itfm.od household help is hard to :ames and a tine feed was enjoyed, adopted a dull greenish blue for ell I’he la tte r included ice cream and I id seems unfounded as regards their spring models. •this comm unity, eatables such as the Halsey Re- Jenny has adopted forget-me-not P H O N O C R A P H S A N D R E C O R D S bekahs are wont to produce. There blue end raspberry reds for taffetas A. Clausen’s farm home, three! T h e S t o r e w ith » i i n n n r a is uo guesswork in our assertion and for crepe de chines. And from miles west o f A lb an y, was burne l , | e a 4 ® ! v (J v ? 1 other French sources comes reliable tiin d a y m orning. M r. Clausen, 11 I Early Dent a trial. H arrisburg to have charge of the splendid for ensilage and } funeral o f Mrs. L y d ia Burnett, y makes wtdl-filled. early- } »ho died last Sunday. She bave» matured ears. Our cata­ husband, one eon and two è d iiig h le rs She was a nu mber of log tells all about it. < “ i ‘?)?n i *n°Ctur" einr i ,S h arP MaJ” P ^ n o Elly Ney ffLoOl Hungarian Dance No. 1, Piano... “ ” id C B and ! I I III ft h n H et k l» ‘ < r» ',i m . O th in e I r 'h - U n ite d H re tb re n c h u rch The « virength. Ruota l«n ,„ ,| l> B u rne tt amt Co -k f . m ili s « wm rrv, klr i ream (I „ _ , . - , F O R T IH to .m l » feet I 1 Î » « 8 at I n, Mien » Foot (Use. i*l,» i,ie Junction C ity f t li»ls W Druggist C O L A. O R Ringo, IT E makes old straw look like new. Lola L o .„ ......................... In 1920 $255,785,538 worth of firm s and homes in Oregon wen- under mortgave for an aggregate f $^8,039,5K8, nr more than oue- Roland Marks cam« over from h ird of the total value. '»• A. C. and spent the week en< with ids parents in th is c ity . Mr». Ida Afaxwell of A lb a n y, who had been vis itin g Mrs. Sallev h«re, weul home M onday. P o rtla n d m otored to Halsey e I ’ t i l h u m 's I » y e s 1611_____ 2246 i Poor Little Me ..Bennie Krueger 7«>c ( Don t Leave Me, Mammy.. ^ngel ........... Se.> ? " ï e! Child Child......' 7 ........... Selvin’« Orchestra Pythagoras’ famous recipe for lon­ gevity was: “Eat nothing on your bread hut honey “ H. C r L X i J Z T d S d i S r s f t ' 7. — fWldsChanih V t£6Ai«jjwu«ui/LAntay Ak T Round one -H e is br.niled N G 'by O.d .„ d driven ,nto th . croci crool world Round two—He te Ganbont W illi» n. fistic artist Round T h r e e - H . wtned .„ d,i h’ L ’ r t r ? \nd"then°“ ' v ‘ , ’ h ’tTWtKT b” »»<• •«•rvy eves. £ Also a Mermeid Comedy— tw o reels ♦ Relieve the Eyes from the «train of sewing and the operation becones 50 per c e il easier ,he cloth, watching the d,BC‘ ng needle sre ruin- ’ h* We manufacture »nd ell the moat reliable lenses on the mar- O p t& m entrißt. ALLAN T (Myra Harold Albro. Manufacturing Opticiso.