YENTERPRISE VOL. X HALSEY. LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, MCH. JO. l ‘»22 NO. 30 METHODIST DOINGS Brownsville Grange Jots and Tittles Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Bond STARTLING INVENTION The regular meeting of Patrons were visiting relatives iu Albany Some Aftermath of the Re­ of Husbandry was bald March 25 ¿Suiiduf. Oil and Gasoline for 1000 vival Meetings at Brownsville with Worthy Master C. G. Morris of the Browns Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally ‘ . t ta X ’ . Years Assured At the M ethodist church the last two G. Ackerman in ih - chair. •a r»/I I .. ___1 1 t this h ia litn s n i lire We opened at 1 o’clock by sing, morning and in I Halsey Particularly prayei-m eetings have been well attend- That fabulous machine which ed. Forty-seven were present at the ing No. 114, after which Sistei Mrs. G. W . Mornhinweg went Davidson read the minute« of last takes wool into a hopper at one last T h e leader was Half Bond. lo the county metropolis last week ■New members join the local eon, Burnells White, Paul W right, masting. end and turn» out perfect «uits of The Epworth League had its business Floyd Farrier, Ellis Feuelle and aud visited Mrs. Nancy Taylor A motion was paaaed that a churches ev.«ry week lately. clothe» of assorted sty I ds and sites meeting and social in the league room »The Albauy Herald savs Leon The entertainment at the Meth­ Royal Ackerman. at the other haa an honeet-to-good- of the church Tuesday evening. A birthday,box ha prepared by ibe Morse bought a Brownsville resi large number were present and enjoyed committee, the proceed« to be used odist iburch Friday night reilized Cattle are bemg tested in this deuce at sheriff's sale Monday nesa rival, it ia reported from Den­ 125. ver. H"nry L. Brown of New York the evening very much Refreshments for floral offerings {w county swsaassaj |U| for I tuberculosis It DCI UU HU«»« O by Y N a 160- «]»» . - , fed. A latter from National Maeter The apparatus were served. Scio bo« a new boy«’ and girl»’ eral agent, Dr. J. Thistle wait of W.nie cowa m several rural coin. ia the inventor. F. J . Lowell urging us to take a H ole lakes oil »hale, of which America rviwSAi., «I..U — i i j . i t g.— Portia ud. oiuoitie« in tha county are iwing Last Sunday was a big day at the tein club and LaSalle a sheep j tested by Can- haa enough to supply the country 7 Dr. • Thistlewait, iniicwniv, the Vlir Vflll- church, both morning and evening Two stand lor a fa ir and just settle­ club. J o b u Archibald’s barn, -If miles * ' a thistle clubs in those places with oil 1000 year», and extracts hundred were present at both services. ment of the coal strikers’ question F. W . Robinson sold about 5000 northeast of Shedd, burned Sunday ' aud refines the oil, separating the “ot ,et lhe thistle wait. I t was a fine sight Sunday, the 19th, to was read and laid on the table for bushels ot oats to T. J. Skirviu lust ®nd f ??L5?lves further discussion. with it' Last Sunday was a beautiful day gasoline, and ISO other coal-oil see eight men stand at the altar and be Sister Pearl gave a talk on op week. T . Lose loOOO. Iusured for $8000. and nearly everybody sujoyed the producte, inch as medicines, dyes, baptized and received into the church. position to strike. Douglas Taylor and wife and H . I bright sunshine, but gloom re- synthetic rubber, etc. There were eleven received that day We than installed Pomona and A. Renniuger were at the cjunty The «hale is fed into the appa­ M r’ - K tl* Vawter of Medford turned next dav with rain and and last Sunday two men were baptized assistant steward. ratus at oue eud and a series of re­ seat yesterday. »topped on her way home from . garden. are . ti, ,’0I1 lhe w#i(if; and received. The grgnge expressed it« regret volving fans carries it through, Vata— „u: i l i- visit in Portland and called o n ' Last F rid a y n ig ht a very enjoyable re­ „ me and man may go, but I go the association. A local advisory effort to provide defense Intermediate League, 6:30. 