Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, April 13, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    PAO B 4
A P R IL 13, 1922
Registered Short­
horn Bull.
One j ear old.
Phone 26
A. H. Q U IM B Y
Metal Oil Barrel
Thomas Meighan
E n terp ri« Office,
Lyman Marsters
Salem will also be there.
couple will locite on a ranch near
North Powder, this state.
of h
Conquest CanaanB
A week from tomorrow Warren
Callaway, Roy M iller, Dick Eg­
gleston, Tex Welch, John Warren,
Julia Cosbow, Gertrude Schrunk,
IreBe Harrison, Edith Howe. Ica
S evens and Isabelle McRercher of
the Brownsville high school will
play ‘ ‘Nothing but tbe T ru th ” in
their home town.
High School Note«
Oavs as Goo« Rasulte as Corn
Washington—Crop Doos Well
1" Dry Territory.
podded varieties
do fairly
well in
house, where he reaides, was cur­
A t the ball in the Brownsville parts of the South, y Tw o types of
rent laet week, M r. Skirvin state* woolen mills next Tuesday, which Lima beans are In gerteral cultivation
that there has been no such pur­ t ill he the biggest celebration in
the pole or climber«, and the bush
chase aa je t.
□any years there, it is planned to varieties Lima beanf should not be
planted until the soil Is warm.
Scio ie paving higher taxes than Have dancing on two floors, first
fioor for the older people and abovi
any other place in theoounty, bu'
she eclipses the reel of the county lor youth, so by traversing a High'
in results, too.
She boasts that of stairs one can go “ from grave to
she gats her money's worth as they {•>', from lively to serene.’*
arc expended.
D. F. Dean, who has been con­
nected with the Knterpriae off
and on since he started it in 1912,
left for Coquille lussdsy and J-
hkely to be employed there for
some time to come.
About 250 Oddfellows attena '
the Lion-Benton semi-annual con­
vention at Harrisburg Saturday
night. Tbe third degree was con-
• erred by Alpine lodge.
Douglas paraded, beaded by tin
Junior Artisan orchestra, and the
debekahs spread a plenteous feed
Next meeting at Alpine.
Katherine Hameline of
Halitsy, aged 90, has sent to the
Bert Clark followed up reroofing
Albany W. C. T. U. a complete
quilt top, the work of hsr own the south slope over tbe Stewart &
hands, and a quilt lining for the Price confectiouery by repapering
be inside of the place and tb*
children's farm boms.
oroprietors h aw dona their spring
I he ''sport” of boxing is so 'leaning, without waiting for spring
brutal that the law requires the t<> coinc, ho that tbe place is as
supervision of a duly constituted tidy as a bandbox.
commission to attest the physioa'
Mrs. Ida M. Cummings, whose
litneee of contestants in the ring.
According to the Brownsville Time* real estate announcement appear-
that commission is responsible foi iu our "Paid-for Paragraphs,” ha*
the death of George Tetris, who just effected the sale for >5000 of
was in no suitable condition at tb< Zona Haight Young’s residence
tim« to enter the fight which property in Albany to Mrs, Alice
i stuokar and her soo-in-lsw, C. T
caused his death
G ill, of the J. C, Penny Co. store.
Mrs. Cummings was in Halsey
Li » to n n e
L a v o ris
G ly o o th jn io lin e
P u ro la T h r o a t G a rg le
A m b ro ln tu in
\ ic k ’s V’a|»orub
A n alg esic B alm
W. A. Ringo, Druggist
paid - forparagraphs
“When You and
I Were Young,
The old folks, who often pre­
fer to remain at home, will
appreciate a phonograph more
than you think. So gladden
their old hearts with a Bruns­
wick — the accepted phono­
graph of the world’s leading
There was a largely attended
celebration of W illiam Davidson’s
7/th birthday last Sunday at the
Brownsville home of himself and
wife. InJune they will have been
married 65 years. Their children,
grandchildren and great-grand­
children enjoyed a big jubilee din-
Mrs. Davidson has lived
three-quartere of a century.
The wedding of W ill Marsters
and Mise Culls Oerdel Loreuta of
Boston will occur el the home of
A. C. Marsters in Portland next
Saturday evening el 8.
