Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, March 23, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    grew serious.
“ M t feeling abnat you
H e maue
and rvr it the dialer had been |
— «hat you were a person ta ba raiwd
mfluicvitig Fred Cct te jo ,” he «n!.!
m'Mi'J( thing'*.
on. I mean— I think It began that eve- “I — don't
* , n t •T° a ,o tru ** «ne te de
V n ln f In our freshman year, a fter tha anything like that."
The P lyuina r ’t»b .1 B -ia n i
Lusitania «hen I stopped you on the
" W h a tr
»ill« «kipped a meetings last week
campus and you went with me and I
' I thick It a all right for h*m to en.
on account of do.
couldn't help rrplng. and you were so
If he wants to." Karasev saM mis.
nice and quiet. I hardly realised then erably
Mrs. J. C. Standish has been
that It was the flrst tim e w e d ever
ailing ft r several weeks
She is
“You do? For him to go to fight?"
really talked together— of course I did
in Intetnal M eöicine for the up and around, hut tar from well
He swallowed. “Yea.''
all the ta lk in g !— and yat we'd known
" t » h s h e cried, turned even redder
past eleven years
The sen,;-anr.ual convention of
each other so many years. I thought than he. and ran up the stone step*.
the Lion-Benton conn' es Od 1.
of It afterw ard. But what gsee
But before the <torm door* etnted
such a different view of you. I'd *1
fellows will be at Harrisburg April
ipon her she looked down to where he
ways thought you were one of that stood.
with his eyes still lowered, a
truculent sort of hoys, always Just
W ilffi* , t
L Sherman and Fannie Bole»,
bursting for a fig h t; but you showed lonely seeming figure, upon the pate
ment below. Her vole« caught upon a
both of Shedd and aged 64 and ¿3
me you'd really never had a fight In
- e r e » t r i e d Thurs-
your life and hated fighting, and that .Ob a . she .poke
“If .von feel like that, you might as
you sympathized w ith my feeling about
we,i (o aad enlist, youravlf.” she naig.
a I K „ „ . . fa -----------
T b . Shadd high school aenior.
war.“ She stopped speaking to draw
A lb a n y , O regon.
in her breath w ijh a sharp sigh “Ah.
have postponed their play until the
don’t you remember w hat I've told you
last Thursday in March on account
all along?
How It keeps coming
of the flu.
closer and closet»—and now It's almost
here! Isn't It unthinkable? And what
Andrew Brown and wife, Mrs.
Office hours, 10 A M to 4 p M
can we do to stop it. we poor few who
B e rt C la rk a n d d a u g h te r G e o rg in a
feel that we must stop I t F
George Have« were in
“W ell— " Ramsey began uncotufort
ably. “O f course I — I —■"
Since moving to hia nen location
"You can't do much," she said. "I
know. None o f us can. W h at can any
in Brownsville Guy Bramwell bas
No Charge for Consultation
little group do? T here are so few of
become collector for the Mountain t *
us among the undergraduates— anil
States Power company.
D r M elleuthin is a regular graduate
only one in the whole faculty. A ll the
:n medicine m u surgery io d is Isceosed
The Linn County Holstein C alf
rest are for war. But we m ustn't give
by the state ot Oregon. He risits pro-
up; we must never feel afterw ard that
d o h it seeking » o re members to
lessi ->oal ly Ibe mure im t x ta n t towns and
we left anything undone; we must
citiea, aad offers to all who call oa this make thia year’s clssa as large as
fight to the last breath !"
in p tree couaultatsoa. except the e x ­ last year’s bold-over clasa.
"'F ig h t'? " he repeated wonderlngly
pense ot treatment when desired.
Charles Poole and wife hare sold
then chuckled.
According to his met h o i of treat* lent
residence in Lebanon, but the
"Oh, as a figure of speech," she said
he does not operate lor chronic append­
Imiiatlently. “O u r language la full of
icitis, gall stones, ulcer» ol stomach, Criterion understands they intend ■+»
barbaric figures left over from the
tonsils or adenoids.
to continue to reside in that city.
dark ages. But. oh, R a m s e y s h e
Me hx* to h:» credit wonderful result»
and Mrs.
