a a Ö á v i Lv y HALSEY ENTERPRISE f They Wore the Green. will, after showing how to take the The Ladies' Study ciub met io fleece from the aheep in the most B1U BLAZ£ AT SHEDD regular seseiou Thursday afternoon suitable mauner, give special con­ Now is ttje tim e to . » M b, ,h. u. Oi o. Home Fire-Fighter», Bare- at the home of Mr». Heory Euglish. sideration to first, wool grading; Mrs. Dean M cW illiam s gave the second, preparing the fleet, s for Handed, Save Town lexson of the day in Oregon history market, and third, castrating and Mrs. Jake Ackerman came over illuetratin.' it with a large m, p. docking lambs. Lorn Browusville Friday and took at that little Oldsmobile« Much mouey is lost each year The aeries of lessons has reached her mother, Mrs. West, home with Paul Ackerman Achieves Fame her. the vicinity of Halsey and ih thru careless methods of preparing Shedd, March 19.— Peterson 4 prehistoric mounds around Tan ­ the fleeces for market. Proper ty­ Mrs. Lloyd Robnett of Drain ing, packing and shipping will be Prindle'a garage, H ill & Son’» (Successors to R. W. Tripp) gent were discussed. arrived Friday for a visit with her hardware store, L. G. Thompson's An enthusiastically enjoyed St. discussed. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J A. Ste­ i Distributors o f O L D S M O B I L E S . Good­ Investigation also reveals t,be drugstore and oonfertionery store Patrick's day program was ren­ venson. and residence overhead, and P a li dered, consisting of Irish stories astounding fact that 75 per cent year and Kelly-Sprin field T I R E S P. H. Freerksen, who is deputy Ackerman’s residence were totally and incidents aud songs rendered of all lambs marketed at Portland ) Albany, Oregon Phone fti" assessor again, was in town last destroyed by a fire whioh appar­ by Mrs. English, Mrs Templeton for the Willammette valley have How about h ies ? Special discount to Panu Bureau members week reminding each of us of how ently started in the battery room long tails. This practice results and Mrs. Stafford, wealthy we are. of the garage at 2:80 this morning Halsey is the home of some high in a loss of 25 cents to one dollar musical talent, but has none that per head. Mrs. R K. Davidson aud child at Second and B streets, in the Last year our cn-operauve ship­ in originality and technique can and Mrs. Silas White, all of center of town. The first alarm was given by ex' •el M rs. C. P. Stafford, who, in pers were docked approximately Brownsville, went to Albany via Paul Ackerman, who lived alone coatuiiie, sang and enacted the 50 cents per head ou all buck lambs Halsey Friday. and was awakened in his residence, part of an immigrant from the sent to the Portland market. W . M. Kiog of Brownsville met adjoining the garage, by the sound I t will pay any man who has as ould sod. his wife’s mother at the tram here of falling glass. Realising the A well-enjoyed lunch was served few as a dozen sheep to be present Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally Friday morning and took her danger to the whole town, whioh at one of these demonstrations. by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. home for a visit. is without fire-fighting faoilitiea, and in Halsey Particularly West and Mrs. Moore, to Mtsdames loast Sunday, "W hole family he left bit owu personal property Mornhip weg, Laubuer, Huston, Efficient Financiering to he destroyed while be rushed to Templeton, Walton, Staffo d, Glenn Farrier and wife of AT- The Herald mentions E. Ahra- day" at the Christian church, the give the alarm, and there ia no tell­ A report by State Treasurer Hoff bany have a baby boy. Bass family of 12 was the largest Marks, Bond, Brown, Wheeler, ¡bam of Halsey as beiug in Albany ing how much of lbs town that is family attending. contains these comparisons: Drinkard and M cW illiam s. A woman's jury room has been Saturday, atandiug today would have been In 1916 the receipts of the state Mrs. Stewart of Portland was Roland Marks came home from b u ilt in the courthouse. Mrs. L W . Byerley h „ destroyed but for his promptness. treasury were $10,508,177 61 and the guest of the afternoon. G. A. C. Friday to spend the spring The citizens turned out and, with Mrs. Hugh Leeper is able to b e jseriously ill but is able to be up the disbursements were $10.037,- vacation with his parents, Dr and only Uuokets as aparatus, confined 882 65, while in 1921 the receipts out after several weeks ot illness again. Sheep Demonstrations Mrs. T. I. M arks. the lira to the buildings named. were $34,378,560.02 and the dis- The eight sheep