was taiklhg with great animation; and she wae a graceful thing, thus gesticu­ lating. In her long, slim fur coat with the white snow frosting her brown fur cay. Uanisey had his hands deep In his overcoat pockets and his manner was wholly that of an audience. Fred murmured to himself. " ‘What did you say to her?' ‘Nothin'. I start ed to, but'—” Then he put on burst of speed and passed them, sweep Ing off his hat with operatic deference yet hurrying by as If fearful of being Í thought a killjoy If he lingered. He went to the “frat house." found no one downstairs, and established himself In a red leather chair to smoke and ruminate merrily by a great Are In the hall. Half on hour later Ramsey entered stamped off the snow, hung up his hat and coat, and sat himself down defiantly In the red leather chair on the other side of the fireplace. “Well, go on," he said. “Commence!" “Not at all I” Fred returned, ami ably. "Fine spring weather today Lovely to see all the flowers and the birds us we go a-strolllng by. The lit­ tle bobolinks—” “You look here! That's the only * walk I ever took with her In my life. I mean by—by asking her and her saying she would and so forth. Thai other time just sort of happened, and I you know It. Well, the weuther wasn'l just the best in the world, maybe, but site's an gw fui conscientious girl nnd once she makes an engagement—” “Why, of course," Fred finished for hint, “she'd be too pious to break It just on account of a mere little bliz­ zard or anything. Wonder how the weather will be next Sunday?" “I don’t know and I don't care," said Ramsey. “You don't suppose I asked her to go again, do you?” "Why not?" "Well, for one thing, you don’t sup­ pose I want her to think I'm a perfect fool, do you?" Fred mused a moment or two, look­ The Woodchuck ing at the Are. “What was the lec­ ture?” lie asked, mildly. (By G. R. Walker) (R egular correspondence) “What lectu rer Old Mister Woodclruclc went to ted Andy K ir k was at Portland last “She seemed to me to be ” And very wise is he, “That wasn't lecturing; she was Just week closing up a deal (or Hie last For long before the winter snows Fall on the ground, yotf'ïée, , * b it of Portland property he had. Wise old codger is asleep “Just what?” It was a cash deal and M r K ir k This And never blinks -an eye "Well, she thinks war for the United feels pretty good that lie could dis­ Until the wintei's' ittmOet gone * - a Stales Is coming closer and closer—" pose of the property. And spring is drawing nigh. “But It Isn't." T. A. Powell and Guy Bramwell But just before the springtithecoures, “Well, she thinks so, anyhow," said Or So the story goek. Kmnsey, “and she’s all broken up about got together on a property trade woodchuck givés a lazy yawn It. Of course she thinks we oughtn’t the latter p a rt of the week Mr. The Then sneezes; blows his nose. to light and she's trying to get every­ Bram w ell gets the Powell place of He opens up his steeply eyes body else she can to keep working twenty-seven acres just south of And rolls upou his. bed against It. She Isn't goln’ home again the c ity lim its , and Mr. Powell And wonders how thé weather looks Thqn goes to see, 'tit said. next summer, she's goln' back to tlmt- rakeg Brnn)Wej| sixty.seven settlement work In Chicago and work It is upon the secoud day acres Jtist east of Halsey. I t was there among those people against our And in the second month at even swap. M r and M rs. F ’ow. goln' to war; and here In college she The chuck's supposed to waken up wants to get everybody she can to talk e|l w ill inovp to Halsey and Mr. To do this funny stunt; Bram w ell w ill occupy bis newly- So up he gets to' stretch himself, against It, and—" And then to take a peep, "What did you say?” Fred asked, acquired property. And if the chuck his shadow sees hik I himself supplied the reply; For six weeks more he'll sleep. Mrs. Fred H a m ill arrived “Nothin'. I started to. hut—” East But