H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E PAG E 4 A P R IL 20, 1922 H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E Work Shirts N o rth South No. lft, 12:01 p. m. 24. 5.50 p n Z No, 23, 11:29 a. m. 17, 5 J 9 p. m. Men’s Work Shirts, all sizes Blue Chambray For homes, acreage and farms see Ida M . Cummings, 227 South Fourth street, Albany. Phone 278 R Four-foot fir wood on the ground. H arry Park, Brownsville. Dr. E W. Barnum, dentist, at Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and Friday. Priced to sell atl (Continued from page 3) Mrs, Lonzo Neal started for |Idaho Monday for an extended visit, Mr». McManus of Corvall | «pent Easter with her father, Tom Hover. co T he sto re with a sq u a re deal for ev ery cu sto m er. ALBANY, OREGON IN TAKING FARM INVENTORY Miscellaneous Collection of A ll Kinde of Supplies 8hould ba Listed Together. On every farm at Inventory time there w ill be found a miscellaneous i olleetlon of nil kinds of supplies, such i a purchased feeds, seed, fertiliser, twine, nails and lumber. These, to­ gether with the amount of manure on band, are all listed under the hendlng 'Supplies." according to Inventory methods worked out by the United flutes Departm ent o f Agriculture. A l l s , bolts, screws and the like can -•Vll he listed as one Item, regardless of varying alias and kinds, giving the approximate number of pounds. Where a definite system of carrying such shop supplies Is In use. as Is the case on some o f the well-organlsed, large farms, the quantities of the d if­ ferent Items o f this nnture are easily counted or weighed and appraised ac­ curately. This kind of property, like machin­ ery and tools, has been bought by the farm e r and should therefore be ap­ praised at cost, plus any expense In ­ curred In getting It to the farm . F o r example, If a ton of bran I t bought for RM, 41.20 spent for freight on It, and TB cents' worth o f man and horse labor needed to haul It from the station to the farm, the appraisal should be made at the rate of »1»' a ton. Lonzo Neal and wife, Mrs. O. F Neal and Melba visited the county seat Saturday Mies Sophia Heinrich of Albany spent Easter at the home of her parents near Peoria. 5 ! 0 0 C olorite m akes old Straw H ats like new Kastm an K odaks and Film s W A. 6 Ringo, Druggist i Splendid Values. The combined buj ing power of our 312 «tores makes it poesible for us to bring to onr customers such bargains as are represented in these high- quality overalls and jum pers at 98c to $1.19 Stifle stripe, express stripe or 220-weigbt white- back indigo blue denim, w ith or without bib, all fa ll cut, standard size and union made. In addi­ tion the overalls and jum pers have all the regu­ lation full-size pockets and are thoroughly rein­ forced throughout John Alexander died at his home near Sweet Home Monday and the Forster and McKern families went over in two autos the next day to attend the funeral. A, F. Bolton, living near A l­ bany, who won first, second and third prizes for poultry at the county fair last year, has just pnid $72 for 32 setting eggs from Can- ida to further improve his strain of fowls. Roy Eggleston, Ray M iller and Ned Callaway were over from Brownsville Monday and visited the high school in the interest of the play “ Nothing but the Tru th ” which tneir high school team will give twice, at 6:30 and at 9:30, at their home towu Friday, the 28th, They will probably give it iu H a l’- 2 49 40-incb Crepe de Chine, henna, jade, apricot, fleth, white, Copen, taupe, bisque,navy and black...................11.49 40-inch Georgette Crepe, black, white and popular shade«....................... 1.49 35-inch Messaline, black, navy, brown, electric, Ccpen and silver 1.69 35-tn. Taffeta, black, navy and shades 1 69 85- jnch black dutches» S atin ___ _____1.69 35-in. Foulards, attractive new pat’ nsl.69 89-inch Radiant Cbarmeuse, navy, black, African and s ilv e r ............ 1.98 39-inch Canton Crepe, black, navy, African and honey dew............ ...... 3.49 35-inch Wash Satin, flesh, pink and white ................................................ i.69 27-inch Jap Silk, white, flesh, maize, black or navy . . . . _________ ____ 79 Silk Jersey, flesb or white, “ the un­ derwear s ilk ” ............................... ...1 6 9 Silk Jersey, black, navy and African, the drese or blouse S ilk ..............1 69 86- incb silk Poplin, navy, brown, gray, rose, plum and black......... 98 22*iuch Pongee, a quality for every use............. 69c, 98c. »1.49, >1.69, 1.98 35- inch black Messaline..........................1.89 36- incb navy Taffeta................................. 1.89 Tissue Gingham Jap Crepe Notion Values Hosiery 49c to 79c ' 36-in., newest patterna.............................. 43c 69c, 79c, 89c, 98c, $1.39, $1.49, $1.69. $1.98 to $2.98 Separate garments ot Balbriggan, excellently made, all sizes, per garment Oar staff of New York buyer» has as­ sembled an intensely interesting and com­ plete stock of Dress Goods and Bilks to meet tbe demands of our spring trade. It is complete with latest patterns and au­ thoritative colors Underwear Chic Spring Styles 79c 98c and $1.49 Ladies Women’s and Misses’ Shoes K h aki work or sport shirts, heavy and medium weight, khaki tw ill, fu ll cut, double stitched, nu- ion made, two excellent valnea at Ladies' cotton Hose, blaex o r Cordovan, 2 pairs .25c Ladies' Mercerised Hose, blaex or C o rd o v a n .........39c Same in out sizes ..................................................39c Ladies' fiber s ilx Hose, blaex or Cordovan.............69c Ladies' s ilx Hoee, rib top, blaex or Cordo­ van (also eatsixes) ................ ................................98c Misses' cotton Hose, blaex or C ordovan____ 15c, 25c Misses’ Mercerized high-grade Hoee, blaex or Cordoknn ___ ____ _________________ _____ lfc: Boys' cotton H o e » ............ ........... .....................1 5 c , 25c Bov»' heavy Ho»».................................... 49c In fan ts' cotton Hose, b!ack. white or Cordovan ..13c In fa n ts ’ Mercerized Hoee......... .................. ...1 9 c In fa n ts ' Cashmere Hoee, black or w h ite ..............4 9 c In fan ts' s ilk Hose, block or w h ite ............................. 49c Stocking Feet, black, 2 pairs........................................25c Moat pleasing assortm't popular colors 33c Wash Fabrics Peter and Pansy 30-inch . ........................83c Apron cheok Gingham.................... ........ 15c Butterfly dress Ginghams, our own pri­ vate brand, bearing our stamp of standard quality....... __ ................... 19c 82-iuch Zephyr Ginghams, newest plaids, doable color, checks and plain colors.......................................... 26c Chambray, plain colors, 25-inch .......... 12c Calico, best American, pinks, lights and darks................................... .........10c Percale, red. gray, light and dark 28-in.l5c 36-ineh Percales. Over 100 pieces of this spleudid quality 36-incb Per­ cale in attractive dark and light patterns................................................28c Cretonne. 36-inch Cretonne............ 23c Shirting. 30-inch Cheviot Shirting” " l9 c Silkoline, 36-inch, colored or figured__17c Colored Organdie—Pennanent Finish Scarlet, yellow, nile, maize, henna, light blue, Copen, apricot, orchid n v y and brown. 40-inch............’«3c 44- in c h ......................................... 79c HONOR STANDARD S H E E T IN G BLEACHED orftotxzm» 49C 31 2 DEPARTMENT STORES A complete stock of bleached and u n ­ bleached sheeting at m o n ey saving prices. ALBANY, (Portland Oregonian) Protect Your Eye» from the dust of the road when au- troiu your appearance Uanex. OREGON Decent Folks Don’t W ant Him the church was etrenghtened by twenty-five additions, eleven by totng You cannot afford to risk your lor the Isek of glasses or goggle« baptism, atronger for sight o a u i m i u , and s i t u all B I I feel le v i » « lu iig w i - - having worked together on behalf ¡ Com* h" * " ,lh • pair of the goapel of C hrist.'’ • ““ » “ d «X * detract Hester Bundsv morning there were en­ tertaining exercises. including a doet by Miaoes Doaas Rohertson sad Helen Armstrong, a reading bv Mrs. Brown, a solo by Mias Beverly Isom and singing bv the prim ary class of the Sunday school. In the afternoon, w ith a fa ll hoots, there were four baptisms and s basket M U S L IN BLEACHED Everyone knows the splendid quality of this sheeting. til-in ch sheeting, yard The S a te Tax Investigation commission will hold a public hearing at Albany April 27, and lias invited the oounty court, coun­ At the Christian Church ty assessor and other officials to be W ith the exception of very rainy at the hearing and invites the presence of organisations and of days the C h ristisa church was well filled individuals interested. The coin- at a ll the meetings during the revival. inieeion has gathered statistics M r. Jones, the pastor, says: showing that most of the tax bur­ “ Tbs series of revival meetings den now rests on reel property. which we closet! Sunday night and is endevoring to find a feasible were very successful. The member­ I plan which will bring relief to the ship of the church worked hard property owners, and solicits and their labors were rewarded by ■diggestions for remedying the tax an increase of interest in the problem. community in regard to religion; Dr Royal J. Gick w ell-known ape- I n s l i i t o f Eugene, has announce,, that he w ill come to Halsey neat Saturday Dr | (lic k 's practice ,s lim ited to examination of (be eyes and fam ishin g glasses. If your eyes bother you or your I glasses do not fit consult him H e w ill he at the Hotel liaise, next Saturday, | A p rtl 22- for Women, Misses and Children Corset Covers Sixes in all materials, 14% to 20 ! Prominent Optometrist Will Pay Visit Here Dress Goods and Silk Boys’ Overalls They had hail at Brownsville on Easter Sunday. Here the nearest thing to it was flying snow early io the morning, but that did not lie on the ground. EYE SPECIALIST COMING to HALSEY New Undermuslins T h e assortment* are large and the prices un­ questionably the lowest to be found for equal- quality muslin, style, trim m in g and workman­ ship Union Made Cotton flannel shirts for early spring wear, gray or brown, fa ll cut and well tailored, a money- saver, at Cat. t Men’s Overalls and Jumpers Sterling Spellman and wife ot Seattle spent Easter with the later mother, Mrs. Barney Cushman of Brownsville, E. C. Miller decided to enlarge his barber shop and make room for another chair. As he owns the -hop he did not have to go to any landlord for consent. Ho set a H e r Chanee. Fete Hushing, who 1a taking ringing crew at the job Monday morning lessons, told his w ife the other day and by Tuesday night the front that some time In the future hie otcr room was st P*V» good money to see hi’s obesity, so long as he was under productions and thus re-establishes accusation of making a fatal hi«n financially, it will mean that attack upon a young woman. * But be Las been acquitted in the court it is uow assumed that the public ot public opinion. That would he may not be so particular concern. • pfaio miscarriage of justice, and ing a comedian who hat been tried we do not thiok it will occur. and acquitted, hut against whom there remains the undisputed charge of indulgence io low orgies, A film feeturing Fatty was ad­ contempt of decent conventions and vertised at Bellingham, Wash., defiance of prohibition law ut a stormof protest from decent The suggestion of j People caused it to be withdrawn.