PAGE 2 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E M A R C H 30, 1922 JUVENILE CLUBS BOO* beaten door which swings to and! fro on its rusty hinges in the cool I Brownsville Wakes Up and spring breeze pronounced it a c ita ­ A« independent— N O T neutral— uewe- (by Edward G. Low ry) tion of the past. The mud has p*per published every Thursday, Gets Into Line fallen from the chinks between th e ! by W m . H . A A A W H E E L E R . log-, and the golden sunbeams plav | Win. H. W h k k i . kk Editor, Hrownsville was slow to adopt bide and seek in every dusty nook ' ■Mt» A A. W h k k l k b business Manager the juvenile club •> stem which has au«l corner within. The soft pine' C H A N C E T O F IN D O U T and Local News Editor. e Shedd famous to the bounds n e *u ie a fo rm s a lu x u rio u s c -r p e t ■■ ■ i —— Just now a belated effort Is under And from the I Subscriptions, J1.50 a year in advance. way to Und out some of the facts of the continent and ia making the ah mt the cabin Transient advertising, 25c an inch; per­ ’ about government business and gov­ rising generation give promise of Id, worn footpath leading to tht in increase of efficiency over the cabin door modest little wood vio­ manent, 20c. N o discount for time ernment employment. The Bureau of the Budget has been organized and present. or space. l-la lift their blue eyes to the azure ' ft In operation under the direction of In “ 1'aid-for Paragraphia," Sc a lin e F t loci pul W. her and H, C sky and fill the pure air with their) Illustrations by y No advertising disguised as news. Charles G. Dawes. I bumps in, the wide-awake presi­ fragrance. Arranged on every i Both bouses of congress are w ork­ dent of the bank of B ownsville, in­ side, tbe graceful pines will coi - H A L S E Y . Linn Ho., Ore.. Meh. 30, 1922 ing on the problem of reclase’flcation vested in a registered boar pig a tim e to guard the forsaken log | of government positions and salaries. The Veterans' bureau has been or­ | year or two ago and offered to do­ cabin until its de-truction by th» ganized and has taken over the bureau nate it to a jug club, but couitl not elements P O T I Y PARTISAN Pl KP LE of w ar rl«k Insurance, that part of interest the young peope in iht News dispatches tell us that a the public health service which had project .ÚW ightJiy Doubleday. Page ¿Company. Attention! Lael Thursday County Club delegation of the Collins-G iffitb to do with veterans, and all of the work of the federal board fo r voca­ Leader Williamson had the satis­ C H A P T E R X IV ? she’s Just The same as called any stu W ill distribute sacks and twine party io Ireland is on the way Io tional education except that part dent a murderer I f he enlists to fight this country to ob am support of which had to do with the treatm ent of faction of organizing six clubr from Koontz’. Sacks will not have It was easy enough'fob him to evade fo r his country and flag— well, now among the pupils of the Caiapooia to be paid for, but you will have )o Aoiericaus of Irish blood and thaï persons Injured In llie Industries. Fred M itchell s' rallyings'thyee dtiyg'; “ity, thougo only one canbecalhd sign a receipt, and they will be the sprig's mood wu«, truculent, not she hasn’t got anything at all, and If another committee representing the There is also the Inquiry being made I hey givepionise of charged to your account at the end toward his roommate but tow ard con­ she keeps on she'll have even less!” De Valera factiou is in hot pursuit by the Joint committee on the re­ agricultural. ffe paused in his w alking to and fn much grxxl. They are: Sewing of the season. Sa* k» will be gress, which with a view to securing th» same organization of the adm inistrative less In fiery haste and came fo a halt behind his friend’*- Hub, Mrs. H . Wilson leader, stenciled by the association Itefoie than lie to hg definitely at w ar with. r chair, looking dow n compassionate!* backing for the DeValerans. The branch of the government of the two Germany. occasion suggests vividly what house of congress, of which I have Mary Woody president, Lois Heii- being shipped. upon the back of Ramsey's motlonles Instead of using cotton gacks for All through the,.