— J X ka .* /I /J ■¡kTOTT? iV A J2* L/1 VOL. X HALSEY. LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. MCH OREGON NATURAL GAS RPRISE 16, |6 ’2 NO. λ High School Notes been helpiug take car« ot her POSTOFFICE ELECTION The G irls ' Glee club concert was mother and little nephews. A ll Used for Years for Light attended by a good.sised house I ist are im proving. Vote W ill beYaken Next Saturday n ig h t. AU the numbers and Fuel Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peckover of were favorably received by the au­ Oregon C ity called on the la ltc r’ i Saturday Through a dispatch from O. A dience and the girls feel th e ir la ­ grandparents, M r. and Mra. D. F bors havo been rewarded. C. published iu S aturday’s A lb a n i Dean, as they were returning home Karl Bramwell, Jay Moore and C redit is due Mrs English and from a business trip to C orvallis. Democrat the s ta rtlin g inform s, Mrs. Bond, who have worked fa ith ­ Arthur Robnatl, the three candi- lio n conies th a t Cass Riggs, 4} fu lly w ith the girls and made it Mrs. Florence 3tew art of Port- dates who stood highest in the civil land was in Halsey the firs t of tl»e miles north of R ickreall, has a possible fo r them to give the re service examination for tba Halsev week v is itin g friends and conclud­ «•■II ir o n which both his houv* ci I a I. postmasterahip, and from whom ing a deal whereby she sold her The seniors have received th e ir and th a t of his son have for year the new postmaster ia to hesalactad, play bdoks and have begun to lear residence property in th is c ity jo been supplied w ith natual g i- T. A. Powell of Brow nsville. th e ir parts. have arranged w ith tba republican which has proved satisfactory fu, Last Tuesday evening the conk» Mrs. Esther Rike and little couuty committaa for an elect ion lig h tin g and cooking on both ing club held its regular meeting farms. grandchildren left fo r th o ir home to be held at tba city council in Orlando. F lorida, Saturday, af- chamber next Saturday afternoon The gas comes from a depth of at Mrs. J \V. Moore’s home. A f­ o nly 98 feet and the supply is in - ter the regular business a program 'e r a few m onths’ v is it w ith Mr» to decide which of them is pro- and refreshments followed. Mi= Rike’s daughter, Mrs. C. J. S tra l creasing from year to year. farred by a majority of those o iti. Prof. H orner of the college i n t i ­ Pearl Pehrsson rendered a delight Short Stories o f H appenings in Linn County Generally ley, of th is c ity . ful solo in honor of the ctub pres­ zens who have been patrons of tba mates th a t there may be untold C. W . R o w le y , Joseph Steingrand „ and in Halsey Particularly Halsey poetofflee for thirty days. stores of th is natural, convenient ident, Miss Janet Boggs, e ntitled and Fred Shackelford of Foster were “ J.onesome, T h a t’s A ll. ” The and inexpensive fuel u n d -rly in g Tbeae gentlemen and tbair friends fined for having deer hides and F ine-tooth Comb Quartet favored Oregon. J R W rig h t was au A lbany after business in this v ic in ity . meat in th e ir possession Monday, are actively campaigning, and one the club w ith a number of selec­ caller F rid a y . • fte r pleading g u ilty . Two pack- of them. Mr. Moore, shows bis tions which showed the quartet In ftn advertisement on page 3 Obituary had labored d ilig e n tly for many The county Tax Reduction league members of the C hristian church horses loaded w ith the skins and knowledge of the value of printer’s meat were brot in. The meat was M rs. W . A. Ringo was called to hours preparing for the program' meets in Albany today. are asked to bring th eir whole fam ­ given to the Red Cros» and dis- ink by having an advertisement Cottage Grove F rid a y by the seri­ The memliers of the quartet were on thia page. Read it. Bom , March 13, to M r . and ilies next Sunday. tribu ted among needy people in ous illness o f her parents, M r. and Misses Mearle Straley, Alberta The postofBcc department adver­ M rs, R H. Kenady, who were suf­ Koontz, Anna H einrich and Pear! M rs . Bird Waggener, at th e ir home N othing slow about C. E. Egle. A lbany. tises for bids for carrying the mail southeast of Halsey, a g irl. fering from flu, Sunday M r. Pehrsson. He sold out at auction Monday H arrisburg high played “ LAofc. by auto daily between Halsey and Ringo was notified by wire that Miss Eunice Sylvester was over and expected to s U rt for a new mg for M ary Jane” to a 155 house Sweet Home via Brownsville and Mrs. Kenady was dead. from the river and spent the week home