fiW iBxrKisis .»in I A /44 W H E R E Y O U R T A X E S GO work some of them produce we down the road. He looked very can believe him. Sometimes the ired. When be was about ready to open inspiration doee not slop short of was a man, his shoe' w eie bad, toe gale, he glanced up and saw There H e had no work, his face was sad. delirium tremens. the advertisement. He was so sur­ He fonnd a jo b ; the boss said : “ No, prised that all he ciuld say was, I e a a 't take von when you look so." The man then had his shoes resoled “ W al, I do declare!" H i t pants be pressed, he felt more bold Opinion Is Everything. But bis surprise soon wore off H e harried back the boss to see Consider that everything is opinion into anger. It made him so angry And talked and smiled in different key 9n^ opinion Is tn tliy power. T ak e ! then, when thou chooaest. thy to thiuk that anybody should play ‘‘ Job’s yours,’’ quoth bosa. w ith air sublime. Ilflfflfitri iaflrt IlWn m mnelnn. opinion, and like a mariner who haa such a trick upon him, when he had A smile and N E A T N E S S w in each doubled the promontory, thou w ilt never done any harm to anyone. time. find calm, everything stable, and a He sat down on a box ourside the waveless bay.— SI a reus Aurelius An­ yard to try to think it aU out, and toninus. see if he could think of the guilty one. The resignations from the govern­ School Essays It was about six by this time, & /ite G ■o o s n tre fe c e tii ment service are chiefly from the su- tio n e ry thought he had better jiervlsory and most highly paid posi­ (By Louise Robuett, English 4) so Jamie 129 Broadalbin st. E V E R Y T H IN G BY T U R N S T H E R E IS NO PEACE burry to bis hiding place. He was tions and from the very lowest grades. ▲ {.B a w v OB EGON I sit alone in the moonlight running along—he believed in go­ Pete Beebe was indicted for the T he men at the top, tf they have any The Oregonian summarizes: I t you are hungry when in Albany Gazing at the velvety sky. In itia tiv e or ab ility or ambition to ing early to avoid the rush—and come where tor a very little money you murder of two men. On his trial make a name fo r themselves, are of There is civil wsr in China. My thoughts stray from this and when he got to the gate he can get the best lunch or d in n e r’ p ,e- earthly world, Japan is fighting boltbevists in in one charge, fearing he would fered private employment at doublt nearly ran over Mr. Hanley, the pared by th e best cooks, and eat it amid pleasant surroundings A few items ? Siberia. -scape by the plea of insanity, the or treble or more what the govern­ Aud soar up where the stars are dejected bachelor. curled. Gr< oks are fighting Turks in Asia prosecution argued that he was ment can pay them. The people In “ Oh-er, I beg your pardon,” ................................................................ the lowest grades leave fo r private Miuor, I think of God and his love, stammered Jamie. sane. He was acquitted on the employment when opportunity affords Spain is fighting Moors in the And how he is waiting above “ Beg your pardon nothin’. I p**,d * ................................ 5, 10 and 15c because in too many instances they ground of Insanity and the prose Rif district of Morocco. For all who will accept of him, know you, you youug rascal. c actually cannot keep body and sou' i k e ..............- } £ Irish fight Irish on the island cution, to prevent bis gettitg out together on th eir government pay. Obey his commands and do his What do you want, anyway?” Chicken dinner evey Sunday” " " ” 40c work. which a poet has called “ a tilth in bail, had the other indictment I t is the people in the middle clast roared Mr. Hanley. O ther prices sim ilar, bit of heaven.” who stay on the longest. T he whole And my soul yearns for that Jamie stared at him for a mom-1 dismissed and sent him to the in ­ constant process makes fo r a steady coming time Hindus aud Moslems riot in E D S T O R T Z Prop. ent, when suddenly an inspiration sane asylum, though the superin­ deterioration In the quality of the When I shall go to dwell with him entered his much bewildered head. India. tendent there protested that the government service and tends to re on high. ‘‘Dad sent me down