HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E PAGE 4 Jots and Tittles (Continued from pige i) Thom*« M iller w»s a Tangent; v'sitov Sunday. F W Robinson wag an Albany} caller Wednesday. MARCH 2, 1922 ORPHANS Victor Men’s Records for March; B rfÇ Ç Shirts ONLY HOPE Oregon Teacher Tells of the 110,000 Children in American Orphanages "Over There.” H A LSEY R A IL R O A D T IM E North South No. 18, 12:01 p. m. 24, 5-54) p. m. No, 23, 11:29 a. m. 17, 5.39 p. m. S U N D A Y M A IL H O U R S Tbe delivery window ot I be Halsey poatoffice ie open Sundays Tbe b>pe oi the entire Near Bkst grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. tn. and 12:20 country, accordine to Miss Margaret to 12:35 and 4:45 to 5.00 p. tn. Retd, teacher In Jefferson High School of Portland, who recently returned from a term of service in the Neat East Relief orphanages In Russian P A ID -F O R P A R A G R A P H S L. ^w The Linn Jersey Cattle club 87134— My Ain Volk, by Louise Humer Armenia, Is bound up In the 110,00f c.«u i Peggy n --... n — treats at Albany Saturday fore- *■«<028—Sued O «1-11 N e il......... ........ J»h orphans being fed, clothed, educated A dm ittance H e re «5 Cents wkSI ________ by John McCormack noon. I and trained for farming and the In­ 74727— M a x jr k a . _____ by Erika M orim a Line Mrs. James West is «uttering rom 66027— Hies« You - , by France» Alda dustrial trades. 623— Farailiae........ a-by P n tx K re u le r a severe cold. So aie a ^reat The continuous wars which hsve Halsey High G irls ’ Glee club A002!-7-Clumet of Normandy (W ith Joy m in y others. swept this unfortunate country since concert, Rialto* ball, March 11. M y Heart) .. .by Zenato Ranelli 1914. she savs. have left it devastated C. P. Stafford an 1 wife spent 45267— Smile Through Your Tear»____ and It* people helpless, starving and in ---------------- by Lambert Murphy Sunday at the home of Dr. B«r- Barred Rock eggs for batching, despair before the staggering task of The Hand of You . . . . . . ______ B0 cents per setting of 15. num iu Harrisburg _______ by Lucy Isabelle Mar.h reconstruction. Mre. S. J. Smith. “They are plodding on as beat they Phone 55 C. J. Malone has sued Mabel H 45265—Washing Baby by Marie Cahill Shopping_____ by Marie Cahill can," says Miss Reid, “bnt are cen­ for divorce and she lias brot s 18854— K a -Lu -A by Brown aud Shaw “The Man From Lost River” tering all their hopes for the future -ouuter suit. Malone is postmas- G ran n y___ .- ..b y Yvette Rugel of the Armenian and Syrian race* up­ t r at Holley. Ae tbe title indicates, it is a story on 110,000- children tn the American of strong men and their work : of orphanages who are receiving careful People are reported moving into American training. Outside the orph­ rushing waters, great timber, and Shedd in hope of getting wort 18850— Bow Wow Blues fox t r o t . . . , . __ "Lost ........ .. By D ixieland Jazz Band anages there Is practically no school­ ed-shirted lumberjacks. when the weather settles and road Rxitroad Bluet, fox Trot_____ _ ing or training to be had. Every ef­ River” ir a place where physical improvements are resumed. by Benson Orchestra of Chicago fort must be directed toward* the dif­ force dominates, and where a man 188,58— When Shalt We Meet Again, ficult objective of mere physical sur­ must daily show the power of his Mrs. Andy Falk of Eugene re­ medley, w a ltz ________________ vival. Many 12 year old children can mua :le to survive. Noue better ------ by Hackel-Berge Orchestra turned Monday from a visit of a neither read nor write. This Is be­ .med tor this splendid character­ By the Old Ohio Shore, waltz. . wiek or two with her sister, Mrs by Green Rros. ’ Mello.-imbaOrcb. 1 cause war has swept that country ever ization can be conceived of than E B McKinney, here. ISS51 — Sm ilin', lox tro t_______ . . . __ since 1914. These boys and Ctrl* are House Peters, who w ilf be seen in by Green Bros. ’ MelloniubaOrch. , from well-educated families, and real­ The county court ha» been pe­ Somewhere in Naples, fox trot . . I izing how handicapped they are. they i he role of Barnes, the camp fore- titioned to appoint C. J. Howe of by All-star Trio and their Orch | come to the orphanage* and offer to nan, at tbe R ialty theater Satur­ Brownsville guardian, for France- 18857— W iin m in , medley, f o x t r o t ... give up part of their food if they can day. ______ by Club Royal Orchestra Brown, a minor. be given schooling. From the desti­ Goodbye Shanghai, fox trot. Regarding Iucome Tax tute families come mothers In rags ............. by CMib Royal Orchestra