1 ALSEY ENTERPRISE Shedd Shots High School Notes Jots and Tittles n c s n tly acquired by the Mountain Max Elder and Lewie Newman The senior class has selected a Brownsville Briefs States Power company, are sick with the flu. class play, which is entitled ' When (Regular correspondence) L W , Byerley was in Albany The Barn-y Albers has purchased a a Fellow Needs a Friend.” Monday. Mrs. Eliza Robe, who has been book» have been ordered and prac- brand new Tin Lizzie. Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally very ill for some days, is now re­ ticing will soon begin. The Shedd church cottage has Mr. Shidd and M r. Coon are ported better with good proep-ctfl Mr. Reed ot the Oregon Agricul- and in Halsey Particularly heed repainted and repapered. reported sick with the fln. of ultimate recovery. Her daugh­ tural College has been asked to -L Johu, eon of C. Mehring of Tan- ter, Mrs, Elias Marsters from near M r . and Mrs. A. D. Elder, who speak at the commencement ex R o w land has a sheep club. Horses are selling for good prices gent, has the American typewrit­ Halsey, was with her until the first were visiting in California, have ercises. of tbe week. The Peunywinkle drainage proj J. C. Bramwell -has laid much- ing speed record. returned home on accouut of the The junior claes has selected its I sickness of their son Max. eel has been dropped. Work ou the Tennessee market play of which the name is ” VVh) needed new linoleum ou the floor Mrs. Ed Sawyer and son Edwin of the ball. road haa begun, the first this sea­ left Satusday for a visit with There are The Earl Shearer family have Smith Left Home,” The Girls' Glee club will pre. son in this county. friends in Portland. The local all been sick with the flu, but are twelve characters and it contains sent an elaborate program at the Tbe Linn county chapter of the an interesting plot. George Bank- now getting along nicely, except J. True, Mrs. Karl Bramwell train was so late that they miised Rialto ball Saturday evening. Red Cross is pronounced one of i their train at Albany and were the daughter Maxine, who is still hurst, one of the foremost writers • he best on the ooast by headquar­ atid Mrs. Edith Robuett were A l­ of American theatricals, consider, -The Mountain States Power ompelled to etay over until the pretty low. bany visitors Tuesday. ters authorities. this one o, his best plays. following day. company haa completed tbe tak- It is reported that five members Charles Moore of Brownsville Don’t miss the glee club recital (ing over of the Cottage Grove plant. The 17th of Ireland oomes the j and Viola Woods of Albany got a Mias Ruth Bailey came home of tbe W . W. Poland family are Saturday evening at Rialto hall. from Lebanon the latter part of Rev. C. G Morris of the Browns­ day after our next issue and four j marriage license Monday. sick with the flu. ville Methodist church was kept at days later spring is supposed to ! Soldiers’ state bonus checks are ihe week for a visit sL home with Miss H attie Dannen spent Sun­ T‘he national grand lodge of home Sunday of lis t week by the b g in W ill it? her father, \\ W . Bailey, and her beginning to come into banks in brother Woodburn. day at tbe E. A. Starnes home. Oddfellows meets in Eugene, be­ grip. The Linn county Jersey picnic this county, where they are cashed Mrs Bennett is nursing the siok ginning March 22. The meetings at the Christian Key. W- Earl Cochran, well is to be at the Dickson farm at I There was a Harrisburg orches folks at the Elder home. church closed Sunday eventing. Shedd this year, and $50 for prizes The co-operative wool-sellers of known in this part of Oregon, is I has beeu voted by the club. tra at the revival meeting at tb e The campaign was to have been pastor of a Baptist church in Ta- Methodist church Tuesday night the northwest got an average of 7 longer, but on account of bad Christiau Endeavor Notes cents a pound more for their clip coma. A rthur Cole, well known iu Miss Beulah Munson of Albany weather and sickness throughout * The Christian Endeavor bnsi- than was paid bv local buyers. The state board of hoalth gives Brownsville and Albany, writes spent the week end as the guest of the community it was thot best to nuea meeting is to be held Tue-day the Brownsville city water an ex­ from San Francisco: ‘‘ Have been Mra. C. S. Bass and is now at the discontinue the services for the evening at the home of Edith Rob- Brickdust, baking soda and sul­ cellent recommendation for health­ enjoying a fine winte- here, finan­ home of her brother-in-law, K. V present, and Evangelist