C VOL. X (Ç H alsey E nterprise HALSEY. U N S CO UNTY. OREGON. TH UR SDAY. APR. 13 1922 NO . 32 Hoff in the Field Halsey attended the revival meet- lhe M . 8. church at Bfowns- To the People of Oregon: I am | ,B8 Sirnou, daughter of John I t was a making the race for a second ter n ville Tuesday evening. M cNeil, returned to her Eugene FILTHY FATTY’S FREE If y o u d o n ’t g e t m o re than 7500 m ile s on fine meeting. A booster program as state treasurer on my record given by the children was entsr- K e lly S p rin g fie ld T ir es—y o u ’re e x c e p t io n ­ T w o-thirts Jurymen a little more than three years »-thirds o f th the « Jur taining and hslpful. Evangelist this office. Miss Donna Roberteon has been SaV say “ N ot G uilty< a lly u n lu ck y , th a t’s all. Iu the past three years I have Giorge and bis wife are a real * t home from her Eugene studies I F, . . „ . . ,. .~ t The earned and saved the state, through teem in evangelistic work. ibis week and has played the buckle ha* been acquit, the application o f business princi church was crowded. puoo for the Christian church & £ . £ ? , ? ’ “* u Miis R aP ^ - pies in handling of the funds en Forty or fifty Methodists will go meetings. lu irty-eix jurors have passed on D istr ib u to rs O ld sraobile, G o o d y e a r and K i i T to Harrisburg Friday evening to M r and Mm uz u u u l , Case.' . Twelv® of them voted M r. aud Mrs. W H McMahan for conviction and twentv four l... attend the revival meetings in th < K e lly S p rin g field T ires. came up from Portland Sund.y acquittal, and twelve of [¿e tw in - I have successfully administered M E church. Rev. E. B. p ,r- a -------- -------- --...» ..v a l and are spending a few daye with ty-four chanced to be on' the ju ry a business which has increased in rott and wife are the evangelists. friends and relatives in this vi which tried hiih last. volume 500 per cent since 1816 Haleey has not forgotten the work borne real b a rg a in s in u sed ca rs at p rioes cinity. with an increase in departmental of these two faitbfal people. and te r m s th a t w ill su it y o u . P | Whether or not he caused the expense of 31 per cent. Mr. and Mrs T . P. Patton girl s death, it has been shown The K in g ’s Heralds will hold By close attention to the indust­ drove to Corvallis Sunday. They that he is grossly immoral and an rial and Begrated accident funds. their monthly meeting Saturday at The were accompanied hy their daugb- experienced booie fighter. the M. E. church. Cor. 1 increased the interest yield 196 ter Mrs. 6 B. Stalnaker. who least offensive form of amusement per cent with an increase in funds bad been visiting in Halsey since which he was wont to indulge in 91 2 P“r or >71,000 saved Shedd Shots Thursday. seems to have been the giving of for 1921. parties where members of both R. C. Farwell lost a raluable K irkpatrick, who died re­ I saved the state over 15,000 by sexes danced and frolicked in “ un­ horse with chronic indigestion. cently in an Albuuy hoepitai, left arranging with the banks to handle dress uniform .” Mrs. T . J. Dannen and sou Short Stories o f H appenings in Linn County Generally at bis home in Halsey, among indorsed state warrants for *2 per The Lasky picture combination other things, s valuable collection cent instead of 6 per cent, whan John and Mrs. E. W . Shedd were and in H alsey Particularly had much rnouey tied up iu films ot books, which the Study club has the general fuuds became exhaust­ Albany callers Saturday. of the beast and spent much purchased and added to the pub­ ed last‘year. money to secure his acquittal, hop­ Mrs. George Hayes was at Al- who is in a hospital there. lic library. H W. Y. Shearer came near losing I have increased the earnings of one of his valuable cows. ing those films would again be­ When bany Friday. the inheritance tax department M r. Shearer’s barn burned this The resuscitation of the Browns, marketable. I f ,n attempt F. H . Porter returned to Port­ woolen mills is to be celebrated by come Mrs. A. V . Umstead is stopping over $60,000 by inagurating a is made to show him on the screen cow was the last to leays and got land Monday, after spending a with Mrs. L. a . Pray. policy of examining valuations and her head scorched pretty badly, a grand ball on its new floor April the producers' promise to reform week in Halsey looking after buai- 21. I he proceeds are to go to the the movjee from within can be insisting on the true value being and to add to her troubles, poor ness. Mrs. J. 0 . Bramwell and Mrs. placed on all property. Americau Legion community build­ taken with a whole shovelful of old bossy became sick with a se­ George Taylor were iu Albany ing fund. I refused to sanction a proposed vers attack of bloat. ®a Jt—■•nd an onion. Florence Keesling, daughter of Saturday.] increase in my salary during the There is one newspaper in the The E lite confectionery of A l- Mr. and Mrs. T. A. H o vtr and J. W. Morgan, arrived Saturday 1021 legislature, beleiving the oountry that will refuse, in the in­ I- C Standish went to Portland bauy, advertised in the Enterprise, daughter of Halsey spent Sunday from Portland, with her infant, present a time for reduction in state terest of the young, to advertise Saturday to visit his son 'Everett, for a visit. at the Georgs Dannen horns. * ®*P*rt candy maker, expense. A. T. Wallace, from Portland, at Arbuckle pictures. Clapboards and cedar posts from I have consistently opposed in­ work. creases in salaries of state officials Crawfordsville are being brought D. H . Sturtevant ia recovering Left Over and more highly paid state em. to Shedd by the carload. Peace I leave with you; my peace I from the flu and Charles Morn- ployos. W hat follows was crowded out give unto you" (John 14 ;2T) ; "Let not These are inscribed on the your heart be troubled” (John 14:1)} " 10we% who nursed him, went of the last sssue : The Study Club and now the firat word after His resur­ home Friday indispoeed. records, and I invite inspection n li « Livengood, manager of the Mrs. D. Taylor was hostess for rection Is "Peace.” Having calmed thereof. Mrs Mary Darling of L. Penny store at Albany, will their fears. He gave them an unmis­ ville passed thru Halsey Browos-|J. on her The methods of economy and the Woman’s Study club last remain there. He has an interest takable evidence of His resurrection. undivided attention to the state’s Thursday afternoon at a very way to Eugene Bunday evening to 'io an eastern store, but the report “And when He had so said, He showed profitable meeting. The club business, which have enabled me to visit her daughter Beatrice, who that he would go to manage it wae unto them His hands and His side. make this record, will continue to voted to -pu robase the library of was operated on for appendiciti- an error. Then were the disciples glad when . . , i tbe late M r. K irkoatrick, consist- be my policy, and the they saw the Lord.” Their doubts the previous Suoday. of stand Rice Blackburn has a radio re. embodied in my oath of office'are io< 01 o o r 400 needed to be scattered, and His peace The young people of the Metho- ceiving station at Brownsville and my platform, and approval of the ard literature, and three book needed to he upon them. Consider: atstchurch will hold a “ sunrise” Charles Robertson and Edgar En- Halsey Christian Church I. The disciples' commission (v. 21). same by the people will be sincerely eases. Theee books represent the Ptavsr-meeting at tne church al ger are installing others. The master poets and novelists, history ‘‘As my Father hath sent Me, even so appreciated, O. P. H off. ' 7 o'clock Sunday—Easter—morning lim eesavs: Mr. Enger is a oon- bi >graphy, oratory and encyclo­ send I you.” This commission was not Church Announcements pedia, and will be a great addition simply to a class, as the eleven, but le .k T h \ ? ‘ aLdjr clnb 1100 for brmed radio fan and has been ex C h ristian : Methodist Church to all Christiana. In Luke 24:33 we ' h.°“ K 'rkpatriçk books and con­ perimenting with radio apparatus to the publio library. , find that there were others there In 10, Bible school. Tbe clun decided to give siders them • bargain. The books for some time. He is a student at Last Sunday was a most excel­ 11, Morning worship. Com I that meeting besides the elev.ii when were in a good state of préserva, Willamette university and while lent day at the Methodist church. chicken dinaer on electiou day, Sermon, ' ‘The Resur Jesus showed himself to them end turn. experimenting in Salem he wae Baptism and reception of members fuuds to be expended for library, “ union. commissioned them, showing that the still continue. Next Sund.y mmr’ I O rZ Mrs. ^ a ’. Clark gave tbe 1CMOn lesson W on 1 rection.” able to pick up messages in his commission Is not confined to a class Mrs. W illia m Grimes of Hepp­ room by attaching Ihe receiving 6:30, Christian Endeavor. n»g the pastor will nrsach an '-"egon s wonder places in a very or order, but Is wide as the Christian 7:30, Evangelistic service. M r. body Itself. All Christians, therefore, ner, for several years a resident of eet to the springs of his bed. Easter serVnon. In heev.ning » * ° £ ' “ 1 °°"' E ister program will be M r! ’, Mornhmweg read a very Neeley will sing “ The Holy C ity .’’ are envoys and representatives of this vicinity, was visiting at the The county rock and gravel plant the members of the Sund.y school ‘* ¡ £ ¡ '< 3 ° re«00 , Sermon,“ Heaven and W ho Are Christ. The exercise of this great home of her sister, Mrs. J. F. Isom, at Saddle Butte will he in op- It will be interesting. 7 ' L Mrs. C. H K oonl. and Mrs. L. Going There.’’ function la not merely optional with the first of the week. the Ws r * u t to make Easter Sunday the indlvlduif, but la obligatory upon Fifteen or more M eth od ist, of c V X . " M^hin’ ^ a m '.S d ’ Dr. and Mrs T I M a rk . a . „ I e r,t,ion “?**n * • ■oon gfeat day. Our goal for the him. The Lord placed It upon a plane I the hostess in serving. Bible school is 150. There will he with Hta own commission from the Father— “As my Father hath sent ma, short Easter program and Tbe next mesting of tbs club -iu m w i„ , so send I you.” I will be a t the home of Mrs. James basket dinner at the church. AH 2. The disciples' equipment (v. 22). the State Medical association. 300 yards of gravel per day. The Orinkard. are cordially invited. 'He breathed on them, and salth ante W e H ave Mrs, Herman Mitsner receive,! work this year will complete tbe Lester Jones, pastor them. Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” every thing word of the death of her aunt, Mrs. plans started on last season, it is LeuffuePlan Fails The mission of the disciple Is a very ¡»aid. The gravel is being hauled Mffthodist: O ptical great one, but every one who goes K- K. Cummings, ai Albany, which The plan of the trustees of the in some instances three or four occurred Monday evening Miss Sunday School, 10. forth In Its execution He clothes with Oregon Dairymen’s Cooperative E Y E S T R A IN the power of a new life by the bestow- Bessie Bond, a niece, had been miles and is being used largely to Preaching, 11. league to exchange I heir plant at 1» the Cause of Many rnent of His spirit. No one who has helping care for Mrs. Cummings complete market roads.— Democrat. Junior League, 8, Harrisburg for tbe membership’s H U M A N IL L S this equipment shall ever fall. The for some time. Intermediate League, 6:30. back pool interests met with com­ I f your eyes give you trouble or Lord’s representatives have His life In Epworth League, 6:80. Ash Swale Assertions plete disapproval at the meeting « laMea ara aoaoyiag Ri‘ Bsrber of Wisconsin, them. The barrenness of our efforts Preaching, 7:30. SEE US. We can Relieve You held Friday evening, at wbi< I le due to our failure to take by faith uncle of Mrs. J. D. Putm Mrs. H am ill, who died in Browns- Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. time a resolution was passed auth our equipment. Bancroft Optical Co. here on a vieil. He has visited ville last weeL was tbe mother of Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, 313 1st St. W. Albany. Phone A orixing tbe trustees to sell tht 3. The disciples* authority (v. 28). points in California and will do Mrs, Charles im utm an, who form­ factory to the best advantage. “Whose soever sine ye remit, they are the same in Washington on his erly lived at Ash Swale. aaaa3 3 remitted unto them; and whose soever way home, incidentally boosting Pine Grove Church: •Ins ye retain, they are retained.” This for bis home region. Mrs. Opal Price, from Portland, authority was nof by virtue of office, Sunday School, 10. visited at the Newland home over but by virtue of having the Holy The annual boys’ and girls’ club the week end. Prayer-meeting, 7. Ghost. This would give the spiritual summer school will be in Corvallis, discernment to know who had or whs beginning June 12 and euding June Mrs. Groves of North Dakota, Sunday School Lesson had not repented, and consequently, 4 Last year there were more who has been visiting her parents, to pronounce pardon or not. (BV H X ~ P B .‘ FITZW ATEH. D. D„ than 30 who attended from Linn Mr. and M r-. R. C. F a rw e ll, for Teacher o f Bn«ll«h Bible la the Moody H. Jeaus Manifests Himself to the county. A lim it of 500 has bee,, several weeks, ba. returned DI bei Bible Inetltute of Chtca«o.) Dleelplea, Themes Being Present ( w . •«t. It will be Impossible tn care ho,ns, O-errlvbl, n i l , Weetere W .w .pop., L’.lo a MORTON & DOTSON o , ALBANY Jots and Tittles $ I fa s te r New Pongee Silk Waists Plain Styles ........... »^R uffle Trimmed »5.25 New Grinnell Fabric Gloves C uff Stylos, Brown, B lack a n d B eaver 75c to $1.75 El bow len g th , C olor», M ode, M astic and P la t in u m .... ...........