PAG E 2 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E HALSEY ENTERPRISE M A R C H 2t, I’m promia«« • definite reward to ■ child and then, after the child bae faithfully performed ita part of the agreement, breaks faith. Often . '— ------- it in a pig or a calf or a lamb that ia I presented to the youngster and /carefully tended and petted until ’ ready for the market and then sold and the price pocketed by the paront. Ia it any wonder that the child who first learns this leaaou from ita di parents becomes suspicious, I crafty and deceitful? It is to be I hoped that every mernbei of the An independent—N O T neutral—uews- paper. published every Thursday, by W m . I I . & A. A. W H E E L E R . Wm, H. . W iiKKi ui. ii nu K K i ea t i Editor. n u iio r. Mas. A A. W h k e l k h Business Manager j and Local News Editor. Subscriptions, >1.50 a year in advance i raim ent advertising, ¿Scan inch; per u nneni. 20c. No discount (or tun or space. 1 . “ Paid-for Paragraph»,“ S caline. No idvertisiug disguised as news H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore. E T H IC S ? M eli. 23, 192 oelf, pig and otlier juvenile indue- Oregon newspapers have adopted I trial organizations for which Linn n code of ethics that ought to male county is famed throughout the editors a tig lie, but it doesn’t I ountry will have a different ex Like the big nations on accepting perience. the Wilson fourteen pointe in the great conf‘aence at Versailles m il They carried Murderer Burch to tho-u ot them who declared accept* the ga|low>,iu a chair when lie got a ice of the Hughes program at the Iso weak trying to beat them by little conferenfce at Washington, starving biuiM lf that they could this acceptance is apparently “ in L ot get him there any other wav. 'B < ^ T a itó n $ o ji Illustrations by>< / ■* irwiN Myers, - e?' ° .Cojv-jhtJiÿ Doubleday. Page ¿C om pany. Men who make their living by their skill with tools find in W inchester Tools special refinements ot de­ sign. niceties in finish, sturdy construction. They produce more and better work at the end ot the day. For the skilled mechanic or the “handy man” Win­ chester tools are made to save his time and temper. CHAPTER X III. have to go and do It under some other fla g ; and I w ant to tell you I'm one th a t’s going to go I Pit stick it out in college up to Easter, and then If there’s still no chance to go under the Stars and Stripes I ’ll maybe have to go under the flag my great-great­ grandfather fought against in 1776 ; but. anyhow, T il g ol" It was In speaking to Ramsey o f this declaration that Dora said Fred was r 1 “dangerous firebrand." They wert taking another February w alk, but tht February was February, 1917; and thi day was dry and sunny. “I t ’s Just about a year ago,” she said. “W h at Is?” Ramsey asked. “T h a t first time we went walking. Don't you remember?" “Oh. that day? Yes, I remember It was snowing." "And so cold and b lo w y!” she added. “I t seems a long time ago. I like walk- in« w ith you, Rumsey. You’re go quiet and solid— I've always felt I could talk to you Just anyhow I pleased, and you wouldn’t mind. I ’ll miss these walks w ith you when we’re out of college.” H » chuckled. “T h a t’s funny I” “Wl,y?" "Because we've only taken fou r be­ sides this: two last year, and another week before last, and another last week. This Is only the fifth.” “Good gracious! Is that all? It seemed to me we’d gone ever so often I” She laughed. " I ’m afraid you won't think that seems much as If I'd liked going, but I really have. And, by the way. you've never called on me at all. Perhaps It's because I ’ve for­ gotten to ask you.” “Oh, no,” Ramsey said, and scuffed his shoes on the path, presently ex­ plaining rather huskily that he "never was much of a c a lle r"; and he added, “or anything.” , "W ell, you must come If you ever care to," she said w ith a big slatef gractousness. "The Dorm chaperon sits there, of course, but ours Is a Jolly one and you'd like her. You've prob­ ably met her— Mrs. Hustings?