l'A U Û 4 iiA i/O c i c . « i c n r I k 1a u A Homemakers’ Jots and Tittles tffîrunœivick Conference Oregon Agricultural College (Continued on page 3) C O R N A L L IS March Jo to 25 Mrs. Morris King of Brownsville is recovering froui a serious surgi cal operation performed at an A l­ P x tn re d in Lecture, Exhibit, Demon bany hospital. PH O N O G R A PH S' *B etter T im s for Oregon ” T h is itraticn . Report comes that J. W . Moore T h e H o m e M m agem eat. fa n it* •cited highest in the civil seivice tion, forniahing» Labor-saving Device« examination for the Halsey p >st- and Emergencies maatership. The appointing power has its choice among the T h e C h ild N u tritio n, Clothing. three standing highest. < Rooks. At tbs revival meeting« in the Methodist church, among those professing an awakening interest »<-ie some young men who went forward and cast their suppli a of cigarets into the stove. if they are able to atay with this declara­ tion of independence from the insidious hsbit their sincerity and fortitude will deserve recognition. T h e Food and S e rv in g . Selection, Preparation T h e C lo t h in g Selection M ak ing Dreae Form . Decorative Touche« for Garments. Short Cut« m Sewing Evening Entertainment C o m m u n ity P la > , M u s ic , N o te d S p e a k e rs Mr. end Mrs. J. W. Moore w»nt to Albany Friday afternoon, M r. Moire being on his way to attend F u ll in f o r m a t io n o n a n y the meeting of the Linn County s u b je c t b y w r it in g Realty board at Lebanon, which took place Saturday. • He returned Sunday, but Mra. Moore visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jama« O. A Ç., Corvalli«, Oregon Bond, and sister, Mrs Claud Da­ vis. Mrs. Bond was recovering from an attack of pneumonia, Mrs. E. C. M iller was a paseen- while Clifford, 9-year-old s«n of ger to Tangent Tuesday. Mrs. Davis, is suffering from ty Mrs. R. 6. Hayes was an Albany phoid, visitor Tuesday. There was talk during the week Mrs. C. M. W ard of Brownsville among candidates tor the posi- was a Halsey visitor Sunday. mastership of arranging to hove a vot* taken which would show the Guy Bramwell and family of appointing authorities what is the Brownsville were guests at the J preference of the people of the C. Bramwell aod Grant Taylor community in the matter. We homes Sunday. are not aware, however, that there Karl Bramwell was a business was anything more than talk in vjaitor t j Albany Monday. that connection. Born: Monday, March 6, to Mm* Mary Carey, who has beei Mr. and Mrs, Frank Workinger, on the sick list a great deal of the near Peoria, a ten-pound girl. time all winter, was taken to th i The revival meeting at the Meth­ Salem bopital today by her father. W . A. Carey, with the hope of re odist church conducted by evan­ gelist Parrott is continuing this lief. | week with increasing interest shown L. A. McKero was in Albanj by the people thruout the commu­ Mouday a* witness in the litiga­ nity Tuesday night Bro. H'own tion between A. M. Templeton and a young people’s orchestra F. M. Franklin, tho be said be from the Harrisburg church came did not know much about the bone and helped in the services. Next of oonteutiou. Friday the sermon will he for tb Sunday night the sub Probably the flu is no more prev­ converts alent at Shedd than in other pert* ject will be ''Popular Amusements.' of the country, but our corre- The power of God is working in the spoodent has mentioned more ol hearts of men and precious souls th e cases I t is of a mild form, are Iteing horn into the kingdom Cor. but is n 'linn-wide and iaoau.-iug some deaths. R E G IS T R A R Henrietta Starnes underwent « serious opeiatiou at the Catliolii hospital at Eugene. Au ab*c«s* hid formed around the jugular vein. She was under the itifluenc* of ather one hour and fifteen in n- untea. At last reports the patient was doing nicely, being able t- cotne home Sunday. Rialto, Friday \ b u newer saw any­ thing l i b DoOTSi Wall PAPER PAPER WALL PAPER AT RINGO’S AT R IN G O ’S AT RINGO AT RINGO ’S L O N E S O M E ?