in Nebraska before the week it P irtle Saturday^ Crawfordsville. The start ia to ba Holstein Directors Meet ends. He attended the funeral Tues- end w ith the Misses Pehrsson. made from Halsey not later than Nellie L. Ford, a d m in is tra trix 7 a. in., the return trip being made d iv at Cottage Grove. A meeting of the board o f direct­ Senator F. H. Porter came up Mrs. E. C M ille r returned Sat­ if the estate of the late Mrs. M at- Elizabeth Jane Kenady was born ors of the L in n County Holstein from Portland -■'aturday to look urday from Tangent, where she ban lie Jack of B row nsville, has filed in the afternoon. Halsey can afford in Pike-'county, III.. A p ril 7, 1849 Cattle club was held in the d ire c t­ to have the other towns made aide- her account and the court has set shows to it in the mail husiuese. She was married to R. H. Kenad, ors’ room o f the H arrisburg N a­ Xpril 29 as the day for the final Out. 16, 1868. She was a lifelong tional bank March I I . The postmaster's job at Shedd hearing. member o f the Presbyterian church Assyria came and besieged Sam aria Ways and means of prom oting xnems to be more attractive than and carried the children of Israel cap­ She leaves her husband, R. H. the interests o f the breed were d is­ J. E. M u rp h y’ s 7-year-old boy ike one at Halsey. Five candidates tive to Assyria, from which they never Renadv of Cottage Grove, and the cussed and a tentative program fell on a brass c u rta in roti w ith took the civil service examination returned. * fo llo w in g ch:ldren: Adda Ringo was outlined fo r the next year’s They were Kleie which he was pla ying in his home for it last week. |l. The Sine Which Caused Their of Halsey and E lla and Robert work. I t was also voted to hmd it Brow nsville and tmtned it into L Didkson, Thelma M McDonald, DSom (vv. 718). Kenady of Cottage .Grove, Also a the annual business meeting and his m outh, m aking a p a in fu l out, a Herbert F. Satehwail. Charles P. 1. Conformed to ttie w ays of the erandson, Robert, jr . , and five election of officers at the c o i i i i u u - M r M urph y has riiompson and WUeun L. Grove. hen then (vv. 7-9). God had com­ few days ago. brothers a n d tw o sisters. i f the oivil service examiaatioua n ity house in A lbany M arch 26 manded them not to follow In the bean a p rin te r in the Times office M r Kenady is very low w ith A booster program is liv in g pre ways of the heathen, but these for some tim e hut has accepted a for the poatmaatership ware not a the disease. Israelites, Instend o f m aintaining lives job near Seattle, taree the appointing power would pared for the day and a tun -h.-on of separation, secretly did that which have nothing to do hut to appoint w ill be served bv the Albany chain was displeasing to Ood. Secret sins A new nrg an itatio n has been the highest, except in n w o a tie, b *r of commerce a. 36c per plate. The B ro w n sville Times has is ­ Just as surely as open sins bring ruin, formed by leading citizens of H a l- hut politicians descend to low H al-ey C h ristia n Church Everybody is invite d to a lien I sued a d'rectory of the resident'* fo r all things are naked and open to *e y . I t is called the ‘ Anti-sw ear. leptha of bypocricy to keep aolid noth meeting and luncheon. and b ii'iH e s s houses, frate nal so­ H im with whom we have to do. One ing league.” It waa form e I about with their parties sometimes. may maintain his reputation before cieties, churches, city officials, e'e , Church Announcements t week ago, and our “ real m en” inen w hile practicing sins, but ruin M aryland Trees. and circulates it free, M r. H in ­ are liv in g up to the name. The C hristian w ill sooner or la te r overtake him. .The inujorlt.v of the fru ll • trees A Hich Chrea Concert man proposes to renew i t atrvuirlH . use of p ro fan ity is indefens bie 10, Bible school, • Even though Ood had cast out the (tower early m tlie spring, usually be­ The concert given bv the Glrle’ The i wearer does not expect to ac. fore the leaves appear, and their 11, M orning iVorship, . sermon, heathen for practicing these sins, the « • Israelites followed In th eir ways. Ood c.im plish a n y th in g by it except to Olee club last Saturday evening dainty blossoms form a charming pic­ ‘ ‘ The Fam ily of G od.” offend the ears of sensitive haarete proved that Halsey high w*li.4>l h»a demands separation ( I I Cor. 8:17). ture In addition to yielding a delight­ 6:30, C h ris tia n Endeavor. An >•*- W e H ave , ful fragrance. The apple blossoms are 2. Served Idols (vv. 1 0 1 2 ). They not ind to excite the disgust o f sen a glee olub to be pmu l o f 7:30, E ve nin g worship, sermon, only compromised by "w alking In the sible ones and displaay bia own gauiiation of twenty-tw.. vo. w*, E V E R Y T H IN G d usually white w ith a red tinge or “ The Good Confession.” statutes of the heathen," but worshiped lack of a b ility to express real ideas doing three.part arork, ia wnaeiae» blush; the peach pink ; the pear, plum O ptical f and A t the m orning hour we w ill ob­ their gods. It was not a long step f»,. cherry w hite; and the quince, when he speaks. May the mem III S School of thia S!»e serve “ whole fa m ily d a v ." Whole from following in the statutes of the ,,r hers o, the new club persevere end p ograni imupn-rs ami i. E Y E S T R A IN ? which (lowers later, a delicate shall fam ilies are urged to coine m id ait heathen to worshiping their gods pink. -ung hy the «dub ’« in • Is the Cause of M any add to the number of well-bred together Make it a point to have Before they worshiped Idols they cast eat quality raw-ioailv, im- u i fc H U M A N IL L S gentlemen in Halseyl every member of yo ur fa m ilv there. off the tru e Ood. Id o la try came In . Receiving and G iving. «noh compoeai s as O f fe u b ti I f your eyes give you trouble because the race did not wish to re­ There's a vast d lffi renee between There w ill be a baptism al serv­ (Continued on page 3) vour classes are annoying Strauss, Schubert, Qoun .t ,j tain Ood In Its affection (Rom. 1:21- gratitude for blessings enjoyed, and ice in the evening. 5 E E US. We can Relieve You Mra. Beach, and afford** I * • 23). People today are worshiping fn r privilege to help others to have ing variety, ranging from n i Bancroft Optical Co. Idols because they have first cast off Lester Jones, pastor, Tax Reduction League what they should hnve. I t ’s exactly Us to sacred and p ii-n vi.- J13 1st St. W. A lb a n y . Phone 4 the difference between receiving and the authority of the living Ood. Man Methodist: Farmers and some others w ith Is a worshipful being. When he a s a a v a a -w-i giving. Ps f were et. ! Sunday School, 10. ceases to worship the tru e Ood, he blood iu th e ir eyes have been bold­ v e il blended, an i t.i 1 Preaching, 11. worships other gods. N eutral ground ing meetings in various parts of clear and distinct. The •• <>-,*. . Is impossible. the state and passing resolutions J u n io r League, 3. lantion and enthusiastic app'v ■« 3. They were rebellious (vv. 18- wbiob Interm ediate League, 6:30. of tba suditun»- were i 15). Ood by his prophet had said Disclaim any connection between E p w orth League, 6:80. of the excella iCM nf t'ie ue i * u- iinto them “T urn ye from your evil lie tax-reduction clubs and the Preaching, 7:30. * ways and keep my commandments,” Non-partisan league, the Single anoa. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. **tipriug*s a Lot ole but they stubbornly refused H!s fa x league, or any other p o litic s ! Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, '* «o ni- S * ' • B s testimony, even rejected H is statutes or ra n ita iio n » ' i l c . , ' and • ,r Ood, In love, tried to suve them. He Demand the recall of the present sent some o f the noblest and best •art’» “ Serenade” siioWel to i*. Pine Grove Church: prophets who ever spoke to man to public service commissioners. Iightful advantage the awveiu— Oppose the financing of the perstuide them to turn from their Sunday School, 10. lyric quality of A fffp sins, such as E lija h and Kllsha, but • o rld ’ s fa ir by a state ta x. either «nd Preaching. 11, by Bro. Eggly. Koonti' voice. they hardened th e ir necks and plunged direct or indirect. Prayer-meeting, 7- Piano num bers by Mm«»-. deeper Into wickedness. Declare th a t no one except ta x ­ Bible 8 tm ly , Wednesday. 7. DeEltu Robuett were reesiv-d w ild 4. Caused their sons and daughters payers should he perm itted to vol» to pass through the fire (v. 17). This m arked favor, and Janet R m e ,-ii'- ■ inynlv ng 'mud issu Sunday School Lesson was the dreadful Moloch worship—the S cm Ir-i llje. I> . i Call lo i a geueiai revision ut most cruel rite o f heathen worship. is o encoiue to her entertaining ate sa la ries, iBy HtuV. p B FiTZW ATEH . D. D.. I It was done by kindling a fire In n reading Teacher of Kn- ' "Use from a p o litic a l to a j i dcisl hot and placing live children C op yrigh t, l t j f , W estern N ew sp a p er U nloa. ! red laet September u-der the leader­ J therein to he burned to death. I nation, and g ivin g the -upren ship of Rather M. B nd, dtrcciui. 