The W. F. M. 8. will meet » 18649—Dream Kiss waltz_____•,____ and tatters, thin and hollow-eyed from the ehurcf! Friday afternoon »' AH persona who are liable for an __ ____ by Ferera and Pranchini hunger, offering to make any sacrifico income tax report will be delin­ Laughing Rag_____________ 2:30. Rev. and Mrs. E R. Par- if we will only establish school* for by Sain Moor« and Holiace Davi« rott will address the meeting. AU their children. * • • In all the orph­ quent if return ia not made by A. M. Dalrymple, members and friends arc urged to anages the children are belug taught March 15. be present. to read, write and figure In their own who left the internal revem e serv­ language. The older and brighter chil­ ice last December, will be in H al- Mrs. J. H McMahsn return«" dren receive I net ruction In geography, tey at the Halsey hotel on Wednes­ Tuesday from Portland, where sh«' history and English. Because bread la day, March 8, to make up returns hml been for several days in tb needed so much more than education, for any wbo/ieed help A reason­ we cannot afford a sufficient number interest of tbe Rebekah lodge. able fee will be charged. He will of teachers to teach personally all the havg all necessary blanks. H L. Straley and family, wl • children, so our few teacher* give their The tbirty-seven C. J. Breiet have occupied the M iller residenc* »lore* have decided lo incorporate extra time to the bright pupils, who are able. In a short time, to serve as on Esst Fi-»t street since the b'« with a capital of $8,000,000 -Custom batching. E. Russ. All teachers for the others. These ehll- ginning of school, returned to th« he stock haa been subscribed by dren are marvelously industrious. farm Wednesday and their son the nianagura of the ««veral »lores, For Sale— W hite Wyandotte Practically all the work of my orph­ Charles and family have taken tin ul whom L. B. Self of the Albany cockerels, *2 each. M aryS. Evans. anage was carried on by the children, residence vacated by them, _______ Route 1. store ia one. who did all the cleaning, sewing, cook­ ing nnd laundry work, also helping In For Sale—Oliver Irpew ritor No. Sim e unknown person placed » Roy M iller, for many years c the hospital work and clinical treat­ 9. Two-color ribbon, back spacer, resident of Hal«ev, w is here visit­ large rock on the railroad track ments. They realize that every penny of tabulator. 125. C. P. Stafford, ing his cousin, E. C M iller, Sat­ near Knox butte and another n--»r American money must go for their sup Halsey, Ore. Bnseard station Tbi ra lay. Ei her p^rcr-v * is iw- »»im » im I* I ’ urday. I» r m port and to help other children keep *nuk wag large emit gh .0 upset n alive, so the boys of our orphanage, Harry Hnolgraes and his ex -pieder.—-Albany Democrat. Leave your orders for land- when they wanted a swimming pool, The Button Busters bu«te I but­ I enough to make them on that day dug the hole themselves and then went plaster at the lumber yard, oi glit to be iu the movies. A feu Mrs. Henry English entertained weeks ago lie out his face and tons at Oddfellow»’ hail Moudav ; If they are not in the office in without supper twice a week for many Tweuty-threo new mem- Portland on the 15th you will in weeks In order to buy the cement and knocked o at a couple of teeth wist for Mie. F. H. English of Hale y ■light. in Saturday, tbe 18lh. The ier» rode the go 4 and ll,e hilarity cur a penalty. Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at an ax be »v»« usiug and last S it the labor of the workmen to flnlah i t urday he amputated his left little guests indulged in story lelling'anit vas vociferous. This degree is not “When the little refugee children Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and The movie show at the Rialto come into our orphanages they are Friday. toe in the aa-ue way. He hes used played gum»« until the hostee*, as- iece»«arily condued to tiie Oddfel- -osted by her daughter, Mias Ed ih owe, hut is occasionally use J as a will be Saturday evening this week, always in a most pittable condition— the ax from head to foot. dirty, covered with vermin, clad only English, served luncheon.