PA G E 2 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E M A R C H 1*. 1922 | novin' this morning if we git into A mosquito It» on tha bald part vhe mountains by uigbt,” J of bis cranium and aettlad down to W H E R E YO UR T A X E S GO HALSEY ENTERPRISE W ithin an hour after this oocur- an afternoon nap, while Jim was An independent— N O T neutral—uews- rence we were on our journey into merely lugging at bis short, russet (by Edward G. Low ry) paper published every Thursday, the mountains with the cattle a id whiskers, which covered the ma­ by W m . ft. A A. A. W H E E L E R CassrlfSt. *« Ualaa ~ ~ ' bad decided to take a short cut b. jority of bis face, not iucluding he Win. H . W h k k i . x b E d ito r. • - vtn going thru tbe Blackfoot Indian leriilory occupied by hit pipe, M rs A A. W h e k l k r Business Manager which was securely anchored be­ and LoCaf Netrs ’ WHAT PERSHING THINKS reveryatiuu. Jim did The appropriations of the five great O u r way lay along the high tween his snaggled teeth. towers for m ilita ry and naval pur- plateau, from wAich a descent aot represent tbe ordinary type of Bubtcriptlops, 11.SO a«y(ari*«1 advanc* toses In (be year 1020 alone reached Transient advertising. 25c an jneb; pei Could be made by a trail leading the northern people, for ibe small a total of »1«,442,291,101, a sura only manent, 20c. No 2,(100.000,000 more than the or space camp T|ie foreman's course car­ cled his heed was silver in the sun­ In "P a id -fo r ER'RRraplia," Scalipe. lotal for the wbole fourteen yeara be­ Illustrations b y x , / ried him in a long detour to tbe light a n d bis eyes were blue as the No advertising disguised as news fore the war. violets by ibe brook. He It all comes down to this so fa r as right, by which he should enter ,r,,un** bu‘ h“ 1 • • lro ,‘k ou are concerned: , from the eastern end the valley i n 1" “ * 1] H A L S E Y ,' LiiS-Vd.', Ore. Meh. 16, 192 ’ countenance. ■ ■ * SI III . . I ■ - Every morning when you go to which lay one of the largest Indian " H e lio , J im i" • vnrk, or when you etay at home sick camps. My trail at the first took " W e ill I «win, I wasn't a lookin’ OrEgfon in Congress in a working day, or even If you rue thru thick timber, then, as How's Bill, any­ are out of a Job, It h a t been arranged it approached the level floor of the fer you so early. Congressman W illiam C. H >« tor you to p a , yotir fa ir share out valley, thru country that became way? „Copyright Doubled-ay, Page A Company. ley has been so long in emigre» In tha doorway stood the gov­ of what you earn or should earn, of more open. The treee were larger and is so active and has the uia over >9,000,000 a d a , fo r the support and with less undergrowth between ernment iutpector, dressed in a typ. The lightsome sprig wn« hourly to be ical trapper's dresa, and from his chinery’ o fliis office in'such good | if the a rm , and navy. That Is tbe them. seen, even when university rulings for­ atlmate for the fiscal year 1022— In the vallay a few fields, with belt hung a knife in its sheath and condition atit/ao well oiled that i bade, dilly-dallying giddily along the C H A P T E R I . —W ith h l* g ra n d fa th e r. over >9,000.000 a day. I have General a six-shooter rested in an elabor­ » m a ll I t o inBey M ilh o lla n d is w a tc h in g the campus paths or the town sidewalks seems to run u# . emoothl|ya ae j . f'ei-shlog’s word for It. Yon w ill have fences sadly in need of repair, gave ately decorated holster. *De< o ration D ay P a ra d e ” in the home with some new and pretty Skirt. And town. The old K en U em tA , a v eteran of to pay It. Five million dollars every evidence of the partial mccesa of Waltham tyatch. Whenever an When we departed, about ten the C iv il w a r, endeavors u> im oreas m e when Ramsey tried to fluster him working dsy Is a pile of money to the attempt» of the farm instructor youngster w ith th« significance of the thing occurs in Washingtop tha spend tor Insurance against attack. to initiate the Blackfoot Indiana o clock, for the hotel the two men ( r c a i conflict, and m any years a fte rw a rd about such a m atter Fred