f . ü VOL. X halsey enterprise HALSEY, L IN N CO UNTY. OREGON. TH U R SD A Y, APR 27. .922 NO. 34 Shedd Shots Halsey Wins Pennant County Convention at Mr. and Mr». Rogers spent the week end with Mrs. Rogers’ par­ ents in Albany. , Jots and Tittles I FUN AT THE RIALTO Girls Chew Twine and Boys The A. D. Kern company, which Short Stories of Happening in Linn County Generally Preston Newtou, W ilm etta F or«, owns Saddle Butte, has started Gulp Crackers. and in Halsey Particularly ter, John Bass, Melba Neal and work again after a brief ehut-dowo on account of the weather. John Standish went to the Chria. This is General G rant’s birthday. Saturday night a party was given Rialto Friday and the play w,a, as owree M r. M erriam ’s mother who tian Endeavor convention at H a r­ at the home of M r. and Mrs. Miss Lillian Sneed is home from is very ill. she expects to be away , uayal, a good clean one aud well risburg Saturday evening. Elder two weeks. 1 ¿O,1,D8- A large number , Poitland for a visit. appreciated. Jones delivered a very interesting I attended. After the usual pregram came M. E. Gardner and wife, B. M. ' l . A fjh u r Robnett started painting talk. The Harrisburg Junior En- Halsey Christian Church an extra, put ou by Flovd E Charles Troutman took a truck- I the From warehouse Monday ond and wife, H. Zimmerman and deavorers staged a pageant that oad of flour to Harrisburg for 0 Bentley, in which people from th^ • e, Mrs. M C. Bond and Misses Ex-C ity Marshal L. D. Vidito of Church Announcements audience took part and helped fur- was rendered nicely and taught a M . Thompson, the miller at Shedd. Mona Bond and June Leighton Brownsville was in Albany Mon- uiah laughter-provoking arnuse- C hristian: good lesson : “ The Christian Life were in Albany on Saturday. J. R. Hobbs and wife of Albany day. | ineut. 10, Bible school. When Accepted,’’ ’.The Halseyites c u PJ T i #od 7“ ited friend« in That baseball game between the H,T|bi ^ ° On‘ Z 9 ° ’ 8leW8rt A ***>•. 11, Moruing service. East Sunday Mrs Logan had agree that they Were benefited by Shedd last Saturday on their way Harrisburg and Brownsville h ig h i Hill A Co and w . A. Ringo had ^>»30, Christian Endeavor. Mrs. Fox and Mrs. L. A. Pray at going. ' to Albany from Brownsville. school teams was at last played at contributed a nice collection of 1 30, Evening service, dinner. Evan. Patterson was elected I he former city and Brownsville A large number of Shedd folks merchandise which tbe peripatetic Lester Jones, pastor, The young people’« homemakers' wou, 15 to 3. county president, Miss Margaret attended the opening of the woolen promoter distributed in prize« ac. club plans a spring cleanup for lh ill.p s vice-president, W illiam m ill at Brownsville. Methodist: ~ cording to various rules invented Halsey. . I h - w S h*’ ?h?<’ 1 i unior cla” will Moore secretary aod Miss Fern . or the entertainment of the on- Sunday School, 10. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Duncan of Lake treasurer. Left Home’’ at j lookers. Douglas Taylor and wife and f i * 'p . V Preaching, 11. Tangent spent Sunday in Shedd tne R'alto Saturday evening, May Brownsville was designated for i First, numbers were drawn from Lawrence Taylor visited the countv Junior League, 8. visiting relatives. 6. and Halsey people are euro to n txt fear’s convention, seat Friday. a g asa bowl by Roy Reynolds, Intermediate League, 11:30, Halsey won the pennsnt for tbe turn out in good numbers to see and those number« certainly did Mr. and Mrs. Del Hinson of Epworth League, 6:80. A . M. Kendall and wife of Shedd borne talent doits beet. greatest attendance and mileage. Eugene spent the week end with not begin with ” 1” for the firat Preaching, 7:30. yieited Mrs. Kendall’s sister, Mrs trial and proceed consectively. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. Mre. Hmson’« parent« here. Josie Smith, Sunday. F rlf6 i<».«5> ’ “ ' l" 8 • b«™ Realistic Cook. Fred, Earl and Pearl, who were Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, One of Shedd’s first picnics was In “Mayfair and Montmartre” Ralph F. O. Newport has shipped 4000 Nevlll tells of an oj»« Ú tifina/h “Thera la no unimportant percoa or to b* ■ pretty fair carpenter herself — will he hoste««ea at the home o M iller, owner of the Grand theater /f a w , e u e , ,e ,, „ e u e ., e U e r a i ha« sold out to Joseph Hume, wh^ •Mr«. Bond, Saturday, May 6. P«r| of our service. It la a total of A ra r* t . f u u U j e e u lU O .Ä «. „ f „ , j . Jaaell (Knn.) Republican will take charge of it soon. naman units and their co-operation is r“r7 b1r°‘het8 "nd 8i8t8r, Postal Improvemnet Week Spring Fashions and Fabrics TAc colors and styles J ; that suit you best LI °ST^L . M. V. KOONTZ CO. tha key to Its success, in its last analysts, poatal duties are accommo­ dations performed for our neighbor» and friends and abould be so regarded, raiher than as a hired aervica par- formed for an absentee employer Postmaster General Hubert Work. •ays Uccia Eban "Batan don’t hab to work very hard tempin’ a lot of ns pore sinners" «aid Unde Eben. "All he has to do la to annesinca hta offlce hours an’ bah ns (tandln' Ip Una." "Rseh of Refuge." Tha “Rock of Refuge" la a large flat mck In Hawaii. I f a criminal readies this rock before capture, ha Is sate so ’«ng as ba remains there. Usually bis family supply him with food until ba can escape, but ha la never allowed to return jo bis t r lt x Billions of Flak. ”»h*rm»n handle 10.000.. oonnoo fishes of all sorts and sites, from the riant ray to tbo tlnv whltlnr. *»»rv yoor. Tbo twin porta of f a * mouth and Lowestoft have alone re- cylved 900,000 herrings In one