Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, April 13, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    A B R IL t í, 1722
n u ie one had had it frolic. — Dein- j
M A L a M Y U N i E M P R IS E
PAG« 3
oc a;.
The R i i l l »
F ictionized from
the Selig-R ork-
First N ational
aereen version o f
the famous p la y
T h l>
B to ry .
Th. ..........
■ » •H a lW
(Name «f 1
_ _
By S C O O P C O N L O N
The fishing village o f Sandy Bay
reposed in its seclusion, an Eden
made possible by man's faith in man.
Looking down upon the tranquil
scenes of daily life in the peaceful
community was the little Church of
The Rosary, atop a hill, from whence
its cross was a beacon of faith and
hope to guide the fishermen at sea
For many years the affairs o f the
village had been settled on the front
porch o f the parish house.
men represented Sandy Bay. Each
forgot self and creed, thinking only
at the welfare o f their beloved home.
One was a kindly priest, one a
rough sea captain, one a Hebrew
merchant and one the grand old man
of the village, the founder o f its
chief support, a prosperous cannery.
On the porch o f the little parish
house there were always four com
fortable chairs. But with the open­
ing of our story, one chair was
empty. And it was with this empty
chair that Father Kelly, Captain
M ather and Isaac Abrahamson were
gravely concerned. Ichabod W right,
the grand old man o f Sandy Bay,
had passed to the Great Beyond
H is life had been one long era of
C a p ta in M a th e r is intensely p ro u d o f his position as e x e c u to r o f the
peace and prosperity for the village,
W rig h t estate, the richest ia the tittle fishing villa g e o f S and y Bey.
The three remaining village fathers
H is d a u g h te r, V e r a , w ho sings “ T h e R o s ary” ev e ry Sunday m o rn in g ,
thought of the community's loss with
grief. They had gathered to discuss
prepares h e r dad fo r ch urch. In th e film version, C a p ta in M a th e r ia
with > considerable
p layed by B ert W o o d ru ff, an d V a r a b y Jana N o v a k .
W right, a scapegrace nephew, would
come into his inheritance, what ef
"W hat a shame, that young spend
She was so yexed at their seeming
feet it might have upon the peace of
th rift will get Ichabod's fortune,” delay that she aired her impatience.
Sandy Bay
These three men were as fa r apart said Isaac, complaining. "H e will Bruce chided her gently, fo r she was
but a child, and he loved his tittle
in origin as it is possible to be, yet waste it in wild living.”
they laid aside all selfish aims to
Old Captain M ather flared up. sister dearly.
W hen she had repented, together
abide in the perfect brotherhood of "W hen
daughter, Vera, the liked him," he they teased their mother when she
placed fresh flowers below the por­
Captain M ather, a retired sea cap­ shouted.
Even this
tain, had all the propensities for
anything,1 trait o f Father Kelly.
mom ,
swearing that is usually attributed to argued Isaac, “a slick young feller momentous
the old “sea dog." H e carried into like him can fool girls, but he can't thoughtful act was not forgotten.
“Every Sunday morning, mother I*’
his private life all the dogged fight­ fool me.”
said Bruce, laughing.
ing qualities earned by conflict with
Kindly Father Kelly coatd not
"Sure, children,” replied the gentle
the sea.
H e was aggressive and
soul, “it is little enough that we can
blunt in his dealings with men, but
Ho to repay Father Kelly for hit
there was an honest, sympathetio na
But he needed more than his usual help and kindness when father~Tan
ture beneath the brusque exterior.
and left us to. straggle alone."
'Isaac Abrahamson was the leading
soothe the “ friendly enemies'’ dur
In the home o f Captain M ather,
merchant of the community. It was
his generous hand that had tided the ing thia heated argument which was preparations were also being made.
when tjie
food The old "sea dog” was all togged
village over many difficulties.