would pro­ fess Ids ardent love for the new Indy boy was io rem em ber his w ords w ith especially concerns Otegon the'fin. I And of course that Is not all the into the science aud art of agri­ wore sitting olo«e together, smok­ s the ta rtlin g /ividness. In shouts and Impromptu song. Noth­ ost. W hat Is the big Idea? W hat do culture. A few scattered log ing, chattiug and telling tales of ger i f Sir. Hawley is seen In I t anil ing could be done to him, and Ramsey, C H A P T E R I I . —In the schoolroom , a you think about It? You w ill have to houses, which the ludians bad the past days, while the m ow rose few years a fte rw a rd . R am sey was not u tterly unable to defend his own sensi­ hia name is heard among his con pay the bill. Do you think about it been induced by tbe government over the mountain top, casting dieting dished fo r re m a rk a b le a b ility , bilities In like manner, had always chough his tw o pronounced dislikes were atituents. He may lie called an at all? General Pershing does. This to build for themselves, could he shafts of slanting rays upon it. a rith m e tic and “ R e c ita tio n s ” in sharp to retire In bafflement. Sometimes he Is what he thlnka: c ontiast to R a m s e y s backw ardness la efficient and popular represent» seen here and there among the would ponder upon the question thus the precocity of m ite D o ts kocurn. a ‘As we consider the causes of the Bui during the long sum­ young lady w hom in his bitterness he de­ suggested: W hy couldn’t he do this tire, and his popularity eftmes from World war and comprehend Its hor- trees. nom inates ' ‘Tea c h e r's P e t.” a sort of thing, since Fred could? Rut lus painstaking attention to the I rora, every thinking man and womah mer days, and indeed until driven he never discovered a satisfying an­ from (he open by blizzards of win. C H A P *T E IR I I I . —In high school, w here inuat feel that measures should be at t l o'clock details of all the lit tie 1 hi ngs whic'i, he and D o ra a re U asam ates, R am sey swer. __ ________ taken to prevent another such cal­ ter, not one of these children of continues to feel th a t the g irl d elights to combined, prodj^cs,bi« thing*. Ramsey’s watchfulness was so care­ m an ife s t h e r su p e rio rity , a n d the vindic­ amity. One step in that direction I fhe free air and open s k y could be tiveness he generates oecoines a la rm in g , ful (lest he make some Impulsive ad­ Senator Ckttrioa L. McNury i-»e*. would be to reduce expenditures for I persuaded to enter the dismal sliel- c u lm in a tin g in the resolution th a t some at the mission In regard to the IwRanlcal lab­ Jay he would “ show ” her. pecialiy kiAwd for the efficient armament. Our own estimates for ter afforded by the log bouses, oratory, for Instance) that M r. M it­ naval und m ilita ry purposes cootern t'hey mucli | referred the flimsy C H A P T E R I V . —A t a class pienlc R am * work he fijdt done in the interest chell's curiosity gradually became al­ sey. to ids intense surprise, appears to plate an appropriation fo r the fiscal ttepees. Their methodsof» n - a t t ia c t the fa vo ra b le a tte n tio n o f Miss most quiescent but there arrived a of the farming industry, thoheha- year 1W22 of oyer >9,000,000 for ever, l i o i , d id t com |X>rt w itll . M illa R ust, a young la d y ol abou t his day In February when It was piqued W h e n V he own age and the acknow ledged belle of also had time to make hia influence working d a , In the year. It I . a | manent d w e „ inPg . the class. M illa has the m is fo rtu n e to Into the liveliest activity. It was Sun- gloomy prospect that the nations plan (a ll Into a creek w h ile ta lk in g w ith K a ra - ) H _ v HroMsIntr w it h n fn a - felt in the field ot public improve, expenditures greater than ever before 11 -epee grew foul, which their hab- sey. and th a t youth -p ro m p tly p.unges to da7 ‘ a n d * r e d ‘ _ ..." tldlousnoss ever his dally linhlt. no­ its made im v itib le , a simple and There was a man, his shoes were bad. th e r g s e n s . T h e w a t« r is o n ly s o m e th r e e utents in this stale and in whalevirj In