L A H alsey VOL. X nterprise H A L S E Y , L IN N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , APR. 6, 1<»22 NO B row nsville B riefs ability of a plant being b uilt this spring to handle the large aiuonnt of fru it ea- pected adjacent to Brownsville is w o t j promising than for some tim e. (Regular correspondence) Mrs R. 1‘ Dougherty spent a day or two the first of the week with her dau ’ li­ ter, M r*. Elsie W igle, who is in the Harrisburg hospital recovering trom an Methodist church Sunday evening and operation for appendicitis. M rs W igle the evangelists tame Tuesday evening This expeets to leave the hospital in a few to take th eir part in the work. days. • 1 'Makes the fourth series of special meet* __ _ Jots and Tittles _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ sh o r t Stories o f H appening, in tdnn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly Milboliand and leave him facing the cannon while a girl over here i _ things in a new at home is seeing light. Next week our story will A n>. G«orge Maxwell visited | county seat Monday. 31 NEPOTISM RAMPANT Linn L egislator A sw u g the Accused. the (Oregon Voter) rhft Linn-Benton Oddfellows will In a recent issue we referred to J- C. Walton laid an egg Wednes­ Washington dispatches announce About a rinres« nf «L a > I f at Verdure, as reported in all part of jhe seseion but my name week, passed away Tuesday. Funeral I the last hope. H er daughter. Mrs Eula Beulah left Halsey Friday for H ay, The Women’s Foreign Mission. the papers, that Mr. M arlar was was withdrawn from the payroll services were held at the home Thursday. I Callaway, was w ith her at the la s t The Wash., where their daughter and I ary society of the * M E. church knocked down and fatally injured immediately that I was incapacitat­ conducted by Rev. A. M. M cC lain, pas- funeral was today (Thursday), sister. Mrs. .Mark Brandon, and I will meet with Mrs Arthur Wesley when flagging a train. District ed for duty. Then I returned to it tor of the Presbyterian church, of which husbund reside. Lewelling’s advertise, the last of the seseion, when I Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock'. Attorney Mrs. W. C. Cooley went to Portland the deceased was a consistent memoer Mr. and Mrs. Martin from Sweet­ Mrs Sneed will lead the lesson. nent. in the Enterprise for the was perfectly able. The reason to be ith her her daughter, daughter, Mrs. Mrs for several years. Mrs. H a m ill waa was , Monday nonaV w be w with A cordial invitation is extended to identity of the person who took they ihot I did not report for work much beloved and h ighly respected K* y Dedra* “ - who w ,B l ,o ,he hospital water, Idaho, who recently traded •larlar from here to Tulsa brot a was because I did not appear all. for the Petrick place, with their msrnlmr rvf tlaae z.» - . » » . ; • - I Wednesday for an operation, member of the community. dione (not "phony” ) reply from around the lobby. I arranged for younger daughters, Ruth aud Eve. Many a fellow is afraid to facs vYill K irk the morning after the * friend to keep the desk in order There i t considerable cannery t a lk , - Just --------- after — __ the funeral at the Presbyte- I.vn, have arrived and taken charge the girls who would put up a brave paper appeared saying he was the and had the typewriter brot to me being indulged here now aud the prob- ri* n church Tuesday afternoon Dr. >f the farm. Their eldest daugh fight against a lion cannot man. .