— E t aiiiunlaiit and reviver by ordvrn instead of Friday. George T*tcie of Brownsville tn filthy rags, and many of them af­ gene Register. who think they need more pep, Wheat has been going up lately flicted with scabies, trachoma and eth­ cam e out second best in the box- V r . and M rs A V Hoigu e ind they get it. Dire consequence« Y hi haven’t noticed flour lagging er diseases resulting from starvation, ng match at Corvallis last night. and Ralph Clem of Lebanon oa- e nngtit result if much of their do­ behind, have you? exposure and lack of care. The flrat You must over Sunday an I visited at L A. ing* were revealed. The lenten season is here. Pass task Is to clean the child thoroughly, A horse knocked a pole down on ahave Ita head, and treat the eye* and tbe fish, please I Hinds' Honey and At M K e rn s . T uej* b ro t Edaard i »in them tn learn, and tlienj keep We R. C. Farwell at Shedd Sunday arables sores. Next comes a system 1- Kern, »bo had been at Le'a your oath of data secrecy, tn Mid Cream Mrs. D F. Dean, wife of the of careful feeding, lest the food piove were I and broke his leg. understand that no bones >n ebnut a x weak*. All the leading brands of Tooth busted with the buttons. C. P. Stafford, who is pretty fatal to the famished and emsclited founder of the Enterprise, is ex­ Psstes. The Scio students look in nearly the whole Halsey telephone little bodies In about two weeks the pected home next week from a Cold snd Vanishing Creams at a show given for t ,e tmuetit o We have lost the nan e of I a little waifs are able to run about, but systt m, has been suffariug with It takes a year or more to make them month’s visit with relatives at Co­ their proposed gymnasium. c< r espondent who sent torn • g ■ d the prevailing • ’cold," or flu, and over Into normal, whpieeome children. quille and Bandon. W 11 Mrs. Douglas Taylor, who I a« L 'k e creek news recently. therefore Mrs. Stafford has .been a Their Joy and happiness In the psra 2- snd 3-quart fountain syringes Junction City will play Halsey been suffering with an abscess ii* be partv please write, giving nan e, busy woman this week. dlse of an American orphanage la the • I basket bell on skates at Frum ’s and combination Syringes and and receive some stamped envel­ her esr, is better and able to be oc.t hot water bottles. The attendance at tbe revival thing that makes It possible for an hall Saturday evening at 7 :30 opes for more letters ? American worker to endure the sights The county court has decided iii»eiings at the Methodist churoh that must be seen on the outside "if the »harp. No delay. The game w ill The Santiam river from the San- is increasing this week. bat Mrs Elizabeth H unt of W a­ The in­ orphanage walls every day But happy be ail over before the Rialto show. terloo ia not insane but feehb liara range to its source, with trib­ terest of earnest seeker* of tl e as they are, these little ones never Mrs. L. A Pray’»daughter, Mrs. uentally and physically from njd utaries, and all the likes in J-ff«r- Christian faith is much fonre ir seem to foiget the awful things they ge. A guardian and a caret ik e son park have been clo«ed to fish­ evidence. People from the conn, have been through We had ece little Morrow, has arrived from San ing and are not to be opened for try are coming in and delegations boy named John, four year* old, who Francisco, where her arrival from e t'i f»e appointed for her. several years. from Harrisburg and Junction City for weeks after being admitted, would Honolulu waa announced last week. Brownsville has enntrihu'ed She is quite ill at her mother's, Tbe representative of the Grand ,lre expeeled this weak. Ihose in steal the shoes of the other boys, their resrlv enough to the near-east re books, food Jrora tbs kitchen, every but expects to start for her home terested iu the salvation of theii ef fund to care for six orphans e 'Iaster will visit the Hnlsev hxlg« thing Thia was because the only way friends are getting busy. Evan he had of keeping alive all his life, in Canada next Sunday. gear and the m un'v, up t » Mon of Oddfellows Siturday iiigtit, geli«t Parrott is a fearless advocate Summer excursion rates from March 4. The lodge will pul on had been by stealing Another boy ef av, had provided fnr forty. tb'« first degree and serve suppir of what he believis to be oompleb six year« would ait by the door, for 1 eNfornia, Oregon, Nevada and The sunject fo> days after he came, with hit hand* out Arizona to the east are lo be Mrs Irla M Cumming«, the Al- All Oddfellows are expected to b>« Bible salvation. this evening will be "th icken begging Jor food, despite the fact that granted by the Southern Pacific 'ttiv real ostate dealer, was it , present. Come Hume 1« Roost,’ ’ The meet­ he was receiving three meals a day. Company on rates nearly the «Hm« Halaev again Monday wilh pro- j nccliv*» hitter*. Her bnsines oaril j Ma'ch 15 is the last dav for in ings will continue thru next wei-k. It was hard to make him understand as those granted before the