PAG E H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E *ÿ%run4ivicf[ M A R ' H 2f, 1922 Free ifornia passed thru this county in bis auto the other day on tu* way to Pendleton. JC. A H a iti of B ownsville talk» of moving to 'Tola Jo. Mrs W . F. White has been io Eugene a weea visiting Mr-*, (j. J. Bay, Mrs. John Aodersou aim other friends. Beautiful Oregon Woolens Mrs. Riugo returned from C j L tage Grove last evening The Rebekahs had an initiation and banqet lust evening. T h a t half hour of relaxation before dinner, after a hard day, is one of the times you appreciate a Brunswick most Then you realize w hy so many leading business men have a Brunswick in th eir homes. A vieit from J. L. Bowman last week hee-revived interest in the woolen mild, work on which will he eterted ehortly, «aye Mr. Bowman. The necessary machinery has I een purchased and will be in­ stalled as soon as the buildings are ready. A catalog of Mrs. Pyburn and two sons spe n yesterday afieru « u t . the co u y seat. M u sic’s G entle Pow er Brownsville Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds have iiotalled an electric washing ma­ chine at the hotel— a great labor beautiful and D. 8. McWilliams and H. C. Davis m ale a business trip to the county seat yesterday. serviceable our Grant M 'N e il and sons of Halsey were A lb an y visitois this after­ noon.— Yesterday’s Herald. John Glass was over from Cor­ vallis Sunday, shaking hands with his numerous Brownsville friends, A rumor is current that Prof Baker has been offered a consider­ able increase in salary to go else­ where to carry on school work Prof. Baker is an exceptionally good school man. showing how »aver. W P. Elmore wine hia suit -gainst the city of Brownsville in which he contended that the couii •il erred in refusing to assess town lote separately for street improve­ ments. The next step will be up .o the city. Crystal, daughter of M r. and Mrs. W. C. Templeton, was over from Springfield to spend Sunday, M ss Templeton is teaching in the public school of Springfield. halsey North How long can you hold your breath? R ailroad tim e South No. 1«, 12:01 p. in. 24, 5 50 p. nr. No, 23, It :2 9 a . m, 17, 5,39 p . m . S U N D A Y M A IL H O URS Quinn L. Martini'll the New York W orld s a y s : “ For ten breathl»»» minutes we prayed P r iju lla Dean would come out of the log jam intact I ” The delivery window of the Halsey poetoffice is open Sundays grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m, and 12:20 to 12:35 and 4:45 to 5.00 p. in. PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Here 5 Cents Imagine the thrill you’ll Admittance a Line get watching Card of Thanks Priscilla Dean . > in “ Conflict ” Rialto Theater Friday I wish to thank the patrons of the Halsey postoffice for their friendship shown in the recent elec.ion and especially the other candidates and their supporters for a fair campaign. K arl Bramwell. Attorney L G. Lewelliug is de­ School Essay sirous of getting iu communication Saturday evening there w ill be with the party who drove Mr. H . (By Aibeita Koontz) a short program at the Mew the parishioners. long period of daily accomplish­ be taken at this time. The public night will be full of thrills of the Roy Ueat'ie. eon of Mr. ami ments. s cordially invited to this service. Directly across the room, reclin­ clean and wholsome sort. Priscilla M r« . Beattie, was over from O. A The Tangent high school seniors n, to spend the week end and n ing comfortably upon his cot, is Dean appears in acts it must ma le such a success of the play have taken courage to pose for. -ceive the congratulations of hi his college chum, B rilliant Youth- ‘Nothing but the T ru th ’’ at that The statement of those who saw it, There is no necessity iu him cram, friends on reaching his majority. town that they will give it nt Shedd regarding one of the episodes is: A I.B BN Y OREGON R'” - is enjoying, bis work in the mmg for examinations, tor he has tomorrow (F rid ay ) evening. learned his lessons daily, and they " For ten breathless minutes we college. ' have been indelibly stamped upon prayed that Priscilla m ight come L G. Lewe|liug advertises in lhe C. E. rally at the Presbyter, ‘ Paid-for-Paragraphs” foi th name bis braiu. He will ride