— when you’ve called on other girls at our old shop.” “No," said Ramsey. " I never was much o f a ------ ” H e paured fearing that he might he repeating himself. Bo everywhere over the country, that Alnter of 1918, there were ltght-heart- *d boys skylarking— a t college, or on he fa rm s ; aud tn the towns the young machinists snowballed one an­ other as they came from the shops; vhlle on this Sunday o f the “fra t" «now fight probably several hundreds if thousands of youthful bachelors, be- p inciple, but .not io detail not jf ag much peraeverauce were ahown tween the two oceans, went walking, Ike Ramsey, each with a girl who in person. E ush editor agre.s that meting out due penalties to all WiNCHMSTea B all P bim H ammkb — ■ould forget the weather. Yet boys the code is a good one for all the olher murderers the taking of- hu- Perfectly balanced for a hard, true blow, ; g*> quality tempered cutters, held ter and that spring and that summer. Democratlc editors continue Io l i r . A great deal of aympathy mg wedgei. rig id ly in position. Qqick, accurate ad Tqick, Host of them knew long, thoughtful justm ent Smooth ullegetliat the Washington trea* L „ rf sniveling over the deserved Jack, Fore and moments, as Ramsey did, when they Jointer planes. ties commit the country to war in fate of criminal» ia done by people seemed to he thinking not of girls or work or play— nor of anything around c e rta in c o n tin g e n c ie s . »ho have neiU, „ y me nor'ioolina. them, but o f some more v ita l m atter Republican editors ate still lying Uon to ,Danife((t ,y O)patby with <-,hUC7J’ irB C h i s e , s — sP«cial cru- W iNCBBStxa S caaw D a iv g a s — Blades or prospect. And at auch times they cible steel iiisde in one piece from tip of single pieces of chrome steel sscurelv about Mr. Wilson and declaring | t|w. e who deserve it. were grave, but not ungentle. of the plade tluough the socket As-1 fitted to bandies Stand uo u n d e r t h i For the long strain was on the coun­ that the Versailes pact, if we en- sortuient of patterns and blade widths, | hardest kind (S use. P *“ try ; underneath all Its outward seem­ tered it, would take from our con. ing of things going on as usual there Thin country refused t6 go Into gross its sol« right to declare war shook a deep vibration, like the a ir the league of nations and made a Nail Hammers. Wrenches, A °g » r Bits, Saw«v Riers, Files trembling to vast organ pipes In dla and compel us to send troops t< separate peace treaty with Ger­ pasons too profound to rench the ear light on overseas battlefields. os sound; one felt, not heard, thunder many. Now the allies are collect­ AU plain, common, usual, par­ In the ground under one’s feet. The ing claims under the league pact succession of diplomatic notes came tisan lj ing. and Uncle Bam is whistling on the to an end a fte r the torpedoing of the I he ,noowd.tency of the preach- out, i(1, unable undfl, h,s RFparate Sussex; and at last the tricky ruling Germans In Berlin gave their word to meot. of many papers regarding treaty „ much M # gme|, the stomb murder no more, and people said. “Tills automobiles and tbe railroads | tbe dough. We made our bed and means peace for America, and all Is shows anotner clash with ethics well for us," but everybody knew tn now we may lie in it or go hang formulated or unformuiated. his heart that nothing was well for for all the league members need to patlo n o f w ork In the fu tu re . W e could us, that there was no peace. save |»iu.«(lo,oiz) a year, In m y Judgment, Apparently with the object of care. by doing a w a y w ith useless bureaus and They suld, “A ll Is w ell," while that du plicatio n o f a ctivities. keeping the good will of the rail­ ATTORNEY A T LA W thunder In the ground never ceased— Some o f the du plicatio ns a re rid ic u ­ The statement is made in Lon roads, and retaining their advertis­ it grew deeper and heavier till all lous a nd absurd. F o r Instance, the gov­ 201 New Firet Nat’l Bank Bld’g. America shook with it and It became m e n t seeks to protect the w ild a n im a ls ing patronage, these sheets de­ don that Colonel Harvey ia like!v e In rn th e n a tio n a l parks. I f a brow n k a d la k slowly audible as the voice of the old Albany, Oregon. clare that auto trucks are destroy t > be a candidate in the Ameri h e a r bee tw in cubs, one brown and one American soil, a soil wherein lay those b lack, as often happens, and one should ing the highways and paying noth- can presidential election. Who shoot the brow n cub he must m ak e bis who had defended It aforetime, a soil settlem e n t w ith one departm ent b u t If ing for ftn ir upkeep. This might started the elory ia not stated, but he shoots