government nniler the «nn. hnt mnatly « muu and the uliles', you bet, and going and those who wl«?i fo become aviators may enroll themselves for the course at once. “I speak to you In a crisis of the university's life, as well as that of the day hefore he enltsfv^ and settled it MM • I Dean Tdasiltg auil wife of l i n i . ™ 1 n A I K K I 'K I S f i a .V . U J with them. They're all broken up. of TratloiU, Fa to run the earth hy revnlntlon and rep- c -r- • ; hut when they saw he'd made reeentatives of unskilled labor imm i­ Over 21(10 .logs are iiceu.ed in up his mind, they quit opposing him. g rant* nobody that can read or w rite t b l j < u u ,.. | e and I think they’re proud o f him about allowed to vote, except Llnskl. Tom ­ Ration, and the warning I u tter has It. maybe. In spite of feeling anxious. The Brownevilje pioneer picnic mie Hopper saye he knows all about been made necessary by what took You see. fits fath er »as an a rtille ry ­ is dated for Juue' 14, 15 and 16, L ln s k l: he never did a day’s work In place yesterday and today. Yesterday man In the w ar w ith Spain, and hla his life — too busy trying to get the morning, a student in the jun ior class H illard Ackerman and wife were g randfather was a colonel nt the end workingmen stirred up against the peo­ enlisted ua a private In the Un ted over from Brownsville^Sunday. ple that exploit ’em ! Tommie says he States regular army. F a r be it from >f tlie -C h || war. though he went Into had a big crowd to hear him. though, me to deplore his course In so doing; It as a private, like lUiusey. H e d^ed J. C. Bramwell und wife were and took up quite a little money for he spoke to me abnffl It, and In such a when Rumsey was about tw elve; but ,u H a . i .< b u ; a S u u a j a fie r u io u ii. Ramsey remembers h im ; he was ta lk ­ a ’cause’ or something. Well, let him way that I felt I had no right to dis­ You Can Solder Aluminum. C hanging C olors a« Birds. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Shelton of h oller! I guess we can attend to him suade him ing o f him a little I he night before he I told him that it would Aluminum cun be -w ith The color o f birds may he changed Brownsville visited the Wheeler difficulty. T he difficulty He. enUsted." , f . when we get hack from over yonder. be preferable for college meh to w ait u ,. to white hy eep ln g them In n w hite By George, old Ham, I ’m gettin' kind until they could go as officers, and. Dora made a gesture of despairing home here Sunday. fact the metal oxidizes as soon as ex­ room, surrounded hy white o h le c ts „nd of Hoppy In the g ills !” H e adminl»- aside from the fact of a greater pres­ protest; “ You don’t understated !” The Skirvins visited Tangent posed to the air; also that the snider­ attended hy persons dressed In whlta. tered a resounding slap to his com­ tige, I urged that men of education “M hat Is It - 1- don't understand?” Sunday. So did John Porter and ies Iron Is cooled very quickly, because 1 says a naturalist. However, the third rade's shoulder. “I t certainly looks as could perhaps be more useful in that “Ram sey! I knqw why he went— of the tre a t rapidity w ith which the or fourth generation la ne<*s-ary bo- wife and K arl Bramwell. if our big days were w alking toward capacity. H e replied that if he were and it's just k illin g m e !” beat ts dissipated. fore the bird's feathers are all white. us 1” Fted looked at her gyavely. “ 1 don't useful enough as a private a coinmis M C. Gaines and J, L. Bilyeu think you need worry uliout It," he slon might in tim e come his way, and, * • • • • • • of Scio have tiled claim* ol $108 -aid. “T here's nothing about Ms go­ and $8 respecitvsly for damage He was right. The portentous days as I say, I did not feel at liberty to a t­ ing that you are responsible for.” H e let? to Join a came on apace, and each one brought tempt dissuasion. done to sheep hy dogs. Slie repeated her despairing gesture. a new and greater portent. The faces regiment to which he had been as­ ‘‘You don't understand. But it's no What is supposed to have been of men lost a driven look besetting signed, and many o f you were at the S 7 y c e r &■ t b /n io r e use. It doesn’t help b uy to try to talk a lynx killed a calf belonging to them in the days of badgered w aiting, station to bid him farew-ell. “But enthusiasm may be too con­ of It, though I thought maybe it would, two McQueeu boys at Holley anil and Instead of that heavy apprehen­ somehow.” She w'ent a little nearer U'iH haet sion one saw the look men’s fuces must tagious; even a great and inspiring escaped from dogs which followed the dormitory entrance, - leaving him have worn in 1776 and 1861. and the motive may work for harm, and the its tracks. * S p r in g where he was, then .turned. “I sup­ history of the old days grew clearer university must