11 /11^3C » C .M hK l'K lSt *«*«*'«**«*♦**'« *4 wwe'ee'Weeseaseesee'HtoWeVWafiff«*«*«« R IA L T O E R ID A Y c. A P K I L s h o w e rs b r in g M ay M ow ers A n d t h is is th e t im e to b u y new e q u ip m e n t. K ^"'" International w a line n t in Aàolph Zufcor p-e«»«** r tie .r i ^bmpson Primrose Cream Separators Little Minister Order repairs now °** and A CLEVER A N IM A L “AN OVERALL HERO,” fe a tu r in g COMEDY, SNOOKY, The Humanzee Riley Rrever of Gilltev has a cal which weighed 12V pouuds at birtl. — a Holstein. Jots and 1 ittles (C ontinued from page ) Lebanon ban club. Egbert Albrq. 74, committed I a Holstein Calf the insane asylum from Lan county, died Sunday. The Gales high school has been Mrs. A. V. Umstead returner staiiUHtiiucd. last week from her visit M some • J . D M iller visited the county mouths in California. uiHtropolis Tuesday. Halsey has more church mem I. E Eigy was at the county bers and fewer toughs pet unit o population than any other towi seut Monday. in the state, probably. Mrs. A. D. Smith was at the Tbe Methodists have had a su, county seat Monday. cerslul serine of revival meetings The Brownsville basket!) ill team and the Church of Christ prop re will play at Harrisburg tonight to inaugurate one a week from Diphtheria is reported at the today. Charles Hand home near Holley A little bird tells us there is to Kusseil Loomis, 84, and Mary he a triple birthday celebi ated a McCauly, 84, both ol W a te r lo o , J, C. Bramwell’s next Sunday Just happen in and see whut gio got a marriage license yesteidi v. nous eats there will he. Mrs. E, C. M iller was pleasantly Tbe birthday of Mrs. Ed Hav surprised oil her birthday, Tuesday evening, by relatives and neigh, erland of Shedd was celebrated a hors. A very enjoyable evening the home ot Mis. Glenn Large h i Brownsville Sunday bv herself auu was spent. husband and R. C Margasou mid A. E. Leverich has traded his wife, also of Shedd. residence for the Matthew Hayes The .1. C. Penney company, fiim iic u r Crawfordsville and will redde thera. Hayes goes to the which has 312 stores, proposes i t add sixty to its chain K R fjH c iniitv seat to live. ingood, manager of the Albany Ln-t week the Weyerhaoaer Tim ­ store, will have ciiarge of a new ber company paid $11,315.38 Linn one at Iowa City, la county axes and Ihe Pacific Tele­ Mrs Martha J, Bennett, form­ phone and Telegraph company erly a resident ol Halsey and 44,883 77. »ister of W. L Smith, M is T. P People who attended the Rialto Patton and Mrs. M E G ardier, show la-d week pronounced it th- med al her home in Portland 1» t io m.iiiy months. Priscilla 'larch 28. M 's. Bennett was op Dean showed courage ami skill in »rated on for gall trouble six week riding log« on raging waters. The ago ami did not recover. a lle tid n ice was good, allho all the Ihe fimne which carries wuiei Methodists were al an entertain to turn tbe wheels at the Browns, tn ut at their church. vills flouring mills ami at th, W. C Templeton of Brownsville made an excellent impression in the 1921 legislamre. especially as to Ins sincerity of purpose Being a new m-'mber ami not being of the aggressive or noi»y type, he di I no « tra c t a great amount of attention to himself. He made an excellent record and Linn county would make no mistake in re-electing Ititn.—Oregon Voter. A ID Ding Supplies C o tto n Io d in e A r n ic a K iib b in g A lc o h o l ,• o \ o r llio r n io in o t o r s W it c h H a ze l 11 in k le P illa M in e ra l O il S p ir its i f C a m p h o r B o ric .Acid C oi’in a ld e h y d e F u m i- g a to ra A d h e s iv e T a p e C a rro n O il f o r b u r n s O liv e O il , W. A. Ringo, Druggist data on marriages Proportion of Married Men Has Gone Up, Says Census. Probably Mere Indicative ef Change In Ag* Composition of Population Than Qrowing Propensity to Matrim ony. " sshlngtnn.