As only
far apart from Captain M ather as priest’s unexpected guesk o f the Out because he was not a little proud
day is from night, nevertheless he night before put in an appearance. fn the fart that he had been chosen
and the doughty mariner were A night's sleep and an «juttit of executor o f the W righ t estate. He
clothes lent ’Skeeters sufficient air bounded out his daughter in the
"friendly enemies.”
Both had the
greatest respect, love and veneration to pass muster as a laW-abiding hopes that she would continue to
citizen, and the "friendly enemies
look upon the prospective heir with
fo r Father Brian Kelly, shepherd of
forgot their squabbles long! enough Javor, but V era was evasive.
Sandy Bay.
“Daddy," she said, "you know
Their love for the kindly priest
— thia latest
example of Father What folks say about Kenward," and
was shared by the entire community.
•before the irascible old man could
Father Kelly gave so much to the
The coming o f K enw ardxW right reply she lightly kissed him on the
needy that he had little left for him
as destined to disrupt the lives of forehead, and fled to meet her wait­
self. Few indeed there were who
ro young people who wqpe living ing sweetheart
had not known his kindly aid in i
of the good and peaceful
The old captain was rather dis­
terial as well as spiritual troubles
o f Sandy Bay— Vera Mather, concerted when Bruce called to take
Perhaps the best story o f his char«
to church.
H is desirtfs had
acter was the redemption of Skeeters,
a wayward stranger lad who had her sweetheart, Bruce W ilton, su­ kttle chance of being realized.
“ I'll remember you in my prayers,
sought to rob the parish house one perintendent of the cannery, who
n ig ht
Father Kelly had appre­ had risen from small beginnings to daddy d y r , ” premised the gentle
the high esteem o f the late Ichabod maid, as she waved goodbye.
hended the youth in the art.
Better save ’em for somebody
"Sure, lad,” he said, “why do you W rig h t
come in through the window when
Loverlike. Bruce feared the com­ else,” advised the captain. “ I ’m such
water logged old hulk the devil
the doors are left unlocked that any­ ing of the worldly W right, but Vera
one may enter?”
reassured him that nothing oould couldn't use me for kindling wood.”
As lovers ever do, V era and
And thus he sought to turn the boy our their happiness.
from evil ways. Instead of turning
Brace W ilton had a sister, a sweet Bruce took the longest way to
him over to the pursuing constable but foolish little girL Alice tyilto n church. W e ll could the captain en­
he protected, clothed ana fed him. Was "superior" to the village of tertain fears. Bruce, too, feared the
Such deeds were a constant marvel Sandy Bay, She got her latest fash­ coming o f W rig h t and be hastened
to Captain M ather.
ions and modern ideas from the to tell Vera o f his love.
W hen they had carved their ini­
W ith but one o f the triumvirate nearbp
tials in a heart, upon an ancient
did the coming of Kenward W righ t Falla.
find favor and that was with bluff
vSo, when the good Father Kelly cypress tree, at their trysting place
old Captain Mather.
The scape­ endeavored to put Skeeters in the high upon the cliffs o f Sandy Bay,
grace had once showered attentions young lady's good graces, she put Bruce turned to Vera, with a rosary
I t was his beloved
on the Captain's lovely daughter, the young man in his place, like the in his hand.
Vera, the apple o f his eye. and he spoiled child she was. On the Sun­ mother’s.
You are like this rosary, Vera,”
was not a little hopeful that their day morning of Kenward W right's
friendship would soon be renewed. jexperted arrival the village was agog ne said, with all his soul shining in
his eyes, “a symbol of purity and
Father K elly and Isaac Abraham-' w ith gossip.
son were far more canny.
A t the humble W ilton cottage silly noble spirit. W ill you take It as a
knew the truth o f W rig h t’s spend­ little Alice, prhnped and preened, token of our love?" And thus the
th rift ways o f living and they did and was all arrayed In her Sunday pure minded lad and lass plighted
not welcome his return to the best long before Bruce and her their troth.
. --------------- -- W
mother were ready
We make a
Specialty of
Engagement and
W edding
F r e n c h a* S o n s
H IL L & <S
(Successors to Croes
A W h ite )
G eneral Hardware
H arness L”
G lg g v g i
repairing. W e have np-to-
,1,1* machinery for doing
first-class work.