shearing, wool burgements $35.580,464.98 Mr. and Mrs Andrew Brown •Mr. and Mrs. Henry English Mr. Thompson, who lived over Mrs Elmer Munson was an A l­ Dur- grading, lamb docking and lamb ing the same time the number of were passengers to Albany Satur­ went to Eugene Friday to apend bany shopper Friday and also yia- his confectionery and drugstore, castrating demonstrations to be funds created by law has mcroas d day. the week end with Mr. English's ited her parents, Mr. and M r . A. wakened by Ackerman's clamor, conducted in Linn county will be from 132 to 231, and the state’s ruehed down partly dressed and N . S iu ltn , while there. held as follows: was unable to get back. It is said bonded indebtedness increased $29,« E B. Wallace of Harmony ia Millersburg community — Otis 405,125.00, while the interest on lesson should be set forth. T ills that he fought fire wearing bor­ Monroe farm—9:30 a. in. April 4. the same has increased $717,704 46. method can he used to good advantage the new head of the Oregon mini rowed sock* and coat. He saved Lr»t year’s output is Us­ In the adult departments. T h e follow ­ (rowers, Crabtree co n m u n ity — G. Ger- During the year 1918 the average about $400 worth of his $3000 ing held for better prices, ing Is a suggested sum m ary: mann farm —2:30 p. m. A pril 4. stock. Mrs. Thompson was in daily balance in the active state Lessen I, Kehoboam refused to Jordan community — Heury Phil­ depository, on which no interest Fred Jackson and wife of Lake Corvallis. grant the request o f the people for lips farm — 9:80 a. m. A pril 5. Creek came in Saturday to vote Most of the stock in ihe hard, is earned, amounted t > $348 357 62, the lightening of the burdens of taxa­ Kingston community— George A. while the same balance during the or postmaster. They had their ware store waa saved. tion. Because of this ten tribes under Sandner fa rm —2:30 p m. A pril 5. year 1921 was reduced to $34,- ittle daughter Vera with them. A l Nelson, owner of the store the leadership of Jeroboam revolted Tennessee co m m un ity— R. C. 743.06. and formed another kingdom. The $6,409.40 in interest wax Among Haleey people seen on premises, carried $1000 iosurauce, B u rk h a rt farm —9:30a. in A p r il 6. earned on the difference in bal­ most effective cure for social and the streets of Albany Friday and reckoned his loss at $3,500. Tallman community—J. Perov ance« by being deposited in the p o llllc a ru n re s t Is justice by the rulers There was $500 insurance oa the vere Mrs, J W. Drinkard, Mrs. to those ruled. Stearns farm— 2:30 p. m. April 6 inactive depositories, which pay garage building. The loss there George Hayes and Mrs. H. W Halsey Christian Church Sweet Home community— L B 2 per cent. I.ssson II. E lija h , a fte r announcing was the heavieet, estimated at Commons. to Ahab the withholding o f rain foe Thompsiih f ir m —9:30a m. April 7 over $10,000, including two ma­ During the year 1918 there was a term o f years, lied and wns fed hy R K. Stewart was in Crawfords chines belonging to the company Charily community—C. P Kize> an average monthly balance in the Church Announce nenti the ravens and by the widow at villa a few days last week visiting farm —3.00 p in. April 7. on«, a Buick, owned hy J. B. Cur- industrial and segregated acci­ Zarephath. God adupts him self to the nd assisting bis eon H arry, who nett; Chevrolet! owned by Clyde H A. Lindgren, extension spe­ dent fuuds of $2,871,382.60 and Christian: £ lrr u rustances o f His servants, and hat been quite ill with flu. 10, B b le school. - At Crawford and I. Peterson; a Baby cialist on livestock, who will aaaia these fund» earned during t,hr> year 11, Conruiuuion service, sermon, sometimes In the most unlikely ways aet reports Harry waa up and im Grand by C. Ma Ison; a Ford be­ in giving these demonstration'*. $63,708.98 in interests. D o in g "H ow to be a Personal Evangelist." provides for H is own. H ivin g rapidly. longing to AI Nelson and another. Lesson I I I . At the request of E lijah, 1921 the average balance in the e 6:30, Christian Endeavor. Help was summoned from other Ahsb called the people together to w it funds w is $1,565,610 78 which Mrs Stafford went to Portland 7:30, Sermon, "B ib le B a p tis m ." towns, but hard work confined the ness a supreme challenge o f R ia l I earned $203,983 34 interest If Thursday, 7:45, praver-meeting. worship. F aith In God w ill stand the veeterday for a visit at the F. H hum to the places named above be­ W e H ave | the same plan of investments bil­ Our observance of whole-family, Porter home and with