& Humming Bird Silk Hosiery C tdors Black and «^Colors, S ilv e r F o x , C ordovan x s B ju e and G ok, •1 .7 o a p air-^ B row n tw o -to n e . $2 New Style Men’s Hats and Shirts C olors, S e a l M ouse, « ... . M ole and N u tm e g x \ P o n R©e Silk Shirt« 050^ $6.00 M. V. KOONTZ CO. 20-2»), Thomas was absent at the first ap­ for more. Those interested should Charles Carlson and Frank New. pearance of Jesus. His absence de­ •p p lr early.— Albany Herald. land attended a telephone meeting LESSON FOR APRIL 16 prived him of a vision of the Lord. Ab­ The annual Jersey jubilee meet­ held by the KuokhiU Telephone sence from the assembly of believer« ■ASTSR LESSON company last Monday n ig ht. ___ 1 X J - always occasions lots. The other dis­ ing will begin May 24 at Albany LEBBON TE X T —John )D:l»-a. ciples go to Thomas at once with tbe The greater part of ihe first day M rs P. O Mallow and M r* VV were Lx>rd *• rl“ n * - glad news of the resurrection, hut he will be ppftnt in Linn conn tv vinif. F. S ylvester Hr i v M» m will not believe. His stubborn dlsbo- ing the larger herds. Members of i ehopper* last Fndav : ANO JU N IO R TOPIC—The lief Is such that he doggedly declares Jersey calf clubs should begin to E “ ?IB W A T « A N D SENIO R TOPIC that unless he sees the prints of the prepare for this meeting. Calves O -c i Barnes, the sr . .... nails, etc., he will not believe. It Is should beiu tbe beet possible con- ptophet ,»f A di Swale, who „ever —Why We Observe Eaeter Day. JJ'CNO P E O PL E A N D A D C I.T TOPIC right to demand evidence, bnt to pro­ ditioa. Those planning on mak­ makes a m i-lake, predicts that we - T b e Effect of B e ll* in p ,. R . . urra£ scribe terms Is rank unbelief. Note: in g this trip should get in touch will have bad weather iiotd 1. The Lord's kindness to those whs planting time with the club leader. I. Jews Manifests Himself to the have difficulties. Thomas deserved re­ Ohwiplae, Thomas Being Absent (vv. buke. bnt the Lord kindly supplied the Tom M iller of Brownsville is ° . Gunderson and E. Ellis of evidence which he demanded. one of tbe kindest and most gener- the Fir Grove district were in A *h 2. The revristlon of the Lord trene* He appeared to severs) of Hie dis­ our-hearted of men, but is liable Swale hunting seed grain last S u n . ciples at several different times daring forms a doubter Into a possessor, I II . The Cenelueien ef the Oeepel Io n dden fits of ill temper when day and Monday. that day. Ib is u the first appearance things go wrong. If anything can to the dleelplea as a body. The rumors (vv. 30-31). Mr. Archibald, who loe» his fine In theee verses John's arguments ir e make a man lose bis temper a • f His several appearances on that day barn by fire last week, lives just summarised, end an expltnallon le balky horse can. In such an out­ caused the disciples to assemble to a few miles north of Saddle Butts. talk over the matter, f o r fear of the given as to why he wrote this Gospel. burst M ille r committed the offense Among Jews, they met in a private room and Many other things could have been to which be pleaded guilty in the His lose was very heavy. barred the door. While they were dis­ written, but these that he wrote he justice’s court in Albany. N o th ­ other things it include,! four thor- cussing the strange happenings of tbe lodged adequate to prove his point: ing can excuse cruelty to dumb oughbred calves, hack, milking Jesus — ef • Nsiaretb hruU” ' t thou«h electric k . - . L circumstances ma y j I machine, day. tbe Lord mysteriously appeared To prove that (1) ----— . e^ lr,C light ligh‘ plant, P,an‘ . sep- *«P . before them with tbe greet'ng of good was tbe expected Messis h m n hd • R- M ille r’s friends say he ’ arat?r.’ *tn,,laga cutter, grain coop He was divine— the very Son oi ,m o; - , , , , cheer, -Peace be unto you.” He did ” — 'oM , h . l If k . p .r. b ,„ d ., .„ d . , not come with censure for their fall- (3) »hat those who believe on Him as Wa* tOld t h ,t if *>• would plead and Mrs. Archibald were elightly ore and desertion At His birth the Gods only Son—the Messiah— would 8 u l‘ l T to ***• charge he would be burned. M r Archibald ia a* yet w'th a fine He did so plead angels announced "Peace” Jnst he- receive eternal life. Eternal life Is la ) '* * undecided as to whether or not be Him and only as He Is appropriated by *o d was sent to ja il, • f2tS ha took His deparisre, He saldt will rebuild. He says tie says he he cannot cat filth can men be saved. t i COOU° aWi • " ¡repise« the propsrtj for 95QUQ,