F a r m M achinery
and Im plem ents
Shoe R epair Shop
Twodoore north
of the hotel
Ain prepared to do all kind* of
ihoe repairing. Satisfaction guar­
Miss Nina Kump is alowly re­
covering from a lengthy seige of
stomach troul le.
Capital and Surplus $35,000
Maple logs aro being shipped
from brow,.avillv to - i n f u i t u r i
factory in Eugene.
Interest paid on time certificates of deposit
We invite your banking; business
H. KOONTZ, Pres.
D. TA Y LOR, V ice- Pres.
B. M. BOND, Cashier
Be Honest With Yourself
Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Stahdiah of
Brownsville visited frieuds iu Hal
sey Sunday afternoon.
------- T H E --------
was w oll fille d la s t i
w ilts » tO-p.t»aMnJ ,
Miss Lena Keene of Brownsville
has been chosen the queen of th*
May at Moouionth.
u ig u t
John McNeil, who has been p ar-J ,
t illy paralyzed for months, is still
as helpless as ever.
1« th« ftctio»is«4l v m U n
•< th e
S e U f-A o rfc p r w 4 w h « n , T h «
a ry ,
released by A m m
N a tio n a l.
T h e o r ig in a l s to ry
w r it te n fo
o r th e screen by B e rn a rd
M c C o n v ille
1«. ,
and in s p ire d b y the
th e s ta y s p la y b y E d w a rd
F r id a y
Come and learn
:es before you boy.
O ur pnces are
le w ith the object of
making sale*.
Gas E ngines
Ha hey,
C I f you have been d riftin g along— spending all, saving nothing—stop
a.id thin k.
Mr. and Mrs. C, W . Standish
ran Tom M ille r’s farm and picture
show at Brownsville while he was
\ vu must realize that it cannot go on forever. One's earning days are
numbered. N zw , while your earning power is the greatest, see to it that
each payday pay* S o m x M i n r toward your future I n u k p k n d k n c x ,
W .- w ill w ile i. u : y o n r a c im u t ail I h e lp you save.
The building went with the stock
and good will in the sale of (be
Cross & White hardware store to
H 11 & Co.
The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon |
Where Savings are safe ’ ’
0 . W . Frum and his wife an<i
daughter. Miss Mary Smith ami
others tilled the F ru tu c aro n a trip
to the coutry seat Thursday.
Residents of the western part nl
Albanv complain of dogs that howl
nt night and steal eatables left on
porches by delivery men
the Democrat’s heading over an
item about it shows that that those
log-* don't do all the howling. I t
reads: “ Victims H o w l.’’
K ^"‘""International line
and can furnish anything von want in
the implem ent line
Primrose Cream Separators
Order repairs now
The usual program was varied
at Plainview the other day.
In ­
stead of a teacher beiiigcomplainrd
of for punishing a pupil it was Te I
Russell, the teaotier, who com
plained that he was beaten b> I
P. H uff, a school director, and
had him arrested.
Mr. and Mrs. O- W . Frum and
laughters, accoinqanied by Mrs,
Ringo, attended the funeral o'
Mrs. Marv Kirk at Brownsville
Kridny. Miss Ruth remained foi
the week end
with her grand­
mother, Mrs. Frutn.
Pour per cent and no worry.
APRIL showers bring May flowers £
this is the tune to buy new equipment.
Because the roads are better with
the coming of spring the count\
court has raised the permitted
weight of a truck and its load on
nnpaved roads from two tons to
It is understood that George Tet-
zie's wife had tried to persuadj him
to do no more boxing, and that lie
said this match should be the last
Ho wanted to win Ihe stakes as
well as the renown. The woman’s
ntuition proved the best.