after your The treaties entered tain the mediocre In public employ man was sane. b'g pipe wrench,” Jamie said in a ment. Wa«hington are already Now, to furnjsh some more The civil service commission, through (By Grace K irk , English 4) very mannerly way. “ May J have tre.iiod as' ‘ ‘scraps of amusement at Court, he is reindicted which the great bulk of government it, please?" employees are brought Into the serv­ Mr. H an ley’s New Fence: Japa n is building forts and increas. and is to be brought hack for trial “ Why, sure, come right along,” G O O D R IC H , ice, Is acutely aw are of this condition ing her armies in Siberia, in direct on the theory that he is sane Pretty little Mrs. Osborne sat on replied the now calm Mr. Hanley G O O D Y E A R and F ISK Its reports give emphasis to the diffl violation of her engagements at And if another ju ry acquits bin. cully constantly experienced In secur the large, cool, vine-covared front “ I wonder who was down here this I t sure does look T IR E S W allin gto n . She is evincing no those who are tryiug t^proye him Ing and retaining competent employ porch of her home mending stock afternoon. funny.” W e w ill be open evenings from now logs As she rocked aimlessly to ees. T he rotation In office has become inte ition to get out of Shantung sane will probably try as hard “ Oh, thsnk you very much for on during the summer months. Increasingly frequent and vita lly im and fro, she thought of Jamie this summer, as she promised. pairs the efficiency of the service. prove him insane. the wrench, Mr. H an ley.” said Please do not call Sunday ualess neces- who was always into mischief. During the w ar there was a lower Dtvid I,. George, prime minister Just then she heard the click of Jamie taking it from him. Such is law and such are lawyers “ ry- Yours truly, rate o f turnover in the mechanical the front gate. The “ innocent" lad then de­ of E igland, says: School had been forces than In outside establishments. dismissed aud Jamie was here. parted, very happy to think that The fool free seed clause was re T he proposition of separations, how- America could exercise an influ- He was coming up the flower- he had "pulled the wool oyer his encj no other country could com­ dored to the agricultural appropri­ ever, Is excessive In clerical, profes­ bordered path, whistling a tune. eyes" so easily. sional and technical positions. In mand. She could come here free ation by the senate after its com­ which the rate of turnover sometimes Jamie was a pug-nosed, red­ A . C- J E N K IN S and disentangled and with the pres- mittee had cut it out. The vote amounts to a third of the force In a headed lad of about twelve years. W e make f a r m t'g i which comes from her io . year. A cap adorned bis shock of towsled dependent position she would come in the senate was 30 to 31. Thai n s for oue of During the nine months preceding hair. In one band he carried a the largest e a s t e r n in L s oa u r a n c e c o m pa ­ with the voice of peace. Russia does npt mean that nearly half of the armistice more than 00,000 ap book and in the other a bucket of n ie s and are prepared to give you a n y a i I Germany combined contain the senators voting put common polntments were made In the civil red paint. He seemed greatly k in d o f a lo a n you desire. Low in BALTIMORE BUILDING nv ir two-thirds of the people of buisness sense into their legislative service and about 28,000 separations elated over something. terest rates. Long term, and preoay- Cor F irst & Lyon its., Albany, Oregon occurred- that la, fo r every two ap­ E irope. Their voice will be heard ‘‘Now won’t I just fix that old ment privilege of >100 o r m u ltip le on a id the Russo-German treaty is work. More likely the controlling pointments made one person le ft the man? He just thinks he can do any- any interest date. W rite service. For a period of sim ilar length Peterson & M cC ully, Eugene, Ore. tiie first warning of it. I wish argument was “ you vote for my follow ing the armistice only 00 per hing. W ell, I ’ll just show that A merica were here I We want graft and I ’ll vote for yours cent as many appointments were made, poor old fellow. Won’t he rave attorney a t l a w America because she