peacetimes. fa s' d e .p . b u t M llla 's g ra titu d e fo r bis ticed that Ramsey was exhibiting an satisfactory remedy was discovered He had ao work, hia face was « d ’It would appear that recent ex b .ro lu a c t Is em b ari asslng. H e le In fa ct is done to advance our manufac­ unusual perplexity about neckties. taken cap tive by the f a ir one, to 14s great ii a shift to an ither camp ground, He fonnd a jo b ; the boss said: "N o , l>erlences should be enough to con consternation. turing and ccijunercial interests. “Keep the black one on,” Fred sold, vlnce everybody o f ' the danger o f a ul so witli tbe log houses, whose I can’t take von when you look so." volunteering a suggestion, as Ramsey He h ‘* beets so active in the in ­ renewal of thia competition. But one out coiners, littered with the ao- The man then had his shoes resoled. C H A P T E R V .—T h e a cq uaintance ripens. H is pants he pressed, he felt more bold. R am sey and M ills openly "keeping com muttered fiercely nt a intrror. " I t ’s In terest of the.facmursi4hal- he -wos| nation cannot reduce armaments un •umulated filth of a winter'* pecu­ He hom ed back the boss to see p a n y ," w tdle the fo rm er's parents w o n­ better taste for church, anyhow. less all do. It Is time that enlightened der. H is m o th e r Indeed goes so fa r as And talked and smiled in different key. lation, liecame fertile breeding c msidered tli ft to reach some rational agreement snblima. a m ore s u ita b le com panion, a suggestion leath. Irregularly strewn upon “No. I've got a luncheon engage­ which the y o u th receives W ith ho rror. "A smile and N E A T N E S S win each which would not only relieve the ........ O O U >U oui, a«t<;w til» ■ I • • .S la Z the senate, tbo. the head of hia time, world of Its heavy financial burden P ' 8ra’ ^ Pla,n *.u ll,e valle* bot ment." C H A P T E R V I.—A t this period ou r hero party, President Haidiug, voiced hut which In Itself would go fa r to­ ets the th r ill o f his " fir s t kies." M ills >m some two hundred teepees "W ell, you could go to church first, sing a v e ry w illin g p a rtn e r In the a c t S couldn’t you? You b etter; you’ve got his annoyance at the very exist­ il urd the prevention o f war. We are narked the Blackfoot's summer H e r flippancy over the m a tte r dlscon certs R am sey Im m ensely, but s h o rtly s ft- a lot o f church absences against you.” leadquarters. Above the camp not a w arlike people. We do not ence of the bloc. erw ar-1 th e g irl departs fo r a visit to "Then one more won’t hurt. No wish to expand at the expense of any ose th e smoke of the c im p -fim , Chicago. She leaves an ende a rin g m issive The Enterprise regrets that Mr other nation, and we have no designs church In mine this morning, thanks! fo r R am sey, w hich adds to his fe elin g of tor it was still early and their m elancholy McNary saw it hia dutv ultimately on anybody. I f other people feel the norning meal was yet in p rp araiioi. G’by, ole sox: see you at the ‘fra t house’ for dinner." C H A P T E R V I I - S h o rtly a fte r M llla 'i to vote with the Newhprry in pr • same toward us and toward each It was high noon when the two We make d e parture, h e r frie n d . Sadie Clew s. In He went forth, whistling syncopa­ ,, , | other It seema unreasonable that th e , form s R am sey th a t his In a m o ra ta has our entry into the I**« " * should he unwilling to consent In nremen stepped for u minute sur- tions, and began a brisk trudge Into been m a rrie d to h e r cousin and Is not Specialty of com ing back, so th a t little rom ance the onen country. T here was n pro­ of nations slid to vote for the New principle to some limitation of arma- veying the surrounding country ended. W ith in a few m onths R am sey nth keen and practical eyes. Then Friendship, fessor’s daughter who also wns not ineiita. to be carried out when other and his closest friend, F re d M itc h e ll, h e rrv when that milliqiuiire wn- fter a few minutes' con' rence, go to th e state u n iv e rs ity . R am sey's chief nations succeed In establishing stable going to church that morning and she Engagement