_ HARRY CAREY in the most stupendous Western oer screened W H U Wails of Starving Children As­ N orth Ccuth No. 18, 12:01 p. m. No, 23, 11:29 a. tn, 17, 5,39 p. m. 24, sail the Ears of Relief 5.50 p ui. SUNDAY MAIL HOURS Workers at Erivan. in any w ood c r fi ish PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS $100 Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line equipped wilh the Lii­ tona for playing all makes of records at their best. 1 Pathe Point 1 Edison Point 300 Steel Needles P aym ent PLAN Woodworth Drug Co. A LB A N Y , O R EG O N Automobile Insurance 1 C. P. STAFFORD, Agent. **•*♦*»•»*»»**»*»*****< Sweet Thoughts for the setting of the sun. A few fluffy white clouds, shot with gold PRETTY OREGON BRIDE from the sun’s rays, were drifting MOTHERS 2000 ORPHANS endlessly about. The sun, a gold ball, seemed to have suddenly dropped onto the ocean, and was riding the waves »way from us, aud it cast brilliant reflections of rainbow colors into 1 ■•’ j * ’ L The fsrther »way the suu rolled, the smaller it grew, until Hnslly it seemed to he «wallowed by the ocean, leaving the sky a peaceful blue, in which rested long golden bars, then the gold caught fire and the heavens were aflame Uh color aud light, while the White fluffy clouds and the cerise tint in the sky. intermingled w.th the blue of the sky, seemed to form an enormous American flag floating in the breete. These gradually faded, leaving the part­ ing crimson of the summer sun. I Stewart & Price Confectionery H. W Commons and L. W . Byerley were in Albany Monday. A ll q u a litie s A The delivery window of the Halsey postoffice is open Sundays The tragic progression of fam ine groni 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 conditions in Arm enia re strikingly to 12:36 and 4:45 to 5.00 p. m. B r u n s w ic k JUDGE OPPOSES FAT ALIMONY * ------e*“-. Among those receiving bonne New York Jurist Say« Divorcee Can’t Qet A ll the Luxury She Had heck» this week were Claude Mc­ In Marriage. Kern and Enoch Cunningham N ew a n d b e a u tifu l p a t­ U A U 1 V shown In the personal reports brought back by State D irector J. J. Hand- eaker of the Near East Relief w htu he vieited that section last August, and in the letters that have been received at intervals since. "W hen I was there in the late sum­ mer,” said M r. Handsaker, " T t e con­ ditions were tru ly a p p a llin g despite the fact that the orphanages wtfre rill­ Two troops of the Eleventh U n i­ ed to th eir utmost capacity and every­ ted States cavalry eupport Harry thing possible was being done 1 m y­ Carey in ‘’ The F o x,” bis Univer­ self selected a little naked girl with sal-Jewel super ''W estern” picture, nineteen others from among hundreds of starving children to fill the only which is to be shown at the Rialto The star wrote possible vacancies in the orphanage at theater Friday. Lucien H ub­ E rivan at that time. However, the the story himself. w eather was warm , and the refugees bard, scenario editor at Universal could manage in some way to keep City, adapted it to tbe sereeu. and alive. Reporta from Erivan in late Robert Tbornby directed it on the September told of the coming of the Mojave desert. cold weather, and how the reserves were drawn upon for the opening of Barred Rock eggs for hatching, additional soup-kitchens. Starving Ö0 cents per setting of 15, men women and children from ail sec­ Phone 55 Mrs. S. J. Smith. tions were flocking desperately to the Near East R elief stations in the hope Custom hatching. E. Russ. of getting work, food and clothing. Two months later, under date of Nov. For Sale— W hite Wyandotte 29, we have news of the frig htfu l situ­ ation that followed. This news came cockerels, $2 each. Mary S. Evans. _______ Route 1. to Dr. Esther Lovejoy, of Portland, Oregon, who is national ehairm an of For Sale—Oliver 'Irpewritor No. the Am erican W om en’s Hospitals, 9, Two-color ribbon, back spacer from Dr. Mabel E llio tt, in charge of tabulator. »25. C. P. Sufford, the Am erican W om en’s Hospitals In Halsey, Ore. the N ear East section. This organ­ ization is co-operating w ith the N e a r East Relief, and is handling the med­ Dr. E. W . Barnum, dentist, at ical work of the la tte r at Erivan. Be­ Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and low Is an excerpt from Dr Mabel Friday. E llio tt's le tte r to Dr. Lovejoy: T cannot begin to tell you, doctor, In ** The F o x,” at tho Rialto of the m isery here In spite of the enor­ mous amount of work being done Friday night, will be seen the Since I have been here 862 is the low ­ world’s greatest motion picture est number of cases we have had in thriller. Plenty of action, plenty ***WW4ra« were contentedly together.” passed thru Halsey Monday on I eir way to Portland Qryat Mleehtafa. O rest mischief« happen more o ft-n | Leon Morse was over front Brownsville yesterday ami t tot front folly, meanness, and vanity, than «»■ Barger along Mr B'rger, from the greater sins of avarice and who will be 86 on his next birth- , am bition.— Burke la y , looks it he nt'ght live to a Chane« to Bs Saved. ripe old age Onoe upon a time there was a young man who was addicted to an unfortunate habit of falling i„ ov. wtlh all the beautiful young '»dtes. He just couldn’t resist Magg g . wtstful blue eyesorjotte’. white hands. WM Suhan’s golden hair which shone so beautifully in the sunlight that tangled his heart- «ring*, and tbencefonh Susan led him over many thorny paths. Don't despair of a student If he ha« Now all good things must end. A n ong H Iseyitea-seen in A '- ’ one clear Idea.— Fmnmn«. Directed ty tobflhombv One day as be appeared at Susau’a ban» estorday were Mr* Ge,> ge honr, „„expectedly, he found her Hayes. M »a Gertrude \f K e rn ' »itting on the back porch, wtth U N IV E R S A L Mrs. R ke. Mr» K. v r , „ Mn,j A D M IN IS T R A T O R S N «» riC B „ JE W E L raven leeks falling over her shoul- son C h fo N . C H ......... I.. U •rs, and just preparing to re­ Super -Production Notice 1» hereby given th»t the nn ter Byerley. Harry Coniuiona a"d •Igned h«» been »npuinted adm inittral w nounce their color for another pe­ Raleigh Teniplrton and wife. of the estate ot W H K i-kp a tn c k by riod of time. Whereupon the c in s id e r t h is th e Harrisburg high ««ill repett H e the conn I v court of Linn county. Greg >u young man wae brol down to earth p ic tu r e f i re« te s t sh <»wn ixttmdy ’ Ixtoking for Mary Jane ” A ll persons having claim« «gainst a,, id with a dreadful thump. estate aee herehw required to pre*rn< Mra, Etbal Lang Newman, Oceoen e re s in c e “ T h e îS hiek.’ the repetition will be at the R«y. «erne to the nn.lersigned at hi« reside ice Agricultural Cellegs, 1 » » . w h» 1« n#w goid°r* l: AH t h ,t Flitters is Dot N 'law . W id o w s , G ib l s , H a c m k l * * « Maaav a n d rr H a p p y We put von In correspondence w ith hundred« of reftned I ad tei and Gen „•m e n iu Canada and U. S. « he with to m«rry. or corrvspond for aniute inent Pn.-ros Faxe Many I SHOO, } to. «no «ml upwards Kvery- thing stru-tlv eonlMentlsi. W a no 'O T P I RI SH Y« VR N A M g oa ... AO r>« RM ' ) ear’s «nhsrription n th ah privilege. >1 On, or l.air m month«, tria l l.w Sic. Don't «end es.h. , only „„„ M oaey Orders or A ren i Am erhan •tamps If check. sand ten cents extra lor tx ih a n ff* ■ m i rax After tb it month ttibernpttnn« ill be »2 per year Ru>h card with y tv ,. ont name and address for fm f partwu iars M R S F L O R E N C E RChLAIRF. » e Mou U g ne SL. Brooklyn, N y A n d — A p e a c h o l a 3 -re e l com edy. — Coming next week I R ill H iir i * * * * * **< •■ l commun' ty house Saturday Fnt drainage purpose« ele< • n U r " '* r» have promised 2 .dey«' work m ths aggregate to be in H a ls e y . Oregon duly verified and w ith prooer voucher« as bv law required w ith in six month« from (he date of ihi« • “ VaTv * " d 8r” P’’bl«»hed Msrch ” 3J F M. tirav L L. a « * " . . . A'lm iiusira or Attorse y for Administrator, In charge of » Near East Relief o«. Shanag« in Arm enta She methera her fam ily ef 2.pgg w -r whl(< An Atemsen Ph.nem .ne« her huebang run« . fO.00O-a.re farm Which ta a gart ot th< eonstrustly, Afchlsnn Is an righfern-yea r « M a * 1 '" ’ * ° re *" Armenfa • b n qeeent think air« know . ---- - BIITTWR r A*-iAa Maae *