— The proportion of mar- | rled men to the total male population j of the couutry fifteen years of age aud over Inerenxed from 55.8 per cent tv • «9.2 tier cent In the teu year« preceding Ihe 1929 census, uccordtng |U a com I'llatloo of m arital atatlatles made pub lie by the renaue bureaa. I h e bureau believed, however, that this was probably m «re lodlce • of a ' " " I - ill the age . i i i , , . . . , i i „ „ ,,, , I l«„la,ton an in , , c „ - e tn th e ,e n t age of malea between fifteen and twenty five yeaiv of age due to tn creased Imntlgrutlon than a growing W ill be at ALBANY HOTEL A lb a n y , O re g o n , M o n d a y & T u eM day, A p r i l IO a n d 11 Office boors, 10 Lost A shawl, last Sunday, be­ tween the M. E church and the (arm. Mrs. E. 8. Marsters. If you want to see the latert in pring millinery call at the Koontz «tore on Friday or Saturday, March 31 or A p ril 1. Betty Compson as “ Lady Babbie” A, kt to 4 p. M TWO DAYS ONLY No Charge for Consultation Dr. M elleuthin is a regular gradual, in medicine end surgery «nd is license, by the state of Oregon. He visits pro fesaionalty the more important towns an, cities, and offers to all who call on thi trip free consultation, except the e> pense of treatm ent when desired. vines as having come thru the winter in fineehape. Some of our gardeners are be­ ginning to put in early seeds, be­ tween frosts and showers, and are longing for a “ spell” of regular Oregon spring weather. H e has to his credit wonderful result! in diseases of the stomach, liver, bow els, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidneys, bladder, bed wetting, catarrb, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulceri and rectal ailments. A beautiful Lady Babbie—such a the verdict of all who have eeen letty Compson in the steliar role I “ The Little M inister,” a para- ■ouut picture, which comes to the liallo theater next Friday. Miss ompson was never lovelier tnan 1 her gypsy characterization in hi« picture. E. A . Bingham dapted the Sir James M. Barrie »lay to the screen. Good 4-foot fir wood for sale. G. W Mornhinweg. Dr. E. W . Barnum, dentist, at iotel Halsey every Tuesday and ‘"riday. People who like sensational news lld not bave to seek ¡yellow news- Î apers to findjit la«t evening. The If you have been a ilin g for any tengtL of time and do not get anv better, do not most conaerative papers carried fail to call, as improper measures rather such items as a nation-wide sedition thau disease are very ofteu the cause of plot reported by Detective Burns; your long aud standing trouble. the slaying of two Russian czarists Remember above date, that consulta­ in Berlin where they were plotting tion on thia trip w ill be free and that h it to murder Bolshevik leaders, the treatment is different explosion of a hotnb intended to kill M arried women must be accompanied W illiam (Pussyfoot) Johnson in a by their husbands. church at Green Bay, W is., where Address 336 Boston Block, M inneap­ he was billed for a prohibition olis, M in. lecture; an eruption of Aetna, and the usual dish-up of euicides, di­ vorces, robberies, etc. The annual congregational inee'. ing of the Presbyterian churoh was held Tuesday evening, following the usual dinner at 6 o’clock. Offi cers were elected, reports from tbe various departments received and the annual business transacted. It Two doors north of the hotel. came too late for more than a mere mention this week. Am prepared to do all kinds of The Methodist church will be­ shoe repairing. Satisfaction guar­ gin evangelistic services in a few anteed. days. They have secured singing evangelists of wide repute aud are JEWETT the COBBLER. anticipating profitable meetings. Shoe Repair Shop Fred H am ill is driving tbeC«m- eron truck while Mr. Cameron is W R I G H T & P O O L E looking after the feed grinding de­ I.IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON partment of the Calapooia Co-op­ Phone 35 Phone 15 erative company. woolen mills wheu they turn again to be replaced with a new one. And it is to be of wood like theolii one, amt to Oouia from Portland when Brownsville is sbippeug oui lumber evi-ty day. The notice given in this paper last week of the meeting to be hein at the Methodist church Sunday eight was made worse than useless by one of those errors which will occaionallv occut io the best legu- lated printing offices. It was tlx -ubetiiuti n o f the word “ Salui day I, r ''Sunday.’’ Nobody knows uo.v it happened, but it happened Tbe delivery window of the Halsey poetoffice is open Sundays grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 to 12:35 aud 4:*5 to 5.00 p. m. in Intetnal Medicine for the PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS past eleven years Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line D o e s n o t O p e r a te According to his method of treatrien he does not operate for chronic appen, icitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils o r adenoids. W ith an oil statioh in sight and work on the woolen mills under way Brownsville is promised live­ lier times during tbe summer. If The T ax to Be Paid. only some capitalist would erect a F ear Is the tax that conscience pays much needed cannery to care for to guilt.