Ite fu ll b ro th er, the black cub, that bred those who would defend It again, for It was theirs; and the mean m ust settle w ith a n o th er departm ent. apply In some places, but in Or­ we can guess, Colonel Harvey is he I f vou W ere to shoot a fox In A laska your Ing of It— Life, Liberty, and the P er s e ttle m e s i would be w ith the D ep artm e n t egon the .e vehicles are hearing over there. suit o f Happiness— was theirs, anil o f A g ric u ltu re , w h ile If vou trap ped the theirs to defend. And they knew th“y tlie heaviest o, all the tax burdens e»m e fox you must m ak e \o u r settlem ent w ith th * D ep artm e n t o f O om m arce would defend It, and that more than nf the (I ly and the money that they W HERE YOUR TAXES GO The governm ent laeued last y,__ * .All (work dona promptly and the glory of a Nation was at stake. th ro u g h Its several bureaus and d e p a rt­ thus pay goes almost entirely into The Freedom of Man was at stake. So. m ents 1« cookbooks T h e last o n e th a t (by Edward O. Lowry) reasonably. Phone No. 289.9 gradually, the sacred thunder reached the road fund. was Issued was published by the hoard o f vocation al education T h is Is a heard the eacz of the young men and gave organised by the congress for the purpose I' n I - if ication to gain railroad them those deep moments that came to IX . o f r e h a b ilita tin g crippled soldiers o f tbs . patronage is vain. I'be railroad them whether they sat In the\class- W o rld w » r. to p reven t, as fa r as possible OUT-OF-DATE MACHINE lh a ir becom ing derelicts In Ilfs. . it room or the counting-room, or «miked management of today differs from m a r be o f In tere s t to state th a t w h ile the A c o in 111 11 t ie made up o f three mem­ w ith the plow, or stood to the machine, that nf fifty years ago in beiug open ber» o f the senate and three members go vernm ent has been leaulng 1» cookbooks LA W Y E R AND NOTARY or behind the ribbon counter. Thus and consum ing vast qu an titie s o f p rin t ao.i above board. The companies of the house Is now considering the paper In these and s im ila r us-leaa publl the thunder shook them and tried, them I too coun try tow n new spapers and slowly earae Into th eir lives sod B bowmvill «, O rboom advertise Literally, not in return «hole problem of the organization of cations, the executive departments of the gov- have suspended In th a last three m onths changed everything for them, because th e y could not secure prin t paper. for questionable favors but as a em inent w ith a v ew to finding out H ate of the Germans was not bred; M r. Henvls and g great many others matter of business, and they are how to reorganise them so as to In­ but a contempt fo r what Germany had have sensed the feeling In the coun­ shown In lieu o f a national h eart; a not rewarding nor encouraging crease their p o te n c y and decrease try and In gnn$ress that the time has their com of operation it Is about contempt as m ighty an^ us profound liars as such. time The great executive depart­ come to put an end to all this sort as the resolve that the German way Fise e f thing. H e give» reasons fo r his and the German w ill should not pre The same papers turn about ments of the govern utnt have not b elief: vail In America, nor In any country of and falsify against the railaoads in been reorganized or greatly modern One o f th e reasons Is th a t tha people lied since Alexander Ham ilton's day. the world that would be free. And dem and th a t thely ta x a tio n be reduced catering to those agitators, who Representative Reavt* of Nebraska F o r m an y v e a r s .e e have been collecting when the German kaiser laid h it com claim to represent the laborers Is one of the members of this Joint th e revenues of.Thts g o vernm ent through maud upon America, that no American 301 Lyon s t, Albany. Oregon, system s o f In direct ta x a tio n T h e rev e ­ should take tits ship upon the free they stress the false cry that the congressional committee that ta m ak­ nues h ave been .o fle cte d throu gh a p ro­ ing the present Investigation He put seas, death being the penalty fo r anj te c tiv e ta r iff and by e x d » a ta x a tio n on roads have not reduced fares nor the resolution throujrl) the house that In to x ic a tin g llqucrs In d ire c t ta x a tio n of who disobeyed, then the German kaiser k in d