Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, April 06, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    »iusu m g b j bur fa'.her'g front yard,
ra ttlin g a stick on the fence a t ha
went, care-free and m asterful, but shy
as a dear I f strangers looked at him,
and always “not much of a talker.”
She bad always felt so superior to
h im ; she shuddered as she thought o f
It. H is quiet had been so much better
than her talk. H is Intelligence was
proven now, when It came to the great
test, to be of a stronger sort than hers.
H e was wise and good and genti
and a fighting m an! “ We know what
they've done to this country and what
they mean to do to ours. So we're
going to attend to them." She read
this over, and she knew that Ramsey,
wise and gentle and good, would fight
like an unchained devil, and that he
and his comrades would Indeed and
Indeed do w hat they “came for.”
“It wasn't you,” he said. She nod
ded gently, agreeing, and knew what
it was that sent him.
Yet Ramsey
had his own secret here, and did not
tell it. Sometimes there rose, fain t In
his memory, a whimsical picture, yet
one that had always meaut much to
him, li e would see an old man sitting
w ith a little boy upon a rustic bench
under a walnut tree to watch the “Dec­
oration Day Parade" go by— and R am ­
sey would see a shoot of sunshine that
had somehow got through the walnut
tree and make a bedazzlement of
glinting fine lines over a spot about
tlie size of a saucer, upon the old
m an’s thick w hite hair. And In Rams
sey’s memory, the little boy, sitting
beside the veteran, would h a lf close
his eyes, drowsily, playing th a t this
sunshine spot was a white blrd’s-ne«t,
until he had a momentary dream of a
g littering little bird that dw elt there
and wore a blue soldier cap on Its
head. And Ramsey would bring out of
his memory thoughts that the old man
had got Into the child's head that day.
“ W e knew that armies fighting for the
Freedom of Man had to win. In the
long run. . , . W e were on the aide of
God's Plan. . . . Long ago we began
to see hints o f His Plan. . .
They Were Soldlere.
has to win his freedom from him self—
men In the light have to fight against
men In the Qark . . . T h a t light la the
answer . . -. W e had the light that
made us never doubt.”
. •
A long while Dora sat w ith the let­
te r In her hand before she answered It
and took It upon her heart to wear.
T h a t was the place for It, since It wae
already w ithin her heart, where be
would find It when he came home
again. And she beheld the revelation
sent to her. This ordinary life o f Ram­
sey’s was but the outw ard glinting of
a high and splendid spirit, as high and
splendid as earth can show. And yet
It was only, the life of an everyday
American boy.
T he streets o f the
town were full, now, of boys like Ram ­
At first they were Just boya In uni­
fo r m ; then one saw th a t they were
boys no more.
They were soldiers.
( T H E E N D .]
I^ L
Uuuta of the law.
Interest paid on time certificates of deposit
We invite your banking business
H. KOONTZ, Pres.
IX TAYLOR, Yice-Pres.
B. M. BOND, Cashier
Be Honest With Yourself
J Heaven, and W h o W ill be There.
G /ir is tia n
C I f you have been d riftin g along— spending all,
and thin k.
saving nothing— stop
\o u must realize that it cannot go on forever. O ne’s earning day® are
numbered. N j w , while yotir earning power ia the greatest, see to it that
S h u r c /i
each payday pay® Son {T h in g toward your fu tu re I n d k p k n d k n c «,
W e w ill welc j j i ; your aocjunt an 1 help yoa save.
EVANGELISTIC MEETING : The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon
William Hahn visited the county i
seat Thursday.
A Straight
Proposition to
Every Person
A few days ago a certain m ail or­
der house ten t out its latest issue
catalog, in which you w ill find a de­
part' m eat devoted to
and kindred lines. I am not a
knocker of the m ail order house,
for I know they really do show some
good values; but what I would like
i< for all you people who are consid­
ering sending for anythin g to give
me a chance by comparing my
prices w ith theiss.
I am not one bit afraid log o into
comparison oa anything they have
in my line, sad I w ill be honest
and a d m it it if they are making
better prices oa any of the articles
compared than I can.
Since the distribution of this last
catalog several purchasers have
been in m y store and secured ar­
ticles which they fu lly intended to
send for. One p a rt), whose name I
'w ill not mention, purchased goods
to the amount of a little leas than
Wvj which was at a saving of 9S
cents, or about 2l) per cent. Some
saving, I should sty. I t was w ith ­
out any solicitation on my part that
he showed me the figures from in
order which he had ready to m ail to
pr^ve his saving.
