PAGE 4 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E Jots and TittleS (Continued on page 3) The C b rie lia ti church g ir'a cold $7 w orth of candy at the giee club concert, Mrs. Alice M tore, siiporintend- e:it in the Brow nsville t lepbone office, was here Bunday. Mrs. Josie Sm ith went to Shedd Tuesday to visit her brother, who has beau i l l fo r suing tim e W ’ u'k somebody please clim b up nod knock off those sun spot«? As- t onoinerr te ll us they are the cause cf this cold weather. M r*. M ary Taylor of C o rv a llir, mother of 0 ' i» T aylor, form erly of Brownsville, is li re visitin g le r sister, Mrs. M B. Southern. C. K. ligb ’s auction sa'e M ori- day was pronouuued a success There is money iu this valley yet, notw iihsiao d lo g the high luxes. Mrc A ld ric h , mother of Mrs Btswart of the coufeciiouery, and Mr Butler, a friend, came over from Albany Sunday and nt Mrs Stewart's home joined in celehrat iug tiie elder la d y ’s b irth da y. There w ill be about 600 Lin county pioneers whose names w ill gu upon the pioneer monuni* ol if it is erected, as prop iged, at Browns ville C ontributions are being so Itciteil from surviving pioneer* and relatives of pioneers for the tnon ument and some have been received M A R C H 14, 1922 Additional Brownsville worn shoes HALSEY RAILROAD TIME North South (Regular Correspouuciiet) No. iff, 12:01 p. tu. No, 23, i..2 9 a . m. There w ill be an Eodeavor social 24, 5.50 p. m. 17, 5.39 p. m. Elite Specials FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY $2.75 Special Wrapped Chew*, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ 30c Pineapple Sherbet, per gallon _________ ___________ . . . ___ .-$ 1 5 0 Fine dessert for Sunday. Ice Cream. Men,8 all-leather work shoes, solid leather soles and heels, A splendid shoe tor spring work, and at real old-tiine price. Think of i t ! S P E C IA L S U N D A Y D IN N E R at the Elite Cafeteria MENU Miss K e ith Me H argue, who Admittance Here 5 Cents makes her home w ith M r and Mrs. a Line Charles H and while attending high school, w h s called to her home near A t the R ia lto F rid a y w ill be Holley Sunday eveuing to assist pictured one of those stories th a t in tbe care of her father’ s fa m ily , tug at the heart strings, aud B ill who are a ll down w ith tbe flu. H a rt has tbe leading role. The There is an intense longing usual two.reel comedy follows it. .imong farmers (or some good, old- The R ia lto is giving us some first- ushioned spring weather suitable class entertainm ents and the a t­ for plow ing and seeding. Such tendance has been growing, despite weather would also probably dis. the number of other attactions -ipale the flu th a t is so prevalent. th a t have been features in tow n of late. In the case of Mrs. A S. Hana- ill, who has been severely i l l for Barred Rock eggs fo r hatching, 'ome weeks, there does not seem to be much prospect o f a change flO c e n ti per setting of 15. Phone 55 Mrs. S. J. Sm ith. for the better soon, For Sale— O liver I rp e w rito r No. Mrs. Eliza Robe, despite her nany years and weakened condi 9. Two-color ribbon, back spacer, C. P. Stafford, ion when taken w ith a severe at tabulator. $25. Halsey, Ore. -ack o f the flu, is better, but the Improvement is necessarily slow. Dr. E. W. B arnum , dentist, at Mrs. R. P. Dougherty is spend mg a few days w ith her daughter H otel Halsey every Tuesday and Mrs. F ra n k Isom, south of town F rid ay. te lp iiig 10 entertain the new grand We have old papers again; 5c a laughter who recently took up her b undle ■ bode in the Isom fa m ily. Chicken Noodle Roup, with dinner. 5c Chicken Frickasaee with I)u;npliug«. 40c Koast Pork w ith Sweet Potatoes, 25c Creamed Mashed Potatoes, 5c Creamed Onions, 5c Delicious Salads, 10 to 20c Vegetable«, ¿an d 10c Assorted Sweet Pickles, 5c Olives. 5c H einz Relish. 5c . W hipped Cream Cake, 10c Apple. Pumpkin, Lemon and Mince Pie, 5 and 10c Ice Cream and Sherbet, 5 and 10c H ot Rolls, biscuits or Bread aud Buttey, 5c Tea, Coffee or M ilk , with dinner, 5c $2.75! We «Iso have another I very fine work shoe, up­ per made from heavy full-1 stock brown leather, full double soles—in fact a| first-class work shoe in every respect. Priced at and ra lly in the Endeavor rooms at the Presbyterian eburcli f r id a y S U N D A Y M A IL HOURS evening. A delegation o f young" people is expected over from H ar­ The delivery window of the risburg in tbe interest of the .H alsey postoffice is open Sundays county C hristian Endeavor con veu- ' groa> 9. ¡5 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 tiou, wbu-ii is to meet tbers soou. to 12:35 and 4:45 to 5.00 p. m. Mrs. Grace Goodall returned home last week from a visit o f some weeks w ith her aon George and PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS fa m ily a t Eugene. D E L IC A T E S S E N You can get, every