Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, April 27, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    APRIL 27, IU23
Fictionized from
the Selig-Rork-,
First National
screen version of
the famous play
there is sure to he satisfaction. For the
family dessert there is Uothing so d e ­
licious. W lib each succeeding spoonful
you’ll like it more and more. Let us
send you some. We have all flavors
We sell pints, quarts, half gallons and
Mrs. Albert Wagner and son
Claieuce were in town Friday.
The advertising wagon of the
Al B<rnes circus passed through
t >wo Friday.
We sell
the Claxtonola
Come in and hear it play
All phonograph records aud needles.
Another effort is to be made to
tbe Crawfordsville, Oak
Grove, Creseut H ill aud Rocky
Point districts to the Brownsville
high school.
ISAAC ABRAHAMSON «re the thrw fathers'
of the peaceful M<tle Bahia« villa«« of Bandj
Bay s o l d « mad« possible by m ai'a faith la
man They «rtev. for the loee of the «rand old
man of tb« villa««, and f«ar the arrival from
the city of hl» «capecraoe n «h «w
K KN WARD WRIGHT. who may Inherit the
T. H. Barber, Mre. Pitman’s
uncle from Wisconsin who has
been visiting here, started for
points in Washington aud his
home Friday.
hood sweetheart«, are v*«u«ly troubled becatwe
Bruce know« that W rlfht. loo. lov«e the «lrL
ALICE WILTON, foollah little Aster o f Brum,
•eta her cap for the city man. unknown to her
brother and m nfle mother. K nowles that her
father favor* Wright'» euR. Brum lueee no time
In telling Vera of his love. She •>
and he gtrea her hts mother s roeary
But at the reading of the will, much
body’s surprise. Ken ward Wright la disinherited
and Brum falls heir to part of the fortune, the
rmt being distributed throughout Baiuly Bay
b r i g h t b id es hie true fevhn gs in publla. but
once a Ion« evil forces prevail aad be vows
Mesdames McMahan, Drinkard
and Sawyer ol Brownsville visited
the Sweet Home Rebekah lodge and
the former delivered
an address
on lodge actizities.
Stewart & Price Confectionery
A Genuine Riding
Corn Plow for
Prices on other machinery have a drop.
.... » ,
the standard makes of the world.
G. W. Mornhinweg
The budding trees of spring
brought closer to life the marriage
of Vera and Bruce—and the great
dream of Father Kelly for a new
Church of the Rosary.
Miss Lillian Barber has taken
The priest’s loyal friends knew
the place left vacant by Miss Ger­
well his tendency to give away his
trude McKern as housekeeper and
all to the poor and so one day when
personal attendant for Mrs. Wheel­
Capt. Mather and Isaac Abraham­
er, who is slowly recovering from
son paid their daily visit to the
porch of the parish house, they
a paralytic stroke.
sternly upbraided him for his latest
I n t e r e s t p a id o n tim e c e r tif ic a te s o f d e p o s it
Pate, a Linn county
•''W e are reliably informed that
schoolteacher who married W illiam
W e in v ite y o u r b a n k in g b u s in e s s
you are starving yourself to death
D. Bayne three years ago and
C . H. K O O N TZ, P re s.
in order to build the church,” quoth
P T A Y L O R , V ic e -P re s .
went to Alaska with him to live,
the old sea dog accusingly.
B. M. BOND; C a s h ie r
died there last Thursday. A son,
Father Kelly was perplexed, but
born March 4, had lived but five
the doughty old warrior continued:
"In behalf o f ’ the people of Sandy
days, and she never recovered.
" It w ill be a fine lubacription to my building fun d," declared Father
Bay, we desire to present you with
There were plenty of bids for
this purse."
K elly.
"N o t by a damn eight," thundered the old sea captain.