5. Resorted to magical practices ourt original ju ris d ic tio n . LESSON FOR MARCH 19 (v. 17). When faith In the true God Demand tiis t no measure appro* sod Mra H enry F. n iig ii- h , at: wanes, men always turn to the magical •dating money or providing for « co m pa n ist. T H E D O W N F A L L O F IS R A E L arts. In thia way they sold them- m ila g e tux shall he subm itted ai aelves to evil In the sight o f the Lord LESSON T E X T —I I Ttlsgs 17:1-1» i special election to provoke Him to anger. | GOLDEN TEXT— R lg h teo u sita s exslteth ¡Demand that $5000 be fixed as I I I . Judgment Falla (v. 18). a nation, but sin la a reproach to any he m axim um salary for any state p eop le—Prov. 14M. A t this stage of the drama the cur­ I1 H A V E O B T A IN E D « bountiful stock of Spring W ish GooJr. These R E F E R E N C E M ATERIA k»H<**ea I: 'ftiria l or tiesd of any state resti­ tain falls. Ood could not be Inactive Amos 2:6-1«. tu tio n o f higher learning. m aterials are suitable for making dresses, waist*, skirts amt other wash longer. PRIMARY TOPIC—W har Cams of garments Wrong Doing E xpress opposition to the edn 1. Ood was very angry. God's anger JUNIO R TOPIC—Israel's Punishm ent Is not raving fury, but the revulsion Prices are lower than usual, and we welcome a quality conipariajn of our ation of doctors and lawvers at for Disobedience. of His holy nature against sin Sin state expense and to the m ainte­ wash materials w ith any sim ilar goods, regardless of price. IN TERM EDIATE A ND gENJOR TOPIC cannot exist In H is presence. His nance hv the stale of buildings for —R eculie of ISsobedlence Is OlM Imported Olive Oil TOUNO PEOPLE A N D ADULT TOPIC w rath must strike. Though H e waits their aducatiou —How National 81ns Are Punlehed long, the debt must he paid and always Extract of Lemon Call for economical a dm in istra ­ 1. A rie l Taken Into Captivity w ith compound Interest. T here Is only | ( w . 1-8). tion of slate government and the Squibb«’ Mineral Oil one wav to escape God's w ra th ; that e lim in a tio n or o on so lid jtio u o f the Is, to turn from sin. T lila tvns the fulfillm ent o f that Silver Note Bird Seed 2. Removed them out of His sight. numerous state hoards and com­ Beaded V o ile sim ilar to finer grades of | Silk Tissue Ginghams in a variety of which A n a« had predicted In the days Sassafras Bark imported swissea, riots, checks am i fig new checks, stripes and novelty plaid«, of Jerubnaia II . at a time when the The land of Palestine Is regarded as mission« under one state board of urea. Yard, 7 5 c . I priced, the yard, at 7 5 c . •ontrol. the land of God's s ig h t; that Is. the nation was at the height of Its pros­ Caacara Bark Dress Gingham s in a large assortment Favor abolition of the 6 per cent perity. T he northern kingdom was place o f His manifested presence. Ammonia W ater T h e ir national Identity was Hotted tsx lim ita tio n . 25 3 0 rn*' ,o 32 meh, a t 2 0 . Japanese Crepe, the real imported ar ruled by 111 king«, all of whom were wricked. T h e ir w Ic k ed M M was uot be­ out forever. These people are still tid e , in eleven colors, yard 4 0 Oppose fu rth e r bonding of the W itch Hazel Drapery in many new color» and bean- I cause of lack of Inform ation or op- scattered among the nations, and as a ■date and demand th a t unsold bonds separate nation doubtless they will Mentholatum O*«l j'ard. <’“ gn"' p*',ced 2 5 10 the Indian Head, in 36-, 4 4 - :nd M in c h , and imrtunltjr, but In spite of It. already authorised ba sold a t not promised the firat king Ills blessing never return Jo th e ir land. T h e Judg­ less than par. . . ' ■ .; doors in 36 inch, at. the yard, 5Oc. Analgesic Balm I f he would be loyal to H im . Jero­ ment was severe, bnt not more so C all for resubmiaeion o f the than the sins merited. Ood had waited Milk ot Magnesia boam departed from Ood and the 'H u m m in g B ird ” silk Hosiery, sll colors. " I t •rear*. ’ millage tax law o f 1920 for In s ti­ long T h e despising o f His grace apostasy thus begun continued down except What tu tio n * o f higher learning ward to the end. In the reign of must eventually work ruin. Hoahea, the laat king, the king., of Judgment must fall upon the people as it applies to the stale norm al today who reject Ills grece and mercy 1 school. . _ - y o u R S for the continuance of the present high efficiency of the Halsey »postoffice. J A Y MOORE Jots and Tittles HS t New Wash Goods for Spring W A Few of the New Season’s Favored Weaves M. V. K O O N TZ © ÜMfi’s Dns Stn I