day, fine pies, salads, meats, vegetables or any­ thing from our «team table to take home for lunch erd ino er. Special orders filled in advance Watch Our Windows for fountain specials. New Always something new and delicious. Wa take great pride in the quality of our candy. In a few lays we w ill have our own apecial I boxes in 1- to 5-pound sizes. $4.35 The way the auto business has b 'co availed of as »source of reve li n e is illu s tra te d by the follow ing items iu the cost o f running a ten passenger auto lietwenu C orvallis and Albany for a year: “ State BLAIN in g c q license ♦ 100; federal tux $20; li b ility $'210; st-ite tiling fee $10; bond " I 4IIMM) th a t the stage w ill run on schedule tim e $10; in su r­ ance again*, tire, theft and co lli*- Tho store with a square) i o n s $150; chauffeur's license $2; leal for every customer. franchise iii A lb an y $120.” And . v we are tobl th a t these autos have ALBANY, OREGON the use of the highways for n o th ­ ing ami an attem pt was made to A. F. Good broad returned Tues­ compdl them to finance the 1925 day from a short busiuess t r ip to fair. Salem, There was a tim e when it might have been possible to eradicate the Last Saturday M r. an I Mrs. C.ina ln th istle in Oregon. T hai Emerson Tru« war« guests of Mr. nd Mrs. W, F. W hite, in honor was when the firs t of the pert- were discovered. The importance I M 's. True's b irth d a y. of the danger was not recognised Mrs. D. F. Dean .was on tbe sick u n til loo late. The th istle has ist Tuesday. -pre I u n til it produces seed uu- ‘ « • notie d in thousands of out-of-the- Th i Study club meets w ith Mrs way places, and th a t seed is scal- H enry English "today and a St |i , - | over tho si ale on the wings of P a trick’s day program bus been the wind. The farm bureau is prepared. ligh ting the thistle, and it is well For years he had heard the toot of the whistle ee i f it had been The Plainview Pig cluh meets at to restrict what cannot he abo| voice of a friend. T h e n it took away his boy sad stirred in his ishe I ol the evil. The leader in 3 tomorrow, a struggle that th rills every soul who know« the mesoiag of love. the tight here Is J, A. Stevenson; Grace Hodgen of Sbadd and E. A new H « rt picture w ith • new H eart th rill. nt Brownsville H arry Park an I J D. A u s tin of A lbany were u ia r’ ied P VVeber are the men; ill Hoedd M on d ay. C. II Iliv id s n u and J, It Cornell and at T in g e n l Loin* G rell. On Tuesday afternoon the ladies of the C bristiau Church Mission- ary society met at the home of A two- reel comedy M rs. V F . W hite. AI tho a good many were absent on account of sickiin»« and storm y weather, there wa> a fa ir attendance and a good a sc-aaaBzauHB* program was rendered, after which nf hay and 600 pounds of pork. refreshments were served by the There wa» no insurance. Bound 4a Materialize. T he hostess, assisted by Mrs. K a rl farm belongs to his father, David Every thought we think Imnp-s It­ Bram well. The m issionary color« S j arer. self In tbe mind and every Image that Is persistently held In mind Is hound ■«ere displayed, w ith the white and Tim county court announces th a t to materialise .— Jean Porter Rudd. l iven ler-crocoaea, the hostess alto •wing dreeled in a gown of white it w ill build eleven wooden bridge* on the Pacific highway south of Perfect Pease. w ith a touch uf lavender. Albany this summer and says they Thou wflt keep him In perfect peace, whose mind le stayed ea thee ; because The average profane «wearer are more durable than steel. he trueteth la thee — laatah 2*1:8. usee his expletives fro m force of h a b it, knowing how s illy it rs who v is it A lb an y to the adver­ tisement of the E lite confectionery and cafeteria boeauae it is seldom that such excellent service can be had at such low prices. I l Is g large, a iry , roomy plaoe, w ith plants and flower* aud singing hiide, w ith fine music at frequent intervals, w ith courteous and e ffi­ cient attendants. Tbe eatables are first-class and th a t they are served at the prices named gives evidence of a management in a las* w ith that which ha« made H enry Ford the m arvel of the world for efficiency and low cost. A tree fell acroea the M ountain Stales company 'a line between here and Brow nsville Monday and broke the line and slopped the juice for and hour or two. The barn of W . Y. Shearer of Shedd berned Isst n ig h t A horse and a c a lf perished In the fiamea Mr. Sheerer loet between MX) «nd 1000 bushela of graio, a quautity | them to go for days and weeks w ith ­ out «Itentlon A good currying once or tw ice a week w ill not only make them look better, but they w ill feel better and keep In better condition of whom LO NESOM E ? Mate, W idows , G irls , B achblors , M arry and bb H appy We put you in correspondence with hundreds of refined Ladies and Gen­ tlemen iu Canada and U, S. who