— Sewell. the abundance of fiu it hereabouts a long-felt want would he supplied. Branches at la 1 F. H illm an lately finished up a lialrack which is to be soen at th" S mtii meat market. It cen- aist* of a frame about Ihtee feet square of highly finished haul wood deccral' il with two pails (d Ihe Waterloo School puplb Coos county deer horns and twi scored agaiusl Iheleacher last week ol og horn«, beautifully polished when the school Was closed lot two ami placed mt th" liaiue m an a t- days because the teacher Was ills- tislic manner. M r. Hillm an has al'led by poison resulting fnnn hir »•‘ til to Colorado for a number of j cutting (miron oak by mistake loi , ox horns and will be doing more | liaiel w hen he went out for switch«» ! work in this line soon. I inchastise them with Theinaebei f o A R Alexander, fou-in-law o L. A. M« Kern of Hfileny. F IR S T 640,206 married. 1,758,308 widowed and 235,264 divorced, the la tte r figure, how­ |K*yU ar cor res pend r nee) ever. Including none divorced and re­ married. The divorce total showed an Mr, and Mr» Alexander of Port­ Increase of 20 per cent in its ratio to land were early week visitors with the total population during the ten- their friends. Mr. and Mr». Joseph year period, constituting six tenths of Hume. ; • 1 per cent of the latter against five- tenths in 1910. Mrs Oecar Wigle, Being near Although due to the absence of the Rowland, was operated on at Har- wives of many foreign bom residents, risburg Friday for appendicitis aud the number of m arried women was is reported doing well shown to be about 509,000 less than the Dean Straub and Mr. Parker mate total, the number o f divorced women exceeded men by approxim ately were ever from Eugene Friday 49,900. representing closely tbe d iffer­ evening and addressed the parent, ence between the number o f men and teacher meeting at the schoolhouee. women rem arried a fter divorce. Saturday morning Prof. Wood- By states. Massachusetts led the field tn the proportion of single women w ith worth drove the gentlemen to H a r­ a percentage of 34.4, although the Dis­ risburg on the rlurn trip, and also trict o f Columbia exceeded this with took along Mrs. Clark, who was 17.3 per cent The census bureau point­ going over to visit her eon, Dr. ed out. however, that the ratio of met! i Clark H. A. Wilson accompanied to women In the population "naturally the professor to look after business has a very Im portant bearing on the matters. proportions of single men and women." Robertson & Son are setting an Wyoming led w ith 70.3 per cent In the proportion o f m arried women, while additional acre of evergreen black­ "2.8 per cent was shown for Mississippi berries this spring, which practic. md Arkansns. and the smallest. 45.9 ally fillr their River Hide berry per cent, fo r Nevada. ranch. They report the berry Scientific Query. When we read about monkey stars getting salaries of »1.090 a week In l be movies we wonder whether evolu­ tion |g what It has been cracked up to be. True M orality. To give a man a full knowledge of true m oiallty. I would gend him to no other book than the New Testament. —Locke. South No, 23, 11:29 a. tn, 17, 5.39 p. m. Specialist KS« Brownsville Briefs North NO. 18, 12:0t p. in. 24, 5.50 p. ui. SUNDAY M A IL HOURS Dr. Mellenthin • * •** MOIUhillWeg £ af me «any«. Coming to Albany a n d va n f u r n is h a n y t h in g y o u • th e im p le m e n t lin e J M BARRIE'S PLAV The r" F n e .n d «»»«inert ih» beni« from Attortevi It «a» hmugbr ta thia oRsrntrv by the negro M i t t The Idee •rigttvaied la India. Webster’s International Dictionary 2842 pages 400,000 vocabulary terms 6000 illuetratioua 12,000 biographical entries 30,000 geographical subjects Practically new. $8 Mrs. A. S. H am ill is again re­ Brownsville, Phone 37C15. ported critically ill. Halsey Phone 166, Prank K irk , M gr The flu epidemic senna to be or the new edition, with all abating and there surely were a the new