if the sky be overcast Ramsey got up. “Now look here I Wednesday evening from With clouds that stay all day. You know the ‘frat’ passed a rule that Cleveland, Ohio, to join M r. H am ­ If we broke any moie furniture In this i l l , who came several weeks ago Then Mister Woodchuck's sleep la o ’er, Anil he ia out to stay; house with our scrappln' we’d both be They w ill make th e ir home w ith Now if this tale is really true, "k fined the cost of repairs and five dol­ Mra. A, S. H a m ill. It alway seemed to me, lars apiece. Well, I can afford five The woodchuck may be very wise A n d y K irk expects to move to dollars this month better than you can, But acts most foolishly. ! O u r Second * page I) Bert Clark and W, H. K ir k were in A lb a n y Thursday. Great Reduction Aluminum Sale * Teakettles..............................$1.19 f f Double Boilers ............... 1.19 £ ^R o asters.................................I t ) 4 I Nest of 3 Stew K ettles...... Í.19* $ D i s h p a n s :........................... 1.19 f f Convex Kettles....................... 1.194 f Percolators............................ 1.19* F. M. F ra n k lin lost his lawsuit w ith A. M. le tu p ,v m n . Damon Waters and wife ol Brow nsville have a baby boy. F. M. Stone was in A lb a n y Monday and stayed over nig ht. M ary Jane McLane and Fannie G rubb nf A lbany are ou the new grand ju ry list. R A. M cCully. now in the real estate business in Eugene, was in Halsey Saturday. Mrs. Mary Arnold of Shedd was given a surprise party F rid a y, which was her b irth da y. B R O W N S V IL L E Watch for our next sale Brownsville Briefs m i l l —-" “I take It back!” Fred Interposed, hastily. “But you Just listen to me; you look out—letting her think you're on her side like that.'* “I don’t—” “You don't?" Ramsey looked dogged. "I’m not goiu' around always urguln’ about everything when arguin’ would Just hurt people's feelings about something they're all excited about, and wouldn’t do u bit o' good In the world—and you know yourself Just talk hardly ever settles anything—so I don't—” “Aha!" Fred cried. "I thought so! Now you listen to me—“ "I won’t. I—” But at this moment they were Inter­ rupted. Someone slyly opened a door, and a snowball deftly thrown from without caught Itamsey upon the hack of the neck and head, where It flat­ tened and displayed Itself as an orna­ mental star. Shouting fiercely, both boys sprang up, ran to the door, were caught there in a barrage of snowballs, ducked through It In aplte of nil dam­ age, < liarged upon a dozen liesweatered figures awaiting them and began a mad battle in the blizzard. Some of their opponents treacherously joined them und turned upon the amhuahers. In the dusk the merry conflict waged up and down the snow-covered lawn, and the combatants threw and threw, or surged back and forth, or clenched and toppled over Into snow­ banks. yet all coming to chunt an ex­ temporised hat tie-cry In chorus, even as they fought the most wildly. "Who? Who? Who?" they chanted. “Who? Who? Who saya there ain’t goln' to be no war?” (To be continued) C c. BRYANT ATTORNEY A T LA W 201 New F irs t N a t’l Bank B .d’g. A lbany, Oregon. F. M. GRAY, Drayman. A ll work dona p ro m p tly reasonably. Phone No. 269. •nd Peter Bither of Brownsville, over 80 years old, has just had a cataract removed from his eye. Hom er M ornhinweg came home from Shedd F riday to have D r. Barnum exercise bis s k ill on him The "o n ly oak t>ee in the v ic in ­ it y ’ ’ was cut down in Brownsville the other day and th e sn n u H lrin g s showed it to be over 100 years old. The H arris! urg high school a th ­ letic as.