wish to marry, or correspond for amuse­ ment. P hotos F rbk M any worth $5000, $10,000 and upwards. Every­ thing strictlv confidential. W e do NOT PUBLISH YOUR NAME OR AD­ DRESS. A je a r ’s subscription with all privileges $1 00, or four mouths, tria l for 50c. Don't send cash, only Money Orders or 2-ceut American stamps. I f check, send ten cents extra for exchange. your Appearahce nous chagne by wearing glasses if we fit them. Every pair of glasses we select are properly adjusted and suited to the wearer. Try the Colonial, the Glass of Fashion Optometrist. ALBANY O A ia H arold A lb fo . M an ufa ctu rin g o p ticia n . A fte r this month subscriptions w ill be $2 per year. Rush < ard with your name and address for fu if particu­ lars. M R S. F L O R E N C E B E b L A IR E 200 Moutague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O T IC E Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed has been appointed adm inistrator of the estate of W H. K irk p a tric k by the county conrtof Linn county, ' regon. A ll persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present same to the undersigned at his residence Halsey, Oregon duly verified and with proper vouchers as by law required, w ithin six months ftom the date of this notice. Dated and first published March 1922. F. M . Gray, L. Swan, Administrator. Attorney for Adm inistrator, Charter No. 49 Report of condition of the Reserve D istrict No. 12 H a l s e y s t a t e b a n k at Halsey, in the state of Oregon, at the clo«e of business M irc h 10, 1922. RESO URCES 1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in items 29 and 30. if a n y _________ . . . . . _____ 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured .7 .7 .7 -7 .7 .7 .7 ” ................................. $125,579.36 3. U. S. government securities owned’ including ” ............................. those shown in items 30 and 35, if a n y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----- Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign govern- m '.'n'c,p,'1- covporatlo«, etc., including those shown In items 30 anil 35, if anv . . ............... Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgments, etc? .'.” 7 . . 7 . Banking house. $3010; furniture and fixtures, $2628 .„ I . . ° " 1",n«ted and approved reserve agents of articles no longer Deeded, or socceeded by better once, which somebody would like to obtain. Aa advertisement the sue of thia, costing 25c, c. m ight find a buyer end covert what now oalv trash into good JS CASH ToU1 -<*-............................ ............... . ____ A utom obile Insurance ' Fire, theft, collision, property damage and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. mi (b) Less current expenses, interest xml taxes paid . . . C- p . STAFFORD, A gen t. ! *******»*****»****»**MiM**»«hW»»»ff**»**ai»*»!a#> ¡ 20,000.00 15,000.00 ° ih' r ' h* n h,nk*' ,ubj ec’ ,o «serv’e? i 66,9“ ' ' 23. Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the state of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds ! ien! * n‘ «G ificates of deposit outstanding ... this bank outstanding payabi^ o i'd im a n d 7 7 . Io t.1 of demand -d* ^ ' ‘^ o ^ e r ‘ han^bank deposits, subject to reserve, items 23, 2 4 ,___ ,, T ime and S a V inos D eposits , subject to reserve and payable 1 demand or sqbject to notice : payaoie 1 Time certificates rtf deposit outstanding................. T o ta l o f lim a and savings deposits payable on demand c. •ubject to notice, items 27 and 28, 109 6^ Ce a f 13.S27.49 150.00 5,668.00 1'<3, 348.90 profit' ..............-..7 7 7 7 .7 .7 7 .7 .7 ? * 7 7 7 7 '» 'o 5 i( i8 23. I „ T n " t 2,600.00 L IA B IL IT IE S 16. Capital stock paid in ................. 17. Surplus fun d ........................................................................................................ ” 84 29 45,4.39.76 Total cash and due from banks, 45,439,76......... «««««•«• J. W MOORE L ep r o sy . 300 lepers In the world, 2,000.000 are In Chins ■ FARM ERS accumulation of *♦***♦*«**< H U B T A N N IN G C O . Tanners of Lace Leather, Latigo, Upper Leather, Harness Leather and Sole Leather. W e also do custom tanning. H UB T A N N I N G CO., Albany, Ore. II Is estimated that there are 3,0iki “ D u c k In ” in j reason why so many noted musicians and musical educa­ tors, in borh Europe and America, have The Brunswick Ph n »graph in their own H ave Progressive Happiness. M ankind Is nlways happy for hav­ ing been happy; so that If von make men happy now, you make them hap­ py tw enty years hence by the memory of the experience.— Sidney Smith. Total ................. ................................................... — ----- Mate or Oregon, county of Lien sa 884.13 95,1,35.04 5,424.75 795.35 56,109.63 ■ >*‘>3, .H8.90 ' R e a / (2 s ta te a n d i n s u r a n c e s .« « 1 My oommissioo «xp.res $.24-24, °’ & Notary Public.