PAG H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E A P R IL 6, 1922 BABY CARTS C H EA PER /IS $ Kogoway has a lot of G A R D E N H O S E bought last fall. To make an early sale he öfters it, if taken this month, at prices guar­ anteed to be 3 c A FOOT L E S S than anywhere else. $ * I J bo n ami i w y 'a ir to I gallon of kerosene. ,» ------------------------------------------------------- T Rogo way’a prices are low because his expenses T a le s è lo w . Come in ami nel pricer ROGOW AY ZD Second and Baker sts., A lbany Rialto J b m « L Lathy George Tetzie Dead George Tetze of Brownsville died io a bosiptl at Eugene Saturday evening from a hemorrage of th e ; brain roaulting from injuriee re­ ceived nt a iroxing match at the armory there Friday evening On Friday and Saturday of this week we He fought a match with Carl ! will give, absolutely free of charge, to every­ M iller and wav getting the worst j of it when in the aeventb round be i body entering our store, one package of waM felled and was nuable to re­ sum e. He started from the hail 1 but foil and was picked up uncoti- acinas and taken to the hospital. Ilia wife anil father reepouded to a call by phone an I were at hi« b-dnide, but be never regained c uieciouaue««. Teizie was a acienced boxer and bad helped entertain bi« comrade« in numerous bout« at Camp Lewi«, » here he tork training foi the war. 1 he remain« were taken borne tu Erowueville and the funeral wae luesday. His widow 1« expected «oon to become a mother. He was in partnerahip with bia father, Theodore Tetzie, in the meat business, having charge of the slaughter bouse and the outside work. His wife, father and mother and small «later Eleanor for aaaiatiug in tbecomiDg revival. The Btandard Bearers met « ■•re among the many jr.ourners. A daughter was boni at the Mrs. D. Taylor’s Wednesday evt He wan about Hl years old. home of Mrs. C. 8cbure March 21 ring. Two returned miesionarie». to M r. and Mrs' W illiam McKay were present. ! Choice Sweet Pea Seeds Woodworth Drug Co. ALBAN Y presents JachHolt The Call J. W MOORE (¿ life ALBawv A drama of love and soul-testing ordea, in a land that belongs to the strong. - oaaco* The statement that G u ; Bram­ well was to he collector for the Mountain States Power company Pie 77.77.777.7 "7. " ’ “ Brownsville was without found Cake 7.77777777777777777'ioc atiou- Claude Michel is still on Chicken dinner evey S u n d a y .............40c the job. Other prices similar. . E D S T O R T Z Prop. A . J. McDaniel got judgment against H. Lesley ot Brownsville for #40 end interest in bra suit. H A I^ S E Y I Otb THE FOUR HORSEMEN of the APOCALYPSE (Continued from page J) Mr. and Mr«. B. M. Bond were at IIm county «eat Sunday. The Ladie«’ Study club meetd with Mrs. Doug Taylor today. (ie o rg e W . Laubner and wife were in the county metiopolis Sat­ urday. Ed Storts has bought M r. G il­ bert'« interest in the E lite confec­ tionery and cafeteria at Aibanv and now is «ole propietor. It is the finest place of the kind at the county aeat. I I you are hungry when in Albany io n • where for a very little money you can get the best lunch or dinner, pre­ pared by the beat cooka, and eat it am d plea «ant surroundings A few items t Soups _______ ___ ______ . . . . . . . . . 5 c M e a ts .............................................15 and Ate Vegetables .................................................5c S a la d s .......................................5, 10 and 15c Cl Qammounl {picture Jots and Tittles at Brewuaville. (2o f e c t in n e r y 129 Broadalbin st. oftheNotth* << OREGON S R e a i E s ta te a n d in s u r a n c e Friday, April 7 Rialto, Harrisburg, Monday, A p ril Sweet Pea Seeds At the triple hirthdav party t» J , C. and Gujk Br »unveil and E< eanor Hover at J. C. Bramwell’ 8 inlay there were present Ed Ho­ ver and wife and two daughter« ol Harrirhurg, Guy Bramwell qpd family of Brownsville, Torn