other friends lowed 1918 had been followed In day was very successful. The 8ass most severe test. T he Are of God Is While there she will attend the fore it arrived. E V E R Y T H IN G the unfailing sign which differentiates Several carloads of people came 1921, the interest earned In that family carried off the honors, hav true from false religion. Chicago giutnd opera with Mis» from Halsey. O ptical year would have been only $132,- ing twelve present. Gertrude Porter. Lesson IV . E lija h , though brave he E Y E S T R A IN 264 78. All members are urged to attend fore the 450 prophets of Baal, fled for Is the Cause of Many Sixt) -four books have been added High School Notes the evangelistic prayer-meeting his life from Jezebel. God dealt most HUMAN ILLS M r*. L. A. Pray was seriously Thursday, 7:45; W . H . Robertson gently w ith his discouraged servant to the public library recently The anniversary of the birth of I f your eyes give you trouble or W e should learn from this that fre ­ There are within about two score hurt last week by a fall ex used is leader. good St. Patrick waa celebrated your glasses are annoying •>f 1000 books in the library. About by a defect in the sidewalk in front Neiit Lord's day evening there quently we fa ll In our strongest point by the high school Friday. Em- SEE US. We can Relieve Yon I of the McCully building, but no will be a baptismal service. Lesson V. Naboth refused to sell his 76 are taken out weekly, the high, »raid lies, ribbons, bows, garmnuts Bancroft Optical Co. est number taken in one day I e- vineyard to Ahab, whereupon through bones were broken and she is not and decorations were prevalent Lester Jones, pastor. Jezebel's plot he was murdered and ing 82. !l3 1st St. W. Albany. Phone 4 suing the city for damages during the day. The first period Ahab took possession. Nations and Methodist: Mrs. E. 8. Starnes returned was spent in singing songs of the kings should respect the rights o f In­ Monday to her home near Halsey Sunday School, 10. dividuals. ould country Preaching, )11, Lesson V I. When E lijah's work was after several weeks with her mother, The G irls’ Glee club will sing finished, God took him to heaven by Mrs. Eliza Rohe of Brownsville, Junior League, 3, next Sunday night at the regular a w hirlw ind E ll,a h had once requested who has been seriously ill but is Intermediate League, 6:30. service! of the Methodist church, death, but God had a better way for dightly belter. Epworth League, 6:80. She is a pioneer him to go to heaven than by w ay of of ihe Calapooia and 89 years old. Clarence McKern hae been ah. Preaching, 7:30. death. sent from school this week. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. The vote on post master Satur- Lasaon V II. T he Bhunammlte Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, Leone Palmer has been out of Bramwell 414, Robnett woman, seeing Elisha passing by on lay was: errands for God, was moved to pro­ 218, Moore 95. Before the elec­ school thia week on eecount of vide a com fortable lodging for him. tion was os lied Mr Hswley was tonsilitis. Pine Grove Church: whereupon Elisha sought to recom asked by wire if he would reooz Alberta Koontz made a trip to Sunday School, 10. pense her hy promising th a t God would nize its result, bu no reply was re- Salem last week and evidently Preaching, 11, by Bro. Eggly. give her a child. N o t Infrequently has cciyed from him. So there ia no missed her train back. Prayer-meeting., 7. the prophet's chamber brought bless­ certainty about the final result yet. ing to the home. Bible Study, Wednesday, 7. The high school girls who belong Lstson V I I I . At the command of to the Standard Bearer» are practio- (Continued on page 4, Elisha, Naaman dipped him self seven ng for a panloinine and Japanese Sunday School Lesson times In the Jordan and was healed song for this Friday evening at the R E V . P. U f l T Z W A T E H . D. D .. Of leprosy, in order to be healed of Practical Improvement, Planned Methbdiet church social. T e a rh e r o f E n s llih B ible In the Moody the leprosy o f sin, human pride and , . , ■ . , B ible In it t lu lo o f C h lc a f» .) " 1 Lako Greek people on Tuesday First play practice of the -eniors vanity must be put sway and obedience Covyrm iu. lo ts. W eM era X o i p . H r Union started a scheme which means more was beguu Monday night rendered to God. After for the material b-tterineiil of ibe the first act was covered. M r,, Lessen IX . T he king o f Assyria sent LESSON FOR MARCH 2 6 a great army to apprehend Elisha be community than anything else that