Co,ne in an get 1 t,,lk
“ over antl
G. W. Mornhinweg
D e tr o it Vapor Oil Stove
The Cascadia road district has
not yet even been delimited. Much
nust be done before a vote can be
taken on levying a tax to build tin-
road, and then, taxes are so very I
inpopular ■ this
year that the
measure is likely to be lost and the
building of a macadamized highway
from Albany over the Cascades
postponed until “ a more convent- 1
nt season.’ ’
Getting into line with the cur­
rent fashions, Dever has a walking
ghost. The ghost is persistent. I
man committed suicide in a
TYouse there years ago. 1 be house
was torn down and a new one
built, yet Mr. Ghost carried on in
such an unearthly manner that a
H E R E D S T A R it a marvelous advancement for homes without gas.
family named Crenshaw had to
It gives to these homes tbe tam e tuiok-less and odorless heat a , does
nove out. They went in the uight
. the city gas range. It is wickless, asldess >ud ilirtlvns, because it gen-
is people sometimes do.
Ju. erstes its own gas from cheap kero* -ne, gas dine or distillate, concentrat-
I t
ing a double rin g of heat beiieath the cooking utensil and
saving at least
Herbert Wilson, onee a Browns­ (7» one-fourth of fuel bill. Operates 17 hours on a gallon of fuel.
ville Baptist preacher, now in jail
Los Angle* awaiting trial for a
raillion-dollar robbery, shot and
kilted Herbert R. Cox, an alleged jT
415-421 W est First at., Albany, Oregon
occoiuplice, last Sunday, when an
attempted ja il break was frustrat­
ed. Where he got the pistol is a
mystery. Also where he got 11000
Confectionery for
which he paid a turnkey to leave
a door unlocked. Saws which he
the Affection-ary
had procured mysteriously had
I f the way to a m an’s heart is through
alst^been taken from him. It 1»
his stomach, as the old saying govs,
charged that he killed Cox because
then surety Ihe right road to a woman’s
the latter was likely to tnrn state’s
good graces is through a box of choco­
evidence again*) him. H i* brother
lates and bon-bons.
O f course only
Frank was also arrested, charged
the daintiest morsels w ill accomplish
(Continued from page 1)
with complicity ill toe attempted
that eml—end "best” mean* Stewart Ac
Eldon Grot.» last week acquired ja il delivery.
Send a box t<slay to your
a beautiful poison oak complexion.
“ besteat."
According to the Times, Mr.
The Murphy Seed company the
‘ 'W h e re there's a candy box, there
Bowman annouces that $45.000
other day got a big order for see,la
the heart unlocks.''
worth of improvements are to be
from Newberg,
near Portland,
m»de at the Brownsville woolen
written on the blank of a Portland
mills. • Three new buildings are
seed house. T h at’s significant.
among these, an office building, a 1
The county list Thursday sold dyehonee and a storeroom. He
•60,000 of county road bonds to expects the m ill to be running bv
tbe Ladd & Tilton bank ot Port­ August 1. The ditch that furn­
remain* $60,000 ishes water for power for the wool­
worth to be disposed of. The mon­ en mill and flour m ill and for the
ey goes to tbe market roads.
pump* at the city water work* ha*
Fire, theft, Collision, property d a m ft go and
The Shedd schoolhouse
was filled np badly and it is thot that
personal liability. Protect yourself against
broken toto last week end by mal- it will coat 11500 or $2000 to clean
creants who shattered the library it out. An effort ia being mad« to
The pencil sharpener bare tbe city issue bonds and do
was broken down, several plants thia work on the ditch, to do away
destioyed in tbe high school room with 150 a month which it ia pay­
and the viclrola moved from room ing (or electricity to run the pomps.
2 to the hail- It looked as though
(Continued on page 4)
R O H R B A U G H *
<444x4-' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 s 4 4 4 4 444*4- 4*44x4) X
Jots and Tittles
Stewart & Price Confectionery
A utom obile Insurance
C. P. STAFFORD, A gent,
ihjdlOO,- yjA*x« rs»T*.r.»r t;*' A»A«**»1**>**»*»A***A**»S*A*