H»»vei ami wife and daughter, Grant T a i­ lor and Roy Hover. The ages of the three guests of honor aggre gated 109 yeare, The Enterprise people can testify that the eatable« were excellent, having been treated to liberal «ample«. Thomas Keuagy and Violet Mi hler of Albany were married Tha Christian church spent 60, Saturday. adyertieing last Sunday's service The attendance at both Halsey ill the Enterprise. The house w e churches is larger, week by week, tilled and tiie procuring ol mure than it has b«<*n fur a long time. seats and opening up more loom 1« disenased. This week the same John Davis and wife of Brown*' ville passed thru Halsey on the body advertises on page 8 ila evan­ gelistic met-ong-, which bgin to­ way to Albany Sunday. morrow. Alva Leep er and fam ily of A l­ Accompanying Mis« Cleon« pine came over Saturday and A l­ Smith on her nisit home last week va went home Sum lay. end was one of her H'rgene «chnol- About a dozen ladies of the ■nates. Miss Audrev Montague of Christian church, laden with good Pomeny, Wash. things to eat, surprised John and M iry LaRue when they visited Mre. Filkinanf Brownsville spent them last weok and celebrated a Saturday night with her aunt, double birthday anniversary, both Mrs. If. W. Chance. Mr Filk'ns, the LaRuez having come into the who ia a Southern Pacific bridge word within a few days of the builder, came from Springfielu same day of the year. Sunday and went home with lip wife. j T h - r . eiden o< ft» ou Morse hot mentioned leal hwn“ GARAGE «•¡‘•ri# Mie. ¡s th e p la c e ttib u y L ^ w ^ v m .0 ^ Auto Supplies of all kinds. Mrs. Fred jackson and Mrs V-rt Miucaley called ou Mr«. Wheeler Wednesday. H IL L & © General Hardware Harness k*■* S U N D A Y M A IL H O URS The delivery window of the Haleey postoffice is open Sundays grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 to 12:35 and 4:45 to 5.00 p. m. Carl Hapsburg of Austria died in exile on April fool day and Joe M itti of Ita ly , a New York peanut vender, died the same day. Pre­ sumably both were buried. Tbe Southern Pacifia will speu <17,000,000 this year in Oregon on additions and betterments. PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line Lu k Holt Coming in Big Picture Coming to A lbany Dr. Mellenthin Specialist Foote Bros., Props. (Succeaiors to Croas * W h ite ) South No, 23, 11:29 a m. 17, 5.39 p. m. Prof. English’s mother and sis­ Dr. E. W . Barnum, dentist, at ter came from Eugene to spend the Ho'el Halsey every Tuesday and week end Friday. Mrs. Davenport’s room enter tained the other grade rooms Fri day morning with a colonial enter­ tainment. The girls were dressed as colonial dame» and the boys a« “ Beau Briimmel ” of Washington's time. They sang songs of ’76 and danoed a little colonial minuet, taught them by Miss Nichols. They gave a colonial tea, in whi--h in Intetnal Medicine for the Margaret Morse as Mi« ress Wash­ past eleven years ington entertained four of her lady frie ids. her guest of honor being Be ey Ross, who wae Aim t Tonkin. D o e s n o t O p e r a te — Brownsville Times. Halsey Garage Mrs Fred lackson and Mfr Bert Minckley of L ike Creek wen Albany shopper« Friday. North No. 1«, 12:01 p. in. 24, 5.50 p nr Jack Holt, a popular screen Mayer who recently became a Par- mount star, will be seen at the Rialto theater Friday in “ The Call of tbe N orth,” his first »tellar He has Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kilhurn of vehicle for Paramount, Brownsville have a daughter born an exceptional role in the pictuse ami his talents as an actor are March 23. fully tested in tbe action. Madge J . E. True has bought the Ben ■ n - n . r__ . k ,:iii„ „ . „ . _« c . ■ goHiam y, a brilliant young actress, nett place, about a mile south ol I : - i.:. B ’ . j a l -r> -ii 11,8 leaning woman. town, and Pearl True wiI occupy it. Lonzo N e a |, who lives there Sixteen-inch oak wood, <8, de- will move to Mrs Stewart's, where (ivered.