Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, May 04, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    r A i 1’EKSOW
Attention, Mr. Farmer:
? 1flro.ve ° f raen wiU ca)l on vou to sell or
W ho pays these men ?
A n s w e r:
von «r,5 th ? £ ; ?nd bV7 yonr machinery where
” the best results»and save money.
Cut out such expense. VVE D O
H IL L & ©
Halsey, Oregon
Moline Farm Bureau Distributors
I his is the time to clean up and paint ud We
are putting in a large stock of best
w .
P A IN T S and O IL S
We have increased our stock ef F U R N IT U R F
Linoleums and kindred goods. ru H N ,T U R E ’
general hardw are
G Come
a r d e n hose
in and get price*.
Jots and Tittles
Grange indorses Him for
O ur prices |are made w ith
the object of making sale*
H i l l . j B t r n
A Genuine Riding
Corn Plow for
”,......................................... PeaTrl p ehrsson
Tickets at Stewart & Price’s ? iai? " ft";....................... ^ ^ ' " ’’’’. ï ’^ ^ D e l^ a Wahì
Lavin,a Da,y - ............. ....................... Mearle Straîey
I he H. S. Wmkleman family
has moved from Mrs. UmsteaU’s
house into the Wells house, ad­
Ihe Standard Oil company’s
new $15,000 distruhatn.g station
at browusviile is
uuder con­
Mrs. (Jinstead bas gone for a
visit with her daughter tu Cor­
vallis, after which site will returu
tu Gaiitoruia.
Capital and Surplus $35,000
Be Honest With Yourself
Miss Gertrue McKern ia helping
Mrs. hied Sprenger of »heuu
w h ile that lady is kept pretty busy
with poultry,
w ill celebrate
C I f you have been d riftin g along-
spending all,
and think.
7 la t
T w o clean-minded young lovers
faced their first great trial— and one
failed, fo r Bruce, in jealous anger,
"W hy are you here?” c r i e d __
boy. H is words took the form of
05 accusation, although the anguish
jealousy that racked his soul i
<“ t» apparent
in his storm-lashed face.
Bruce, I can’t tell you why I i
S3 here," V era replied,
4 , imploring.
imploring, hou­
r's belief ¡a her. " I f
¡ng for her lover’
you love
___ me, you n il trust m e l"
“W h y should
I trust you I f you
can’t explain your pretence h e iw r he
05 stormed.
W hen his threats were o f no avail
he lashed her with scorn.
-." W h a t would you think o f my sis­
ter i f you found her here like •hist"
he demanded.
"D on’t— don’t, Bruce I" cried __
girl, distraught
"Y ou (k a 't know
what you are saying."
I t was to Artec's credit that
made an attempt to confront u ..
B brother with the truth, but W righ t
quickly disposed o f her via the back
door. W ith all the insouciance o f the
devil incarnate he sauntered into the
living room before Bruce’s outraged
■ eyes.
hla Jaalaosy arena ad. doubted.
"W hy ara yon here?" he
The phonograph record was still
•ried, hie words taking the form of accaeetion. "Bruca, I —
05 running. Stepping to the machine, teO y o e why I c a m e here,” V era replied, hoping fe- her lover’s
i the suave W rig h t m ildly inquired:
belief in her. "If yen love me, you ’ll trust mo." Robert C—.f-rn
"W hy, Vera, why didn’t you turn
o ff the phonograph?"
and Jane Novak in a scene from "The Rosary."
o rç
» H is very intimacy convinced Bruce.
who accepted the evil h e _____
W rig h t’s eyes as the truth. A s the kissed Bruce's picture. And she re­
Isaac Abrahamson was not a
stricken girl realised the compro­ mained adamant to even Father
fighter and he didn't like «¿its.
mising circumstantial evidence with Kelly, who sought to bring the young
•‘I say com prom ite/’ he argued,
a woman's sw ift instinct, consterna­ lovers together
and quoted:
tion seised her. She cried oat to
W ith the secret conspiracy between
“ Tne dollar ia mightier than the
W r ig h t:
Kenward W righ t and the pirate •w ord (”
"Kenward— until thia moment you M a c T a v itk Sandy Bay was soon
Followed the usual argument be­
did not know I was here. Please— nyltifie
iified by
, an unseen foe.
The tween the “ friendly enemiet,”
please tell him the truth."
i therm-
jermen's nets were found cut and Father K elly quieted them in
But W rig h t answered only w ith the fish thrown overboard while the usual way.
an unpleasant smile.
Bruce's face fleet lay in dock.
Strange evils,
"Those who live by the sword
reflected the torment o f his soul as thought the three village wisemen on perish by the sword r he warned
be scorned the precious object o f h it the porch o f the parish house.