excerises n The amount iuvolved was onl> but there were nearly 33 per cent more when he sees it? It will be about Peculiar authority. Her very aloof­ <360,000, which je insignificant separations. In this period almost as ihe biggest joke they ever had on 201 New F irst N at’l Bank B ld’g, Fifty-gallon ; brass faucet; >3. ness gives her the right to speak many positions were vacated as were him. H a l ba!" compared with what our lawmakers filled. Enterprise office. Albany, Oregon. “ Why, Jamie, dear, what under When the nations met at Ver- waste in other ways The exigencies of the w ar required are you talking about? a great expansion of the clerical the sun s titles the United States was held FO R sA bE forces at Washington and elsewhere Oh I. just know that you are going Amor A. Tussing in such esteem by the other powers So many influential people are and thia was accomplished by a labor to gel into some kind of trouble. One nearly brand-new w iggle-tail of the world that its representative LA W YE R AND NOTARY being sent to jails for endungeting turnover several times above nornyal You don’t realize how much I T he percentage of declinations o f ap io the supreme council was able to worry over you.” said his poor other people's lives by violating polntments among eligible* on the civ overcome the selfishness of tli the traffic law that there is likely II service register Increased In manj mother. B rownsville , O regon ‘ ‘Ma, what do you want to worry others to the point that justice in­ to be a movement for more comfort­ instances from 80 to more than 50 per N, T . S n e e d »bout me for? Don’t you think I cent— that la, more thaq h alf the men stead of might was recognised as Practical Shoe able jails. These people are like and women who successfully passed am old ’nough to take oare of my­ the hnsis of international settle­ Repairing. w . G . C A R T E R S self? W h y , I ’m twelve years old the Cornish miners who, when civil service examinations and were ments. W orld pesce came nearer told about hell and that they were offered Jobs under the government re and goin’ on thirteen. Now ain't Fine fused to take them. It is estimated I a big boy?” to being assured then than in the headed there, planned, when that more than 950,000 of those who “Jamie, Jamie, when will you Dress Shoes a Specialty ages that had passed. And then, they should arrive, to “ run a met the test were appointed during evnr quit using that word ain’t?" by a majority of the one <160,000 is ready for orders for all kinds of haul­ remonstrated Mrs. Osborng. du n« in and make tne ------ piece thut time. » 1 Lyon st., Albany, Oregon, Phone 116 T he civil service commission says vote of Newberry, the senate comfortable." W ell, I guess this is a free ing. M oving a specially, fla tly : country," retorted her sop. scrapped the league and the way F O R SALE "Those fam ilia r w ith the federal Jamie theu left the porch, taking isopen for another world war with service at Washington know that the President Harding has the sound bis bucket of paint with him, service Is now hampered by the re Germany and Russia against the tense to discountenance the ‘‘day­ tentlon of Incompetents whose re­ slammed the little gate and dis­ W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 6-5. world and with the outcome doubt­ Hs then light saving” fad. Setting clocks moval Is rendered difficult by Influences appeared from sight. ful. Regular meeting next Saturday made straight for” th« house wro tg will not increase the amount which are Incompatible w ith the effl (P h o n e 26 night, deucy o f the service. Preferences which belonged to Mr. Manley One j ear old. of daylight a particle, and anyone and exemptions Increasingly clog the A H . Q U IM B Y A H E A D OF T H E T IM E S A new fence had recently been who is not too lazy to get up early departments with persons who, no built about the house. The Associated Industries of in the morning can do so just as m atter how Inefficient, are difficult to ‘‘0 b , now, won’t I just fix you? S'cgon, 702 Oregon building, Port remove, and whose retention tends to ! well without pretending that 6 destroy the discipline o f the service." Next time you won’t try to spank Office 1st