Sh'lton and
touched his sleeve— " I’ve heard that
tu dtteaae« of the stotaach. liver, bow­ daughter, Virginia, and Mist Coen- 1
Fred M itchell Is saying that he's going
els. blood. »kin. nervea. heart, kidney».
to Canada a fte r Easter, to try to get
bed wet hag. catarrh. weak ran came over from Brownsville
Into the Canadian aviation corps. I f
longs, rheumatism, scutsca, leg ulcers Sunday and called at the Wheeler |
It's true, he's a dangerous firebrand. I
sod rectal aiJmenta.
think. Is it true?"
I f you have been a ilin g for aay ten» th
“I guess so. He's been talking that
of lim e and do not get sn v belter, do not
way. some."
fail to call, as improper measures rather Kenedy, at Cdiage Grove, ia re­
than disease are very often the cause of ported recovering
“But why do you let him talk that
from tbe flu,
your lang sod »landtag trouble.
way?" she cried. “He's your romm ate; bitterly.
“I can't— I couldo
which recently caused the death of
surely you have more Influence with to you again a fte r th ia !"
Remember above date, that consults
Mr» Kentdy.
him than anybody else has. Couldn'i
tioo ou tin» trip w ill be free »ad that hit
you— ”
treatm ent is different.
Nearly all of the children and
(To be continued. )
Coming to Albany
Dr. Mellenthin
D o e s n o t O p e r a te
7 A luAj .
M onday A T u esd a y ,
A p r i l IO a n d 11
for the Baby
f Genuine
Kiddie Koop
complete with
Mattress. Net.
Wheels, etc.
Special for a short time, only
Send us your baby's name and birthday (if less than a year old) to­
gether with your name and a Idresa, aad we w ill send the baby some thing
C Save money Wy baying
your ho i»e furnishings of as
The Albany Furniture Exchange
415—421 W e st F ir st a t,
A lban y, O regon
Be Honest With Yourself
C I f you have been d riftin g along— »pending alt, saving nothing—»top
He shook his head slowly, while upon
M am e d women must be accompanied teacher» al tbe public school wore
and th in k.
by their busbanda
his face the fain tly Indicated model
green ribbons Friday, and three de­
School Essay
You must realize tha t it cannot go on forever. One's earning days are
ings of a grin hinted o f an Inner
clared that those who did not doo
Address 336 Boston Block M inne
Now. w hile your earning power is tbe greatest see to it that
laughter at some surreptitious thought
(No Name)
olis, M in
the sign were green without it.
each payday pays S o M x r m x o toe awl your f nture Is D x rx M D x a c a ,
“ Well, you know. Fred says blipself The First Money I Ever Earned;
We «nil wricoaas your account an I help you save
sometimes. I don't seem to be much of
One of tbe biggest eucceaaes of
When we were living in low«,
a talker e x a ctly !"
1621 w»z the Linn county co-ope«-. « 'T 'l
“I know. But don't you see? That and J was about ten years old, n*y
sort of thing Is contuglous. Others will
Two doors north of tbe hotel for their product than outsiders
think they ought to go If he does; he's Every year be bad a large amount
»re safe "
Four per re .« aad ao worry.
To Am prepared to do all kinds of did.
popular and quite a leader. Can't you of bay to stack in the fleld.
do anything w ith him?"
do this it was necessary to baTe
She waited for him to answer stackers.
(These were used to shoe repairing. Satisfaction guar
County Commissioner Thoms,
"Can't you?'' she insisted.
ibrow the bay from the ground to snteed.
bo was near death with flu, ia r e - .
The grin had disappeared and -Ram
(be lop of tbe stack. ) The stacker
JEW ETT the COBBLER. coearing.
sey grew red again.
was run by a rope and puilev* and
Warren Perry and eon Ora of
He seemed to wish to speak, to a horse.
My father always hired
Cottage Grore emptied off h e re
heave with speech that declined to he some boy to drive tbe horse on the
or rather tbe g irl who likes candy, is ev­
Thursday afternoon of last week
spoken and would not rouse up from stacker rope.
erywhere , her opposite would be herd
as lh«y were on their return from
his inwards. F in ally he uttered words.