E. S
Marsters and wife w ill go from
here with Andrew Btund and wife
| of Cottage Grove to attend the
H E F la k P r e m ie r
T r e a d is a tire w hich
“ ’ l ” _5iiiSr'cS«, >
yields an honest, generous
m easure of service at a low
S îid S ffiiS J : :
s : i33 S 3 3 fe s : : 9
See this tire and com pare
price. I t is y o u r best p u r­
chase if you w an t a low -
I t is a F is k T ir e .a n d is F is k
character clear through.
There 'e a Ft»« Tire o f e x tr a i-olwe
f" e v e ry s ite . ftt r c a r. tru e It
o r speed u ag tsn
5 Cents
8ixteen-inch oak wood, *8, de­
livered.— F. O. 8nlmou.
For Sale, 4 ft, second growth
Red Fir Wood. Delivered in Hal-
sey, *5.50 per cord, W. H Beene
Four-foot fir wood on tbe ground.
Harry Park, Brownsville.
Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at
Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and
“ Conquest of Canaan ”
Albany, Ore.
Scriptural titles are in favor in
the movies. St. JohnM four horse­
men appeared at Harrisburg Mon­
day night and a lot of Halsey folk
went over and saw them.
morruw night “ the Conquest of
Can-ian” will be given at the R i­
alto, and the long succession of
excellent plays recently given
there is warrant for expecting
something good from
| Meighan.
For homes, acreage and farms
He« Ida M. Cummings, 227 South
| Fourth street, Albany. Phone 278 R
150 8ingle-Comb Brown Leghorn
chix for sale A p ril 22 at 12c
colleges and experiment stations.
Currants are considered one of the | each. Maude Renniuger.
most desirable frulta for Jelly making,
and when thoroughly ripened they
The cigaret law o l Oregon pro­
make an excellent sauce and dessert, tects the youth of our state until
especially I f mixed with raspberries. having attained tbe age of 21.— Al-
Jellies, Jams and marmalades In plenty
hany Herald.
can be made from raspberries, dew­
berries and blackberries, to say noth­
I t might if it were enforced, but
ing of the Juices and various products it does not.
Henry Morgenthau offers $5000 cash
| i i prizes for high-tchool essays and
orations on the near east situation. Par­
ticulars can be had from Mrs. Margaret
| Reid, 613 Stock Exchange building,
Portland. The people of the near east
] «re the greatest sufferers lrom the fail-
I ure of the United States to enter the
league of nations.
In 1018 the federal goverumeut col­
lected from publisher», in postage,
$11,) 12,068.18 and in the last fiscal year
1 this had grown to $25,496,719.94. Dur­
ing the current year it is estimated that
publishers will pay tb the government
for carrying their papers the huge sum
of $83,000 008.
The Pans Gaulois recently published
this list of executions taken from the
Bolshevik reports; Since October, 1817,
biahopa of the Russo-Greek church, 28;
Heme Garden Fumlehee Supply ef priests. 1215; schoolmasters and profes­
sor» 6775; physician» 8800 ; army offi­
Fresh Vegetables.
cer» 54,050: soldiers, 200,000; officera
that may be made from grapes. By of the constabulary and police forces,
having a collection of the different t0,500; privates of the same force»’
email fruits that are adapted to the
48,500; land owner» 1X900; members
region one can enjoy a continuous «ap­
the "in te llig e n t" classes, 35S.Z5O;
ply of good things to eat throughout
tbe greater pert of tbe summer sad In workmen, 193,350; peasants, 815,100.
addition have an abundance of pre-
for winter use.
Early bids for the construction
Revive Small F ru ita
of Federal-aid roads indicate that
There should he n greet revival In prices during tbe coming season
the planting of small fruits and gi apep will bs materially lower than last
In connection with home gardens es­ season. Grading bids are lower,
pecially in sections where Some .or­
bridge steel ia offered for little
chards are dying out or new ones are
than half last year's prices
not being planted. The care of small
fruits as regards spraying and other and the beat grade of concrete is
requirements la more simple than that [offered for 17 eeots a yard, against
of the orchard fru it» and the,small 25 cents last year.
fruits can bo grown on a m neam ore
limited space.
u,n“" 7 h*vean
When space Id available a section of
accumulation oi
the garden may be set aside for the ___________
i ! " nO lon«ertne«ded, or succeeded
permanent vegetables and tbe small i/u . . e fv.?ne* wh,ch somebody would
fru lta The location of these perms
’ * * ’ « . i 1“ "' An advertisement the
nent crop» however, should be such »me of thi» costing 25c, might find a
* -------- and
-------a covert what 1 is
that they will not Interfere with the nuycr
now only trash into good
plowing of the garden or the cultlvs
tlon of the annual vegetables. In no
case should the »mail frulta be crowd­
ed, It being best to plant a limited
number, selecting those best adapted
to the region.