— F O. Sal mon. Pearl True now lives. FISK. G O O DYEA R and GOOD | Iu turning over the management RICH tites. These brands of tiresfsre I ‘ be 8ciO actfhoi paper, the well known and offer to the purchaser 8|>hinx, to their successor« the good value for the money paid. manager» say: “ To the manager R -uieiii'w r, we are always at y o u r l^ n d ill« assistant 111 the future service when yon need niechanrcrl help yoera we do hereby will and be- |que«th our case-hardened «heli High School Notes which has grown around us site weathering tha hard-boiled looks A number of students have de­ I if busy merchants while soliciting veloped serious case« of spring advertising.” fever. M'Hing company and Mrs. Mills were in Albany Tuesday. H A L a iiV R .s lL K O A D I ¡ M L W ill be at ALBANY HOTEL Albany, Oregon, The juniors are anxiously aw ait­ ing the stunt which the seniors d e ­ cided to put on some time ago M onday & T u esd ay, A p r i l IO a n d 11 The girls have takeu up baseball and are planniug to have a team this year. Harold Muller and Collin C aA er were abseut from school Probably some more cases of spring fever. Office hour«, 10 A, M to 4 p. M. TWO DAYS ONLY No Charge for Consultation Mr. aud Mrs O. W M'irnhin ‘ Teddy’’ Mitzner, who was veg spent Monday evening at the G llfX A repairing. W e have up-to- home from the Willamette univer­ Dr. M elleuthin is a regular graduate mine of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tin- O ltV JC j ate machinery for doilig sity for the spring vacation, visit­ in medicine and surgery and ia licensed first-clau work. lie in Brownsville the state of Oregon. He visits pro­ ed the high school Friday ailer- by fessionally the more important towns and M r. and Mrs. H »rry Park of woon. Two other visitors w re cities, and offers to all who call on thia B roan-zille were iu Haleey Tuea* Edna Haverland arid Gretia H a rri­ trip free consultation, except the ex ­ lay. Mre. Park we it to Eng- ne, son from the Browuaville high pense of treatment «hen desired. school, According to his method of treatm ent J'-hn Cochell of Brownsville was Come and learn prices before you bnv. he does not operate for chronic append­ i i Halsey Monday. Both the juuior and senior classes O ur once* are made w ith the object of icitis. gall stones, ulcers of stomach, are spending a great deal of time tonsils o r adenoids. • f •_ -<, A. J. H ill has bought the B M, makigg tales practiting their plays. The junior M iller home and the family will H e has to his credit wonderful results class will probably givb its play make its home theie. in diseases of the stomach, liver, bow­ first, altho it is undecided as yyt. els, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidneys, Mrs. J. C. Kirke of Shantung, bladder, bed welting, catarrh, weak China, will address the misrionary Watch for the junior class Hag! lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers society at Mrs. Wesley's tomor­ Up goes the flag of tbe "class of and rectal ailments. row. She is said to be a very m- ’23 ” oue of these nights. I f you have been ailing for any tength eieating speaker. of tune and do not get any better, do not J . B-, Reporter. fail to call, as improper measures rather l i e Herald mentions J. D Rode than disease are very ofteu the cause of J -* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * nd H. A. Reuuinger as visitors your long and standing trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Otla Taylor, form ­ Remember above date, that consulta­ ' F IR S T A I D * erly of Halsey and B»ownsvill». at the county seat yesterday. tion on this trip w ilt be free and that his Cl arles Childs' 4-year-old daugh­ but now ol Corvallis, visited the treatment is different. Prepare your horses tor the heavy spring lady's aunt, Mr«. R M Southern ter fell Irom a porch arid broke Married women must