PAGE 4 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E »3,500 to »4.000 . M r ----------- This happened: PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS r o c m u u is i v n u r v ii Q ilite C o n fe c tio n e r y The Easter service Sunday wae HALSEY ENTERPRISE take and develop. He finds the 129 Broadalbin «t. Admittance Here a real inspiration. There was a Cento A« independent— N O T neutral— uewa- etate hardened with taxes that A LB A N Y OBBCO N large attendance ou both occs- paper published ere ry Thursday, . a Line equal or exceed the rental value I f you are hungry when in Albany siona. In the morning the solo by come where lor a very little money you by W m . H . A A. A. W H E E L E R . of the land and with a load of debt Win. H. W im a i.a a Editor. Herold Lloyd wili be io the com­ Mrs. B. M . Bond waa very inspir­ can get the beat Iqjich or diooer, p ie- hich it will take generations to Mas. A A. W h x x l b b Business Manager by the best cooks, sad eat it amid Rialto tomorrow ing in the message it gave and in gated M r. L ever - M is t e r C h a irm a n , thl» goa- edy reels st the and Local News Editor. the splendid way in whicn Mrs pleasant surroundings. A few items ? ipe out. Uam an, wh t o ruun« la N«laon. has b a m oight. the « e r .it « o f th« departm ent «inc« Bond rendered it- Iu the eve­ So“! » ................................................... He passes on and locates else­ In N ovem ber. laK H « haa served ee chief M e a ts ------------------------------------ 15 and 20c Subscriptions, »1.50 a year in advance. Oregon farms srs mortgaged for ning a short program was given by Vegetables....................................................5c Srld nature net from 1*07 to 1*U. end waa where. Transient advertising, 25c an inch, per­ the Sunday school scholars. The S « l*d s ......................... - ........... 5, 10 and 15c aaaiM an t In charge o f th« blolegtcal In ­ •88.000,000. vestigation, from 1*11 to 1»M On A ugust manent, 20c. No discount for time 10c A published plea for the Bell 4. 1*1*. he wan appointed aaslatant chief T h e lopal cream station paid as aver­ pastor preached at both services. or space 10c Three carloads of Methodists o f the bureau, and on D ecem ber 1. ISIS, In “ l ’aid-for Paragraphs,’ * 5c aline. Telephone company says: "R u ra l was Chicken dinner evey Sunday...............40c age of 36e for cream in M atch. m ade cht«f o f th« bureau. H « took went to Harieburg Tuesday to No advertising disguised as news Other price* sim ilar, telephone lines never paid for th « place o f D octor H enshaw . attend the revival meeting con­ S JU - J . ' — J . ' . » , i , , | | — i n i M r S tofford—And th e « ala ry ha« h - r - Heart-throb drams st tbs Rialto ducted by Rev. and Mrs. K. B. E D S T O R T Z Prop. operation and have never made a H.SOti sine« 1*1«? H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore.. A pril 30, 1922 tomorrow night. M r D e v e r-T e a Parrott. Three were converted. dollar of profit,even for the Bell M r S tafford—W h a t 1« hl« ag«? Mrs. E. B Parrqtt Mill preach M r L a v e r—I should th in k th a t D octor system, * * * I t ie said to be W ill H. Hays, president of the next Sunday morning at the M. E A COLOSSAL B L U N D E R N elson 1« round fifty year« o f ag«. simply impossible to mske any M r. S tafford—H e ta not superannuated. Motion Picture Producers sod Dis church. All of her Halsey friends Oregon is groaning under an M r Lo ver—Oh. no, be la a v ery v ig o r­ tributore, bee barred Patty A r will be delighted to bear her. The . ujvnuy money upriavn operating a country tele- ous man is the place to buy unprecedented burden of state taxa- « a„ » M r S tafford—M is te r O ia lrm a n . I w ith ­ buckle from the fiime till further work of the Perrots was so well pnone system. atvoiuiug tu this hub According to Auto Supplies of all kinds. d ra w the point o f order. notice. tion at a tune when, due to th e « . d done while here that they will .. , , . * the manager! of tpe Bell company Doctor Howard was refused his In­ F IS K , G O O D Y E A R and G O O D ­ world war, federal taxes also a r .l th# mogt , (upjd men out o, long be remembered. \ R I C H tires. These brands of tires are crease because lie u,«,, was too “ The old. Forbidden V alley” at the ------- — of pay -------------- There will be a big rally meet­ well known and offer to the purchaser a 1 eir ig est. - ¡They have made every possible “over sixty, perhaps nearer seventy - Rialto Friday night portrays life rVirtflr K'olunn uxi« allni»n« c h a ir m a n -1 m an« th« point of or 1, reedy (or orders for all kinds of haul _ lug s spray used for diseases caused ________ Ineertlctdee are divided In­ M r L s v . r - 1 concsd. It. I ’J” 5 2 ,o L * n « 1 ’ P * c i« » y - “ Phone life) by fungi ihe heaviest truckloads of the 2842 pagea a u g h lin o f M lc h lg n n - W lll th« i t i IV 1 . . . ‘ t to 0 , three h r * * classes, sprays » P r« l being made miliooaof dollars worth of produots « e M n r ll.m M » cL n r ^ r v . hl« point of o r d .r? n h l l P K P I Ì J l i r S h í k l l I “ M il Insects of dlfftl 400,000 vocabulary terms different character- which these sections would now be 6000 illustrations f» r killing (Sncressort to Ctoss A W h ite ) M r M c la u g h lln - T h e com m ute« mad« chewing Insects, repellent sprays are sending to the railroads for dis- 12,000 biographical entries tn» rFcornm»n • the c h a irm an M y 1 (nr a loan tint« a t th« h«ad o f thia bureau. H e ; * n *®p d . j m ixture sad lime sulphur solution are » hen materials and wages were at hss p»rtnrm«r‘ nX W « have np-lo- or the new edition, with all UtlUV Jlte machinery lor doing th a t w aa said, and w ith a «re (reenate ef lead, parts green, ta- first-class work. tba new now they Would build twico a* h ll n « e « w n l lr n d j t« to o a t ll th« w ork h« ha« b » .n doln« bacco. karcaaoa amulalou sad saapa much road and give work to Ihe »«•1 ha« don«, -W h a t ta hl» a t» ? to which tw o taMaepoonfula o f M h Come and learn prices before you buy loured in to develop these land, M r L » v « r -O v « r «1x1». parhapa n to rn r have been added for every gallon; this , O ur prices are made w ith the object of t o v to lv . hul h . 1« « till vl«.wou« « ad «hl« and make Oregon the producer«1 to dn good w o rk Ho 1« on« o f th« will set tha colors and draw out the ; making sales. ___ ______ enterprise o ffice __ «ntowvloalot« tn th« w o rld paradise which nature designed it (roalom dressing: w ring out and wash In a I Th« c h a irm a n —T h « point o f ord e r 1« thick snap lather, hot do not rub soap to he. ■u« tam ed. fi«v*«n tn Rinse thoroughly' put through s __M . accumulation of F ir« minute« l« t« r th« m atter nt The h >meeeek»r finds Oregon h7'hJn«rB O J.°nu recom m end an Ineraaae o f H ALSEY GARAGE H alsey G arage Foote Bros., Props. C .C . B R Y A N T A. Peterson I. 0 . 0 . F. Am usem ents W . J. Ribelin BA R BE R SH O P Studebaker Car E. C . M IL L E R W ATCHMAKER& Jeweler F. M. GRAY, R egistered Short­ horn Bull. E. L. Stiff Draym an. EXCHANGE ARCHITECT $30 to $75 $15 u” W ebster’s Delivery Truck 2; International Dictionary ivep ttir o n u p IMlr^ Bton),cb H IL L & © t General Hardware ' “ H arness X of a"kind’ Practically new. $8 F a r m M achinery Words o f the and Im plem ents World W ar FO R $12 Gas Engines HILL & CO. aot U ub . — I Halsey, FARM ERS u"“::7 buyer and covert what >» f Oregon now oelv trash iato good ’ A C LT T