H a v e faith in God, and
love and hastened from the room.
" i f it’s MacTavish at sea," said evil w ill destroy itself I”
Vera, the innocent victim, sacrificed Abrahamson, " I can't understand the
Isaac was trium phant "See, M r.
on the altar o f unselfishness, franti­ strange doings ashore.” •
Fighter,” he said as the captain tank
cally »followed him.
Outside she
"N ow , there’s Bruce," added Capt. back in his chair, "didn’t I say don't
flung herself in his path. Draw ing M ather, deeply worried— "a-courting monkey with swords?"
e rosary from her pocket, she held Vera, when sudden-like—he stern
finally decided to give
before nis eyes
callin’ and starts to pacin' up and W rig h t an opportunity to do
" I swear by this rosary you gave down in front o f the house every decent thing.
me, I am innocent,” the cried. But night like a ghost I" Isaac shivered
A silly little butterfly had had her
her words only served to infuriate H e didn't like ghosts.
wings singed
Alice W ilton was
her lover.
"E v il thought. Captain.” replied paying for her infatuation
“A ll your words o f love—■
a ll your Father Kelly. “T hey can destroy the to bear the knowledge o f her condi­
05 caresses have been h it," be replied happiness o f an entire household, tion any longer, she went again to
"Go back to him— but not yea, o f a whole community— for W n g h ts cottage, this time to plead.
05 w roughly.
ith this rosary"— and tearing it thoughts ate things H
But the found her supposed lover
from her grasp, he rushed away.
As they threshed it out, Bruce "somev hat" changed.
The broken girl, wracked in torment
ims with real newa
The truth
"You m ustnt come here any
o f spirit, fell in the pathway.
was known. W rig h t had joined M ac­ more, ’
Spring had gone. Broken were the Tavish and the two rascals had “First thing yo u know, people win
dreams o f yesterday. Gentle Vera started to erect a rival cannery on be talking. H ave some consideration
had a cross to bear and the bore it the marshland.' Instantly the old for me.”
nobly. Ia the privacy o f her bed­ teadog's fighting blood was aroused
The disillusioned girl broke down
room * she tenderly laid asray her "A rm the man, he shouted; "either completely.
She cried, sobbing—
trousseau until the day that faith MacTavish goes or Father K elly
id you told me— you loved m , I"
would bring happiness.
She trill can Xubcute at my funeral.''
(To be continued. (
Among those in Albany from
Halsey were George Maxwell and
wife, Miss Jeunie Collins, Kay
rnoud Van Atta and Mrs. John
T h e Hammoud
Lumber oom
pany has the contract to furnish
the Albany schools with 300 cords
of slab-wood for about »3 a cord,
ih e next lowest bid was more than
♦2 a cord higher.
All 1921 county warrants to the I
middle of September have been I
paid and as tu e delinquent taxes
come in the balauce wilt be paid.
Ibis year’s warrants are being paid
about as fast as presented.
Mrs Fred Schepman of CresweH
arrived here Thursday and wiiu
McWilliams an,j jjra.
Hugh Cummtugs of Albany went
to Corvallis the next dsy with
Charles Moruliinweg as chauffeur.
M. M. Peterson of Lebanon
travels through the country paint­
ing sign1?. His wife accompanies
him. They have been spending
a few days in Halsey and numer­
ous samples of the gentleman’s
work here attest bis artistic skill.
In the 64 precincts in Linn
county there are registered 3,806
male republicans and 2,487 female
republicans; 2,244 male democrata
and 1,387 female democrata; 71
male prohibitionists and 144 fe­
male prohibitionists; 166 male
socialists and 57 female socialists,
and 332 miscellaneous, including
T. A Powell and wife hare
bought and moved into Mrs. Flor­
ence Stewart’s ten-acre place east
of town, coming from Browns­
ville. The Mayberrys, who occu­
pied the property, are remaining
at Halsey anti! they can get satis­
factory quarters in Eugene, a diffi.
cult thing to do in that liveliest
town on the coast.
Mrs. W. H. Robertson went to
Eugene Wednesday evening to at­
tend the recital given by the
schools of music and oratory of
Eugene Bible university at the
First Christian church. Her
daughter Donna, who is a pupil at
tbs school of music, was beard in
• piano solo, “ ih e Nightingale,” 1
b f Liszt.
; The First Savings Bar^t of Albany, Oregon
ere_ S‘ Vin‘f’
(Cwntinned on page 4)
P° " '
“ „ t ««d no worry.
^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * » » » » i» fta
D e tr o it i Vapor Oil Stove
■ H E R E D STAR is a marvelous advancem ent for homes without gas.