not become a desert pose you won’t see him?" in the new. The President went to In the tw enty-four hours since that Mary A. Brock, administratrix a t tAa “I don’t know. Most probably not of the estate of Clarence T- Brock, the congress, and the true Indictment young man went to join the arm y last night, one hundred and eleven of our till we meet— if we should— In France. he made there reached scoffing Pots­ C K o o n tz S to re is suing to have any claims of Sam dam with an unspoken prophecy some­ young men students have le ft our I don't know where he's stationed; and lift! Siegel and others ugaiugt the I ’m going with the aviation— If It's what chilling even to Potsdam, one w a lls ; eighty-four o f them went off te ever ready i And he's w ith the regu estate either validated or iuvali guessed—and then through an A p ril gether at three o'clock to catch an night went almost quietly the steady east-bound train at the Junction and lars; he'll probably be among the first dated. to go over." w o rd : we were at w ar with Germany! enlist for the navy at Newport, We The fifth successive series of re. “I see." She turned sharpiy away, The bugles sounded across the conti­ are, I say, in danger of a stampede.” vival meetings began this week ai He spoke on, but Dora was not lis calling back over her shoulder In a nent; drums and flfes played up und Brownsville. This time the Meth­ choked voice. “Thank you. Good-by,! down the city streets and In town and ten ing ; she had become obsessed by odist church is the scene and A. D But F red’s heart had m e lte d ; gazing village squares and through the coun­ an Idea which seemed to be carrying George and wife, singing evangel­ her to the border of tragedy. When a fte r her, he saw that her proud young trysides. F ain tly In all ears there was head had lowered now, and that her ists of note, are taking part. a multitudinous noise like distant, the crowd poured forth from the build h o a rse cheering . . . and a sound’ Ing she went w ith if mechanically, shoulders were moving convulsively; The Oakville poultry club i he ran a fte r her. and caught her aa she like that was what Dora Yocum heard, and paused in the dark outside. She liegan slowly to ascend the dormitory- composed of E. P. Cunningham one night, as she sat lonely In her spoke to a girl whom she did not leader, Royal Spauldii g presi­ steps. room. The bugles and fifes and drums know. “I beg your pardon— ” dent, A rthur Gray vice-president, “See here,” he cried. "Don't had been heard about the streets of “Yes?” Gravhill secretary, Ken­ She lll?ed a wet face, “/fo , no! He John the college town, that day, and she “I wanted to a s k : Do you know complete w ith Mattress, Net, thought she must die o f them, they went In bitterness because I told him neth Hamilton, Arthur St. John who was the student Doctor Crovis Wheels, etc. hurl her so, and now to be haunted by spoke of? I mean the one that was Jesse Hinm an, since buying the r this Imaginary cheering— ws a* .HUI unir, only Special ■ for short I time, the first to enlist, and that they were Brownevtlls times, has picked up She started. Was it Imaginary? cheering last night when he went away enough of the printer’s trade sn She went downstairs and stood upon to be a private In the United States that he and Poittu are doing a ll the steps of the dormitory in the open army. Did you happen to hear his the work of the office, and tuereV air. N o; the cheering was real and name?” " » > o u rl* by'» "»me and birthday (if less than a year old) to- loud. It came from the direction of a good deal of it to do, too, hut “ Yes, he was a Junior,” the railw ay station, and the night air F rnce th y ° Ur nai,‘* an'1 “ddre“ ' and we wil1 »end l 'ie baby something Hinman is getting fat on it. “Who was it?" surged and heat w ith It. “Ramsey M ilholland.” Mrs. Mary Conklin of Scranton. £ C Save money by buying your house farniahings of us. Below her stood the aged Janitor of the building, listening. “ What's the Pa., sunt of Jesse R, Hinman of C HAPTSR XV. cheering for?” «tie asked, remember­ the Brownsville Times, arrived ing grim ly that the ja n ito r was one of on Saturday’s train and was mei Fred M itchell, crossing the campus her acquaintances who hud not yet b ■ her nephew and whisked over one morning, ten days later, saw Dorn stopped "speaking" to her. “ What's stundlng near the entrance of her dor io Brownsville. the m atter?” mltory, where he would pass her un “ It's a good m atter," the old roan less he altered h is course ; and hs h A. W. Lynd, who married Ed th, answered, “I guess there must he a drew nearer her and the details of he daughter of Lester W a lk e r a„<| face grew (nt? distinctness, he was ti. wife of Brownsville, has sated no dlgnant with himself for feeling lea; a two-months’ cruise from Astoria and less Indignation