Straub left nett. cially and otherwise.” fur are the only ingredients in a ful ness. Bass. Monday for his home in Eugene. The Endeavorers are hoping to widely advertised “ tree powder” There were some accessions to the The elaborate program which the More buttons were busted at go over the top in the “ each-oue- sold to orchardists as a cureall for The county court has decided church. high school G irls’ Glee club will Oddfellow’ halt Tuesday night and win-one campaign.” about all the ills that afflict Ore- that Tom, Dick and H a rry may present at the Rialto ball nex ve-terday morning until after the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Isom are More than half of no longer order supplies for the Saturday night was published in Christian Endeavor next Sunday gon orchards. night-working printer mau went the proud parents of a fine daugh­ the Thompson tree powder was county without formal requisitions. night at 6:30. Every Endeavorer the Enterprise two weeks ago. home from the field of his labor ter who arrived Sunday morning. shown by chemical analysis at 0 This is in the interest of economy, cdme arid bring a friend. near by. . Mrs. C. O. Rush died at her Robert Stewart of Albany hss The Endeavorers of the Chris­ A C to be sulfur, more than a The Oddfellows have a better been made manager of the Cottage third brickdust, and the rest—5 3 T. D. Marshall, who had re­ home east of town Saturday after­ tian church had a business meet­ In another tree understanding than has prevailed Grove steam-power electric plant, turned from Spokane to Linn noon from a complication of flu ing, followed by a social hour and per cent—soda. powder fake, '‘8quasaa,” peddled ounty to go on a (arin in the Har- and pneumonia, after a brief ill- a feed, at the John Porter home Mr. Rush and other mem­ all over southern Oregon, sulfur oiony neighborhood and was wait, nesS. Tuesday evening. bers of the family are now suffier- makes up 93 per cent. ing at Albany for hie wife to fin­ nge la Intoxicated w ith pleasure, pur­ The members of the Christian ish closiug up their affairs at Spo­ ing with tbe flu, the former beinir suit of gain and selfish ambition. Endeavor of the Christian church Detroit voters are to decide April kane, had a serious stroke of par­ bedfast. I. Recklass Security (vv. 1-3). will sell home-made candy at the 15 whether or not the city shall I They were blind to the perils that sur­ alysis Tuesday morning and died For a time last week the public glee club Saturday night. rounded them. T hey w ere living In a ext day. buy the streetcar system for about . schnoli were almost depopulated, fool's pare dise, closing tb elr eyes to 120,000,000. Auto competition I a- | so many of the studente were out In renewing her subscription to the approaching storm o f judgment as driven more than one streecarl I with tbe flu. Coming predicted by Amos. They trusted In • he Enterprise Mrs. Amney David- company to try to get out by sell­ Date, March 14. the mountains o f Sam aria for thetr ’‘on, formerly of Brownsville hot _ Prof. Raymond Baker drove to ing to a city. A big city in the protection. They regarded th e ir city "ow of Salem, writes that herself Eugene Saturday with hie young Time, 2 p m . state north of us has a white ele-I as Impregnable. T hey no rtouht re­ and her daughter, Mrs. Mason son Henry, from whose throat Dr. Place, Mr". W hite’s. ph cut of this kind on its hands. garded the utterance o f Amos as Im- Subject, ‘ ‘Conquering tbe Jun­ Detroit may ge: another. Bishop, and her glanddaugbter, Gullion removed the tonsils They There] [ practicable— the dreams of a fanatic. gles of Africa.” Geraldine Davidson, are better af­ returned borne Sunday. Halsey Christian Church are plenty of there animals on T he tragic thing about this blindness Leader, Mrs. Lou Taylor, the cash market. Charlie Jackson returned the one the p art of the chief ones of the ter suffering from ttu, nud add» What? Women’s Missionary so­ nation was they w ere so puffed up that half the teacbera and pupils first or the week from a visit of ciety of the Christian church. Church Announcements w ith pride that they fatted to read there are out of school on account several days with his children in The 3 ta rt of Divorce. the signs of the tl nee In the light of of the epidemic. Tbe most prim itive people held that C hrisiian: Portland and is once more at home history (v. 2.) T b e cities of Calneh a husband could repudiate his w ife »< at the Hotel Browneville. When you buy anything adver. 