lot of people affiicted. Thru the county court the city of Brownsville has gained control of the rock crusher for a time and P r o m p t A’ e ffic ie n t gravel is being crushed and hauled a u to r e p a ir in g to south Main street. Some of the streets on the north side will also Fisk and Goodyear Tires and Tubes. E N T E R P R IS E O F F IC E be graveled. Before buying tires be sure aud investigate our prices Prof. W fb«r and family drove usuoJy have an over from Harrisburg Saturday Ford parts ft accessories always on hand . accumulation of and spent Sunday with Brownsville articles no longer,needed, or succeeded relatives and friends. , 7 hetter ones, which somebody would alsey garage Words of the REAL HATS for REAL MEN Styles that are designed along new lines and are varied enough to afford ample selection for everyone. HATS $3.50 to $7 CAPS T h e n e w spring styles are beautiful. $2 to $3 H World War F O R $12 RM^ E R«S Halsey Garage Foote Bros., Props. lik e to obtain An advertisement Ihe size of th ia costing 25c, m ight find a W ill Hares aims at such a high buyer and covert what is O i Q XT standard that the public authorities [now only trash into good and tbe public itself will bo con­ I f y o u h iv e f r ie n d s th e y I tent to let the movies do their owu esnsoting. And that is iocotnpara. s h o u ld h a v e y o u r p h o to - ] bly tbe beet way, if it can be done. g ra p h . A censor with wrong standards M en , W idows , G is ts . B achelors , M arry and be H appy or a narrow mind may do more We put you in correspondence w ith harm than good. He nmy bar hundreds of refined Ladies and G en­ | «Olli* objectionable plays or pass­ 333 W . First street, Albany. tlemen iu Canada and U. S. who wish ages, but he may also stifle creative to marry, or correspond for amuse- energy which.. I«ft to itself, would ^ pHoTOS F ree . M any worth 45000, JlO,000 and upwards. Every­ I work out lie own salvation and far thing strictly eonffdential. W e do more than make up, in its big not P t’R I.ISH VOt'R N A M E OR A D ­ merits, for little defect«. The DRESS. A year's subscription with great periods of drama id all couo- privileges »1.09, or four mouths, All ¡work done promptly and all trial for 5Oc. Don't send cash, only trie» and ages have been uncen- Money Orders or 2-cent American sored save by public approval and reasonably. Phone No. 26W 9 sum p. I f check, send ten cents disapproval. The American pub- extra for exchange. lie, which ¡loves freedom in all I . ,,1’ • mon‘ b suhacriptions w ill forftte, doe« no» want tyranny in be $2 per year Rush card with your art any more than in politics and We m ake a name and address for fuif particu­ industry.— Albany Democrat lars. LO NESO ME ? Clifford’s Studio F. M. GRAY, Drayman. S p e c ia lty o f F r ie n d s h ip , E ngagem ent and W e d d in g R in g s MRS F L O R E N C E BFbl A IR E too Moutague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. W. F. White went out one even­ ing with D H Stuitevant to bring in a cow from a pasture near town. A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O T IC E While he held a lantern .Mr Si Slur, levant went arnorg tbe animsl« to Notice is hereby given that the under- »igned ha« been Appointed adm inistrator get hie, wheu In some wav I be —— of the estate ol W H K irk p a tric k by M F r e n c h a S o n s herd became stampeded and io [ R I A I M C f fYTT-I I M fT rT b the county court of Linn county, Oregon. ALBANY ORCG. V L V l H I N V CO 'heir rush they knocked Mr. White A ll persons having claims against said down and «nine of them ran over eatate are hereby required to present ime to the undersigned at his residence 'inn, injuring him so that he had in Halsey. Oregon duly verified and j to be helped home and has n««t yet nth proper vouchers as bv law required H U B T A N N IN G C O . «». . T ! 'r w i,h » fullv recovered. Hi« watch was w ith in six months from the date of thia 999.481 above the fifteen year rlaaalfl ^ a l t o r e v e i'V C U S t O i n e r . knocked into the mud. but was Tanners of Lace Leather Latigo. Upper Dated and first published March Harness Leather and Sole *' 7 » F M Gray, recovered. Mta Whit» w«« , n Leather, 0 1 « » . ^ w e^ J fUIANV. VMUQN Leather W e also do custom tannine - ' U Jw,n Administrator, H U I TANNING «Q„ AJkany, Ofi, ' • Attoroay fat Ad»jBtstrator(