4. Had an arm y o f spearmen (v. 8). on forever.” Epworth League, 6:80. committee was elected for Linn These spenrmen ware alto protected Preaching, 7:30. county as follows: J. Q Black- (Continued on page 3) with large shields. T he arm y was Pfayer meeting, Thursday, 8. law, Lebanon, Albyn keeon, A l­ made up of 480,000 brave men They bany, C. R Wilduier, A lb a u y Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, were prepared to wage an offensive High School Notes The Benton county advisory emu- as «-ell as a defensive war. iniltee is: Ray Yocum, Corvallis, By tbe procees of elimination I I I . Asa’s Victory Over Zereh, the [ Pine Grove Church: Ethiopian (vv. 8-12). (he boys’ basket bull team of H al- W S Brown, Corvallis, G**orge Sunday School, 10. W. Tbornquist, Alpine. 1. Aaa set the battle In array (v. -ey high achool claims the chain 10). H e went out to meet the enemy, pionahip of Linn county. Preaching, 11, by Bro. Eggly. Folio Crog- & White have «old ih«ir de first made a disposition o f Ida mg lean extract from the Scio Prayer-meeting, 7. hardware husmees to A J Hilt means of defense. Thia waa wisdom Bible 8tudy, Wednesday. 7. Sphinx: & Son, who were in the hard­ on his part. Intelligent faith moves “ Scio has won ten »ucceeeful ware store at She d which burned a the possessor to- do first that which Sunday School Lesson games, i ut haa no olaint on ’ lie week ago Su.tdly. M H l. i- la within hla power. 2 Asa’a prayer (vv. 11. 12). He championship. for we have been Well known in this part ol the Val. (By REV . y- B FlTiS WATER, U. D.. minor technic, le<. He h id a hardware b tai« s- Teacher of English Blblo In tbo Moody cried unto the Lord. H e sought the ruled out l>v ■thio Institute of Chicago.) I .«ba non, tli >ngh s tro n g r at Harr.-burg n sfnre lo o a it ,g it, source of national power In thia alitiea. | C o g yclg h l. l i l t . W ,n ,m Uaic prayer note (1 ) his conscious helpless­ than Crabtree, can ot claim o, Shctld ness. As he faced the Egyptian army because Scio’s last semeate< teas L LESSON FOR APRIL 2 Siortz aud Oil er.f «no adver­ . two to one against him, he was clearly , defeated Lebanon. Albany can­ J conscloue of hla Imjmtency. T he first tise the Elite c.tnf (Ti'iiiery at A '- Church Announcements New Wash Goods for Spring ASA R ELIES ON COD E H A V E O B T A IN E D a bountifnl dock of Spring Wash Good*. These m aterials sre suitable for m aking dreaaea, waists, skirts and other wash garments Prices are lower than usual, and we welcome a q uality comparison of our wash materials w ith any sim ilar goods, regardless of price W A Few of the New Season’s Favored Weaves LB BSoN T E X T —It Chronicles 14:1-1». QOI-DKN T E X T —H elp us. O l-orrl our riod, lor ws r e a l on T h o c .- I l Ctiron 14.IL R E F E R E N C E M ATERIAL—II Chron 14:U-1I. Iaa 41 10-11 P R IH A R r TOPIC—A K ing Who Truotod Ood. JUNIO R TOPIC—Ood H elping A sa IN TER M ED IA TE A ND SENIO R TOPIC -A Rulor Who Relied on Ood TOUNO PEO PLE AND ADULT TOPIC —The Source of Personal and National Power I. Asa’a Reformation (w . J-5). Asa woe the grandson of Rchoboatn, Both hie grandfather and fath er Beaded Voile, sim ilar to finer grades of S ilk Tissue Ginghams in a variety of favored Idolatry, but Io spite of thia imported swissea, dots, checks and fig­ new checks, stripes and novelty plaids, record of hie ancestors. Aaa had a ures. Yard. 7 5 c . priced, the yard, at 7 5 c w ill o f hla own, an.