M ake oat your order, bring it to
tod, and aee i f I cannot save yon a
part of the hard cash you are spend­
In addition to your saving in the
M a t place, you must remember that
I get vour money you have a
chance to get part df it back, as I
am spending all m y earnings at
„ M ake out your M ile and L E T 'S *
Jots and Tittles
Mrs, H. W. Chance celebrated
her birthday Saturday.
W . C Cowgill of Corvallis, rep­
resenting the Curtis publishers,
was in town Friday.
Enoch Cunningham and fami'y
Reed at Albany last week and two
moved from the Shaw house into
more this week.
Misses Cleona Smith,
Donna a house near the Methodist church,
Robertson an I Helen Armstrong owned by Ida M. Cummings,
took Monday's traiu for Eugene,
The three-year-old child of Mrs.
where they are studying.
Sidney Smith got a piece of walnut
Mrs. Kate McBride, who has shell iu its eye Friday and had to
been visiting at the John Porter go to a doctor to have it removed.
home, took the train for Albany
Miss Donna Robertson, who is
and her home in Portland Mon­
studying at the Eugene Bible uni-
versity to fit herself tor missionary
Forty-three neighborsebarivaried service, came home for lbs week
Mr. and Mrs. Loomis, the elderly end.
bride and groom of Waterloo, the
Masculine members ol the older
(Jther day and were welcomed ami
generation became boys again Sat­
urday afternoon and played boys'
lease Cross, Miss Donna Robert­ games with
zest on the open
son, Weyne Robertson and Mi«s ground in front of Frum ’s ware
Lila Dudley went to Albany F r i­ house.
There were probab'y i
day night to enjoy the skating at hundred of them there at one time
the riuk,
Stirred tip by the superintendent
Mrs. Carl Kcppe of Eugeue, o f schools, Albany police give
niece of Mrs. Marks, spent the notice that boya under 18 years of
latter part of the week at the age smoking tobacco in any form
doctor’s home. M r. Koppe came within the city limits will b
Saturday aud they went home the arrested, and so will anybody
next day.
selling tobacco to minors.
M r*. C P. Stafford arrivjd
Pavement ir to be completed
home Saturday from a visit of a this year from Albany to Halsey,
week in Portland, where she took but from here to Harrisburg will
iu the grand opera season.
She probably be delayed
for the
Our Half Soles and Full Soles
, We can furnish you with soft and pliable
, leather of the Neolin, Portland, Non-skia, Pan-
co or Uakide. A FREE SHINE with every pair
of soles.
Men, we specialize in fíne
Shoe Repairing
building of a bridge at Harrisburg
Lane county promised to build
its half of that bridge, but now«
Mrs. Riggs, an elderly lady well
known iu Brownsville hut now re­
siding in Albany, fell and broke
an ankle while visiting in the
former city a few wejk« ago. Mun­
day, while walking with crutches
at her home, she bad another fali
and broke a hip.
Repairs on the Brownsville
woolen m ill building are in full
blast. The Mountain States Power
company will supply eleotricitv as
part of the motive power. The
machinery taught at Bandon will
be moved within sixty days. New
roofing, flooring and paint are
among the improvements under
~j5’ way.
That payroll for Browns-
soles and full soles of the best quality of a * 1 ls , n *IR ht , l last
leather. Also Neolin, Portland, Non-skid, Pan- T
& Elmore-. ..ie of mil-
co or Uakide. Our motto is .
1 and ¿aturday aa such a succwas
f !lh“ M™- c. B. Trc*'. wh°
charge, Mint to the home ahop at
* Prices reasonable. We make a specialty of £ Browusvilln Saturday afternoon
and had an additional atock ok'
’ fine sewing. T hat’s what our new equipm ent is T goods
to meet the de­
: for—so that the half-soled or full-soled s h o e s ’ mand, sent The over
firm ran a aoecesafnl,
’ locks like new and is better than new.
l «ale last year, too, and on both
► Half
White’s Shoe Garage
* Albany, Oregou, F irst street, across from Blain
Clothing Co.
“ Service While You W ait”
Four per cent and no worry.
c. APRIL showers
bring May flowers
And this is the time to buy new equipment.
T ’T / T rS
these occaaioua advertised in lb«
Enterprise Itecauee it pays to do so.