- university the might have happened ba I this spoken. W alter F. Brown of Ohio Is derrou vice president. Bonnee Kit- head. His. tone changed. “I guess I chairman o f this coi mlttee, represent-' c len secretary, Alice Hess, Nadine mohair jute sacks will be requir­ change hiid come: ath fyic s . In other Isn't Just the ticket— me to he talkin country been dragged into the Ing President Harding The members league of Dations, A dispute of the committee are, on the part of iempletoii, Clarissa I mule, Oletha ed.—J. B. Cornett, secretary of the years spotlighted at t l y center of the thlq way to you. Is it?” he said, with might have arisen in Poland, or in the senate, Senators Smoot of Utah, Giee ie, Alberta Kippey, Florence Pacific Wool Grower-' Association, stage. languished suddenly, threatened trace of huskiness. with aliandnnment ; students, working “Oh— It's all right," Ramsey mu: Italy, or id any one of the Euro­ Harrison of Mississippi and Wads­ Hess, Gladys Mitchell, M irgiret for senior hopnrs forgot tlSblif; every­ mured,, not altering his position. Davis, I eta Tycer, Lo'a Tycer, pean countries, and immedistely it worth of New York. The members on thing wns forgotten^xcepf^thSt" grow­ “I can't help blowing up,” Fred went would have extended to the United the part of the house are Repre­ Buena Samuel, Lucile Rauch, Ver- N E IG H B O R S ’ D A Y ing thunder 1n thK soil. « on. ”1 want to say, though. I know Slates, where fellow nations would sentatives Reavis of Nebraska. Tem ple nita .Mjtcbell, Mary Hinion, M y r­ Special I alk to C hildren. Bring them Savani waaka elapsed a fte r Dora’a-» Tm not very considerate to blow up carry the fight into congress, tothh of Pennsylvania and Moore o f Virginia tle K o tu le r , G e n n ie Sullivan, M ile r dismissal of Ramsey before she about her to yon this way. I ’ve been Canning club, Mrs. B. M The Job o f this Joint committee is NEXT SU N D A Y president, to our department of was mentioned betwaen the comrades. playing horse w-fth you about her ever to “make a survey of the adm inistra­ H tuitt.oiid leader, Helen M Clai state. Then, one evening. Fr«x} asked, as he Neighbors Welcome. A t the since freshman year, hut— well, you restlessly paced their study .floor; How much better it is for Amer­ tive services of the government for the president. Marvel Lawrence vici must have understood. Ram, I never purpose of seotirlng all pertinent facts president, Clara Daugherty secre. C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H "Have you seen your pacifist friend ica to hold herself free from such regarding th e ir powers und duties, meant anything that would really both­ lately?" ' ' entanglements, from commitments their distribution among the sever»I * ary, Edna Hedlund, Ruth Large .... ' er you much, and I thought— well, I No. Not exactly. Why?" that would harm her and that executive departments, und the over Neva Large, Hulda Hammond really thought It was a good thing, “ Well, fo r hfy part, I th'lnk she ought you— youi*—well, I meau about her, would be beneficial only to the lapping and duplication o f authority.” Alice H ulls, Belle Burson. to he loclA'd up,” F red r suld, im grlly. ) Poultry club: H. A. Wilson yqu.know . I'm on, all right. I know malcontents abroad. —Alban H er­ In reporting the resolution from the “ H a v e yo u henn i w tia t SHC' -did lhls It'S "pretty serious with you.” He nailer, Phillip Tussing president, ald. Judiciary committee to the house the a fte rn o o n ? ". - >- . ■ • - 1 • ,-F paused. Henry Sawyer vice.preaidant* members were to ld : “ No.'’ - * ’ ■ • ■ Supply piffle. “Its— It ’s kind of tough lu c k !" his It Is a m atter o f common knowledge I *mes Wade secretary, H 'ro ld " I t ’s all over college. SJie got up In friend contrived to say; and he began Disputes such as referred Io above that millions of dollars are wasted by leynolds, Frank Hale, Paul Rip- the glass in. Jurisprudence and made a the government by the almost endless to pace the floor again. have “ extended to the United duplication of activities There has been *ey, Ralph Lawrence, Dave Cal. speech. I t ’s a big clasp, you know, “Oh— w ell— “ he said. no fundamental change In the adminis­ over twq Jiundred. under Ôéaq Hurney. iway, Harold H«we, Archie Sam- States ’’ time and agaiu, have been trative activities since the organization “ See here, ole stlck-ln-the mud," He’s a great lecturer, but lie's a pacifist tel. Merle Farrier, W illiam Barr, wee devised by Alexander Ham ilton, and Fred broke out abruptly. “A fte r