prevents the people from rea llx - freights when wage reductions have brought about the appointment of the this got his answer, not only to this new ln< fu lly Just who Is p a y in g the expenses H e 1« a part of the na law he had made for us, hut to many o f th e g o v e rn m e n t Th ere was a tim e been made. The* truth ia that committee tlonal government mach ne and he w hen the expenses o f the governm ent other thoughts of his Y«f the an there have Iteen repeated rate cuts ought to know what hets talking about am ounted to o p ly 1J cants per capita per 'W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 6-5. awer was for some tim e delayesf y ea r T o d a y th e a n n u al per capita e x ­ on all the loada of late. The lat­ when he says that “while the gov T here was a b itter Sunday, and Its pense exceeds MO T h is trem endous ax- Regular meeting next Saturdat ernnient o f the Vnlted States 1« the penee has m ade It necessary to resort to bitterness went everywhere, to every est application of tbe Bout hem night. world's b|ggest business It la likewise dire c t ta x a tio n and the people have sud­ place In the whole wqgld that held I'acific f >r permis-ion from the the world's worst managed business." denly bet ome p a in fu lly a w a re o f w he high and generous hearts, its hitter pays th e sxpeseea o f tn e governm ent Interstate Commerce commission That Is an Indictment and a state­ ncss came to the special meeting In I am v ery certa in th a t the e lim in atio n " I Nsvsr Liked Any Girl Enough to du plicatio ns and o v e rla p p in g In tha de­ the fra t hall,' where there were is announced in a bulletin which ment of fact that w ill stand the cloeest p of a rtm e n ts w ill result In the saving of Ge and Call on H er.” scrutiny and the most unsparing hearts. Indeed, of that right sort, and •ays: m illio n s o f d o lla rs T h e re Is no reason analysis Bnt listen fo M r. Reavis: one of them became vocal In Its b itter­ w h y It should not be done o A cs 1st door south of school bouse and too hastily amended his Intention. "33 by should the In te rio r department T h e re Is e ve ry reason, tn the pressnee ness. This was the heart of Fred Among the important reductions Halsay, Oregon. " I never liked any girl enough to go o f th a s trife and tu rm o il th a t p re v a il In run art Insane asylumgnd a college for M itchell, who was now an authority, from eastern points to the Pacific and call on her." this c o u n try and o f the unreal occasioned being president of the Junior class^ coaat are: copper wire and cable, negroes and a school fo r the deaf? hy th e high cost o f the nt' eesarlsa o f Ilfs “Ramsey M llh ollan d!" she cried. How did It get that way Why should th a t the g o vernm ent should he put upon Handles Tnw a sad Country Property. chairmnn of the Prom committee, and -’.1 per cent; pole line construction "W hy, when we were In school h alf s sans, efllclsnt and econom ical heels one personnel In the pension bureau other things pleasant to be aud to live G ive him a call sod see if he can fix materials, 23 |ier cent; bath tubs. In the Interior department he r a r ln r the room used to be talking about how Whoever hy public clamor or other fo r at his tge. y 22 pel cent; Un cans and pails, 14 for the disabled soldiers of the Civil means can Induce congress anil tha you up. you and that pretty M llla — “ T o r me. brothers," he said, "1 think per cent ; asbestos roofing, 50 pet war and the Spanish American war, executive departments fo orgsulxe rha "No, no!" Ramsey protested, again I'd a great deal rather have been shot too hurriedly. “I never called on her. cent; rubber boots and shoes, 9 per « b ile another personnel In the bnresn routine business o f the national gov­ through the head than heard ffce news W e Just went w alking.” ic n l, charcoal and crude cyanide, of war risk Insurance of the treas- ernment wilt have performed a great from Washington today! I tell you. A moment later his color suddenly Note that I say “or­ 31 per vent; wrapping paper, iron nrv Is caring for the veterans of the public service I'v e rpent the meanest afternoon I became fiery. " I don't mean—1 niea„ and steel barrels, 15 to 11 |>er cent. World war? 3Vhv this hodgepodge of ganise" :tnd not “recrganlre." for In ever did In my life, and I guess It's —" he stammered. " It was walking, been