safely out of the log jam intact ” . ian church Friday evening was an of the party who took H. E. Mar- across the sea of Examination s, enjoyable affair, although tin lar to Verdure stalion, on the 0»<- although the waters are iroub.ed Good 4 -foot fir wood for sale. pl-ssures were artnewhat lessened gon Electric, a month or tw • ago. and the angry waves daslr high iu G. W Mornhinweg. by the fact that some unprincipled Mr. Marlar had cooie to Hal»e> their eagerness to wrecx his boat hoys from the outside gained ad­ expecting to be met by W- R bafore it reaches the banks of High mission to the kitchen and t'*ok u Grades. For Sale— W ild Mallard Duck Scott of Brownsville. Scott failed (Continued from page .4) eggs, 91 per setting E B. M cK in­ good share of the fine eats (lit to show up ninl the old gentleman A fter several weary hours of toil the Christian church Sunday ney. young people provided. of an auto to take him to the Average Student’s head begins to evening. Oregon Electric road. There In nod and he falls asleep. No W illia m M ills, head of the wide­ Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at W oi t li Baas spent Saturday at waa knocked down when trying t sooner is he in the Laud of Slum­ awake Brownsville M illin g company, has Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and Shedd, flag the train and fatlly injured ber than be begins to dream. been laid up for a conple of weeks with Friday. He observes two gallant lads pre­ houglas Taylor wag ranch, north of already had favor In various quarters. been frequently utilized aqd car­ Commercial auto busses and The veterau W. B Blanchard of al Brownsville. Oakland He found them fat a id About 300.000.000 barrels are nee,led ried hardly any provisions.” B rill­ trucks operating over thé highways Gladstone arrived here Monti y fine after their winter on pasture, annually In normal times, to suppply iant Youth, who was captain of I! L Bilyeu of Halsey was one and strong healthy lambs are fast and went over to visit his former the demand I d the United Slates. thia boat, seemed eager to start, on of Oregon and Arizona win here­ of ilie del-gates at the Albany tix after be required to come to a com­ making their appearance Large stamping ground at Brownsville. F lour m ills use about 00.000.000, the the journey. powwow Thursday. plete stop before crossing railroad numbers of laiuhs ate being lost on J. F. Venner ot Brownsville, sugar Industry 40,000.000, and the When all was ready they set eail. F B. Pcnlaiid was in Albany ovrrstoi-ked pastures. the severe over 80 years old, came home cement Industry TH.000,000.-Christian For a time the sea was very smooth; tracks, according to recent’ orders passed by the Oregon Public Serv­ ’ clence Monitor. Monday from a visit to Corvallis Monday. So were Uoorgu Taylor then suddenly they, struck the ice commission and the Aiizoua au I Karl Bramwell. foamy wave of Euglish. i Assur­ Mr. Fislthack, formerly pastor Corporation commission, Kats 2,ISO Yards of Macaroni. ance passed over this wave Wiibout of t le Christian church at Browns­ Tw o Italian s once had a macaroni- Mr and Mrs. F. M Tindle of difficulty and proceeded upon the ville, end Mrs Fishback have been, eating contest In which the wint er Brownsville were guests at the W hile Perhaps bad visiting at that city and returned stowed aw ay 2,100 yards of the stuff journey. Mornhinweg home Saturday. to their Eugeue , -home Monday, being a quarter of a mile «hand of great difficulty in passing over it, Maw. W id o w s . G is ts , H a c h b l o r s , Halsey H'gh went to Junction l lisv will bA located at Hillsboro his rival, who had to confess with r e ­ aud only succeeded by losing a M a r r y a n d be H a p p y portion of her cargo, Brilliant Ci*)’ Friday night and got bea'cu after the present term of the Bible luctance that he could eat no m<-re We put you in correspondence w ith Youth, the captain ot Assurance, at basket hall mi skates, 28 to 12. university. Before their train left hundreds of refined l adies and Gen was much relieved when his boat tlemen iu Canada and U. S. who wish they called on Mrs. Wheeler here. K srl Bramw*dl has something to marry, or correspond for Amuse­ sailed into the port of High Grades, u p p a rte d