and rewarded by the party /<** t-hp. wote governments and are w illing to recog. i few brinl connuauda to som u of feeling being one of re lie f th u l he has got lived u little more than three miles a w a y fro m th e detested D ora. T o his h o r­ VV edding which constituted 'tbe i i aj ^it* ' nlxe the wisdom of such a course he riders who were coming up the ro r he finds she Is also a student a t the heyond the outskirts of the town. Un­ un iversity. Induced to Join a debatin g Otherwise, may we not seriously ask fortunately, as the w eather wns threat­ n i l , the t-vo foremen were on against the league. Rings society. R am sey is chosen as D o ra 's op­ •Ç- ourselves whether civilization la a their way dowu the tote-road that ening. all others of her fam ily aban­ ponent In a debate dealing w ith the m a t There are others elected fron te r of G e rm a n y 's rig h t to Invade Bel doned the Idea of church that day, and failure, and whether we are to regard led westward thru a pass. A half- F. M . F r e n c h a S o n s glum , D o ra being assigned the negative till r ■»« a n v n ld a U » I . . . Oregon who "also ran" at W *vl>- -war as an aar>« unavoidable scourge that Fred found her before n cozy fire, but side o f th e a rg u m en t P a r t ly on account -our ride brot ua to a trail that A LBANY ORES. o f hts feelings to w a rd D orn, nnd his n a t surrounded by parents, little brothers ington, hut Mr. AverngeOregoniau mnnklnd must suffer? ed off to the south, into which u ra l nervousness, he m akes a m iserable and big sisters. T he professor was "There are other considerations show ing and D o ra c a r r lta off the honors. t’ o »n't remembfr.their names, ex lie foremen, followed by their rid­ A brash youn gster nam ed U n l k l objects < 1 , , wm. ii nn.min a le even which should prompt us io to m make ev e r, ta lk a tiv e ; Fred's mind might have to the show ing m ade hy R am sey and be ire, turned their horses. Not a cept one who opposed the re g u la effort to bring about a curtailm ent of been greatly Improved, but with n win­ comes personal In his re m a rk s . T h e m a t It te r ends w ith R am sey. In Ih e u n iv ers ity dow In range he preferred a melan­ lion nf the packers' mono poly hy these expenditures throughout the vord was-pokcu by anyone. v ern a c u lar, g ivin g IJ n s k i a "peach o f a ias not tiie foremen's custom to particularly In the war-worn choly contemplation of the snow, Amor A. Tussing punch on th e snoot." oongress and has spent the most world, ountrlaa of Europe. The people of |*hare their plans with their sub - which had begun to fall in quantity. C H A P T E R V I I I —D o rs appears to have ol his remaining time drawing hi* Europe have always been our best ordinate ruieie until it became nec- The professor talked until luncheon, m ade a decided h it w ith her fe llo w s tu ­ L A W Y E R A N D N O T A R Y dents. to R am sey's suprem e wonderm ent ■alary while away from Washing­ customers and are largely dependent e.«se ry. throughout luncheon, and was well un­ A rum or o f his " a ffa ir" w ith the flc k lt der way to fill the whole afternoon Wn were now on the old Black- M ills spreads and he gets th e rep utation ton working "in the interest of the upon us for certain necessities We BfiOWNlVlIXE, O rcoon of a m an o f experience and s "wom an must look to them to buy the product* w ith talk, when Fred, repenting all h a te r." farmers," notably Fanner S'vif', of our farms, wines and factories t <>t trail, for a hundred years and the errors of his life, got up to go. more the anc.ent pathway of b at. C H A P T E R I X . —T h e story ootnes to th with whom he is alleged to he a The prosiwrlty nf our people depend* ter and of W^r fo rth - Indian trib. a H eurtlly urged tr remain, for there tp rin g of 1915 and the s in k in g d f ths Laisl ta n la T h e u n iv e rs ity Is stirred to It was now something Just under a bliz­ partner in some enterprises and In no small measure upon the unln dial hunted the w -s ern plains. depths F a c u lty and " f r a t " societies a ltk i letrnpteil flo w of rominodltlea abroad zard developing, he said no, be bad a w ire the go vernm ent o ffe rin g th e ir serv from whom it is said he has lo r. We have stoctee of cotton, wheat and Along the lower* levels the old trail great deal of "curriculum work" to Ices In the w a r w h l-h they believe to b PlM in evitable. D o ra , b o ding the R e lie f tha rowed large sums of money with other product* greatly In excess of ran, avoiding nature’s obstacles get done before tomorrow, nnd passed a ll w a r la w rong, sees w ith h o rro r th- iitd taking full advantage of every our own requirements, which the from the sound of the professor's hos­ which to buy sh$ep, o f the students, which Is an In te n t a Specialty spirit people of Europe sorely need but desire to call G e rm a n y to account. 6h* oping hillside and eveiy open Dress Shots pitable voice and Into the storm. H e seeks R am say and endeavor« to Im pras which we cannot sell and they can tretch of woods. Now and then, had a tedious struggle against the him w ith her pacifist views. A tnan finuMu't he .a deputy not buy because their fiscal systems 301 Lyon »e, Albaoy. Oregon, wind and thickening snow but finally towever, the trail must need bar. CHAPTER X .—Mis« Y ocum 's apaea gaitie-jrarden without being is f v * lurvc broken down, their currencies came In sight o f the town, not long s o m -w h a t die. onperts R am sey, especially ow thru a deep thicket of spruce as the g irl s e e m s 'to place some rea l value before dark. Here 'he read led down in poliflos— the people of the t-iaie hnve depreciated, nnd llie lr purchasing n I jack pine and scramble up a on his opinions, and his feelings tow ard power Is exhausted. Into a depression, i-nd. liftin g his head her a re som ew hat vague pay •150,000 a year in fish and r.icky ridge, where the horses, "The first step to take in the re­ as he began the slight ascent on the game licenses in order to keep up C H A P T E R X I . - A f t e r the vacatio n pe­ trained as they w-re in mountain riod, D o ra nnakes an Im pressive speech other side, Fred was aware o f two the most perfect political otgaioi-i. habilitation of the finances o f all these climbing, had all they could do to before the deba tin g society, denouncing countries Is to reduce the cost of WILDE Y LODGE NO. 05. figures outlined upon the low ridge every form o f m ilita ris m as w rong. She lion that such a limited amount go* eminent so that ei|>enses w ill not keep their footing. decidedly In the m in o rity but m ake« a before him. They were dimmed hy the Regular oieaung next Saturila* Is of money could lie expected t»> exceed the Incomes. brave fight to stem the tide of feeling T w ’ird evening we entered the Expenditure- driving snow and their bucks were which th e perceives Is sweeping the coun maintain.—Eugene Guard. niffbt. ; must he lowered everywhere If Suu River canyon, journeying up tr y to w ard w a r toward him, but he recognized them financial stability Is to be restored and s rocky cavern until we arrived C H A P TE R X II. Th it's leas than it coats to nom­ If the nntlons are ever to pay theli t a great, rudely built govern* inate a (ederat senator in M idngan debts. Until stability Is restored none uent camp. As we approached th - Throughout the term Ramsey'» cal­ an have prosperity that cotues from » t irge rudely built stone chim e cula tton of prnliahilltle» agnliint the free and uninterrupted flow o f product* happeniug of another Interview with O Se« la t duor aenth o< achuol houa« vas smoking languidly. Leaning The (Amted States permits th* from one country to another. But thl Dora »eemed to he well founded, hut »gainst this chitnuey as if for pro­ Haikey. Oregon. voters irf «ladsenators., I '’•» n o t tie done tf huge sums continue at the beginning of the second "»em- tection and suppoit was the little ' i n he .appropriated for the inalnte Dealer in Real Estate. eater" he found her to be a fellow hut the •upreme.qpmrt aleoicto Hifi- trading post, gray and decrepit n iih c i - uf large arinte* and large navle* ltandlaa Teww'aad Coantry Property member of a class In hlotogy. More the states Inf**** uni autiioíiít illu d i t y >. with age. The