her discussed in congress, have been the result la that activities entirely out —the only ode on the faculty and a »liver Slevens, Donald Davis. saying what she did— Well. It ’s none “ carried to the president, to the of harmony with the functlona of depart­ friend of Dora s. They say he encour-' North Brownsville sewing club, o’ my business, hnt— hut— ” ments have grown with the passing years aged her to make this break aAid led department of state,” both before until the government of the United States I re. ('. , B. Lawrence leader, Protect Your Eyes “W ell, what?" Ramsey murmured. the subject around so «he could' do IL has become not only the biggest business and after the league of nations was In the world, but the world's worst m an­ /Vanda McHargue president, M aiy “I don’t care what you say, If you from the dust of the road when nu and then cal led mil. beh fo r srr opinion, L »onus vice-president, Lucille w ant to say anything." that of. And the heavens did aged business toing. You cannot afford to risk your as the-fiigiiest-stan,d -stndeat dp the The purpose of the resolution Is to Davis secretary, Thelma Fox, "W ell, I got to say It,“ Fred h alf class. -Slie -got ,np am] claimed there sight lor the laek of glasses or goggles not fall. ascertain so fa r as possible the extent Emily Peachy, Opal Rauch, Clara groaned and h alf blurted. "A fte r she of the overlapping and duplication of ac­ Come and have us fit you with a pair wasn’t any such .tljing as. u legitim ate The covenant of the league of tivities, with the view that numerous Bramwell, Mildred Rauch, Nina said that-— and she mpant It — why. If that w ill save your eyes and not detract cause for wK1',. either legally or moral* and bureaus may be elim i­ M a lb tc k . I were in your place I'd lie darned If ly, nfid skill It was a sign of weakness nations, if we had adopted it, atld commissions nated and a great saving effected tn the from your appearance. I ’d he seen out w alking w ith her 111 a nation frtF If Hl bhr?dv«t fhat it did Homemaking club, Miss P I the recent Washington treaties, governmental expenditures The commit again." tee feels th at no more constructive legls have a fdr^war. v , lairison leader, Jean Baker pre»’, which we shall probably officially latlon Is poaatble under existing condi­ “I'm not going to be,” Ramsey said, “ W ell, It was too much for that lit- lent, Elsie Stevenson vice-presi tions than the legislation proposed by quietly.- accept, wntild not increase nor d i­ the resolution. W ith the present eondt tie, spunky , Joe SJanabury, and. he I-n t, Bettie Coshow secretary, ______ , Juinpeil up,and nrgqed-w ith her. He “Bv George!" And now Fred halted minish our Inability to “ such en. tion of the nation's finances and the bur­ slice Knight, Doris YViight, Laura dens the people suffer because of exces In front of him, both being huskily made her admit all the..Germans have Q p t o m e l r i s t . tanglenieiits," and the writer who elve taxation, any legislative measure Peachy, Virginia Shelton. Helen done to us, the sen murders and the solemn. " I think I understand a little looking to rest economy should commend Hale claims that they would has a very Itself to the sympathetic attention of the lund murders, the bjowipg. up of fac­ o f whnf that means to you, old Ram­ A L B A N Y O B C & Sewiug club No. 2, Mrs Cor - house, and we feel that the passage of tories, the propaganda, the strtles. sey; I th’lnF I do. I think I know low opinion of the intelligence of this resolution and the work of the com hy Stevenson leadei, Jesoe Py- trying to tu rn the United Stales Into a Harold Albro. somethjog of what It costa you to mlttee which w ill be done under Its au ­ the readers whom he addresses. hiirn president, Helen Fanning German settlement, trying to get thority w ill result In' the saving of mil make that resolution for your coun­ Manufacturing optician. The same kind of rot was bel­ Ilona annually Japan and, Mexico to make w ar on us, vice-president, Gtetia Harrison try's sake." Impuls'velv he extended It can be predicted with considerable •ecretaiy El.aine Woodworth, Elsie »nil all the rest H e even nmde her his hand. "It's a p etty hlg thing for lowed out nt congress against the Mssumnce Hint nothing will come of admit there, w,us jxropf they mean to' you to do. W ill yon shake hands?” league of i a’lons and against