This special fall I was hired to IJCENSBD FVNERAL DIRECTORS
to find. And if she gets her candy from
“I —I — well. I — "
bnsioees trip to Salem.
act as horse boy.
us she knows she gets tbe best confec­
“Oh, I know." she said. "A man­
were joined here by the Meedamee
Tbe day before stacking began
P b œ e J5
Phone 15
tionery in town
That it why when
or a hoy!— always hates to be Intrud
Perry, who had been visilin with
uy father promised me fifty cents
Ing his own convictions upon other
Branches at
you tell her yon w ill bay her a boe e f
tba alder lady’s parent«, Mr. and
men. especially In a case like this, a day for every day 1 «spiked
B ro w n s n 'le Phone J7C15
caady she always mys ; "B e ante aad
Mrs. John T- McNeil.
The days were almost hot enough Halsey Phooe lab. F rank K i r k Mgr
where he might be afraid o f some
gvt it at Stewart A Price's."
On St. Patrick’s day F. M.
Idiot's thinking him unmanlike. But to bake a wan if he were out in tbe
Ramsey— ”
Suddenly she broke off sun.
reach, tbe Albany jeweler, cele­
Some day» h o y flier,da ot
and looked at him atte n tiv e ly; his dis
brated the 43d anniversary of hi»
mine would be out there where I
comfort had become so obvious that
opening in bneineaain Albany. The
was working and they would sit in
suspicion struck her. She spoke sharp
firm hac changed location* but
"Ramsey, you aren't dreaming of
ooc« io the intervening year», but
doing such a thing, are you?"
hia son». John M. and Seth T .,| V 4V SV S V S 1
cause I liked to ait in the shade as
“ What such a thing?"
grown op and become part­
But I worked, with sane W ill barn coal or wood
"Fred hasn't Influenced you, has he? well as anyone.
Mrs. W a H. Wheeler.
ners with him.
You aren't planning to go with him. ev-ry dav that I eoqid be used, fur
Postcdhce building.
are you?”
nine days.
I bad by that lime
The Halaey Athletic club me-o-
earned four and ooe-haif dollars,
ber» who went to luoctioo City '
Fire, th e ft, c o llisio n , p roperty d a m a g e and
“To Join the Canadian aviation.“
which seemed to me a large •sum
Friday night to play basket ball on
“N o; I hadn't thought of doing It."
of money.
p e r so n a l lia b ility . P r o te c t y o u r s e lf again st
She sighed again, relieved. “I hail a
Everyone the that my father
the way home to take in a mas­
queer feeling about you Just then—
hired he bad always paid wbeu
querade ball.
lo ss.
that you were thinking o f doing aome
such thing. You looked so odd—and their work was done, so, of c.uisc,
English received word
you're always so quiet, anybody might I expected uty money the first
last week that two stater» of his
not really know what to think. Hut evening after the jo b was do* e.
2342 pages
mother were very low with the flu
I had been keeping my ’'lim e”
I ’m not wrong about you. am I. Ram
AGO,OCX) vocabulary term«
Garfield, Wash. Since then the
sey?" »
In a small book that. I kept bid
Shoe Repair Shop ative woo.1 and moha.r pool. Th« ii 1 he r ir s t oavings bank or A lbany, O regon
L *heT*
The Candy Girl
Stewart & Price Confectionery
Heating S T O V E
Automobile Insurance
They had come to the foot o f the behind the big stack.
steps that led up to tha entrance of
This evening after supper I got
lier dormitory, and th eir w alk was al m little book and wai ted to set.
an end
As they stopped and faced tl up, but father dtdii Lhxre time
each other, she looked at him earnest
The next evening be <ft<ir»'t have
•y; hut he did not meet the acrntlny.
any blank check*
I could never
his eyelids fell.
get enough nerve to ask him for
“I'm not wrong, am I. Ram seyT'
“About what?” he murmured, un­ the money agaiu, and be wasn't
honest enough to give it Io me. Of
course, it wasn’t the.money that I
"You are my friend, aren’t you?"
wanted b..l it was the thought« of
"Then It's all right," she said. "Thai those hot davs that 1 spent in tbe
relieves me and makea me happier hay and never received anything
thnn I was Just now. fo r of course if
for that made me fezl imj
y»u're my friend you wouldn't let me
make any mistake about you
I I*
Here you, and now. Just before I go
in and we won't see much of each
other for a week— I f you still want ms
to go with you again next flundny— "
“Yes— won't you. please T'
“Yea, If you like. But I want to fell
A- efficien t
you now that I count on yon In all tills,
a irin g
even though you don't 'talk much.' as
fou say; I count on you more than Fisk and Goodyear T ire » and T n tw *
I do on anybody else, and I trust you
he lore ia iy is g tires Be sure sod
when you say you're my friend, and It
in vestir,»!« oar pnces
makes me hapqy
Ford peris A secessones «'way» on hand
"And I think perhaps yoo'r» right
«bout Fred M itchell. T a lk Isn’t ev­
erything, nobody knows that better
than I. who talk ao m u ch ' and I
think that. Instead of talking to Fred.
