Dr. Marks and fa m ily are from Postiaud. F icd o n ized from First N ational the fam ou s play Born to M r and Mrs. J S Nice, wood a t the H arrisburg hospital ou M onday, an eleven pound boy. Synopsis o f procedine c h ap ter o f “ T h e R o u r , " w r t t e n f r i » the file i story o f the The heavyweights are coming. We chronicle the a rriv a l of two eleven-pound boys in th is issue. FATHER KELLY. CAPT M A T H D aa.l ISAAC AHKlHAMëWIN IT« «he three fathers" e f tike peaceful Utile OaLtn« elUaah(. too. iovee ihe atrL ALICE V1LTON. foollah little sister of Bruca, eeto her e o for the c lti man. unR.wr , w b « brother and « « t ie mother Knowing uat Capt Mather is Inclined to favor Wright's suit. Bruce hwes no tnue m tailing Vera of Lis lw o alt* aooepta him and he glvea bar hla mothcr'a ruuarj. © 03 © W . A A lljn , sufferer fro m par­ alysis, is gaining strenght and the use o f bis bodily members every day. Coleman W arner of Brow nsville lost a fine Jersey cow when she got to the grain bin and ate too much. M rs. Archie Cornelius* sister M arie, who has been w ith her the past six months, has returned to Iter home near Eugene, BY SCOOP C O N LO N 03 © hi ©- <1 £5 i-N h^s K a rl B ram w ell is s till desirous of a tenant to occupy hia barber shop when his commission as post­ master arrives. CHAPTER 2. Kenward Wright’s arrival was as noisy as himself. In a gaudy sport car he swept, into the main street of the village scattering humans, dogs and chick­ ens before him. Onlv did he stop to pick up Alice Wiiton. who was "accidentally” in the way on the road to church. Together, this odd pair arrived st the little church atop the hill in time to hear a golden voice singing to the mellow notes of an organ those hallowed words: 3 Miss Neva Large of Brownsville was operated on for appendicitis at a C o rv a llis hospital a few days ago To this man on the outside the F" i * L Bri-,1i ? el,7 i|ntroduc“ W» Protege, whom he h . , Utoly res. golden voice brought back mem­ k X Z ’ to AK cc . e W ilton L ewi * S to ~ p U y * F-, w ories of the girl he used to love. K e lly , H a ro ld G o o d w in e n a c t. S keeters, an d M ild r e d June is te e n as To Father Brian Kelly and the Widow Kathleen Wilton the song A lic e W ilto n . of “The Rosary” brought back the days of long ago in old Ireland when they were lad and lass to­ faithful friend, a prized possession, fortune, he retained his outward gether. The love that Kathleen had a grandfather’s clock. composure. The villagers were moved to given Brian then had echoed in her The loss of the fortune will mean smiles^at the disappointed air c f the little. Vera,” he said, "if I can only heart through all the years. Some of the bitterness of her re­ captain as he read again to make feel there is some love in your heart1 nunciation still remained to try her su~ "e had not made a mistake. for me.” The listeners, too, felt that the soul. For he had told her he loved She turned away, hating to hurt captain's expectations had hardly her, but a voice within waj calling nis feelings, but was forced to reply, been filled with the reception of the to him to give up worldly things and Bruce, and I've promised to clock. There were other «mall he be I love labor for God. his wife.” quests, and—then—the old captain They had made the sacrifice. But Even with this last straw, Ken­ often the memory of those sweet sat spellbound as he read o n : “All the rest and residue of my ward succeeded in hiding his true earlier days came to dwell in the estate, both real and personal, of feelings although he was deeply hearts of each. every description whatsoever. I give hurt “I can’t blame you,” he said - S 'Sat blew aotf burn. Where the path of love O harreu and blttw loaa ' to one whose unfaltering devotion to \ era. I These words penetrated her very toward the welfare of Sandy Bay is leads, you must follow.” And it was not until the departure of the soul, and if sometimes Father Kelly unequaled—Bruce Wilton.” Sincere confusion bred of absolute guests from the Wright mansion felt the pangs of a lonely heart, the devotion of his life in daily sacrifice astonishment stirred the listeners that the disinherited prodigal gave way to his feelings. Bereft of his and self-denial, helping those lives The bewildered captain read on: Because he failed in hit duty and u°r’l ni Can.d , tlle- ST1 *he- loved. about him, had served to soften the nad sho’M, himself strong, iting. The words of the song fell IS a spendthrift, my nephew, Ken , but right the world only saw the outer like a benediction: ward Wright, has forfeited his birth­ knowing nothing o f the con­ ***• bead and «triva at Mat to right I hereby disinherit him, save man, o f lit« tSonghts within. Jo kiaa the