Weather tar Berrlee.
Generally speaking, raspberries will
: not stand very hot or dry weather.
2842 pages
: Blackberries can endure hot weather,
hut not hot drying wind«. Dewberries
400,000 vocabulary terms
are grown mostly In the warmer parts
fiOOO illustrations
<rf the country. In very cold sections
12,000 biographical entries
the plants of these fru its should re­
30,000 geographical subjects
ceive tome kind of winter protection
lx>gan blackberries are grown only In
the Paclflc coast states.
Currants and gooseberries do beet In
s cool climate, hut can stand quite
warm summers If they have plenty of
or the new edition, with all
water it is not permissible to plant
the new
currants and gooseberries in aectlon«
where tbe white pine la grown, h*.
reuse these plants harbor the hliater
ro t which la destructive to white ptne
trooa There are varieties of grapee
tar every section where any other
fritíts ara grown
Strau7^rriM wuj
6>ow practlc^L' everyw»«r»
w ith any at a c o m p e tin g
priced tire .
A dm ittance H ere
a L ine
tions for the planting ahd care of the
more Important small fruits and per­
ennial vegetables Mors complete In­
formation may be found In the special
bulletins of tbe Department of Agri­
culture and of _thg state agricultural
No. 23, 11:29 a. m.
17, 5.39 p. nx.
The delivery window of the
Halsey poetoffice is open Sundays
grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20
to 12:35 and 4:*5 to 5.00 p. m.
Jots and Tittles
No. 18, 12D1 p. m.
24, 5.50 p. m.
Sunflower slla«e tad to a flock
breedlng ewes (or sixty days befora
lambing. Io feeding tests io W»»htng-
too, gave a t good results as e a r*
»Hag*. aa far as roodlttos and weight
of ewe» were concerned.
Two lota
of five lambs each were fed barley,
cull beans and pea straw; one lot
received sunflower allage and the
other corn silage. The cnro-allage
bunch needed 442 pounds of grain, 187
pounds of pea straw and »2« pounds
of corn stlnge to make 100 pounds of
Tbs sunflowersilage bunch
needed 000 pounds of grain. 810
pounds of pea straw and 811 pound»
of sunflower silage for the earn«
amount of gain. Extra grain needed
by the sunflower-silage bunch was due
to lack of grain In the sunflower
silage, evidently. Quite a taw feeder«
»ay sunflower silage Is all right for
»beep and cattle. One point In favor
of sunflowers Is their heavy yield. Th«
crop grows well la dry sections, and
in high altitudes.
Only eight more weeks of school.
Great mystery prevails over soma
of the student activities.
Mrs. George Hughes visited the wonder what events the next few
county seat Monday.
weeks hold.
Delos Clark has been choeen
Next Sunday is Easter. Go to
(Continued from page 3)
manager of the senior class play.
The Lebanon schools, closed on church and see the bonnets.
so-ount of diphtheria, are open
E. B. Peuland and H . C. Davis
ed to preach tbe baccalaurate Not Complete Unless Some Per­
were at the county seat Mondav.
manent Vegetable and Smal
Did you ever see anything as
Mrs. J. Johnson of Brownsville
The cooking olub held regular
scandalous as the way winter is went to Albany by train from here
Fruits Are Included.
meeting last Tuesday sfteruoon,
lingering in the lap of spring.
After the buisness tbe program
In testing 697 cattle for tubercu­
The Boy Scouts are planning a committee had arranged for an
losis at Albany, Riverside and Or- mysterious entertainment Ror next Easter egg hunt.
Mrs. English
leu ns 23 reactors were found,
favored the club with an instru­
mental solo which was enjoyed.
