s -\ Z C V d Xj HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X HALSRY. L IN N COUNTS’. OREGON, THUR SDAY, M A Y Senior High Notes Friday’s Ball Game 1*22 Jots and Tittles NO. 35 Why Smith Left Home A 3-act Brownsville Briefs The game between Helaey and (Regular Correspondence) Brownaville opened with the latter Com odv at the bat ana at the first awing 1 * ! Robbers broke into Dunlap's and one of the Brownsville players got Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally ¡Stevenson’s drug stores Friday By the Junior Class of the hit by one of Deloe C lark’s “ Ina.” i night and made away with about and in Halsey Particularly Ray Evans than demonstrated how $600 worth of goods. Nearly $300 to make a home ran, but fanned I worth of cameras were taken from out. W . F. Carter is buying a goot tire carrier and license plate Dunlap’s while over $100 worth of Clark pitched the first taw in* many cattle. kodaks were stolen from the other Somebody knows where they are. nings and did splendid work; than store. Various other articles were Mrs. J. W . Pugh was on the Better tell him. Guy Merriam went into the box stolen. The robbers have not been sick list last week. H ill St Co. are distributors of until the last two innings; than identified but photographs of their W. A. Allen went to Eugene on Moline machinery in Halsey to Kenneth Croes took hia placE and finger prints were taken. Children 25c Rcrerved Seats Farm Bureau member a and others, business Monday. fanned two players. Adults 35c 45c The senior play, "Nothing but Delos Clark made a run in the C. L. Pettibone, a couple of O. J. Albertson and fam ily of the T ru th ", was presented twice Tickets at Stewart & Price’s firat inning, then Brownsville Potter were iu town Saturday. miles west of town, is going to Friday night with great success. Mockery. warmed up and eoored several Kansas and bad an auction sale This ’s a JX-bour play, full of Hugh There was a large audience, the There la no mockery like the mock­ points. Halsey did’nt ecore until Mra. Fred Taylor of Corvallis Saturday. ter, yet gives good advice to married j house being tilled almost to capa- ery of that spirit which look* around Clark made a ran in the eighth in ­ left here for Portland Wednrodwv folks 8. O. Dougherty left for his home Men, bring your wives and children | c*l V duriug both preformanceB. In the world and believes that all la ning. Preeton Newton and L. E. Walton and wife and J. W- and enjoy yourselves. emptiness.— E. H. Chapin. "W h itey ” Corbin made a ruu Moore were at the county seat F ri- in Portland Tuesday after a few Joseph Hume and Olaf Nelson, days’ visit with his mother and apiaoe. new owners of the Grand theater, 8 O 'C L O C K day. little son in Halsey. PLANTING SEEP IN GARDENS Mitehell scored four points, Ray­ announced the opening of their Mrs. Arthur Robnett and Mrs. mond Wymer made three runs, operations with a frge show Mrs. Edith Robnett and daugh. Methodist church increased the Always Advisable to Use Excess Hurley Overton two, Joe M cFar­ E C. M iller were Albany visitors ter Louise and Mrs. K arl Bram­ piano f uud by thuir eucceaeful ba­ Wednesday night, the pubbe be­ Supply So That Damage te land three, Dick Rggleetou two Friday. well and children were at the zar at the Rialto Saturday night. ing invited to see Douglas McLean Plants Is Minimised. in “ A Rooky's R eturn.’