Father Kelly was delighted: “It
carrying the daily mail between
"Y o u ’ve got to swear to spend every dollar fo r victuals.” T h e three
will be a fine subscription to my
Halsey and Sweet Home.
eld cronies of the s to ry /F a th e r K elly, Captain Celeb M ath er end
C. If you have been drifting along—spending all, saving nothing—stop
building fund,” he agreed.
one • ugh; to get > hecontrat t Then
Isaac Abraham son, are pertrayed by Lewis Stone, Bert W oodruff
‘‘Not by a damn sight,” thundered
and think.
the profane old captain. "You’ve
end D ore Davidson.
You must realize that it cannot g o on forever. One’s earning days are
road and several days to get a letter
got to swear to spend every dollar
numbered. Now, while your earning power is the greatest, see to it that Í!
of it for victuals."
seven miles
from this city to
each payday pays S omething toward your future I ndrpknubncb ,
Abrahamson was horrified at his to walk for many miles along the
Brownsville and vice versa.
“If any scandal about you and
friend's lack of respect for the shores, beneath the rugged cliffs that Kenward
W t will welcome yotir account and help you save.
reaches Bruce, something
priest. , It was his turn to relieve reared majestically above (he Sea. terrible will happen.”
night Brownsville
the good man's mind by surprising At this time of trouble he was sur
will see the high-school histrions
But Alice was too overwhelmed
him with a check for $2,000, signed irised to come upon the’ Widow
in two presentations of “ Nothing
by Bruce Wilton, and contributed Vilton. at prayer, alone in li e soli­ with the fascinating attentions of
’Where Savings are safe ”
Four per cent and no worry. !
but the T ru th ", which, if true to
to the building fund. Father Kelly's tude of nature. She was «eening th | suave Wright to heed.
'Oh Vera I” she cried, "you’re so
expressions of happiness were rudely The good man sought to so w « her
I interrupted, however, when an un­ trouble, thinking at first of flier chil­ old-fashioned. Ken loves me and
from the political partisan appeals
welcome visitor to Sandy Bay strode dren, but as he beheld this aged he's going to marry me 1” Poor little
with which the halls of the state
up to the parish house in search of woman, stricken with tears, he saw fool 1
If was shortly after that Vera,
will ring in the coming months
Bruce Wilton.
As Capt. Mather in a flash the colleen whom he had
reared back in his chair, the very loved as a boy He did not need to while strolling with Bruce, caught
The Brownsville baseball play­
picture o f indignation, Donald Mac­ inquire what he saw instinctively in sight of Alice stealing into Wright's
ers have organized as the Twilight
Tavish, a lawless old pirate of the her eyes. And, as if in answer to house. Now, thoroughly alarmed,
league with Rev. C. G . Morris,
fishing industry, made known his his gentle sympathy, she poured vira hastily dismissed her lover
and hurried to her own home. With
wishes to do business with the Sandy forth her sorrow:
Jesse R. Hinman of the Times and
Bay cannery. Now, MacTavish was
‘‘AU these years I’ve prayed for a swain s persistency he tried to dis­
C. C. Snyder of the bank of
a fisher of bad reputation.
strength, Brian,” she said, "but I‘ve suade her and failing, departed per­
Brownsville as president, secretary
The *hot-headed youthful Bruce failed. I can’t forget the day you plexed and not a little resentful, c
D e tr o it Vapor O il S'loVo
When Vera had made sure of his
and treasurer respectively of a
wanted nothing to do with him, but gave me this rosary.”
MacTavish was not to be lightly
board of directors.
Teams are
With infinite tenderness Father departure she made her way to the
thwarted. "My fish art fish, mind Kelly replied: "When you look at Wright cottage, in the hope of per­
organized in North Brownsville,
that/', he shouted.
this peaceful village, which, by our suading the foolish Alice to leave
/ ‘Where did you catch your fish, sacrifice we have helped, has it not before being seen. Kenward Wright
Brownsville, and games will begin
was shaking a cocktail in the
MacTavish, if I may be so bold to been worth it all?”
May 1 at 6:16— twilight,
ask?” said Father Kelly.