door stood o pen Give hin» a call and aee tf he can fix than that, this da»» had every week •T h e safety o f hum anity In th* for the summer was w -ll advanc d lim it the us^ trt^ ftjq y m « »ci»i- future. Indeed the peace, the happlnea- you op. a two-hour session In the holnnlcnl Tbe cabin wi-s laboratory, where the structure of torislmominating jiu g M rv , an in-) end the proepartty of the race— all in the nom . plants wns studied under microscopic etitulitm created by Hié stale /m l appeal alike for an early consideration shaded by grand old oaks and pines, nf the question o f limited arm am ents' thru which the evening sun shone dissection T he students worked In with which tiu federal laiv was pre­ Broadly speaking. It la the man who pairs, a special fam ily o f plan's being n tuild rad ta tic -, etreamii g into profit», and not the «Imple average assigned to ench couple ; and the In­ sumed to have anything Io do. the doorwsy aud making a broad man who endures, who I* behind al' structor selected the couples with an track of light over the uneven floor. (Ida movement for ever Increasing aye to eomhlnntlons of the quick with A lter taking care of our horses, Ptrxt-claae work gnarntee.l O lij ye« l ‘ C ongress ta ccnponiicaI smiaiuent. t f you doubt thia. Juat g* the slow D. Yocum and R. Mllhol- we entered thia cahiu, and ooly KARL BRAM W ELL. land (the la tte r In a Rtmnge state of - i n «pots ft h is .WfeK 1 the lit- L l ‘n d* i who saw service In the line, whether ernment camp, was in. He sat by chairs, but only one desk and one mi­ a fire. T h 're nas no tie* d of a of tha "common or garden v ariety” lh*? ""J «* croscope. T h e ir conversation waa fire, but lim said: " I ’m kiep- a trte tlj botanical. for congrevatuen H> diairiuuts in' hit burnin' fer cotnp’n y ." He Thenceforth It became th» most School Eaaay Electric H aircutting. M a a -a g iu g where they think they wilt do iheu. sat there smoking bis a n c i i o t pressing care o f Ramsey's life to pre­ and Shampooing. the moat gm>d. Real " d irt farm ­ corn-cob pipe ( ta lazily as the vent his roommate from learning that I (By John rttandiab) Cleaning and Pressing there was any conversation at all. ! e r*," who know good seeds from D '»criptl ve Theme: chimney) in an n|d chai* which even botanical. Fortunately. Fred creaked as if in paiu whan ha poor, throw away the )».ck«ge A long and diatant bowl seemed rooked. was not taking the biological courses. I H e supposed bimselt in they receive, z ,4 though he appeared to be taking the | t > break upon the »tillneea I deep medit.nion and regarded bia sentimental ones with an astonishing — ♦ ------ morning. |t was answered by ' oom-cob pip*' not merely a ««lace They Were Dora Vocurr and Ramsey thoroughness and sometimes, to Fred's MeCwM’s' SW -'t en W ater. C O R N E I 1U8 number of abort, sharp yelpa. but also an invaluable asxialaoce M ilholland. hilarious delight. Ramsey attempted to “Covolea I" grntnbied the rider« a to clearnea- of thot. Jim bad the In the bine G ulf Stream w ater be turn the tables and rally him upon they doied beck iuto a acmi-sleep. oeltef that if h* could only smoke w ith perfect assurance. They were tween the Avores and the Newfound whatever lust a ffa ir seemed to b4 en­ Dorn Yocum and Ramsey M llhollsnd. lend bants, green layere have been I tneaa stupor and think long enough i e could K apert workmanship Watch«« gaging hts fancy. The old Victorian obsem 'il |o he due to the presence of "R o ll out, hove!" railed tbe solve any question that waa put clacks a specialty. They were w alking so slowly that and pre-Victorian blague word “pet- » m inute phosphorescent medusa. their advance was almost Impercept­ 'bead rider, “ We've jo t be lore biu*. tlcont" bad been JLALSBY revived In Fred's 9RBGOX ible, but If could be seen that L'orfi ypcabulary^ and ta others, as aklr£7 BGDÎhlàÿnglôii ^frwiN Myers Whole Fam ily Day NEXT SUNDAY Christian Church LOOK AfTERYOUR SOLE! Haw ’em find at Jewett’s a A. Peterson irX?"“ I. O .-O . F. W . J. R ibelin s A N IT A R Y Buter Shop ami Catte B AR B ER SHOP E. C. M IL L E R ’l ï T ARCHIK W ATCNNAXER& Jewel« *