-ociatiou protiled about $2-5 from the moving picture show, "J u liu s Caesar,” furnished by the U. of o. Mrs, Marcella K ir k , a nurse in Good Sam aritan h o s p 'til, P o rt­ land, arrived here Sunday for a v is it w ith her parents, J. J. Cot- eoran and wife. H arrisburg levied a local tax of 14.4 rut I Is and now as to reduce it to 10 m ills on account of the legal Lim itation. Citizens who h ive a l ­ ready paid the 14 4 arc entitled to a rebate. £ \ r fo r the Baby Genuine Trimble Kiddie Koop complete with Mattress. Net, Wheels, etc. Special for a short time, only $20 £ Save money by buying your House £ 1 Furnishings of us BARTSCHEFk Halsey Garage Heating STO V E Webster’s . w International Dictionary Practically new. $8 Words of the World War F O R $12 (EN TER PR ISE OFFICE & (Continued on page 4) ROHRBAUG h I wf) s Albany Furniture | 4 Exchange i * 415-421 W est First at., Albany, Oregon « Sweet Thoughts When vou pass the Stewart & I’riea Confectionery think of how appreciative yonr sweetheart or wife, mother or sis­ ter would lie if you sent her a box of strictly fresh chocolates or a mixed as­ sortment of fruity sweetmeats. You'd have cause lo thank us for the suggestion because we know how it has worked iu other cases. Stewart & Price Confectionery 1922 iS a y s: Here I am with a grip full of everything that goes to make up life. Some will make the most of ms. They will b i ths Savers, and in re- ! 1 ,urn will reap Comfort. Happiness and Plenty. Others will waste me and j ‘ eventually pay in Regret, Want, Misery. ( | I i W e w ill H e lp yo u S ave !' T h e F irst Savings Bank of A lb a n y, O regon ! i ‘Where Savings are safe ” ALSEY GARAGE 331 W. P in t street, Albany. X Send us your baby's name and birthdiy (if less than a year old) to -’ gether with your name and address, and we will tend the baby something nice. P. A. Pehrsaou believes in w ell- bred stock. He has ordered a lot of eggs Ol the famoiiB Oregon breed, created by 0 . A. C., of which there are not a few but many hens that have la id 300 eggs in a year. H * A K a rl Bram w ell, A. F. Robnetl, D eputy Sheriff Lee W a lto n, J. W. M ille r aud Doug T aylor, a ll prom ­ in e n t Halsey residents, were A l­ bany visitors when the E nterprise want to press last week. H arrisburg early next m outh, where he is arranging to open a second-hand store. There being no business of this description in H arrisburg, Mr, K ir k feels th a t it w ill be a good placs for something of the kind. M r. K ir k plans to Branches at purchase his second-hand g >ods in A few m inutes after F. M Sher- Brownsville, Phone 37C15. Portland, where he th inks he can man, a farm er near Lebanon, had Halsey Phone 166, Prank Kirk, Mgr buy a better grade at less price left his wife and a neighbor w ith than locally. ___ whom he was w orking on the foun­ dation of his house, Saturday, a M n K rug was here from Silver- shot was heard, and i t was found tou last week, m aking some re­ th a t lie was dead w ith a gun by pairs and otherwise looking after his side and a great gunshot hole his residence property im m ediately Prom pt & efficient in bis breast. I t is thought the aoulh of the Calapooia bridge. weapon was accidentally dis­ autp repairing — a • In the early '80s a brickyard was charged wnen Sherman picked it operated on a portion of what is Fisk and Goodyear Tire» and -Tubes. up to shnot rats. Before buying trees be sinz-aud now the B. T. K u m le r place in For ita agreement to ca rry on investigate our prices east Brownsville, and "B o b ” W hite, its work in accordance w jh the a well-known citizen, was one of Ford parts & accessories always on hand approved plans of those bodies a two young fellows employed to off- charter has been granted to the bear the brick. W h ile resting at Waterloo, Garden club signed by the noon hour one day the bo>a Secretary W allace, secretary o f Foote Bros., Props. each wrote his name and address the U nited States departm ent of on, a newly-molded b iic k , won­ a gricu ltu re , J A- C h u rch ill, slate dering if they would ever again see school superintendent, Paul V. them after they had gone th ru the FOR SALE, $ 1 5 CASH““ “ M aris, d iie cto r of extension work k iln and e ii'e re l the marls of