“I will strive to bear my cross, kitchen when the alarmed Vera
H e listened to her
. MacTavish roared. "Ye are a Brian,” she promised, "and pray that intruded.
Tbe christening of the renovated
canny, raon,” ’"fje replied. "Where the day may come when I can help
explanation with considerable amuse­
Brownsville woolen mills building
think ye?" Old Capt Mather leaped mankind as you have done."
to his fejfct. Shaking his fist in the
Friday night was participated io by
Although the reformed Skeeters ment. Things were coming his way.
other's'face, he raged: "Where the had. become the proud .owner of a Beside herself with fear, Vera as­
fifteen hundred people and netted
law forhids you to cast a net. I’ll fishing smack and w as’a great fa ­
several hundred dollars to the
wager” «
vorite with the villagers, he, too, the younger girl to leave despite her
Americau Legion.
Tlrere were
As usual Father Kelly separated had his troubles. He had fallen in protestations.
'I don't care what you say," Alice
two bands, two dance balls and
the combatants and said to the fish love with the pretty Alice Wilton
pirate plainly: "There is no room at first sight, only to be told at all whimpered.
felecitious speeches by the mayor,
H e’s going to marry me and take
for lawlessness, in Sandy Bay, Mac­ times and very plainly that she had
M r. Bowman, owner of the mill,
Tavish.” Raging and fuming. Mac­ no time for "hicks.” The silly girl had me to a large place in his car.”
and candidates for office from
And she stamped her little foot In
Tavish strode off swearing venge­ quite naturally become desperately
governor down and speakers who
ance In every breath.
captivated by the worldly airs of rage.
Suddenly Alice, hearing ’voices,
were not candidates.
What evil force led him to Ken- Kenward Wright. With anger and
ward Wright, who, tom with con­ resentment smoldering in his heart glanced out of the window. What
Ed Morgason and son Myrle of
flict and hungry for revenge, was against Bruce, whom he felt had she saw held her transfixed for the
Portland came up Saturday to
In a receptive mood for any scheme? usurped his place, Wright made moment with terror. A half-wit, the
"I hear that young schemer, Bruce Alice a willing plaything for his village character, had brought Bruce
spend Easter with his brother, R
to the very door. From their gesture
Wilton, has cheated ve out o’ your moods.
C, Morgason of Shedd. Mr. Mor­
f-rtune,” he eaid. ‘'Come ye. Join
It was the gentle Vera who first and Bruce's evident excitement, Alice
gason received a telegram Sunday
with me. I’ve got plans to make.” discovered
from realized the coming tragedy. Sud­
morning that his father, “ Grand­
The angry Wright acquiesced, and Wright’s house.
Fearful of the denly she turned and fled to the
the pair went into a partnership that younger girl's danger Vera prop­ haven of the kitchen, leaving the be­
pa” Morgason, died at 12:30 Sat­
soon wrecked the peace of Sandy erly scolded her, but Alice, ever wildered Vera alone to face her own
urday evening.
Tbe father was
Bay. «
oetulant and spoiled, considered sweetheart. The door opened—Vera
92 years old and bad spent the
stood spellbound and afraid.
When sore beset with the prob­ Vera old-fashioned and prudish.
last two years of his life with his
It was Bruce.
lems that confronted the simple folk
"Don’t you understand?” asked
daughter, Mrs. M. G. Coon, in
of the village Father Kelly wae wont Vera, vainly.
(To be continued)
Portland. He was well-known in
Come in and let us talk it
B IN D E R and
We will swap for your old Binder.
» . McCormick and Deering
Rev. M. S. Woodworth and his
daughter Rlaine and both his sons
and Mrs. Hazel Moyer were over
from Brownsville Friday evening
and called at the Wheeler home.
W here Our Ice Cream is Served
11 a r i i s I > ii rg has a hand of mitsir
of 18 members, all Masons.
Stewart & Priu« have added
the Claxtonola and records for that
and all other phonographs to their
i in « .