* and Edgar Kitchine one ran in the Mra. Margaret Jenkina of Linn county seat Friday. last inning. A farce by Albany college is ad­ I t la always advisable to plant an county died at the state insane The Brownsville B .Y .P .U . cel­ Fred lackeon lost a fine mare vertised for tomorrow night. ‘ ‘W hitey" Corbin caught and asylum Saturday. Its ebrated the closing of a member­ excess o f seed so that the damage te Saturday morning. She bled to title is "H Pays to Advertise.” ship contest with a party at the each plant la minimized. The young made several good playa in ths field W . A. Allan and M r. and Mrs. death, leaving a new-born foal Chat’s nolarce; it ’e a positive lact, plants, when they first come up, can and "Skeet” M ailer did hia beat to church Tuesday, A p ril 26. There be readily protected from beetles by outplay hia husky opponent by W ill Beene and eon Allen spent which is being raised by baud. M r. Pouttou of the Times and were games aud an oyster feed covering with an Improvised cover of compelling the pitcher to give him Sunday at the E . C. M iller home. the losing side. Mrs. Fred Schepmao, for several Dick Eggleston were in town from furnished by wire cloth or of thin cheesecloth. This a chance to show his ability as a . Prof. English went to Eugene years a resident of thia city, re­ Brownsville Friday and favored About fifty members were present. measure Is particularly practice] la ball player in spite of hie eise. Tuesday night to see the play of turned to her home in Creswell tbe Enterprise office with a call small garden patches. One of the brooders at the The teams were: Brownsville, Saturday after her visit here. Mrs. J. H . Griffith of Albany Charles Howe chicken ranch was Hurley Overton, Mitchell« Ray­ Hamlet (not with Hamlet left out.) mond Mymer, Joe McFarland, Fay George Maxwell misses a tire, The Standard Bearara of the and Mrs. Opal Higbee and twin destroyed by fire Saturday night. boys Glair and Clarence of Tangem Between 2000 to 3.500 chickens Evana, Dick Eggleston, John W ar­ spent Sunday at the E. C. M ille r were lost. The fire is thot to have ren, Kenneth Overton and Edgar ceeding sorrowful, even unto death. home. W e H ave been caused by an explosion of gas Litchine. EVERY THING Halsey’s line-up: Deloe Clark W hat Sorlptur»» show that Death as Ben T . Sudtell came over from from the fuel oil used. sin’» penalty 1» not life ! Kenneth Croes. Clarence McKern t ie couuty seat and cried the Petti­ O ptical Mrs. C. Hemenway and daugh­ Harold and M ilford M ullet Virgi ters Maxiue and Shirley speut the Daut. 80: 10. 10: I have eat before bone sale. E Y E S T R A IN and Everett Corbin, Preeton New thee thia day Ufa and good, aad death Mra. M ary West shopped at the week end with Mrs. Hazel Moyer. Is the Cause of Many ton and Qny Merriam. and avU. I have sat before you Ufa They motored up from Springfield. County metropolis Saturday. H U M A N IL L S and death, blessing and cursing; Brownsville people ettending the I f yonr eyes give you trouble or therefore choose life, that both thou Buck” Brown spent last Sun­ your glasses are annoying Monday at Robert Hamm erline’s and thy seed may live, Rom. 0: S I: day at the Arnold home at Shedd baseball game at Halaey were: SEE US. We can Relieve Yon Aletha Isom, Frances Coshow, Ev­ new bungalow the 90th birthday That as aln hath reigned unto death, Nearly all the farmers are sign­ elyn Schildmeyer, Paul Turner, even ao might grace reign through his mother, Mrs. Katherine Bancroft Optical Co. righteousness unto eternal life. Rom. ing the Canada thistle agreement. Charlie Robertson, Jessie Pyburn, 313 1st S t W. Albany. Phone Hammerlina, was celebrated by 4: 28: For the wages of sin la death: friends. County Commissioner Thoms is Dorothy McCollum, Ellen Baker, Halsey Christian Church but the gift of God la eternal life. on the job at the courthouse again, Mildred Coohran, Dorothy Faller, Rom. 8: 18: For If ye live after the Fay Proebstel, Edith Howe, Peggy after nine weeks’ illness. Church Announcements flesh ye shall die; hut If ye through Harriaon, Shirley Heuienway, Rev. the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the M r. Livengood, manager of the Christian : Mr. Morris, Lester M cKam ey, body, ye