the this proposed voyage o f discovery un­ W“ed, Ellen Baker, Marie Dar­ conquer uç w.hqn they get through w ltlj But Ramsey shook his head "I ing, Dorothy McCallum, Vesta Washington conference treaties, less we, the shareholders In the enter ihe others, q yd.that they’ve set out to didn't do It. I wouldn’t ever have done Matlock, Gladys Hayes, Vesta A T T O R N E Y A T L A W rule the world for the)r own benefit, anything Just on account of her ta lk ­ and echoes from that blare are prise, maintain nn active, lively, ana 'ashman, Maigaret Lane, Maud talned Interest In It. One thing Is al- 201 New First N a l’l Bank Bid’g, nnd make whoever else they kindly in' that way. She shut the door on 1 heard in the offices of parrot pa. ways true of the house of repre­ ¡ My . Ruth Large, Neva L a r g ii allow to live, work for them me— It was a good while ago." Matvei Lawrence. Gretia Ilu rri- pers all oyer the country. Albany, Oregon. sentatives— It Is representative if ‘She said It might be true, but since “ She did I W hat for?" ■ton. we breathe warm ly upon It, l| glows nothing at all cuulri be' a right cause "W elL I ’m not much of a talker, yon I f we are Indifferent It becomes cold. for war, then qll th is „fp u Jd rft be a know, Fred." said Ramsey, staring at Frank 'Jobuson, a laundry School Essays This isn’t the first time that a plan cause fur wqr of .eqwse shq had her the pen he played with. "I'm not much Amor A. Tussing worker at Ephratah, Wash., the has been set In motion to find out (By Delos Clark ) regular pacifist ¡logic' w orking; she of anything, for that m atter, prob'ly, other day, thinking that what something about how the government's I he Frog School: said that since w ar is th e ;» d o t thing hut I — w ell— I — ” L A W Y E R AND NOTARY Is, why, till other’ evils were The Frog School was assembled “Yon what?” cleaned clothes so well would clean business Is conducted. lesser, and a lessér evll clin t be a Just The esrltest Inquiry Into the ad "W ell, I had to tell her I didn’t fee! him, got into the washing machine m in is tra tile methods of the executive tor its nightly singing lesson, B rownsville , O regon cause for a greater, ghe got terribly about things the way she did She'd 'rofessor Grump was trying to for a bath. The water was ton departments was inaile by the Cockrell excited, tlieyirsay, ’ but kept right on* •thought I had, all along, I guess. Any­ < saftj so far ns lié waa It'S hard on the home f o lk s - Gosh ! I men are liars * “ Per hap» ha had known as the public—were noi | q - o that beautiful springtime aon- concerned he resigned f t o,n f l up, 1(; ie r? ’ - a id the professor, campaigned before election» ami terested, and neither was congreas don't Ilk * to think of t h a t ! And I That ended It Classes righ t theue. THnF s :irM tt T r “ I don’t care; we are all free and -■guess IFs going to he hard on a lot of heard men'a promises to vole for and practically the whole class got up hoys tKat haven’t understood what It’s Rut Just now. at this moment, we q u a l. E q u a lilv and the rights id Office 1st door sonili of school house him and afteiwards found out how have the best chance we ever had to and wnlkf.1 out jw with t t n .Joe.. ,j«e. They They said xll xll-«l[rfut. and hard hard on on some some thnt thnt their their «bdnt, and *>gs and all of that sort of thing, Burney streaked Off Halsey, Oregon. they voted, or perhaps he had find out about our cnmm'on business .•on know. Brother», why must we. • n'1 business, and so on. was left aloneHn and how to Improve It and lesson Its have got ’em tied up so It’s hard to -o in Real Estate. down heard the promises of uandidaiee coal to us. The burden of supporting -land for the commands of that I Dealer on her desk ie»K*;-unq. n guSss she —and of course there's plenty that Just Handles Tow n and Country Property. certainly deserves II ■logiog leachei who is after all nu)y at election time and witnessed their If Is heavier tlinn ever before a ------- good mnnv can't, and some that aren't husky G iv e him a ra il and see if he can fix I fiog. ’a sing as we please,’’ r '. Von will perhaps notice all through have already stopped speaking to her " conduct after«arda. enough— but the rest of us are going Ramsey fid g e ty w ith a pen on the these articles that the Inform ation orted the unruly member of the you up. to have the big time