toward her In pro to China ns wireless operator on portion to the closeness ol' his ap y *^ * g * e wn Qf m' xww w w w w J a Scandinavian liner. proach. The pity that came over hln was mingled w ith an unruly ndmlrs For once the railroad has scored tlon, causing him to wonder what un against the auto truck. When th- <1 I f you have been d riftin g along— spending all, saving nothing—stop patriotic stuff she could be made of Linn county court barred trucks and thin k. She was marked, but not whipped; she Weighing more than two tons, still held herself straight under all the V on must realize tha t it cannot go on forever. O ne’s earning days are loaded, from the highways Stan’, hammering and cutting which, to his numbered. Now. while your earning power is the greatest, see to it that dard O il put stations at Browns, knowledge, she had been getting each payday pays S ow sTH irto toward yonr f uture I m w i n M c « , ville, Scio and such small places She stopped him. “for only a mo W e w ill welcome yonr account and help you save.. and oil will go thither by rail. ruetit," she said, adding w ith a wan She L ifte d a W et Face, “ No, N o l H e prondness: "That Is, if you're not one The Christian church got such s W ent in B lttero esq Because I Teld of those who feel that I shouldn't be response to a one-inch advertise­ spoken to’ ?" H im To, In My Own B itte rn 's *I ' Where Saving, are M fe '• p m lr prr cent „ „ W(>rry ment in the Enterprise two weeks 'No,” said Fred, stiffly. “I may to, in my own bitterness! I ’ve killed igo thht it takes three times as ^ 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * » * * * * * * * i » * » * * # » » l » i » # > » # d share their point o f view, perhaps, hut him ! Long ago, when he wasn't much I don't feel called upon to obtrude It much space this week. Advertise more than a child, I beard he'd said on you In that manner.” ments bring results to a theater, s that some day he’d 'show' me, and now “I see,” she said, nodding. “I ’ve he's done I t !" church or a meiohanl’a store. 1 wanted to speak w ith you about Ram Fred whistled low and long w hen she aey.” Brownsville has some l>oys who had disappeared. "Girls I” he m nr "A ll right.” h ive started on the road to the mured to hlm sqif “Some girls, aey She bit her lip, then asked, abrupt Some of them broke bow— they w ill be girls I You caai't penitentiary. or rather the g irl who likes candy, is ev­ ly : “W hat made him do It?" iuto both i onfectionery store- th* e tell 'em what's what, and you can't 'Enlist as a private w ith the regu erywhere | her opposite would be hard I'hureday niglii and stole two d o l­ change 'em, e ith e r!" lars?" to find. A m 1 if she gets her candy from lars from Starr’s aud some liotiled Then, as more urgent matters again “No. What made him enlist nt a l l F ua she knows she gets the best confec­ soda water from Gustavson’s. occupied his attention, he went on at “Only because lie’s that sort," Fred tionery in town. That is why whan an ardent and lively gait to attend his returned briskly. "H e may be inex­ The Linn County Holstein you tell her yon w ill buy her a box of plicable to people who believe that his class In map-making. Breeders’ asssociaiion met at A l­ candy the always says ; " Me sure and “ It ’s a Good Matter,” the Old Man An­ going out to fight for his country Is get it at Stewart & Price's.’• bany Saturday and elected C. R. ' (To t e continued.) the same thing as going out to com­ Evangelistic Meetings begin Friday, April 7 Christian Church Friday, March 31 7/»ery Co. aR(J Saturday, April 1 X ***'*+.«vMwft *«+<+.<+ J * ♦r Get a KIDDIE K 00P for the Baby $ Genuine t Trimble fr Kiddie Koop $20 | BARTSCHER Tilt & ROHRBAUGHf Albany Furniture Exchange ir 415-421 W est First st., <8 * Albany. Oreiron te n n n i twwnw Be Honest With Yourself The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon The Candy Girl swered. Evans president, J. P. Stearns vice- mit a mur— " ' ~ .1 • i t-iuF-i___ i *. big crowd o f 'em down there. One of president and George McCart sec­ She lifted her hand, v “Couldn't our students enlisted today, and you— " retary-treasurer. To encourage tb e j're givlu' him a send-off. Listen “I beg your pardon," Fred said at hoys’ and girls’ judging of stock to 'em. how they do cheer. He's the one#. “I'm sorry, but I don't know just •25 was voted. (Continued frontpage I) first one to go.” how to explain him to you.” She went back to her room, shiver­ Joseph Hume, Mayor White “Why?” A. Whitbeck was in Eugene ing. and spent the next day In bed He laughed, apologetically. "W ell, Friday. and Henry Blakely, representing w ith no aching head. She rose In the you see. as I understand It. you don't the municipal government of Mrs. B. M, Bond went to Eu evening, however—a handbill hud been think It's possible for a person to have