shall live. J. C. Penny store at Albany, is 10, Bible school. Gretia Harrison, Rev. M r. Wood- Fa. 22: 2»; None ana keep alive h it home from a convention of mana­ 11, Communion service and ser­ own aoul. Pa. 88: 18, 10: Behold, the gers iti northwest states and says worth, Wesley Holloway, Dcrotby mon. Ferrell, Ione Callaway, Mr. aud eyo o f the Lord ta upon them that faar there will be no material decline in 7, Christian Endeavor. him, . . . to deliver their aeflf Mrs. Darrell Sawyer, Helen Fan­ prices of goods this fall and that 8, Evening service. from death, and to keep them aUva. ning, Hulda Hammoud, Edna Lester Jones, pastor. Ezek. 18: 0: And will ye pollute Me some lines will be higher than now. Havnrland, Ruth Thompson, Prof. among My people for handfuls of bar- Tbe school board baa re-elected R. E. Baker, Burl Tycer, Ralph Methodist: lay and for places of broad, to slay all the force, including the janitor, Winstead, Fay Proebstel, Kenneth the souls that should not die, and to Sunday School, 10. for the next term at the exitttug Kent, Isaac Poutou, W illard save the souls alive that should not Preaching, 11. rate of pay, but Mrs. B. M Bond Waters. Cormelita and Elaine Hrof Is. 90: 8: Come unto ine; hoar, unior League, 8, and Miss Nora Pe hrs ton have other Woodworth. and your soul shall live. ntermediate League, 6:30. plans. The vacancies have not Epworth League, 6:80. W hat Scriptures show that daath as yet been filled. Mias Pebreson ex­ Halsey to Harrisburg ski's ponalty moans cutting off! Preaching, 7:80. pects to attend Willamette univer­ Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. (Albany Herald) P a 87 : 0, 22, 34: Evil doers shall sity at Salem. Bide are being received by ths bo cut off. They that be cursed of Rev, C. T. Cook, Paator, (Continued on page 3) Him shall be cut off. The wicked a rt state highway department for ths cut off. Lav. 22: 8: Whosoever . . . paving of the Pacific highway be­ PI ne Grove Church : T h e colors a n d styles goeth unto the holy things. . . . Cleanup Season tween Halsey and Harrisburg. Sunday School, 10. having hia uncleannasa upon him, that If it ia decided to have the pave­ The Home Making oiub met at th at suit you best Prayer-meeting, 7. soul shall ba cut off. Num. 19: 80 ment of concrete it will be paved the home of Georgina Clark April But the aoul that doeth aught pre T h e loveliest new fabrics have Just come ia . sumptuously, . . . the same rs 21. A short program was enjoyed, this summer but if some other The Penalty of Sin O u r counters are piled w ith b rillia n t ginghams proacheth the L o rd ; and that aoul it consisted of a reading by Georg­ paving ie to be laid it ia not ex­ and linens, th e charming new printed cottons, ina Clakr, a vocal duet by Cecil pected to begin work until some shall ba cut off. time next year in order to let the dotted Swiss, crepes o f cotton and o f silk, in W hat Scriptures shew that death as Mayberry and Mabel McKern and rock base settle during the winter. every summery color, crisp organdies, delicate a reading by W illam ina Corcoran. fly The Layman's Hama Mlaaianary •In ’s penalty means perlahlngt This is the only stretch of the voiles. Come in today and see them Select Tbe lesson waa on arrangement of Mavamant, 1827 Snyder Ava^ Job 4 : 0 : uy the blast of Ood they materials in interesting color combinations for furniture aud equipment. A verv highway in Linn county that con­ perish, and by tbe breath of Hia nos Philadelphia, Pa. your Spring frocks. nice time was enjoyed. [A p ril 22 tracts have not been let for with trlls are they consumed. Job 4: 19. the exception of a couple of miles What la the penalty af Slnf 18: My brethren have dealt deceit­ would have been a good time to Five hundred designs for the new Spring bring this to the office instead