10, Bible school, W- H . Robert­ and H ainath, though great and mighty, will. This was gradually modified. (U> Mra. A. S Ham ill is reported had fallen To disregard the team nt Used in this paper, if you will teb separations could be obtained foi son, superintendent. W e H ave 11, Communion service. Ser­ of history, to dismiss the thought of the advertiser you saw his an. critically ill at her home. A t thie cause. The hearing o f cases came to E V E R Y T H IN G ‘ ‘Why Every Christian impending judgment. Is to bring near nounctment in the Enterprise you writing (Monday) her condition ie be a function o f the courts, and laws mon, the "seat of violence" (v. 8 ). Let will help both him and ua—-him giving the family much concern. Should Be an Evangelist.’’ grew aDd adapted themselves d ll » O ptical chaotic Europe and Russia be the red by helping him to know what he Special code of divorce laws was 6:30, Christian Endeavor. lights of warning to America, and lei Prof, Caswell, accompanied by framed, with a special court to handle E Y E S T R A IN 7:30, Sermon: ‘ ‘ Repentance. i* getting for his advertising monet all Injustice and class selfishness be the cases. The first real divorce court Is the Cause of M any and us by increasing tbe likeli- hie eieter, M m Caswell, drove You are cordially invited to at­ laid aside. was established In England by act of tend all of tbe above services. H U M A N IL L S b »od of our getting more of that over from Eugene Sunday morning II. Luxury ( w . 4-8). parliament in 1837. I f your eyes g ive you trouble or And don’t overlook Bu- to speak in the Presbyterian church Lester Jones, pastor. T he luxury of these upper classes In m 'ney. your glasses are annoying sick's injunction to bring the’ ad. at 11 o’clock. Hie address on the So Few Can. Sam aria expressed Itse lf In : 1. E x tra v ­ S E E US. We can Relieve You New Era movement was full of Methodist: Sign on snhnrhan estate- “Dogs and agant fu rn itu re (v. 4 ). They had beds with you. instruction and of suggestions as to Bancroft Optical Co. , bens are requested to keep off thia of Ivory— perhaps wood Inlaid ___ Itti Sunday School, 10. J W Moore, who attended the the beet methods of putting over ^ ^ 1 3 1st St. W. Albany. Phone la w n ."’ But suppose they ean‘t rend? Ivory. Costly as th e ir fu rn itu re was In Preaching, 11. neeting of the Linn County Reelty the every-meinber campaigp to —Boston Transcript that day. It was commonplace as com­ Junior League, 8, board at Lebanon last week raiee the annual budget of current pared to some of the expensive furnl Intermediate League. 6:30. lu re and fittings In our great cities. «ays that any one of the half-dozen expenses and benevolences of the Epworth League, 6:80. 2. Laziness (v. 4 ). T hey stretched talks was worth the lime and ex­ church. The can vsss will be made Preaching, 7:30. themselves upon th e ir couches— lived pense of attending. J C. Irvi ie soon. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. lives of Indolence. Such Is the way of Lebanon voiced an address of Mrs Wigle hag rented and o f many still. Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, welcome, to which Owen Beam of 3. Feasted on delicacies (v. 4). The moved into the Mrs. Laura A m ­ Albany responded. A. R. RJiter Im plication here Is that they had their brose cottage on Main street. of Portland spoke ou "W h y a Ke­ | Pine Grove Church: dainties out of season This Is what lly Hoard?” George H. Crowell many of the rich pride themselves In. Sunday School, 10. W. L. Jackson of the Albany >t Albany on “ W hy an Abstract?" 4. Adorn their feasts w ith music Preaching, 11, by Bro. Eggly. (v. 5 ). They sang Idle songs— even In ­ State Real Estate Commissioner Democrat is out again after being Prayer-meeting, 7. vented musical Instruments for this C. V. Johnson on “ Why Bond and very low with flu. Bible Study, Wednesday, 7. purpose. They prostituted the noble hcense a Realty Broker?” and C. F. M. Bear of Plainview won a a rt o f music to th eir sensual feasts. E. McKenna of Portland on ‘‘T a x ­ 5. They drank wine (v. 6). They ation.” Duroc-Jersey hog in a contest ar. Sunday School Lesson were not content w ith ordinary drink ranged by tbe Oregon Farmer and Ing vessels. They drank from howls. (Continued on page 4) got one raised by M. Auerhofer of ■Ug Rh.». K B FITZW ATER. D. IX. Indicating excessive drinking. They Tallman. Teaeher of English Bible In tha Moody New Wash Goods for Spring Bible Institute of Chicago.) j C opyrigh t. ISIS. ' W eelern N o w .p .s o r "i T '. t U a lo a . r—= . 