be accompanied and Mrs J. C, Standish Manday her arm Tuesday at the ChilJe work by giving them a conditioner. by their husbands. home in Albany, Cotton Last Sunday Mr- a»d Mrs. 0 Address 356 Flos ton Block, Minneap- Iodine Mrs. James Drinkard returns I olia, Min. W- From had Mrs. J, Smith, Mis- Mary Smith and Prank K iik and fiom Portland Monday, having .Arnica TRY «on W ill at a dinner that is de. been down toh earO alli Curccising Rubbing Alcohol -crilied as grand and glorious. “SALT-EM” with Mrs. M, C. Bond sad daughter Fever Therm om eters Misses Eleanor Woodworth ami M< h r , who h«d been at Santa Bar­ YOUR STOCK 30 DAYS We make a Marie Darling of Brownsville were bara, California, for some weeks, Witch Hazel returned yesterday eventug. I I f they don’t make better gains on Friday evening visitors in Halsey. Specialty of Hinkle Pills feedtcome in .e n d get your H ill & Co., who bought out the W. A Ringo attended tbs box­ Friendship, Mineral ( til money back I ing match at Eugene Friday night f-ioss & W hite hardware store, ' Stock w ill «how improved appear- Engagement and (Spirits of Camphor Mr«. Ringo looked after the drug­ have pul in about $8H0 worth of •nee and m «kr more n ilk or butter showcases and fixtures aud <5000 store in his absence. Wedding £ It u ic Acid fat. Save« -watte of feed and dancer worth of general stock, which io. from indieeation. Save« Iota fro m Rings Mr. and Mrs. C. B Tycer have Formaldehyde Fumi- eludes a complete modern harness- W o rm s a n d D iaeat«. N ot a food but a »eased their large home ou K iik medicated stock aatt — aavea trouble of woik aud shoe repairing outfit. It gators F . M . F r e n c h a S o ns av»»nue, Brownsville, for three salting, and "doctoring," at the animal« will probably take a week to ar­ ALBANY OREG. years to a family named Holland Adhesive Tape take th n r own' medicine. M orw y back i f range the stock in the store and T a s * d«a«n*t. S a tis fy .’ of McCoy and will move Into the straighten thing« out so that visit­ Carron Oil for burns -U g .-S A ^ T -r- ' r«««. - ' Wright property on the same street, ors can comprehend the change« Olive Oil which they recently acquired. SWtawM^S that are being made. A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O T IC E R. W. Tripp, who sold hia auto, Ms. Zi ta The Intermediate league held W. Â. Notice ia hereby given that the under- • M.71 mobile buaiue«« at ABiany to Mor­ its regular buieness meeting at the »ignetl has been appointed adm inistrator ion A Dot «on, is «t Hie old aland \l. E i hurch Tuesday evening, of ttie estate ot W. H K irk p n tric k by A 6M TS r o t CON R EV S A* * * * * * * the in os I of the time, workiug "uu fwenty-two members were present. tne county court of Linn county, i 'regou. P0U1JWB STOCK MMtMES der the order of unfini«h«d buei- After the regular buianeea hour a A ll persons having claims »gainst said estate are hereby required to present nees," for the firm ’s transaction« eoc»al time was enjoyed Refresh­ Special prices this week same to the undersigned at his residence are many and cannot be closed up ments were served. A $ 1 ^ * pail foe $225 _ in tlalsey. Oregon duly verified and in a dev Rumors that M r Tripp A >1 W pail for »I 25 po»*P*id to yon. w ith proper vouchers as by taw required, The Chri tian Endeivorera held had gone into the reel eetetr w ithin six months from the date of this I heir regular huamess meeting at All (work don« |Womptly and beaineae are unfounded. notice. Dated and first published March the Christian church Tuesday eve. I ’ ” 21 F. M Gray, ALBANY tr«»uuttb’»jf. Fuuus No, ÿfiv.9 WtUiatu Mill« o( the tyruaniville oing. Various plain wgre made I ORBEQON L. L. Swan. .Xdiniuistrator. Attorney for Administrator, F a r m Machinery and Implements Gas Engines HILL & CO. Halsey, Oregon Horse Sense Drug Supplies a j Ringo, Druggist tw>***»*%tarl F. M. GRAY. Drayman. Murphy’s Seed Store