L ' .« Z.,''*'
, eratea^ta h
i » ! 1 i l ¿1
• a
t t S
*1? ,he ?.me
« oilorleas
heat as
It la w ickle-
n, »’”
I dirties.,
it Joe.
r h ' aP kerosene, gaioline or distillate, concentrât
t f - Æ
jB A R T S C H E R
A high-school junior gossips
The seniors are trying to pick a
fuss with the junior class now.
The janiore don’t know what it is I
shout, but the so-called uppers ’
are spying around nt night and
even come to the play practice and I
peep through the keyhole s o d '
knotholes to see the big play. As i
Josh Bingham says : “ The lon­
ger they go to school the lees they !
saving nothing—stop
“ 0#t re a Iiz e ‘ hat “ eann° ‘ K<> on forever. O ne’s earning days are
N ow - Wh,le /o u r earning power is the greatest, see to it that
each payday [M yl S o m b t h ix o toward your future lN DK rKNUKNCK
W e w ill welcome yonr account and help you save.
next Saturday.
Interest; paid on time certificates of deposit
We invite .your banking; business
H. KOONTZ, I’re“- ~ [T p ’AYLOH, Vice-Pres.
d . M. BON D, Cashier
William T. Cochran of Albany,
who was born near Brownsville,
G. W. Mornhinweg
Gpîln R ì V i I m ÀV .........................................Kenneth Cross
Gen. Billetdoux ...
.........................Preston Newton
Count von Guggenheim ........................John Standish
Kobert0^ * —be.............................-Clarence McKern
Mrs. J o K n i i h
........................ " t ì S Ì S
J u h î ™ ft
McCormick and Deering
the Claxtonola
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stewart & Price Confectionery
Halsey High
May 6
RIALTO HALL § £ » o u x ^
there is sure to be satisfaction. For the
In i.t’ v dessert there is nothing so de-
hcioii*. W ith each succeeding spoonful
you 11 like it more and more. Let u»
send you some. W e h ate all flavors
R e s e ll pints, quarts, h alf gallons and
The grange esenews politics, but
Isaac Lee Patterson bas the in ­
dorsement of “the Polk countv
grange, of which lie is a member,
for the republican uumioation L.
We sell
governor. Such a support is sig­
nificant. The farmers are getting
tired of having the laws made and
executed almost entirely by law­
Come in and hear it play
The Brownsville baseball team
yers and professional politicians. ib gettiug tn the habit of beating
A ll phonograph records aud needles.
Mr. Patterson is a farmer,though everything tn sight.
• score of years ago he was col­
Olaf Nelson is with Joseph
lector of the port of Portland,
filling that position for eight years’ Hume in the purchase of the
He reduced the force and in­ Brownsville theater.
creased its efficiency. While the
Do you know why Smith left
business of the port more than home? Go to the Rialto Saturday
doubled, he reduced its expenses night and you can find out.
16500 a year. When a politician
The infant class in English at
asked that a friend be appointed
uigh sshool principal’s home
to succeed a man just dischared
Prices on other machinery have a drop
Coine in and let ns talk it «
Mr. Patterson said the place was is progressing splendily,
over. We handle the
. The W. F. M. S. of the M. E
to remain vacant.
B I N D E R and
“ That’s ----- poor politics,” was church will meet with Mrs. Elisa
the Standard makes of the World. We w ill ,w ap for " u r
the reply.J
Brandon tomorrow afternoon.
“ I have had an idea that what
Mrs. F. E, Young of Albany
was good business was, in the end. visited Mrs. D. S. McWilliams
" ^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * » » ' > » > » « M » *> » iN n ali>i»l» » l»j»Ji» fr»
good politics,” replid Patterson.
trom Tuesday to Friday last week.
If2he becomes governor be prob.
Mrs. Fred Taylor arrived from
Corvallis Monday for a .visit at
her paternal home, J. C. atan-
Left Home com^y C A S T O F C H A R A C T E R S
By the Junior Cla»* of the
V here Our Ire Cream is Served
Hom page I)
. J- W. Evans was on the grand
lury the past week.
Albany’s city council joins in
the war on the Canada thistle.
Mrs. W. J. Ribelin has been ill
i for several weeks, but is improving.
The prouuul of tbs Brownsville
woolen mills will be ail wool aud
no shoddy.
X a5 ....
ï :
415-421 W est First st., Albany, Oregon
an— ».■a^TfTtrfryw( t[<r<u r<
Automobile Insurance
! !
lire , thoftt collision, property damago and •
personal liability. Protect yourself against j i
C. P. STAFFORD, Agent. [
: :