pretty much the same w ith all of Kates on eggs from tbe Pacific totally unrelated purposes «hlch Is re­ ao proper sense has the federal bual of course— I mean we did go out w alk­ ua. The worst o f It la. It looks as coast to eastern points are to. sulting tn end'eaa duplication and sp- nets ever been organized. First-eiaas work guarnteed ing, but It wasn't w alking like— like though there Isn't a thing Io the world lie reduced 22 per cent. Nut pslllns expense?” K ARL BRAM W ELL. The Bette Way. this." H e concluded with a fit of I w ill let M r Reavis go on without we can do. The country's been be kernels will carry a 11 p ircen t And for our perl there are t1ui«x further Interruption As a member mghlng which seemed to rack him. trayed hy a few blatherskites and lo w e r ra te of the h use he has his share o f the «hen we would rather face the music Dora threw hack her head and boueheads that had the power to do IL I lie Southern Pacific an>tounced responsibility for the conditions he de­ than pav the fiddler — r>»n»s laughed delightedly "Don't you apolo- and all we can d o —we've Just got to tli it it had estaldisbed a new rate scribee: gtxe she said " I didn't when I said stand It. But there's some Americans on lu m b r from California and Th erv are » aep erste ( « v v m a e n t a l It seemed to me that we’ve gone w alk­ that aren't Just standing I I and I Eisctrie Haireuttlog, Massaging s g v n .lex hand lin g v n a m a a rtn i. arch lia r Oregon of ,8 cents when (nr export ing so often, when In reality It's only want to tell you a lot of 'em are men tu ra l and public w a rk a fuaetluaa. a ll a ( a aud Shampooing. to the West Indies or (liber foreign rala le d kind Th ar« Is no fo o d reason why four or five times altogether. I think I from the universities Just like us. ccuntry, to Halfport, Mis«., via F.l a ll lhaaa aganclra should not ha m ordl Cleaning and Prassiog. The?'re over there right now ; they can explain, though: I think It came nated In one d a p a rtm a n t and about M a f partly from a feeling I have that I can Paso and New Orleans haven't said much— they Just packed th e uaalaas m s a n ita tio n s done aw a y w ith rely on you— that you’re a good, solid, up and went They're fiylng for France T h s ra are M go xernm ant agencies engaged ( ode of ethics ! Pa ugh I Canou In surveying and m apping there a re Tl reliable sort of person. I remember and for England and for C a n a d a ; separata and distinct agendas engaged in tlage I from the tim e we were little children, they're fighting under every flag on public building operations thsra a re i t ' the right side o f the westerh fro n t; you always had a sort of worried hon­ agen d a s authorised tn build roads there a re 1» engaged In h y d ra u lic construction A R C n iK CORNELIUS and they're driving ambulances at est look In school, and you used to PA R EN TS, K E E P F A IT H there a re IS doing w o rk on riv e rs there Verdun and ammunition trucks at the make a dent In your forehead— you a re Ml engaged la public land fun ctions Somme. Well, there's going to he a lot meant It for a frow n— whenever I there are U doing chem ical tn v e e t'g a tlo r (?ne of the school essays pub. connected w ith public w o rk operxtiona caught your eye. You hated me so hon- more American hoys on all these Jobs M F r e n c h a S o n s th e re a re B doing e ngineerin g and re K xpert workmanship Watches estly, and you were so honestly afraid anil mighty soon, on account of what those Iiahef this week describes a case anarch A l b a n y o r c o . clocks s spun »tty. I wouldn't aee If !" agnndna h ave been In ­ men did tn congress today. I f they which is all too common, a lather a c M tiv a n e y fo n r f a these nu m b er n f y earn hut thv> I pALS^Y "Ob no— no— " OREGON ’ glv# " • ■ rbanc* to do some Other Winchester Tools of Exceptional Service Roscoe Ames Hardware Successor to Hulbert-Ballack Hardware Company Albany TY/NCNÍSTÍH Oregon 4 C .C . B R Y A N T F. M . GRAY, Draym an. Amor A. Tassine *. Peterson Dress Shoes a Specialty v I . 0 . 0 . F. W. J. R i be li n •ealer in Real Estate. s A N IT A R Y Barter Shop aid Baths B A R B ER SHOP We make a Specialty of Friendship, Enpaprenient and Wedding Riiitjh * U y A » V J a * 1U < ggMt- ( E. C . M IL L E R FCHMAKER& Jeweler t t ; n | u n d « our owB flay, then w >u I < “0». ZS~T*í¡Z » lii & u