3 LESSON FOR MARCH 12 | AMO» WARN» IS R A E L (T E M P E R . ANCE LESSON) LESSON T E X T -A m o e «44. O dL D E N T E X T —Winn Is a mocker, strong drink Is raging, end whosoever Is deceived thereby Is not w ise —Prov. f t I. R EFER E N C E M ATERIAL—Isa 5 0. 12. a , a , H 1-12. H ose* 1 11, Oel SOS-21. E H A V E O B T A IN E D a bountiful stock of Spring Wash Goods. These PRIM ARY TOPIC—Ood Bends Am os on m aterials are suitable for making dresses, waists, skirts and other w ith an Errand. garments JUNIO R TOPIC—A Prophet Who Wee Friend to the Poor Brices are tower than usual, and we welcome a quality comparison of out i IN TER M ED IA TE AND SENIO R TOPIC wash materials with any sim ilar goods, regardless of price. -T he Coneequenreo of Self-Indulgence. , TOUNO PEO PL E A N D ADULT TOPIC —Social E vils Tet to Be Conquered W A Few of the New Season’s Favored Weaves were so mastered by the Intoxlcaiing cup that th eir feasts which Were adorned w ith the refinements of music ended In drunkenness. I I I . F ailu re to Orleve fo r Joseph (v. • ) . Joseph here stands fo r Ephraim and Manasseh, his two sons. Eph­ raim became the principal tribe o f the northern kingdom, so Joseph Is used as a synonym for the nation. The upper clasaea were indulging In these effem inate luxuries, entirely Indifferent to the groanings of the masses And whenever such a condition exist In i nation there Is need o f Amos to thunder God's judgm ent upon those who are g uilty of It. IV. The Inevitable Issue (vv. 7 ,8 ). 1. They shall go into captivity (v. 7 ). T he northern nation was first In sin therefore first to go Into captivity W hat a striking contrast thia picture: j Instead of lying on Ivory couchee feasting «pea dainties, they are w ith the suffering exiles. 2. T h e certptnty o f the Issue (v. 8). I t Is Inevitable because o f God's n.i ture. H e Is s God o f justice. He , has sworn that Judgment shall fall H e is the God o f host»— the controller o f tbe whole universe, therefore none ran «scape. God hates the wickedness o f the world, and H e w ilt bring Into judgment the men and women who revel In luxury w ith no concern for the poor and needy Thongh Ood T he kingdom o f Israel reached a high state of prosperity la the tim e o f Jeroboam IL and w ith It came a con­ dition o f luxury, corruption and Beaded V oile, sim ilar to finer grades of S ilk Tisane Ginghams in a variety of WlckedaeflS. imported swisses. dots, checks and fig new checks, stripes and novelty plants, T h e judgment woe of this lesson Is arcs Yard. 7 5c priced, tbe yard, at 7 5 c directed against tha alna of the upper Dress Ginghams in a large assortment cl «»sea In Samaria. The same etna are of new patterns. 27- to 32-tnch at 2 0 < t- •«. . • practiced In Am erica. In the nation 2 5 3O c < V J *P *ne* * Crepe, the real imported ar * ticle, in eleven colon, yard. 40 c . and In the church. W ith the ln. rvane Drapery in many new colon and bean of wealth in Am erica hae come luxury, tilu l designs, priced 2 5 to 4 0 e the rorruptton and gross wickedness which Indian Head, in 56-, 4 4 -and 54-incb. and yard. staggers the Imagination. It behooves doors in 56-inch, at, the yard, 5Oc all to g iro a listening ear, for God w ill eventually enter Into Judgment. Guy "Hum m ing B ird " ailk Hosiery, all colon. " I t w e a n " lexann Is a temperance lesson. Tem per­ ance apptlea to other things than In­ dulgence in Intoxicating liquor P it I watts long. He does not forget. M. V. KOONTZ <5 Ths only escape for America Is repentance. Big FURNITURE Sale m attresses W ool Plax, 50-pouui', regular $.’ 2.50 to $2S. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . Silk Floss, 3.5-lb, regu­ lar »24 to $25 Special Silk Floss, 80 lb ., reg. alar $22. S p e c ia l.i.. S ilk Floss. 25-lb., reg­ ular »18 lo IV. Special Cotton Mattress, built In layer*. S p e c ia l... BEDS! $14.85 16.85 13.85 12.45 6.85 BEDS! A ll fsmqus Siininoni products, 2-in. main posts, I in supporting posts vernis M artin and ivory finish, regu- tar $14 to $18 1 A r Your choice this sate. ¿p l U . i ) U All.brass lied*, guar- anteed. S pecisl......... fl fW OCT 1 < .O u ) S P R IN G S Ur"«;'«' ',eCk' ,he Very bert- " 1 “ •X*.........$13.50 Heavy coarse spring, regular *l.t $9.85 ipi,;,"; 5.65- Another coil spring regular $6 50. Special 4.25 Special.............. Medium coil spring, S till another coil spri ng. r> ry e - rregular $5.50 Special.. i j . / i ) Yum Yum spring lar $5. Special . . . 1-73.75 BREA K FAST TABLES Unfinished or stained, round or square, absolutely the best make, regular price $5 Special this sale . . . $2.95 ROGOW AYS Second and Baker sts., Albany, Oregon