In our lives W e supplied me about the general fsets ..’hool. table by which he sat, "W ell, » don't got an aw ful lot to learn ; P scares me Writing of male camp cooks of government employment and govern­ Instantly tbe other frogs forgot know," he said, slowly: " I don’t know fo thin k of what I don’t know about ment hnslneas are In terms of where no females are allowed, an I f they ought to dp that exactly." hai such a thing as harmony ex- helng any sort of a rear rank prt- estimate« and approximations This “Why oughtn’t they?" Fred demanfl vatn,* W hy, It's a regular profession, Oregon Journal »crlbe sat» “ they Is one of the defects o f government »ted and they commenced cloaking ! ed. sharply. ‘ ' like practicing law. or selling for a *t out's a» loud as they could I will flip the flapjkck, hake the organization It Is so large and so “« ’ell. It looks to roe as If she was drug house on the road Finit ela»* work guarnteed The results were horrible. ontv fightin’ fo r her prlncipl doughnut and fry the fialt.’’ That formless, and Its parts so unrelated, Th*» poor old professor left them I G o lly ! Do you remember how we * K A R I. B R A M W E L L . that exact and precise Information believes in 'em. The more It Costs S talked about that, 'way back In fresh­ explains «by female nooks are to about the whole la v irtu a lly unob a id went to find another school 21' pe son to stick to their vprinciples. man year, what we were going to do where tbe members had more be barred. No woman would cook talnable why, the more I believe* (he the person p when w-e got out o f college? you were ■itieicial t-lent ami less bolshevistic It Is of the greatest urgency and a doughnut that way. tnust have something pretty flue about going to be practicing law, fo r In- need that the people shall know tendencies. 'em l(kely." stahee, and I — well, f r instance, re- »bout their government, but they w ill M ral: Au rrganization will not Electrio H aircntting. Massaging "Tea?" said the hotheaded Fred. metnher C o lbu rn ; he was going to be Madam Malis-iauer'» hudiand find It difficult to lesm until the gov­ b e w -ll g*«ver ed if the individuals T h a t may he In ordinary times, hut a doctor, and he did go to some m edl- and Shampooing. complains that he ha» been quoted ernment knows about Itself. not when a person's prln iplce are lia­ ca1 school for one y e a r.' Now he's In are not wtlli g to aacritj'-e person- Gleaning and Pr- eing. a« saying thing« he didn't even ble to betray th eir c ou ntry! We won't the Red Croes. somewhere in Persia H 'c - t iv e A p r il | . su nier al interests fur th» puhli g k k I. «land Fiat kind of principles. I tell think of.—Oregonian. Golly I" w in d.frip excursion tick- » h, in HALSEY ENTERPRISE S| W H E R E YO UR T A X E S G •> BaoiKKiitón^fon frwiN M y e r s ¿ f a C. C. B R Y A N T A. Peterson I. O. 0 . F. W. J. Ribelin s ANITA RY Barber Shop and Baths BARBER SHOP E . C . M IL L E R Ha isn't the only one who talks all stations on Sou*hern Paoitic ( Bv Albert-» Koontz) lines in Califvunia tooth of M iave 1 The Old |.og t’abin : without thinking. A R C H IE C p n \'F I U ’<3 •ud Santa Barbara to the P c u e Near tbe summit of a h-gh h ill northwe-4 will be placed on sale. 1 Abolish the tax-eating state com •testled snuglv in t grove |>( mil* t hi» will be the first year that teliioos. T h a t’» all of the com- round-trip rates have ever been pot »'tnber pines, stands an old, d** I Expert workm m ehip. Watches an-l Its sagging clocks a specialty UHHiour, into effect from southern C * liw r -I lapitla^ra log cabin uoM-co»er«d roof, au4 the we uber. B A L M Y ilia guiuU to ib» ocittiw»»! eitiaa*' OREGON w* TCHMAKER& Jewel« von. and we oughtn't to. Dora Vocnm'a finding that out. all right. She had t?ie higgekt position of any gtrl In this place, or any boy either up to the last few weeks, and there wasn't any stu­ dent or hardly even a member of the faculty lhat had the' Influence- or was more admired Und looked up to She had the whole show! But now since H e paused, then chattered briskly on. "W ell, there's one good old boy was with our class fo r a while, back In freshman ye a r; I bet we won't see htro in any good old a rm y ! Old rough­ neck I.Inskl that you put the knob -»n hie oose for. Tommie Hopper says he •aw him last summer In Chicago soap- hoxln ( yellin' h l| he^d q j co alin ' every