Brownsville, were in the city toil ay slid under her door nt five o'clock, call­ something within him that makes him gene Saturday. consulting with the county court ing a “Mass Meeting" of the univer­ care so much about his country that Miss Ethel Bray, teacher in our regardihg the procuring of gravel sity at eight, and she felt it her duty he— " , t ' school, weut to Albany for the for use by the city o f Brownsville. to go; hut when she got to the groat " W a lt!” she cried. “ Don’t you think week end, — Saturday's Albany Herald. hail she found a seat In the dimmest I'm w illing to suffer a little rather corner, farthest from the rostrum. than to see my country in the wrong? W J. Lane and. wife of Browns­ A petition has been sent to The president of the university ad­ Don't you think I ’m doing It?" ville drove fhru Haleey Sunday, President Harding, signed by Giv- dressed thp tumultuous many hundreds “Well. I don't want to be rude; but. going north. ( ernor Olcott and the mayors and before him, for tumultuous they were of course. It seems to me that you're other public officers of Oregcn, in­ until he quieted them. H e talked to I suffering because you think you know Ted Mitzner got ’btrue Friday cluding Mayor Walton of Halsey, them solierly o f patriotism , and called more about w hat’s right and wrong from W ilam ette university to inviting him to be present at the upon them for "deliberation and a (Jt- than anybody else does." spend the spring vacation.“ ; opening of the rose festival at tlp patience." T here was danger of a "Oh, no, But I — ” slampede he said, and be and the rest “We wouldn’t get anywhere, prob­ Mesdamee Jatnye D riukard, P, Portland. June 9, which is classed o f the faculty were In a measure re­ ably, by arguing It,” Fred said. “You J. I rue and George Hayes, Misses as representative of Oregon in gen­ sponsible to their fathers and mothers asked me.” The invitation and sign i- Gertrude McKern and Lila Dudley eral. fo r them. “I asked you to tell me why he en­ and Messrs. Adrian Goodbrod tures make two hound hooks of listed.” "You must keep your heads,” he and H arry Commons were at the about 500 pages each, “T he trouble Is, 1 don't think I can said. “God knows. I do not seek to county seat Friday. Judge your duty In this gravest mo­ tell that to anybody who needs an an­ Louis A. Jones, the clerk who ment of your live», nor assume to tell swer. He Just went, o f course There A letter had been received from has made so many friends at the you what you must or must not do. Isn't any question about IL I always Congressman Hawley before tne Woodworth drugstore in Alhaiiv But hy hurrying Into service now, w ith ­ thought he'd be the first to go." postmaster election here promising in tlie past eight years, died last "Oh, no!" she said. out careful thought or consideration, to give due weight lo such an ex­ Thursday. In January Mr. Jones "Yes I always thought so.” you may im pair the extent of your " I think you were mistaken.” she pression of the preference of the was operated on for appendicitis possible usefulness to the very ranee said, decidedly. “I t was a special rea­ patrons of the office, so it is pretty and came very near dying, hot he yon are so anxious to serve. Hundreds He and M iss Martha certain that M r. Bramwell will rallied of you are taking technical course* son— to make him act so cruelly." " •C r u e lly 'r Fred cried, be the next postmaster. All of 8*xsuer, who was his fiancee, were which should be completed— at least “I t w as!” candidate, were men of pleasi' g married and be weut to the home to the end of the term In June. In­ “Cruel to whotnF structors from the United States army personality and popular in the of her parents to reside while a "Oh, to his mother— to his fam ily. community, are already on the way here, and m ili­ home he bad purchased was being ■ » tary training w ill h« begun at once T o have him go oW th a t way, w ithout remodeled, but her careful nursing ¡2JA . A. Tuseing and wife of a word—" for ail who are physically eligible and was unavailing to save his life. of acceptable age. A special course , “Oh. no; he'd been home.” Fred cor- Brownsville have become grar.d- Jots and Tittles WU1 be ¿veo U| ftrepAfgUop /of , parents. The youngster u the (Continued on page 4J Stewart & Price Confectionery 1 . | Automobile Insurance 1 1 Fire, theft, collision, property damage and ; personal liability. Protect yourself against «' f loss. j, C. P. STAFFORD, Agent, i \ A»— ***»»»l»^***»»»)»*»*ft****** ! J. W MOORE . C s t a t e a n d ■ 7 a su ra n c e THE HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY, OREGON Capital and Surplus $35,000 In terest paid on time certificates of deposit Wo invite your banking business C. H. KOONTZ, Pres 7)7TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. U- M. BOND, Caubivr