Achievement HILE ha waa collector, the b u .in e .a o f M r. P a tte r- R IA L T O T H E A T E R , F R ID A Y 1 fton'ft office p ra c tic a lly doubled yat he reduced the coat o f rv o n in g h i. office by » 6 .3 8 0 a yea Since 1906 h e . b a r« a euccaeaful fa rm e r a t E ola. P o L C __ o u n ty . In a 1 ,2 1 r . rv * d • • S ,a ,e S o « « '« ' fro m P o lk C o u n ty . A a c /a irm a n of Senata F in an ce C o m m itte e led the fig h t a gain at wholesale salary increaae b ill, and defeated moat ° th em . In 19 2 I voted againat increasing G o vern o r's M a lt y t 31 3! Vote for Patterson and Stop this Waste! «neo 1913 State la v e . have bacroaaad 748.7 po r c o n tl T h w gross «a tra vag an c e muat ha stopped I M r . P a tte r- ao a haa pledged th at w han elected ha w ill m ake a euh- a ta n tn l docreaee in y o u r etata tdaaa by efficio n t an d eco­ n o m ical ad m in tatration. A vote fo r S en a to r Pa H ereon ia • vote to r c le a n , econom ical kuatnese-like go vernm en t. a P A T T E R S O N C A M P A IG N C O M M IT T E E t a i Imperial Hotel ► A George rge Mel ford Production Portland, Orsgen CAST a - Si with Dorothy Dalton A Paramount Picture Paid ASe. a $ “Moran of the Lady Letty” « a S B IN C L U D E S RUDOLPH Kryptok Eyeglasses I t was^not until Kryptoks. the In­ visible fused bifocals, ere winvented that the wearing of eyeglasses became a pleasure to people w ith faulty, near and far vision. V A L E N T IN O Good 2-reel Comedy O p t& m efriat. ALBANY. OACA, Harold Albro. Manufacturing optician.