door south of school hquse land, is more than on time. It We make a me; if you do. I ’ll just knock your 'o’clock is 7. Among these Inefficient*, of course ■ , Halsey, Oregon. sendt out an optimistic booster old block clear off. Just yon wait Specialty o f are the superannuated and the phys I Dealer in Real Estate. sheet of short items regarding Ore- Ically incapacitated. T he bureau o f and see, you old prune." Friendship^, The primary law is being opposed efficiency estimated, before the pass By this time be was about ready Handles Town and Country Property. gon indcstries for the use of the on the ground that the winning age of the superannuation retirement to begin work. On the nice new G ive him a call and see if he can fix Engagem ent afld newspapers of the state. Here is J J»» up. candidate is sometimes the choice law, the number o f employee« in the white fence Jamie painted in large W edding a sample received by the Enter­ civil service o f the United States sev red staring letters: of only a minority of the members prise: enty years of age and over as follow s: Rings of the party. Under the old con- _ .. Big Circus in Town, Boys Num ber Orders for woolen fabrics have R a ilw a y po stal c le r k s .............................. isn M . F r e n c h a S o n s AU Animals Known There been booked far ahead by the vention system a still smaller R u ra l le tte r c a rrie rs .................................. gp ALBANY OREG. ity le tte r c a rrie rs ................................J” jj,. Bring Your Gal, Boys I Electric Haircutting. Massaging Brownsville woolen mills, which minority— two or three big bosses C Poet office c le rk s ................................... e, gj- Admission 15«, 25c recently reopened after several of the party — usually selected (be M echanlce ................................................gjj and Shampooing. G eneral em ployees. D ie t. C o lu m b ia ..l.« t years of idleness. Reopening of o tndidate. Cleaning and Pressing. Ha! ha I Now won’t ha ju ft G e n e ra l em ployees els e w h e re ............... i.iu t the plant was marked by elaborate Sen. -torm around? I ’ll bet the roof ceremonies. It gave immediate TotB> ...............................s.esi on his old house blows oJT. Gee! The prohibition party is the only employment to more than 100 The commissioner of pensions sup hut that sure is a good trick on the people. one with more female than male plies the following compact statement or Oregon C ity old man.” ' 1 Ï 7 A R C H IE C O R N E L IU S We note a few inaocuraciee here; voters, and the females are more of the age o f the employeea In the pen Trying to cover up all things by •’ormerly Brownsville Man No orders have been hooked lor than 2 to 1. T h a t indicates what slou b u reau : which he might be traoed, Jamie Number In the classified civil serv fabrics from the mills. They have the pouplar vote will do with pro­ Ice, 874; age o f the oldest em ploy.,, departed in a very happy mood K apert workmanship. Watches and clocks a specialty. not recently reopened. The reopen posed constitutional amendments elghty-elght; number over eighty years H ad ’nt he completed hia task? But he began to wonder what Mr. HALSEY OREGON ing did not give employment to to make the prohibitory law more of age, M ; nunitwr between sixty five Hanley would do when be come That law was passed with and eighty, 200; based on age of sixty home from work. UK) people nor to any. In fact, lax, live, number eligible for retirement, there ieuo woolen-mill machinery only men voting. W h y , the best part is yet to 292: percentage of employee» eligible for retirem ent, 83.4; »vernge age of all come," thought Jstnie. “ Let’s sse ; Honesy, efficiency and economy, w ith at Brownsville, solar as we know. employee», July 1, 1919. fifty eight. th irty per cent redaction in where can I hide? Let m ethink. About a week after the célébra­ I t is pleasing to read that Lenine maintenance expenses These old men and women hear the it was announced that two carloads had a bullet extracted from hi» burden of the adm inistration of the There's the attic and it has a win­ guaranteed dow. No, I don’t like that very All work done promptly and of machinery had arrived at the body tbe other day because the complex. Intricate and Involved p ra well. How many rooms are there cedure under the pension laws having reasonably. Phone No. 26W.9 m ill and twelve loads more were news item also records that he ha* in the house? Aw no, I don't to do w ith the disbursement of >222- <>n the way from Bandon, where carried that bullet three yeare, 159.292 In 1920 to «00,900 and to u t- want to be in tbe house! 