«guv a g a in s i a n o n or the tne cannon I W d tx and Ben Schick got their cars ter. Ilene shopped in Portland to of instead of me walking to the type the enemy of his country This tangled up, but go tenons damage re­ attend school. | week we bid goodby tQ 7RalnMy Our advertising columns this writer. It really makes no differ- sulted. Th.e fenders on both cars were •nee on the tax roll whether a veek contains an announcemen bent np tjfihe a little. or the good of souls by the Chris man s wife acts ae his stenographer W e H ave tan church, and for the soles Ed >r some other person from the The charge (vv. 2, 3 ). Though Athalfah was keen EVERY THING 'ewett gives some poetry, Peterson nan’e home town. Tom M iller of Brownsville eyed she was checkmated by another was made for political purposes »f Albany has a esrd that has been O ptical • bought a horse for 112.50 and woman. H e r fata l oinlasion was not n tbe paper longer than we cat md such I leave it to Mr. Ctiilds to found that it w m balky. For this to get rid o f the women too. This E Y E S T R A IN , -ememher and the W hite shoe tnswer later. Thia brief explana- reason ha beat the horse, knocked woman, the w ife of the priest, stole Is the Cause of Many ion is just for tlie benefit of my tarage of the same place breaks away the child and hid him In the out one of its eyes and abot it thru H U M A N IL L S ong silence with the biggest an. iriends and acquaintances.’* bedchamber for six years. God had the bally, after which he finally I f your eyes give you trouble or In the interest of the good names louncemeut for tbe good of soles promised that through the Davldlc killed the animal. M illar was y o u r g la s s e s are a n n o y in g •f Mr. and Mrs. Childs and of the bat we have had since Columhu line the Messiah should come. In S E E US? We can Relieve You given a fine of $50 aud costa in And now H ill & ¿o truth, it is to be hoped ibis metier order that this line be unbroken Joaal c u n t ov »r. the justioe court this moroiog ai d . B ancroft Optical Co. must be preserved. No purpose <» isve all modern machinery foi >e run down until all the facts are In addition » Jail sentence of 10 F 313 1st St. W. Albany. Phone God can fall. A considerable pert of • me repairing right here in rfalsey mown. daya.— Albany H arald, A p ril 4. II. Joash Crowned King (vv. 4-12) he inefficiency and extravagance If a business mail has a speci.i in legislative expenses is due to 1. Jeholada'g preparations (vv. 4-11) Halsey Christian Church The high prleet and his w ife were In itiraction for customers he adve members’ employment of their teUlgent and strong characters. A’ .«tea it in the newspapers becaus vives as stenographers. Vary of­ Church Announcements the high priest, Jeholada felt that H ■dvertising pays when the adver ten those who employ their wives was his duty to th w a rt the heathen C hristian: iscr offers something that pooplt is their stenographers at 15 a day project of A thalleh. Doubtless his co 10, Bible school. rant. Just so*a church advertisr ire the men who eve the strongest w ith his ’ w ife mude posslbl. 11. Lord’s supper. Sermon,' I operation w“ \ hl\ nent pays in dollars and cents •ritics and coinplainers against si­ •‘ Redemption in Church.” I ng rhan special attractive* feature eged inefficiency in state govern, 6:30, C h risti.,, Endeavor. 1 ‘ ” • * " " * the " aid o f the m llltar; re offered. If an adverlisemen leaders (v. 4 ), H e knew somehow nent. Yet they themselves wilt 7:30, Evangelistic sermon," What that these men were not loyal to »sting a dollar draws twenty pei uiploy non-profesaioual women to Church Shall I Join?” Athaliah. (2 ) Bound them undei >le who put an average of a dim« Io work that is expert end profes. 7:45, Thursday, evang-Iieti solemn oath (v. 4 ). H e took an oath tach in 'lh o contribution box the sionel in character. prayer.meeting, W. F. White of them In the house o f the Lord ihurch doubles its investment hn The abuse is hy no means con- men w ill S stund hy tn th eir word leader. . Honest ,„„u iUnc ny sides inducing so many to hear th hned to the- Childs fa m ily —it is The evangelistic meeting begins I (3> E *«»»«d their spirit of pstrlotlsn nesaage. geueral among farmer members es­ Friday, April 7. Everyone in the He * av* ,he,n » «W»t of the pecially— but it is an abuse. If the (Continued on page 3) - - - ------------- -------- --- grea community is extended a cordial I . ’ Thl*' Bo douW- w«» » «rea> Childs matter can be thoroughly surprise. Now having seen the heli invitation to attend. »1 red it may lead to a reform of to the throne they would risk every Holstein Breeden’ Meeting the abuse. thing, even tb e lr lives, in order to , Lester Jones, pastor. I?1? Holstein breeders* meeting i We »» « doubt .