Mrs. O. W. Mornhinweg went
Under the stars veterkns’ aid act At the close of the meeting refresh­ Bulletin of Department of Agriculture
to Newberg Monday to visit her 548 Linn county veterans have ments were served.
■numerate» Various Plants te Be
daughter, Mrs. Harrison Wallace. applied for an aggregate of *676,-
Selected ta r Supply of
We were surprised to find the
Mr. and Mrs. Clingman visited 650.
Small Truck.
Halsey high school notes iu tbe
Mr. Clingman's brother near Pe­
Mary K. Smith of Vancouver, Soio Tribune last week. The only
( P r a a a r - 4 Hr « S . U a it .d s t a t w
on i last week from Thursday un­ W»eh., after visiting friends here thing we have to say ie we are
• t A s rtc a lta r a t
til Saturday.
on her way. hotpe from California, sorry Scio and Halsey aren’ t closer.
A home garden Is incomplete unless
Last Tuesday afternoon Evange­ It Includes some of the more perma­
Mrs G. W. Mornhiuweg went left for Independence Monday.
list Roy Neely and Elder Lester nent vegetables and small fruits In ad­
te Newberg Monday, to visit her
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown of H al­
dition to the regular annual vegetables
daughter, Mrs. H . M . Wallaoe, for sey were evening callers at the Jones visited the school. Their that are nsually planted. A bed of aa-
program was as follows: Negro
a few days.
home of M r. and Mrs. Charle*
Spiritual solo, Mr. Neely; ‘ ‘De Ol' persgus, several hllla of rhubarb, a
taw plants of horseradish, strawber­
I f auinmer weather ever comes Arnold, after which they attended A rk ’s A-M oving,”
Mr. Neely; ries, raspberries blackberries, dewber­
lodge.— Mouday’s
oil cook stoves will be in demand. the Rebekah
ries, Logan blackberries, grapee, cur­
A t least three furniture houses are Democrat.
M r. Jones; "On the Road to M ac. rants and gooseberries, according to
advertising them in the Enterprise.
The revival
meetings at the dalay,” solo by Mr. Neely; “ Three locality and available space, ere valu­
Those who went to Harrisburg Christian church are fil.ing the for Jack,” solo by Mr. Neely. able additions to the home garden.
All of the above might not thrive in
Monday evening to see “ The Four bouse eo that some are being Mr. N eely’s selections were en
joyed greatly, and Mr. Jones’ any one locality or 09 one type of soil,
Horsemen of the Apocalypse” de­ turned away.
and care must bs exercised In making
clare that they were well repaid
On Thursday of last week C, R. iddress wag very entertaining an I the selection, says the United States
for the trip.
Evans shipped, by American rail­
Department of Agriculture In a new
J. .B , Reporter
Farmers' Bulletin, No. 1242, Perma­
The olub leader of Multnomah way express, two registered H<»1
nent Fruit and Vegetable Garden»
county has written to know if it is stein cows to John S- Lloyd of
possible to procure Berkshire and Siletz.
BUSH TYPE OF LIMA BEANS Just Issued, copies of which may be
had free upon request.
Durco Jersey breeding hogs of
Of the eight cities and towns in .
, —--------•
The department says that about BO
Linu county's famous strains.
Linn county Sodaville ie the onlv
out of every 100 terms In the United
Hans Kokjerof Navsto, Cal., ar­
States have upon them some form of a
of Less Space.
rived Tuesday for a visit of a few that of Halsey.
home garden or source of supply of
fresh vegetables. Many of these gar
days with bis niece, Mrs. Harvey
W . A. Davenport has closed bi
Lima beans are not adapted for
dees Include, In addition to the an­
Clingman, He is on his road to real estate business in Brownsvill
planting In all part» of the United
and gone to Mouniouth to brush Stales, but they thrive In the greater nual vegetables small fruits and cer­
tain of the perennial or more or lees
part of the Northern and Western
An incorreot report that T. J. up his education preparatory t I'tstes. and certain of the smaller permanent vegetables.
This bulletin give« brief Instruc­
Skirvin bad bought the Guliiford
* «4
halsey railroad time
*u S » *e * e Se« • a S tasa*
▼Ins* to R e -tlro T
i l « , F le h t
x jiifE s y
Practically new. $8
Words of the
World War
FOR $12