trade. at O. A. C., and H. C. Seymour, Large. Handsome • ' A year a, o the late John Gross leader of state clubs. remodeled me large K irk house on A rum or tra v e 'e l last S aturday, K ir k avenue and in the process with zinc. Will butn.eoal or wood. as rumors sometimes do, u n til a removed the o rig in a l fireplace, M/s. Wtn. H. Wheeler, call of Dr. M arks at the B 'am w ell when, the brick w iih M r W h ite ’s Postoffice Building, home grew in to u report th a t J. C signature upon it was um-artbed Bram w eli w»« d ow n w ith such a bv B W Loucks and returned to severe case o f influenza th a t no. the one whose tradem ark it bore. body could be adm itted lo the house for fear of spreading the in ­ ’ The Bank of Brow nsville is in ­ fection. O blivious of it a ll M r stalling a burglar alarm system lo Bram w ell continued to carry the provide belter protection for itse lf m ail and walk the streets a» usual and more security for its patrons and be denies th a t he is bedfast or I t is an expensive improvement 2342 pages near it. but the officers of the bank feel •100,000 vocabulary terms that the security abtained w ill ju s t­ A B row nsville dispatch o f the 6000 illu s tra tio n s ify the outlay. Jesse 12.000 biographical entries 8th to the Oregonian says: K. H in m a n , e dito r of the B row n s. I 30,O C X ) geographical subjects Mrs. Charles S tnll, Seattle, was v llle Tim es and a d ju ta n t of the called to Brow nsville the latter legion post here, has receive I a let­ part of the week by the serious i l l ­ ter from H an fo rd M acKider, na­ ness of her m other, Mrs. A. S tional commander, congratulating H a m ill. or the new edition, with all him on his work at Astoria against d islo ya lty and his work at Browns- the new v il'e in fu rth e rin g the cause of the If you h ive friends they com m unity building here. When should have your photo« M r H inm an went to M inneapolis graph. to the convention of legion men in j that c ity he became personally ac- ? quainted w ith M r. MacN'ider. PAl.lt 3 G et N otw ithstanding the fa c t th a t m anjr people were too tired after the three weeks of revival meet­ ings to attend, the high school glee club took in $38 85 at the concert Saturday night. Pete Beebe, at the insane asy­ lum , has made a ‘ ‘confession’’ that he kille d the elder Painter when the la tte r drew a gun on him in a drut ruukeh brawl and then kille d Pair nter’ s son to destroy his e v i­ W R I G H T & P O O L E dence. Peter’ s counsel and the LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS county prosecutor hovh declare th a t HARRISBURG LEBANON hia story ia contradicted by knoton Phone 35 ' Rhone 15 facta. Clifford’s Studio 1IALSEV ENTERPRISE X +•+'*'+ +’+•+«.+ T T T Y J t-Y '-tf + + f f f t f f X \V, J. Lane came over from Brow usville Sunday in his auto. I T his sale commences Saturday, M a r c h 4 f 18, and closes Friday, M arch 2 4 , if th e £ hold out that long. ; * 4 i goods is a real bargain sale and the brand J » is a T his good one. THE WHITE HARDWARE THE WINCHESTER STORE march 16. p>;2 Jots and I ittles Pour per cent and no worry. ! , T H E ------- HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY. OREGON Capital and Surplus $35,000 Intorost paid on time certificates of deposit We invite your banking business If. KOONTZ, Pres? hT A Y L O B , Vice-Pros. B. M. BONI), Cashier H a rd w a re Spring is the tiine|toiiiake everything bright olxnit your home. We have the materials, and our prices are right If i t ii r o u The housewife is as much entitled to modern l l C n c t l IV ctlIJit'n equipment as the grain grower. I n m n a A good light will make your eyes last longer an,I A ia /X ia J x i u i p s c , Ve letter service. Paint Up. Granite and Aluminum W are kitchen pleasures. C ross & W h ite Pulverizers Panning Mills 'Plows Tractors Wagons Cream Disc Harrows Separators Springtooth Harrows Orders taken for Harness Manure 8preaders