«uum whether wuemer the tne abuse abuse was was set him on the throne. (4) Co-ordinates all matters (vv. M l ) . The soldiery held in the community house in »ny more flagrant in tbe Childs Methodiat: were divided Into companies and arms Albany March 25 wag an immens. case than in many other case« but were distributed to them. Earl Sunday School, 10. lucceos. Much reorganisation 1 he fact that tbie caae has been group waa assigned to specific duties Preaching, 11. work wae done and many new "¡tud so much as an illustration is 2. T he coronation (v. 12). ( I ) T he Junior League, 8, neuihers secured. Various change | he reason that The Voter trusts Ming's son brought forth. This was a The loveliest new fabrics have juet come In. were also made in the by-laws. Intermediate League, 6:30. hat all the facts in it may lie great day In Jerusalem. A fte r six Our counters are piled with brilliant ginghams Epworth League, 6:80. A program of speaking had been hown up, so M r. aud Mrs. Childa years o f usurpation, the people all the and linens, the charming new printed cottons, Preaching, 7:30. while supposing th a t all the heirs to prepared and included P. a . (Dad I nay he completely exonerated if dotted Swiss, crêpes of cotton and o f silk, in ?rakae, Scappoose; H . W Coolev 1 seta justify, and in any event that Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. the throne were dead, now to gazi eve™ summery color, crisp organdies, delicate ProfessorJCnmi’ ch, , \ 0 z . . «' A 'he extravagsnoe o of i e employing upon the king's son would be a notable lefferson; Rev, C. T , Cook, Pastor, , . ------------• ......... m p lo y in g in- voile». Come in today and see them. Select event. (2 ) Put the crown upon him ..; Koy (,. Jones, O, A. C., and O. -«perienced and inefficient help materials in interesting color combinations for This was the formal Induction Into of L Dunlap, Juuction City, Much may he brot borne to the very kiud your Spring frocks. fire (3) Gave him the testimony Pine Grove Church: *’ ‘,Ue Coun‘y Club L ader ! >f people who complain moet about This was a copy o f the law. showing Sunday School, 10. Williamson and County Agent j '»> the farmers. Five hundred designs for the new Spring th a t the king was to ru le according Heyman for their assistance in Preaching, 11, by Bro. Eggly. to the law o f God. T h e act of putting season arc at the patter Prayer-meeting, 7. the law upon his head showed that harrying out thia program. Harrisburg Cheese Factory Bible Study, Wednesday, 7. The election of officers resulted the king him self would be under the Y o u esa m ake say Last Friday the board of trus­ President, C. R Ev- control o f the law. (4 ) Made him as follows: one of these h irn iiik » tees of the Oregon Dairym en’s king. This shows th a t he was made "is, Halsey; vice-president, J. new dresses Hite a STo- Sunday School Lesson king by the choice o f the people. (6 , reray mearns, Lofeanou; lyenanon; s e c r e t a r y - I ,DHt Harrisburg m d.s- Percy Stearns, secretary- Anointed him. They poured oil upon treasumr, George A. MeOait, Her- 0UI” th ’ ’,* le ',f the cheeae factory B u tterick p attern k
of consecrating prophets, priests and H. L. Grimes, Harrisburg; Orvill, exchange plant » - a it» * ' ihe h- •*'— • book T b s D e lto r gives C esm eh u I I U Wm«»re usm a kings. (8) Clapped th e ir hands. Tills th esw tft, E, G ilkey, Belo; A. W. Pain» value for the members’ interest hi was a token o f joy. tang o f sa Lebanon, and J. P. Ashton, Tam the hack j>onl m o n e y , 11». A thaliah Slain ( w , 18-17). LESSON FOR APRIL 9 deft pu tting Tlie deal was not completed hut ««nt. 1. T he noise o f the coronation ot • sreet _________ it seems certain that it will he A particularly splendid accom­ Joash brongh A thaliah to the temple T H » LORD PRESERVE« JOASH t h e c le v e r fin is h ! shortly. A local hoard of trustees (v. 15). Up to this tim e she thought pli hmeut was the appropriation touches that sped Paris. UB8SON T E X T -II K ings UJ-17 her place on the throne was secure of 425 of tbe club's money to hr was elected to manage the afiisir I t Is alt there in pictures OOU>EN T E X T -T h e Lord preserved! and that her heathen religion had off-red as special prizes for judg­ and they called a meeting nt ull end c le a r d ire c tio n s . *U *h*“ ‘ that love H im .