Laat year a milliner from another
town tri*H the plat, without th«
some handbills printed out of (own.
aud never sold a hat and did not
repeat the fizzle.
(Continued on page 4)
and can furnish anything you want in J
the implement line
Primrose Cream Separators
Henry E. Sturm of Lebanon ia
Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Sneed and
the new teacher of the seveuth and
Mr. aud Mrs. W. L. Nortou visited
eighth grades at Shedd.
the county seat Friday.
Have you noticed that Ed Jew­
G. W . Moruhiuweg took care of
ett “ drops into poetry” once in
Read his advertisement. the Shedd cream station while hi*
son H >mer ma .e a trip to Po land
G W , Makiuney and W D
last week.
Wasbbnrn came over from Browns­
Fourteen of E H . McDonald’s
ville Monday and took the tram for
18 e,>w/, near Albany, were found
Patton tuberculous and will be slaugh­
shipped two cars of hay to M '. tered aud the place disinfected.
W e have ju st installed a specially equipped
machine for sewing th d t mattes a really fine
stitch, which makes a much neater and more
durable job when finished.
\ \ here Savings »re safe ”
also visited her brother and family
a t Oregon City.
(Continued from page 1)
T. J, Skirvin was in Eugene
Homer Moruhiuweg was home Friday.
Mrs. George Hayes was in A l
Harry C mthona went to Albany bany Friday.
Mr. Haslett came home from the
M * or W alton visited the countv Bible university Friday.
seat Friday.
W illiam H. Schuuman and V iv ­
Work in gardens began in F r i­ ian Simons of Shedd were married
day's sunshine.
Men, Women, Children
Capital and Surplus $35,000
* •
522 W est F irst st.,
Liberal Church Platform
Will the Old Book Stand?
W hat Church Shall I
Why Doesn’t God Kill the
The Resurrection
You Will Eajoy
Enter& £ biecto
A Hearty Welcome
Solos by Mr. Neely
Good, Enthusiastic Sing*
Special Musical Numbers
Plain Gospel Preaching
Friday, April 7, to April 16.
Dairy Farm Demonstration
Tacoma, Wash., April 2,— (Spe­
cial to the Oregonian ) —Sunday
movies and baseball are planks tn
the platform of the so.ca!ied church
ticket of Sumner, in the Poyallup
valley, adopted unanimously at a
political c metis following the nom­
ination of Dr. C. E. Judd for may.
or; L D. Ryan and Clyde T u ll for
councilmen and 0 . T . Fryar for
Street dancing under proper
supervision was also favored, at
w is personal freedom within the
County Agent Herm an, co-oper-
«ting with the 0 , A. C., has ar­
ranged with Gien W . Davia of
Harrisburg to make his a oo-oper.
ativo dairy demonstration -farm
The first of these demonstrations
was held March 31 and was appre­
ciate! by an attentive gathering
of some thirty-five farmers from
the southern part of the county.
Prof. K. B. Fitts gave two val­
uable lectures, one on feeds and
balancing the dairy ration and the
other on selecting the dairy tire
A second series of lectures will
be conducted next month.
A PRIL 6, 1*22
i !
" " “d
G. W. Mornhinweg
D e tr o it
Oil Stave
H E R E D STA R it a marvelous advancement for homes without gas.
I t gives to these homes the tame smokeless and odorless heat as does
the city gas range. It i t wickleas, sables« and dirtless, because it gen- - ,
erates its own gas from cheap keroaen«, gasoline or distillate, concent rat- , )
ing a double rin g of heat beneath the cooking utensil aud saving at least
one-fourth of fuel I m II. Operates 19 hours on a gallon of fuel.
415-421 W est First st., Albany, Oregon
Confectionery for
the Affection-ary
I f the way to a man's heart is through
his stomach, as the old saying goes,
then surely the rig h t road to a woman’s
good graces is through a box of choco­
lates and bon-bons.
O f course only
the daintiest morsels w ill accomplish
that end— and 'b e s t” means Stewart &
Send a box today to your
" W h e re there's a candy box, there
the heart unlocks.”
Stewart & Price Confectionery
m w wi f o a iw*»*«'*» . «wwewewe-wew ♦ * * * is ia e a M r a to M v a te v i
Automobile Insurance
Fire, theft, collision, property damage and
personal liability. Protect yourself against
C. P. STAFFORD, Agent.