English decided to ooach each cause he had repeatedly Informed the has occurred within a generation. meuitar individually for a while. j R E V IE W king o f Israel concerning the move­ The plan la to drain over 1200 ucrea The seniors, in aooordsnoe with ments of the Assyrian army. When of land in a atrip live n il lea long GOLDEN TE X T—The Lord Is righteous their upholding honored elaes con­ In ail Hla ways, and holy In all Hl» the Lord opened the eyes of Elisha's along Big Tom slough w o r k s . - Realm 116 IT. servant, he beheld the mountains filled M a r t in C tlin u tin g s , H , 11 Brock ditions, have been holding secret E H A V E O B T A IN E D a bountiful stock of Spring Wash Goods. These DEVOTIONAL HEADING— Psalm 1» w ith horses and c h u riots of Are. 'T h e aud George McNeil are a commit­ sessions to determine their oouree PRIMARY T O P IC -F avorite Btorlee ef m aterials are rnitable for making dresses, waists, skirts and other wash angel of the Lord encamped) round tee to perfect organization of the of fiction. the Quarter about them that fear him, and de garments. J U N IO R T O P IC —Ia ra a fs Heroic Proph­ project. llvereth them." “Lord, open our eyes,” Prices are lower than naual. and we welcome a quality Comparison of our ets. Emma Knighton, James a , Shedd Shots INTERM EDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC Lesson X. A t the preaching of wash materials w ith any sim ilar goods, regardless of price. -X e tim a te of Elijah, Elisha. Jonah and Jonsh. the wicked city of Nineveh re- Johnson, Mary Drinkard, Emma Mrs. M ertio, mother of Mrs Amos. l>ented and God showed m erry. God's A. Arndt, M artin Cummings, John Ralph Dsnnan, left for her home in VOUNO PEO PLE A N D ADULT TOPIC mercy and forgiveness should move M Porter, Clarence W illiams, Mrs. California last Tuesday. - Social T e x hinge of the Quarter e Laa- She has eone. is to preach the gospel to the hen I hen Dicy Brock, George K. McNeil, been visiting with her daughter Beyer, Mrs. Marietta Lesson X I. T he children o f Israel John R iuoe last December. T he method o f review w ill largely prided themselves In their security Palmer, C, C. Jackson and Ball Beaded Voile, sim ilar to finer grades of I Silk Tissue Ginghams in a variety of be determined by the taste of the nd gave themselves to luxury and M. Bond are among the property Frances Freerksen, Mrs. Kate imported swissea. dots, checks and fig- new checks, stripes and novelty plaids, teachers and the grade In the school sensual Indulgences. God sent Amos owners who will tie benefited by Krolt. Mise Edith K roft, end M r. •ourerned. T o the w riter's taste, two to warn them o f the Judgment which nres. Yard, 7 3 c . priced, the yard, at 75c the increase in Linn county pro- aud Mrs. Dale Duncan were At- food methods are availab le: the hlo- must follow. T he Lord w ill bring the Dress Ginghams in a large assortment hsny callers Wednesday. * » * ? £ t t e r n s . 27- to 32 inch, at 2 0 . J l p M m Crepe the re ,I imported ar- frnphlcal and the summary. In using ungodly to Judgment for th eir ungodly ductioo which will result. It is a co-operative scheme, re­ the biographical, the lives of four living. Mr. end M '*- P. I. Troutmau tid e , in eleven colors, yard. 4 0 c . quiring no heavy financing, and its and Mrs. W , Y. Shears flivvered treat prophets, E lija h , Kllsha. Jonah ,n ?.pep ’ " * Bjr "ew eo,ors be* n-1 Lesson X I I . In due tim e the prophecy «uccass is practically aaaured by to A lb a n y callers Wednesday. W d esig n s, priced 2 3 to 4 0 « the In d l, n Head, in 36-, 4 4 -;nd 54-incb. and snd Amos may he considered. These of Amos rasa» true. The Assyrians four men are connected w ith nearly ibe pledging of six days* work of came and carried the children of , doors in 34-inch. at. the yard, 30c. M r. and Mrs. Ralph Dannen t il the lessons o f the quarter. This Israel Into captivity, from which they man aud team each by such men went to Eugene Tuesday. method can be nsed to good advantage «» H . H. Brock, Thomae Ardry, never returned. Rejection o f God and " H u m m in g B ird " silk Hosiery, all colors " I t wears. ' la nearly all the grades o f the school. he despising o f Hla worship w ill he M a 'tin Cummings, Clarence W ill­ In the summary method the principal iams, C. C. Jackson and Gsorgs E Ten persons were baptized in the followed w ith Judgment and deatruc Cl£t of each lesson w ith I l f leading Boa. L O O K - MORTON & DOTSON Jots and_Tittles t New Wash Goods for Spring W A Few of the New Season’s Favored Weaves M. V. KOQNTZ © McNeil. Methodiat church butiday.