1 want to get out behind that big tree in W R IG H T & PO O L E Mr. Bowman purchased them showing that h jg o t an installment odd beneficiaries. the yard aud be won't find me there. L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S from the ewnere of a m ill which on what was due him as long ago Ob boy! that sure am a swell place. H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON had closed down. Otherwise the as that. On» Lunger is a form id shin esn Now he don’t come home until six Fhooe 35 Phone ¡5 news item is correct. didate for the state senate front o’clock, so I ’ ll wait until after sup­ Branches at per to hide theis. I can hardly RED STAR Oil Stoves We hesitate to use any of (be Brownsville, Phone 3 7 0 5 . An exchange calls the shri ukage Yam hill county. W hat would he wait until he comes home.” Halsey P h o ., FniBk K lrk MjfT other industrial items sent us by of railroad milage iu the pa(t year do i f he had two sound lungs/ Jamie had forgotten that this the associated loduftries, fearing a "curious fact," It is no more was Friday and that M r. Hanley have an • hat some prejudiced reader may curious, with one auto to every always got t f f an hour earlier on Other Oil Stoves a rtiG e . no longerjueeiled“ Joseph Pennell, one of the great, think we prevaricate. Friday than uaual. two families, thsn was tbe shrink- est American illustrators, deplores oy better (met. which Borachody would About 5;16 Mr. Hanley, a large, At the great celebration which age in stage-coach business when the up h k t to obtain. An advertisement iverusement the prohibition and »ays that drink tall bachelor of about fourty-five, tiae of thia, coating 25c. c, m ig ht find a tsslified Biownivtlls’s p y at tbs • tbe railroads çaœe. who detected children, cam« iloirly j " w ’S oregc buyer and covert what tuspirss artists. Judging from tb<- LOOK tfTER TOUR SOLE! HALSEY ENTERPRISE prospect that the mills may be (by Edward G. Lowry) An independent— N O T neutral— news­ opened by September next Mr. paper. published every Thursday, XV. Bowman, who owns the property, by W i i H . & A. A. W H E E L E R . said: INCOMPETENTS ARE KEPT Win. H. W h r k i .KK Editor. T h e ani.ual turnover In the govern­ Mas. A A. W h r r l k b Business Manager The woolen mill is now hut and Local News E d ito r. ment sen ice Is something almost in­ No business corporation, — . —!■.------ _------------------------ near ready to be dedicated. In credible. fact, we are just beginning to re- however uuww ct airongiy established, esiaDiisiteu. could strongly Subscriptions, >1.50 a year in advance nodel the old buildings hut I can long endu-e the heavy annual drain on I V e t r.. w/i ■ ■ I I . W . ■ __ Transient a Ivertising. 25c an inch; per «ssure you that, when they are Its resources. Hundreds o f __ men leave nianent, 20c. No discount for time the government service d a ily ; and finished, with new windows, new or space. roofs, new floors, and several new new, untrained people have to be taken In “ Paid-for Paragraph»,’ ’ 5c a lin e . N o ad vertisiiiu disguised as news. ouildings and all of them painted on and taught to do the work. This white, they w 11 look quite différ­ costs money, as every employer s ■ .................... — „ ........................................................... know s. ât from what they dotonigbt. llA L S K Y , Linn Co., Ore. M ay 4, 1922 Nave ’em fixed at Jewett’s H ALSEY GARAGE t»> Foote Bros. Money to Loan ARCHITECT C .C . B R Y A N T Metal Oil Barrel, Corn Cultivator 1 Horse Corn Planter A. Peterson Delivery Truck Registered Short­ horn Bull. I. 0 . 0 . F. W. J. Ribelin BARBER SHOP THOS. F. RYAN E. C. M IL L E R W RTCHMRKER& Jeweler STATE TREASURER F. M. GRAY, Drayman. E. L. Stiff FURNITURE EXCHANGE $30 to $75 FARMERS $15 »¿CASH fo w only trash into good