- though young Dress Gingham s in a large aaaortirent whan bo came to the throne. Inagurat- 2 5ne3 ^ ' ,en” ' '° ” ,nCK “ 2°- C"P * « * ««' ’"’ P - '« ’ » *d a campaign of reform which * ',w c “ tid e , in eleven colors, yard. 4 0 brought great good. He not only had the handicap of the Ido latry and Ira Drapery in many new colors and bean- : t.tu l designs, priced 2 5 to 4 0 the m dian Heed, in 3 4 . 44-and 5 4i»ch . and m ortality fostered by the two form er kings, hut he had to contend against i doors in 36-iaeb, at, the yard, 5 0 the Influence o f hla mother who had encouraged Imm oral worship ( I Kings •‘ H u m m in g B ird " silk Hosiery, all color* “ I t wears. ’ 15:18). In order to carry out hla re form story measures he bad to wrest •u th g rlty fro m her b j defcpMng her. M. V, KQQNTZ not claim the championship, i * ae hany, are enjoying a palrooage requisite in obtaining help from Ood j Crabtree defeated Albany. Crab- 1 la conscious weakness. The Christian about double that existing when tree cannot claim the champion- conquers not by self-reliance, but by they took possession a lew mouths self-distrust and faith In Ood. (2) Ap­ diip, as Crsbtree did not play I^eb. »go. anon nor Halsey, which is one of peals to Ood fo r help, li e knew that though they were helpless before 'he the strongest teams in th« county, Halsey Boy Scouts mighty enemy, w ith Ood'» help they Crabtree also refused to play the The Halsey Boy Scout»are Frank could win the victory. One man with i Scio team, considered Lion Tom M iller, M artin Ood Is a m ajority (8) Reposes faith : county’s champions until the la«l Koontz, In Ood. The word “rest” means to moment, when the claims we e Koontz, Truman Robiuett, Elias lean upon— to cast the entire weight forfeited becauae of a small techoi. Robins, James Rector, Albert Py- upon. In the measure that we realize Wilbur Nortoa, Ercell ! cality. Halaey haa never ieen de­ burn, our need of support w ill we lean Sneed, Elliot McW illiams, Cecil feated by anyone except Scio, and hard upon God. (4) Advanced cou­ end the victories, Redford, Clarence Cornelius rageously. H e went forth depending Scio must forfeit Freddie Heinticb, upon Ood to fight for him. Reni f.ilth ilierefnrn Halsey aho-ild ch im the Saturday (bay want out south, does not w ait until It sees it» way Linn county championship.” clear, but goes forth expecting Ood to This further proves the good west ol l^ ke Ogle for a hike and clear the way. (5 ) Flung himself — r of — Scio, -------. T h e S cio for practice. Signalling, cooking porlamanabip upon Ood'a a rm s “O Ix>rd. tbou »rt I toys have tha re p u ta tio n o f b ein g and first aid ware demonstrated ctir Ood ” H U esntte «-as O*d'« esinw* good losers a« well *« good win. and practiced. Dr. Gernjobst, the I f Ood has taken ns for Hts people, scoutmaster, was unable to make ners. In congra'ulat o ’ the H al and If w * have taken Him for our Ood. the start with them at 9 a. m. say boys we also extend Cougrat- | no enemy ran prevail against ns. May but joined them later. we experim entally say, “Thou a rt my illation* to Scio for the Iflori-hiog They came home about 5:1)0. Ood.” and hear H im ssy. “I am thy school paper, the Scio Sphinx. O odf" Last Monday the Bwgluh 4 HI« Busy D ays 8. The Egyptians «mitten (v. 12). students expended their energy Many a man can't «atti» flewa to The enemy fled before IsreaJ and could writing poetry. Some of the stu ­ •njoy life Wocauae he's kept toe buag not recover thenirelves. dent« showed unusual taient. raising tha cash to settle up. I