« «'eady quiet Influence like yours
would do more good thsn sny amount
f arguing
Ro I treat you, yon see?
I f y o u h iv e fr ie n d s th e y
And I'm sorry I had that queer doubt
B h o u ld h a v e y o u r p h o to -
of you." Sb* held out her hand. T u
leau I hspjien to see you oa tha eaapua
for a minute, la the meantime. It s graph.
good-bye until a week from today He
— well. so. good bye antll then I"
' W alt." said Ramsey.
P ro m p t
Halsey Garage
Foote Bros., Props.
Clifford’s Studio
M3 w Ftr* «net, Albaa y.
C. P. STAFFORD, A g en t
•000 illustrations
death of one of them bas been aa-
12,000 biographical entries oounced.
>0,000 geographical subject«
Mrs R. N Blackburn, formerly
of Brownsville, has been quite ill ,
at ber borne in Corvallis.
Henry Blakely of tbe Calapooia
metropolis, a sister, went down
or tbe near editioo. rith all there Thursday, rewriting later in
the week.
Practically new. $8
Words of the
World War
F O R $12
M ’as Doris Coshow of Brown«-'
ville, who ia now at tbe bead of the ;
primary department of tbe Sweat!
Home schools, was entertained one
evening the first of the week at tbe
Poole home. — Lebaisoo
M r. and Mr». C. C. Jark-oo
of Halsey and granddaughter and
Cecil Btlyeu were Albany viattors
today. M r. Jackeon ta a former
(Cenbnaed from page 1)
sheriff of tbe coooty and a well
Brew n «eil le ie to enjoy a Siao-
informed man of public affairs
dard O il station.
— Albany Democrat.
Mise B anche F o n ter came home
The member» of the C h ri*tia n |
from E-g«oe for the week end
chareh enjoyed a real treat Soo-j
M r. and Mrs.
Claude McKern. «»ho ba* «pent day morning
several week* al Lebanon, caabe Cat-pa, «ingii g evangelists of Lov-
ieviile, K y.. were present sod coo-
bom* S*l<xrday.
aenied to sing
Tber were ap­
Mr». F M Tind*e of B m sn i preciated by all who heard them
ville *a » a roe«* of M n .
CbarUe Merge, father of Mr«.
hiaweg last Thu radar.
K B McKmnev. died last Thorn-'
Mr. and M n C. E Stanard M day at his home ia Benton cwwaty,
ilaa from A lbany, after an
^ ,-0.011« ca»« b o ^ Sunday » i.
Halaey from a n a it lo Portlaad.
illaeaa cwotiaoing aioce tha death
of hie wife, aixxit five years ago.
Hennaa Brandt af Shedd doaeù
He was 68 years old.
two cow a with aalta and hath djed
T » > pervoos were baptie»d into
and be asked the 0 A.C. expert»
exim io« a u m p le of tbo »»«ditioe
iCoobaaed oa page 4)
Jots and Tittles
S R e a l Q: s f a te a n d J ,
Capital and Surplus $35,000
I n te r e s t paid on tim e c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it
W e in v ite y o u r b a n k in g b u sin e s s
C. H KOONTZ. P res.
b . T A Y I j OR v V ic e-P r es.
B M. BO N D , C a sh ier
H a rd w a re
P a in t n r,
* a lU l u p .
V ' s , t . ..
S p n e « »• <b« i,n x *o « n *k « everyth la g bright oboat yonr
h o * « . Wa have <be m aterials aad owr pnoea a rt right
Th« h oivrw itv is ss ameh ea tit led to modern
K itch en R a n g es rqo,(MO<Bl M
___ «_
g»,,, grower.
A g <jd light w ill m»ae your «yea ;avt '-/ager ta d
give better aaresae.
Mazda L a m p s
G ranite and A lu m in u m U are
f **»«**«
C ro ss & W h ite