V PAG E 2 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E A P R IL 27, 1922 WHERE YOUR TAXES GO a bare pittance when they'could com­ mand salaries double or treble the amounts they receive from the govern­ ment, but whe, fo r the love of their country and for the love of their work, hare rejected alluring offers In the field of private enterprise They were too fine and too patriotic to leave their posta i by the birds chirping and a queer 6 /ite (2o n f e e t io n er^ whiatle of some strange bird. I 129 Broadalbin »t. realized that I bad been dreaming. OBBGON As 1 recalled my dream, 1 thought ALBANY If vou are hungry when in ,-Vbany I was boarding the great ship, coinc where lor a very little money you called tbe Senior Class. can get the best lunch or dinner, pie- As I entered the stateroom, pared by tbe beat cooks, and eat it amid which ia the high school buildiog, pleasant surroundings. A few items .’ I felt very proud to think I was Soups___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c on this large ship of education. M e a ts . — —---------------- --------- 15 and 20c Vegetables-------------- 5c 1 Aa I gazed over the water, far far Salads _________________ -.5 , 10 and 15c in the distance I saw trees, some Pie „ — —_______. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lUc small, .some a little taller, and Cake .............................................................10c some tall ones. These represented Chicken dinner evey Sunday______ ..40c O ther prices sim ilar, the freshman, sophomorO and E D S T O R T Z Prop. junior claaee*, but they all te e m e d small by the side of the ship, call­ ed the Senior Class. A man called “ All aboard” and we were off on our education voy­ age. This man was the professor "Pupils” , he began, “ ibis is the G O O D R IC H , starting of a new year. You are G O O D Y E A R and F ISK ail here for your own good. Let us go forward with a will of< doing T IR E S our best. Let each one do his or W e w ill be open evenings from now her own part to make this claaO a on d uring tbe summer months. success, that tbe class ¿ext year IfP lease do not call Sunday unless neces­ may use you for an exaidple-” s ity . Yours tru ly, The baggage-man stopped for­ ward and begau to makh prepara­ Foote Bros. tions for stopping. Thia free the senior class president, who called the class to order aud asked for C. C. B R Y A N T the nomiuatidns. ATTORNEY A T LAW Soon another whistle was heard and we were all launched safely 201 New First Nat’l Bank Bld'g, <>ti the other aide of the ocean of Albany, Oregon, Failures, and on the ocean, tar in the distance, the next senior class was starting on its educational Amor A. Tussing voyage. LAWYER AND NOTARY A French chemist declares that (by Edward G. Low ry) the world. Yee; they bound them­ They An independent—N O T neutral— news­ selves—with a rope of sand. XIV. paper. published every Thursday, promised to withdraw from Shan­ SYSTEM IS ALL WRONG by W m I I . & A. A W H E E L E R . tung by a specifiic date if—. Wiu. II. W h k m i . k h E d ito r. The great difficulty that stands In M m A A. WHKKI.KB Business Manager They promised to get out of Siberia the way of discussing U n do Sam as and Loud News Editor. and northern Saghulien by speci­ an employer la that there la no such “Under the compelling force o f pa­ person. T he men who stand In the fied date if—. triotism they made w illing sacrifices relation of employer to th eir subordi­ Subscriptions, <1.50 a year in advance They are withdrawing fro m nates are nothing but employees them­ during the w ar, but with the return of Transient advertising, 25c an inch; per­ peace the government cannot expect manent, 20c. N o discount for time tho e places as rapidly as they selves, ami temporary ones a t that, to retain these employees Indefinitely, or space withdrew from Korea after promis­ w ith a very fleeting tenure of office. because In justice to themselves and In " l'a id -fo r Paragraphs," 5c aline. Cabinet officers and members of con­ ing, without any *‘ifs” , to do so. gress, to whom the rank and file of their fam ilies they w ill sooner or later Noadvertisiug disguised as news. accept the larger opportunities th a t are Well, maybe they will fulfill all employees look for guidance for. a open to them In the world of husln solution of th eir problems,,are simply and Industry unless tbs government before the f ilia l H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore A p ril 27, 1922 those promisee fleeting flgnres that come and go. with judgment day,” and maybe they tbelr own Interests to serve. They proposes to pay them salaries that at least reasonably approach the value of testify freely enough as to conditions won’t. their services. RELIGION BY LAW of government employment. Senator At Washington we acheived a C arter Glass, recently secretary of the “Only prompt action by the congn to build up a permanent and dignified I great diplomatic triumph —on treasury, for example: civil service which w ill include men At the laying of the cornerstone' paper. •T h e largely multiplied business of of great ability and high attainments of the national Baptist memorial the government cannot be conducted Our congress, while dallyiug with efficiency and