Synopsis of Preceding Chapters of
“T U Rosary"
Capital andjSurplus $35,000
Be Honest With Yourself
h"* <
The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon <
to her home.— Saturday's Eugene tber Fred has bought property for
a home.
Many nearby regions had enough
George Maxwell. Lynn Norton,
snow Easter day to make the Frank Kirk and Chrin Falk were
(Continued from page 1)
D illard Price went to' Albany ground look white. Halsey did’nt among the visitors to Albany F ri­
Sam Sawyer talks of opening day.
buisness at t'becloted Loeb sawmill
Mrs. Fred Jackson from Lake
The Brownsville American le
at Brownsville.
Creek and two children visited
gion post expects to commence
B. H . Bowers and wife of I work on its uew community build­
Mrs Wheeler Suoday.
Brownsville called at W illiam H. ing very soon.
Four bogus $10 checks were Wheeler’s Sunday. They were on
The Pioneer association
passed oil Harrisburg merchants their way to Corvallis to nave some
given up all hope of erecting an
the other day and the artist dis­ dental work done.
auditorium at the Brownsville citv
Bart Shea and wife, who have1 park this year
Tbe ten-weeks-old son of W ill been visiting Mr. Shea’s mother,
Cecil, ten-year-old son of Fred
Abraham and wife of Shedd, their Mrs Evans, at Brownsville, left
only child, died Thursday night. in their automobile for their Den- Jackson of LakeCreek, was thrown
from a horse Saturday and split
last week.
Mrs. Margaret White of Halsey ver tn home
, r,
. .
i -..V
breast bone so that he is going
was discharged from tbe Eugene
Earls Carey and sister Pearl will about in bandages
hospital yesterday and has returned move to Eugene, where their bro-I
, ,, _
I A. H. Tucket of Eugene, plant
----------------- -----------------------------¡chief of the Pacific States Tele.
i graph and Telephone company for
this district, and Mra. Tucker call­
ed at the Wheeler home and at
C. P. Stafford’s Sunday,
Jots and Tittles
¿ R e a l E s ta te a n d in s u r a n c e
the Shedd vicinity.— Shedd
Thomas F. Ryan of Oregon City,
state senator, who was deputy
state treasurer under Thomas F.
Kay, is a very much alive candi­
date for the repul lican nomination
HE RED STAR is a marvelous advancement for homes without gas
It gives to these homes the same smokeless ami odorless heat aadoes
to succeed State Treasurer Hoff.
the city gat range. It is wickless, ashless and dirtless, because it gen­
He and his son called at this office
its own gas from cheap kerosene, gasoline or distillate, coucentrat-
Saturday morning. He is tbe first zjv erates
ing a double ring of heat beneath the cooking utensil and saving at least
of all the large number of candi­
one-fourth of fuel bill. Operates 19 hours on a gallon of fuel,
dates seeking office this year to
make use of the Enterprise’s ad­
vertising columns in the campaign.
The body of Bowker, killed by
Hecker, was found Friday in tbe
Calapooia river, where it bad float­
ed when thrown from a bridge.
It was tied in a hop sack such as
Hecker was known to have bought
before the murder. There was a
bullet bole in the back of the head.
The killing is believed to have
been done on the road, three miles
north of Oregon City.
H ill & Marks of Albany have
been employed for the defense in
the trial ol Hecker for tbe murder
A brooder and 100 chicks be­ f Bowker, which will probably be
longing to Jack Keeney at Sweet in Multnomah county.
Home were burued within twenty*
( Continued on page 4)
rohrbaugh :
415-421 W e s t F ir s t st., A lb a n y , O re g o n
t « t« ». «
AW.W «. W R W ««»I
Automobile Insurance
F ire , t h e f t , c o llis ic n , p r o p e r ty d a m a g e a n d
p e r s o n a l lia b ility .
P r o te c t y o u r s e lf a g a in s t
lo ss.
C. P. STAFFORD, Agent.