war. that he still did not have te beg for I he tickets will be on sale - from come-tax rei urns. It n o Cor. appears in another column. food A four-year-old boy who had spent the previous winter begging In June 1 to August 81, with return Walter E Stafford, a breed* j a ruined village and sleeping at night lim it October 31, and will be sub­ f blooded sheep near Kugeoe, I among the sheep, had a perfect horror ject to divers route and stopover b«d last Sunday, aged 31», H* i IDA M CUM M INGS of being sent away from the orphan­ privileges. as a cousin of C. P. Stafford of j !7 W V••unii «I , Albany. » age One day he recognized two women Halsey Ho had been ill and tin : visitor« who came from the ruined vil­ Twenty-eight brokers hsve failed able io walk for a long (ime. but ! lage where he had begged when scarce­ Does i,(ended to all the details of bis ly more than a baby, and be ran to in New York since Feb. 1. j htisinese closely. I me sobbing and In terror, pleading this make tbe farmers worry? with me not to let them take him away When the present pulishere took The boy who ran my errand* was I I years old. an Armenian He had seen M i s . W id o w , OlKl.«, HA i HVVO«». i over the Enterprise plant last An-1 The state is paying out the 13,- Maaav a h o ax H appy I gust another imposing atone wa* | hl« entire family killed before hla rye« BOO.OOO soldiers' bonus fund. In a Turkish maaaacre Hiding among 33 e put V ai tn correspo idenc! w ith •>eedM From lima immemorial hundreds of refined t.adira and Ge n- • he ruins, he escaped massacre, but printers' imposing itnnea h«v»l Between 15 and IB for every ttemen iu Canada and V S. who wish next day was found by tome Arab*, fieen of tnarhle, but J J. Corcoran m»n, woman and child in tbe ♦■a.untTf. or correspond fur a nuse who took him Into the desert and made was called in and made one of ce- i merit. , 77"-“»** V akp Many worth him their slave for two years Then United States, or >25 to 130 for GI’Y, .111(1 | ment. He took as much trouble ' 03335864 fisx>i f to ism and u^worda, Every he was rescued by the English «nd each family of five, was spent on thing strictly eonfldeaital, \Vfi *«u , to make that atone perfect a» a hen brought to our orphanage. n iiig iiit- public road building and upkeep not pvat. an v< t a waxia oa an 1 doe* Jr. *»iglcMltg far one chicken. "The personal history of each llttl» in 1921. pease \ tear » ant* . * i,,> i-n nub alt privilege« I I On, or lour mouths, I»nd nursed ii 077‘U tl »»< ae»«o»»er .’-cent Amen, an ' nermr to th« old marble atones. little ones can know their deep gratl unpatented, show that the best is •t»>m>« H , . i i i emits tude and reverence for anything Amer extra tor exchange simply ol one part boiled linseed Seven crate* o f v»»ung Chui» lean Thl* gratitude and revereaee lei pheasant* were received st Alb«nr universal throughout all that land of oil apd three parts turpentine. A fter this won I h «uh« riptmns will Wednesday bv D ep u ty Warden sorrow, where tbe helping hand o f he 17 per year Rn«b arxl with your Hswker and turned loos« on the name and address for full particu America, through the Near East Re A Princ* M •"»• » lord or squire tars lief. , Propat reset ve. near Albanv. on eeth by Marvat.oo »naU^ . . ‘ £ o™ £ ‘ ,h i n l n ,a r’ ied in E n ng «- MRS FLORENCE BI ML AIRE from death by starvation »nd 'eday > one north o f Scio and near 200 Montague St . Brooklyn. N V week and much space ettfrs the only hope for the survival non. M»re of the bird» are ex and rehabilitation ot these tragical)) has been given to the event >o R. L. Winniford and E B. Pen- land were i» Albany Tuesday. A beautiful selection in Percales and Madras. Also the new Aero and Balloon cloth, made with the new-style stand-up soft collar. DANCE. $1.00 $ 4 .5 0 T he sto re with a sq u a re deal for every c u sto m e r A lbany, O regon Woodworth D rug C om p an y A lbany, Oregon A utom obile Insurance Fire, th e ft, collision, pro p erty dam ag e and p erso n al liability. P ro te ct y o u rse lf against loss. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent, t Toilet Articles Hl-5, Rubber Goods Drugs C am phorated Oil Oil E u caly p tu s Q uinine T ablets ('ream ot T a rta r Ringo's Drugstore FOR SA LE H ouses, . r „ Acreage 3,1 ' inns RIALTO SATURDAY “The Man from Lost River” House Peters LO NESO M E ? You'll like Y o u ’ll bo y o u ’ll revel in the ivent si ret i •Ito.»« o f w ood­ bind scenory tli it form th e background tor th e story. It « a g re a t piehtrv. t.eb* V” ‘ petted. as the man Two Reels of Good Comedy --------- ngwgpaptr*. Who cam?