—Psalm 146 20. W ith it yon rea M ATERIXI— Il Kings free course. ing contests in the boys' and girls' members having money due th«m U.tS-B; II Chron 8 : 1 -8 ; Matt. like a professional 2. H e r dismay (v. 14). Upon her Holstein calf clubs. from tne league for Friday evening P R IM A R T TO P IC -O od Takes Care of arriv al at the temple she saw tin at 8 at tbe Rialto theater in H r a Boy JUNIO R T O P IC -H ow a Roy Became king wearing the crown and sur risburg. (t ia urgently requested Klo< Christian Missionary Meetings rounded by the guards, so that site that all members attend thia Buttcridc Patterns INTBRM BDIATK AND SENIO R TOPIC could do nothing. In her despair she —A Boy Saved for a Oreat Career The missionary society of tlie meeting. exclaim ed: "Treason, treason !" How with the Deltor TOUNO PEO PLE AND ADULT TOPIC Christian church will hold three - T h e Secret of Personal and National prone wicked men and women are to Disguised Advertising asset?, cry ont as though they had been special meetings during the week of the evangelistic meetings wronged when th eir wicked plots and Paragraph 2, Section 443, act of Joash, viewed In tbs light of his an­ Monday , Subject, •• W hat doe congress of August 24, 1812, reads: cestors, was a poor prospect for a king. conspiracies are exposed und thw arted I 3. A thaliah executed (vv. 15. 18) Christ Expect of Me ?” in •’ ”' My T I A l* editoral or other readme His grandmother was the wicked V A " -----‘ Design MO y D eeign J474 The orders were that sbe should not Homs and Community. ’ Leader, matter published in any • • • ring Fashions and Fabrics TAe colors and styles that suit you best o»y, • • f f" * " , t ty tt lllik ik l ii f n » tk t th l /n ik H ftittil, é r ti! u ff M t ttty k t» it tit il li t n a h Ikn f f n t t , u i tu t it u fttitg y » » tk i, » h e t t t tk t D tk » n t t U , M. V. KONTZ CO. A thaliah and his great grandparents be killed In the temple. They led were Ahab and Jezebel. T here was her out by the way o f the horses' en enough bad blood In his veins to as snre his doom. Despite this fact, ha trance to the king's palace and slew brought about some noble reforms and her. W hat a tragic end for the sin n er! Rln can only prosper for a tim e turned the people hack to God. IV. Werehtp e f the T ru e Bed (vv 1. A thaliah Usurps ths Throne IT. ,S ). (vv. 1-8). Joash was sew n years ..Id when he L H e r attem pt to destroy ths.seed royal (vv. 1). in order to remove was mads king. T tie high priest made any rival claimant to the throne she a covenant between the Lord, the king tried to k ill sll the royal male chil­ and the people that they would be the Lord's people, in carrying out this dren. covenant they broke down tbe temple 2. Joash p re s e rved. by. Jehosheba pf B aal sod slaw ths pries) of Baal d re. A rlie Cum filin g s , new soaoer • • • 7 - .u Wednesday gubjaet, “ Wha. Hcal.on of which money or o K i Does Christ Expectt of M j " »" 1 valuable consideration is paid ac- ium W hiA nd' A I M rr ':#pUd 07 Pr,,'n ,* ’d • ‘’ • ' I ^ p la in ly am W hite. Also regular monthly marked ” advertisement ” Anv meeting of the society. .editor or publisher printing CdL J r . d a y . Subject, “ What Doe. toris, or other reading mat J r for •w iy I s ’S T ^ * L s i i i ’ m " r*“? " hich 0«mP«n»»rion is paid.aooept- U h ln l U ad e r* Mr’ - Lyle edor promiaad, without ao marking T h ... — . ii »he same, shall upon onnviction in .u u T * * 1' 0?* W1 b* he,