eroa», sweetheart. for the marsh lands which I have flict To kiaa the croaa? . In every man's life comes the time The next day at the home of the conveyed to him by deed.” B y , » supreme effort Kenward when the tide of fortune seems to late Ichabod Wright, Sandy Bay t?er5 n,m' R *s testing point of Wright maintained his nonchalant whether he is strong or weak. Ken­ had gathered to'hear the reading of demeanor. Indeed, he was the first the will. Coniferous of his supreme ward Wright now had the oppor­ to congratulate the greatly em tunity to win the love o f the people importance. Capt. Mather presided barrassed Bruce, who, being a favor­ with pride and considerable ex­ ite with «he good folk o f Sandy Bay, of the village, or let his mind drift pectancy. into bitter hatred o f his fellow men. waa soon overwhelmed with con­ In his most impressive voice he gratulations. Evil forces prevailed. He reviled proceeded. There was a bequest to But there were those who tried to the picture of his uncle; he tore it from the wall in an insane outburst Father,Kelly of a certain sum of things easier for the prodigal. money as he saw fit, stating that make Father Kelly kindly sought to soften of rage and smashed it to pieces. He cursed his ill fortune; he hated his years of sacrifice and self-de­ scapegrace’s disappointment the good folk o f Sandy Bay—he nial were monuments to the village." the Vera Mather was sincerely sorry for hated his birthplace—and he vowed Nor was Capt, Mather forgotten, Kenward. When she came to him for Ichabod had left to his tried and with sympathy for the loss o f the revenge. *»» • — w • 'I (To be continued) © Orq © © 03 c 03 % 03 ____ RIALTO, FRIDAY * Big Double Show | M ay' I McAvoyIN 4 * “Forbidden 4 & : Valley” * A drama of family life in the Ken- tueky hills, with a snspenae that amazes and a romance that surprises & A sparkling comedy ____ special. x J. W. MOORE e a i E s t a te a n d i n s u r a n c e Jots and Tittles (Continued from page^) W ith new and elegant carpeting , and wall decorations and a general overhauling the handsome C. P Stafford home opens season w ith a flourish. w .s n ot so lu cky. He plays the game w ith the boys and w hile he was doing so the b i l l h it h.m in t b . head and knocked him alm ost) In terest paid on tim e certificates of deposit W e i n v i t e your banking business H. KOONTZ. Pres ~ “ d 7T a YLOR. Vice-Pres. B. M. BOND, Cashier Be Honest Wit C If you have been and think. drifting along—spending all, saving nothing—stop You must realize that it cannot go on forever. One s earning days are numbered. Now, while your earning power is the greatest, see to it that each payday pays S omkthimg toward your future I wdkfjsndkncx , We will welcome yonr account an I help you save. The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon ’ Where Savings are safe ” Eour per cent and no Jp *****>****»'*«< wt eg eu r< ra c« ra ea gw ye rat APRIL showers bring May flowers And this is the time to buy new equipment. i! lì l! and can furnish anything you want in the im plem ent line Primrose Cream Separators • Order r.pa.rs now £ Co,ne ,n an,‘ taIk “ over au*1 get prices ÍÍ l! W M om M l! WCg The Junior League presented a pageant a t the M ethodist church Sunday evening, Cecil M ayberry ta kin g the leading role as the s p irit of Easter. About tw enty gathered at the Foote home on Second street Tues­ day when six-year-old W a lte r Foote celebrated his b irth d a y. W ith games and eats they had a happy tim e. D e tr o it Vapor Oil Stave The students of the m usical and elocutionary departm ents o f th e Eugene Bible u niversity gave a recital yesterday a t w hich twelve in d iv id u a ls gave readings. L aw ­ rence W ells ol Halsey was one of the twelve. The last day fo r reg istra tio n for the prim aries, Tuesday, was the firs t re a lly b rig h t spring day. I t was also the last day for automen to bid fo r the contract to c a rry m ail between Halsey and Sweet Home. Mrs. W oodworth, wife o f the Brow nsville Baptist pastor, has been com m itted to the state insane asylum. She has been in a s im i­ la r in s titu tio n in the east. ►if RED STAR ia a marvelous adv anrement for homes without gas. i I It gives to these homes the same smokeless and odorless heat as does ' I the city gas range. It is wickless, asliless and dirtless, because it gen* « ) tf» erates its own gas from cheap kerosene, gasoline or distillate, concentrat- 1 Ja. • double ring of heat beneath the cooking utensil and saving at leasi r r onedourth of fuel bill. Operates 19 hours on a gallon of fuel. fB A R T S C H E R Had any o f the citizens of H a l­ sey been fortunate possessore of a radio receiving station they m ig ht have heard a form er Halsey g ir