economy unless can prevent mistakes and failures In to Roger Williams at Washington with inconsequential trifles, rec- there he attracted to and retained in the transaction of the public business, the consequences of which may be last Saturday Secretary of State oginizes the situation sufficiently the puBHc service a group of highly calamitous.” Hughes declared that the principle well-paid and permanent offl Ex-Representative Good, who was to rescind the drastic cut it had trained, clals of supervisory grades. Uncer­ of religious liberty was distinct­ chairman of the appropriations com proposed to make in the navy. tainty of tenure In some Instances and mlttee of the house. Is equally frank ively an American institution ” Lord Nortbcliffe, the British inadequacy of compensation have ‘T o d ay duplication In the govern ami that the memorial was “ a closed the public service to many men newspaper king, home from a trip of ment service abounds on every hand the best type or forced them out of tribute to the pioneer who first in around the world, declares that government employ at the moment of For example, eight different depart America erected the standard of menta of the government, with large Japan it consolidating and their greatest usefulness overhead organizations, are engaged religious liberty” and a *' pledge ‘T h e war has increased the public strengthening her military system In engineering work, In navigation, Ir that ibis principle shall be held more than twenty-five fold and rlgatlon and d rainag e; eleven different at an expense that makes her tax­ debt has augmented the functions and ac­ invi i! ite.” are engaged In engineering ation the most burdensome in the tivities of the government In many bureaus Mr Hughes ought to know bet­ world and that her object is dom­ ways. The duties are greater and the research; twelve different organlza tlons are engaged In road con ter th in that. That principle has ination and subjection first of responsibilities are larger than those stmctlon, while twelve, w ith large o f other days, to the standards of overhead organizations, are engaged been \ioiated by state laws every China and then of the world, which it Is not to be expected tbal In hydraulic construction and sixteen day of the existence of the nation Japan’s diplomats are the the government w ill ever return. The are engaged In surveying and map conditions are such that failu re to take One reason Mr. Williams was ban­ ping. Sixteen different bureaus exer shrewdest in existence. Whe >dors follow a regular sequence the necessary action to invite and B row nsville , O regon else Jurisdiction over water-power de ished from the religio-political hold In the public service men o f ex representatives of other nation like tbe notes of a musical scale velopment. Nine different organize state of Massachusetts was his pro­ dons are collecting Inform ation on the md can be combined in groups as think to have them oornerod be­ ceptlonal ability and of real distlnc tlon In their fields can result only lp test against a Sunday law as vio- consumption of coal. Forty-tw o differ yond escape thev suddenly discove soothing to tbe mind and nose aa grove burdens to the taxpayers o f the Peterson ent organizations, w ith overhead ex­ iutlng religious liberty. He found­ country and In possible disaster. that the little brown man is ju music to the mind aud ear. When penses, are dealing with the question ed the Aiuerian Baptist church in Fine “A lready the transaction of the of public health. like Josh Billings' flea, “ W h e n t nose artist lets loose a tune of plot >et against religious legislation business o f the government Is ham “The Treasury department, the War you put your fiuger on him be pered by deficiencies of personnel due -mella on-us may the Lord deliver but today there are members of Dress Shoes a Specialty department, the In te rio r department aiu’t there." to the return to private life of many is from jazz! that church working for a uational and the Labor department each has a men of large capacity who during the bureau dealing w ith the question of 501 Lyon s t, Albany, Oregon, Sun Jay law. period o f active w arfare were willing Among Brownsville people who general education. These department* Keep your powder dry, but be and glad to nerve their country al i hey may not get it, but men ailed on Mrs. Wheeler Sunday operate Independently; Instances o f co­ great personal sacrifice. I have come aru being fined and imprisoned optimistic. operation between them are excep­ were Jeweler W. J, Laos and wife to learn that there are heroes In the tional. Each o f these departments Is un ier state law for working on civil establishments as well as in the Because 25,000 permits havi m ilitary services, self-sacrificing pa manned at all times w ith an organlxa Mrs. J. Wi Cook and son David, Sunday, though they obey the dec- Hies Beatrice Walgamot, Mrs. W WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. tlon prepared to carry the peak of the been issued in New York for tli trlots who toll year In and year out foi Robert Loucks, alng and refrain from lal>or on the Regular meeting next Saturday load aud maintains an expensive A. Davenport. carrying of concealed weapons the ready-to-serve personnel. A lack of Paul Kent and Lloyd Henderson. night. seventh day. Albany Democrat argues that then co-operation In the executive depart­ Everyone is cordially in v ite d to a- New Hampshire has incapaci ments necessarily leads to gross ex- must be as many carried withoin end the The Albauy-Lebanon-Caacadia t.ced Roman Catholics from hold travsgance. The system la wrong, and license by the bad men against rjad project has been poet congress alone can change the system." 'r o y r a m R,ven by the ing office. The principle of relig whom the licenses need the protec­ poned till a more convenient Bea­ Office 1st door south of school house lots liberty is not held inviolate S ta n d a r d S h e a re r son. 1 Halsey, Oregon. tion afforded by the weapons School Essays Maybe. And maybe half or more girls at R ialto ball Saturday.uight, Apri Dealer in Real Estate. (By Virgil Corbin) A DIPLOMATIC FLEA At last spring smiles more than H a n d le t Town end Country Property. of the licensees are the had men -’9, 1922. Gravity: me day in succession. Ice cream G ive h im a call and tee if he can fix The real underlying motive in themselves. Who knows? I am a power that none can under­ becomes again a constant instead you up. c tiling of the Washington disarm. stand. >f all kinds. B ring your cash i if a eemi-occasioual visitor at . iinint conference was to dispel an I rise through air, through aea, When masked meu raided » :oiue. ‘ Hewait & Price’s and the little through land. i-ctual disturbing and uncomfort- teeds in the ground send Up shoots. home at Inglewood, Loa Angeles, I point the p ith for the world to utile uneasiness over our relations F O R SALE cheap—One light Sunday one of them was shot and follow. Electric Haircutting, Massaging with Japan. I make the water aeek forever the killed aud two wounded. Tin­ Sen. and Shampooing. Our administration breathed a man killed proved to be an officer hollow. Cleaning and Pressing. great sigh of relief and sent broad­ of the iaw engaged in an unlawful New Willard Battery. Car i A feather obeys my stern command, f bold tbe sun in my mighty hand. cast songs of rejoicing when the raid. Whenever a band.of masked very good shape. E. C . M IL L E R or O iegon Q tty . Whenever you try your weight on Foote Bros,’ Garage Nipponese bound themselves to men parades, unless ku iwn to scales Formerly Brownsville Man withdraw from China and Siberia the authorties and licensed, ii ARCHIE CORNELIUS You test my strength that never wanted, youngorm id for and to cease construction of what ought to be lawful to shoot at them fails. die aged. Etderl Men apend their lives in vain to wight become the biggest navy in and shoot to kill. couple ; no washing : <5 a week. Mrs learn my ways, E xp ert workmanship. Watches Win. H Wheeler, postoffice building and To claim for man what wisdom dock« a specialty. Halsey. that they may. HALSEY OREGON FO R SALE Though I am always at your very band Honesy, efficiency and econOmft w ’ ith tw en ty per cent reduction in I rule the stars, tbe aea, the land, maintenance expenaea For I can claim neither sound, or guaranteed shape or aight, One l ear old. ] Phone 26 Yat tbe whole world hangs on my mystic might. A IL Q U IM B Y All work done promptly and ■TT- reaaonably. Phone No. 26W.9 (ByClarice Gourley) A . C J E N K IN S "hanticleer : W R IG H T & PO O LE Chanticleer was a large black Fisk Premier Tread Six Ply N ob - Skid tlinorca cock. Iu tba sunlight L IC EN SED F U N E R A L D IR EC TO R S SO I 3 1 1 -1 1 0 .« Cord 31 x 4 <27.00 his glossy feathers reflected all tbe Nan-Skid Fabric H A RRISBU RG LEBAN ON Non-Skid Cord 3 0 x S H - 14.85 olors of the rainbow. His comb RED STAR Oil Stoves Phone 35 Phone 15 BAI.TIMOR* BUILDING 32 i 4 — 30.50 Extra-Ply Red Top «vas as red as the coat of the ecar­ Branches at C or F ir s t A Lyon »tt.. Albany, Gregor 80 x 3M— 17.85 Non-Skid Cord et ta nager On tbe whole, Brownsville, Phone 37C15. Six-Ply Non Skid 32 x 4W— 39.00 haniee, as he was called by hia , Hslsey Phone 166, Frank K irk , M g r Clincher Cord Non-Skid Cord w . G . C A R T E R 'S few friends and a quaintances, was ¡ O t h e r O il Stoves 30 x SH — 17.85 34 a 4M— 41.00 a very handsome cock—but proud Six-Ply Non Skid Cord Straight Side --- *>.».. ... nd haughty aa Lucifer. up Non-Skid Cord T im a to R e -tlr e ? 3 « x 3 IM H — 19.86 35 1 5 — 5L60 One morning Chantee flew down E veryth in g at bargain prices. ( B u y F la k ) from his rafter in the barn and 422 West First st., Alhany, Oregon. trutted out and began to bully a i t ready for order* for all kinds of haul r P H E lower prices on Fisk G ir d Tire« are interest- * ing. M oving a specialty. Phone l i t small bantam cock called B-ntie, ■ ing to you because they buy more tire value than whom he considered greatly in- \ 2842 page« ferior to himself. Bantee was very higher priced tires can give you. Comparison w ith ; 400,000 vocabulary terms mall, and be was just as kind and 6000 illustrations other tires w ill show you Fisk are bigger, stronger, (Successors to Croas A W h ite ) humble aa Chantee was proud and Two doors north of the hotel 12,000 biographical entries and lower priced throughout the range of sizes. 30,000 geographical subjects Am prepared to do all kinds o) f B r r e 'x a Fï