bj > H erb e rt H U B T A N N I N G C O . The Frirvieiv Sewing club has unusual in our ‘ Paid for-Part- m e n t P hoto s F r e e M any worth and dropped anchor. in S tu a rt $5000, $10.000 and upwards. E very­ Trem«aoiienlt for D RESS A year's subscription with t h . r u n o n - KM H U B I A N N IN C i CO., Albany, Ore. enormous waves of Science aud pany announce that work will lie B ock Story hy t i e r . their course in the campaign, I M . all privileges $1 On, or four months, History. Average Student, who gin at once on the line to Coquille. n«m, the accuient oc­ Br w u .v llle , after a winter in C al­ be $2 per year. Rush . ard with your or two to Oregon City for a vis t curred near the shore, for he was name and address for fu if particu­ «ith her sister, Mrs. C F. M u i-I lars. rescued by B rilliant Youth after r iv. Her childreu will go with M R S. F L O R E N C E B E b L A IR E ^ * * * * * * * * * ***■ *% , * much faithful labor. ner. 200 Moutsgue S t , Brooklyn, N. Y. Average Student was awakened On Monday Mias Bessie Bond went from hie troubled »luuibsis by his to Alhany, where her aunt. Mrs. E P psi, B riliiaut Youth, who had hold A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O T IC E C u u it i li n g s , is ill. Orchard White of his arm, and was vigorously Notice is hereby given that the under­ shaking him. Mrs. E Montgomery started for her- Do You Have Headaches? 4B-* Santiseptic Lo­ signed has been appointed adm inistrator " I thot it was time you were re­ of home in South Dakota Monday, after a the estate ot W H . K i.-kpatnck by If yon do we venture to suggest that tion. flesh and white visit ol a couple of mt nth» with her perhaps tou can be relieved through the tiring, pard. so I awoke you, laugh­ the county court of Linn county, Oregon. A ll persons having claims against said Frostille niece, Mrs- W illia m M ills, at Browns­ use of a pair of glasses fitted perfectly ingly remarked BrilHknt Youth, to your eyes “ Glad you did, old p al,” replied estate are hereby required lo present ville. < 'huinherliii* Hand tame to the undersigned at his residence w e sre e x tre m e ly careful about f i l l i n g Average Student. "1 had a terri­ in Halsey. Oregon duly verified and The Enterprise failed to receive a and the prescription is filled from lenses ble dream, which has convinced Lotion w ith proper vouchers as by law required ground In onr own shop and under per­ copv ol the B tovn sviB r iTim es last sonal supervision me that it is better to learn your w ith in six months from the date of thia Kohortille, flesh and week. D o n ’t know what we had done daily lessons and eliminate this SO,.'^ S D>,ed and f ir ,‘ publiahed March F M Gray, w hite I t j m erit the punishment. but pnnish- practice of cramming the night be- ’ • ’,m c L. t . Swan, Administrator, tnent it was. A handsome and valuable fore examinations.” Espey’s F r a g r a n t Attorney for Adm inistrator, Home Wool can be made The best wool for Men’s Fine Suits Woodworth DRUG @ in the world Jots and Tittles W rite for free catalog B Rialto CLOTHiNocœ Friday LONESOM E ? PRISCILLA DEAN R & Î Toiljt Articles < 'ream Hinds’ Honey ami mond ( 'ri'iim I directory of Brownsville, printed at the Times office, came on Monday, |- X o in p i kfter-Nhave Luxury Hrilliautine Witch lluzel Jelly Staeuinb Ringo's Deig S to u **V* **t»c**^*** F UNtve lragedy ' Run over by a train at the 1 local depot I A body was dragged and ms ig ’ed and left lifeless bv an early tu n n in g tram at the depot Friday morn- ■ ng Constable I C. Bramwell tenderly i sthered np «hr remains and bore them twav The train goes through without •lopping but a clerk drops seeks .if m ail as it whirres trhongh In this in ­ stance he made a poor throw and one sack rolled under the wheels, which altered its fabric and its contents, con­ st tug of new-papers. O p to m e tris t. ALa^NY. oaea. H irold Albro. M a n u fa c tu r in g o p t ic ia n . FARMERS nsnally hrve an •rcn m u lsth m o f aiticles no longer"needed. or soccer led bv better ones, which -cinehodv w mid | tik e to obtain An advtrtisem ent the else of thle. costing 25c. m saa ight »ix l find u in n haver and covert what now onlv trash into I ‘¿¿CASH S * * * » * S M r fW A ■ A a a « a « *T f f f f H « Z~