l sing last Monday n ig h t when she rendered tw o solos a t the Oregon­ ian broadcasting station in P o rt­ land. Miss Gertrude F orter, .nem- ber o f the Ladies’ Ad club octet and the Treble C lef club and solo­ ist at the Forbes Presbyterian church, sang w ith the form er »KKfeg'riiou in to the radio oroad. casting station, besides which she and another member of the octet each sang two solos. ety. and Mr». Lawrence Whitman, dis »net secretary of the third and fourth districts both from Kugene, »vers at the meeting of the missionary society at the Christian church Tuesday and went horns with Mrs. T. J. Skirvin to luncheon. John B. Hayworth, whose wife was Believing, as .iv do the v C n hristian unconscious and be was com pelled! rim a n to go home before school was out church, the J. C. Penney company Mary M Wolfe of Brcvlnsville, died Sat­ „ . . . . . ’ I (see psge i ) and the best banks urday at hit home tu Harrisburg. rt ” , *P* 7 °U * now better than and business houses in the county A H. Weber het teen re-elected prin­ Uncle 8am s experts how to make in newspaper advertising, the M don ». they te ll , Standard Bearers have an appeal cipal of the Harrisburg schools and no The baseball seem« to be about d tngerons a weapon as the box ing glove. A b a ll from the b ig h- schotl game h it Cecil Redford, a spectator, Tuesday, but d id not do , h im much damage. Prof. Prof, English English »bout it qu the first page of this J iu this paper to the public to at- change made in teachers or salaries. (Continued on page a) & ' ROHRBAUGH! 415—421 W est First st., Albany, Oregon Sweet Thoughts When you pass Stewart St Price's think how appreciative your sweetheart or your wife, mother or sister would be if you sent her a box of strictly fresh chocolates or a mixed assortment of fruity sweetmeats. You'll have cause to thank us for this suggestion. We know how it lias worked out belore. Sally Ann bread at Stewart A Price's. 8ince M r, Dean went to his old stam ping ground in southern Ore G. W. Mornhinweg was in Albany gon John Standish has been sling , ¡in g ty y e at the Enterprise office Tuesday. and be is mastering the intricacies Mrs Thomas Bailey, vicif-preaident of , of the trade by leaps and bounds. the Oregon Women's Missionary soci­ Mrs. L. A. Prsv turned to and look care of Mrs W heeler and her liuffl« Tuesday and Wednesday, *ic K ,ern W,M « °» e u A ,9 « nderD fun« *« Sweet d“ Doon,trat* d b h d * f g0Uen b° W’ Capital and Surplus $35,000 W Mrs. H. L. Straley and her daughter, Mrs. Hazel M unkers, and M r. and Mrs. J. M Morgan and Miss Janet Boggs went to A l­ bany Tuesday. The booster club of the M etho­ d is t church met at the home of Mrs Q. W . M ornhinw eg Tuesday afternoon, ten members being present. Officers were elected as ¡•sue, ju s t io tim e fo r th is year’s follows: President, M abel M c K e rn ; fate season. vice-president, W illa m in a Cor­ P u rity Rebekah lodge has elect coran; secretary, Agnes H ayes; ed as delegates to attend the grand treasurer, D orothy Cornelius. A lodge at Eugene next m onth Mrs. g irls ’ m issionary club was organ­ Belle G orm ley and Mrs, N ellie ized. Frum . Mrs. M a ry G ray was Spring p rim p in g tim e is here, elected d is tric t deputy. whether spring has arrived, o u t­ Local Oddfellows and Rebekahs side of the calendars, or not. J. W . Rector hung the new paper ; w ill celebrate the 103d anniversary i oLthe founding of the order next wlg;n the Stafford home was b rig h t­ ' Wednesday and w ant a ll members ened up, and has been doing a s im ila r job at J. C. Standish’ s. present. Stewart & Price got a atock o f i balloons,whistles and balloon whig. 1 ties the other day and the young­ sters o f the town (w ith the help of some not so young) soon bought them out. They were much in -e v id e n t a t the Boy Scouts’ enter- taiom ent. HALSEY. O R EG O N E {he “ International line B a lf Bond and I awrence T aylo r were itt the orchestra when the Shedd high school troupe played “ The L ittle Clodhopper” at H a r­ risburg. 03 HALSEf STATE BANK c. Copy for our Sunday school les­ son for th is issue failed to a rrive. •■The hours I spent with thee, dear hasrt, Ara as a alruig of pearls to ma. 1 eount them war a v'n ia « apart. M i Bcieary. my Boaary." ftN I K K H R J S B •T H E H a ro ld L Cook, from Salem, lias been made Boy Scout executive for L in n county. screen v ersion o f IIA L M U home T. J, S kirvin made a buisness ' tr ip to A lbany yesterday. • the S elig-R ork - © n r iU L , a *♦ * * * ♦ # * #***«*JM ** Wn.1 th e ir bazar at the R ia lto week from to n ig h t Stewart & Price Confectionery I * Automobile Insurance Fire, theft, collisicn, property damage and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent.