¿/C rrive. which the state is struggling. tbe Cascade mountains, and the Tangent farmers expect to form Quite a bunch of the high school As the weather permits R. H Delbert Starr, tbe Brownsville Mrs, J. J. Corcoran went to A l­ a Farm Bureau community tonight. people within such district will students took a six-mile hike up Robertson & Son are busy on their undertaker, has bad a new bear?e vote yes or no ou the proposition. bany Tuesday. the Calipooia Thursday to visit River Side herty ranch getting the m ilt by a Lebanon^ firm Sou ml 8 heard here iudicate that If the road ia built the district the deserted mines in the Craw­ bu'hes and vines on the wires ready Sweet Home will build a new blaslihg is iri progress at Saddle must raise about »200,000 to be put Mrs. W, C. Elmore of Browns­ 15500 schoolhouse. butte. fordsville neigbborliood. The lady for cultivation. with »100,000 from the state sud D spile the uu A teacher accompanying them as a usual cold of tbe winter the vine ville left Thursday by way of H a l­ $50,000 from the federal forest re­ Mr and Mrs. Hugh Cummings Mrs. F. M .T in d le o f Brownsvil'e chaperone, not feeling able to take have come thru much better than sey jor a week in Portland. I of Albany wern Haleey visitors serve fund. The federal fund will was a guest at the borne of Mrs so long a hike, procured a pony last year. all be expended on that part of the The Haleey basketeers went to GL W. Mornhinweg several davs Monday. upon which to ride. Returning, road lying within the forest reserve. Eugene last Thursday and Coutpa. thia week. Mis» Florence Mi He of Shtdd Mr. Mornhinweg was over from ny C got revenge for its re cent de­ some of the unmanly boys swiped This »100,000 ie twice as much the pony, leaving the teacher to Halsey Saturday afternoon to at­ feat at Halsey by scoring 58 to Indications are that there will broke her arm while roller skating ae the state’s contribution Io the walk home. The next time that tend the taxpayers’ meeting and Halaey’e 18. McKenzie pass rosd in Lane county. be twice as many kens in this recently. teacher accompanies a bunch like incidentally to greet many former The Grand Prairie grange has county a year from now as there Miss Forrest, county Red Cro«e M r. Totnasek’s egg, thought to a.e now. that she will probably stay at home friends and acquaintances. Nearly every fancier nurse, will visit Brownsville offi­ passed a resolution opposing the et a record for tbe future, is beaten plan. M r. Cox, who lives in the M r*. Prof. Weber and family drove by one laid by a white Leghorn advertising baby chicks reports cially tomorrow. M 'H argue house, ju -t outside the over from Harrisburg Saturday to hen at the Karatens ranch at Knox more orders than he can fill. F. M. Gray has been appointed The Story of the Clubs city limits on the Brownsville-Hal­ sp*-nd Sunday with their numerous butte, which ia 8 |x 6 i in girth Joseph Speed Smith, chief nat­ tdininistrator of the estate of the sey road, accompanied by his son, friends here. The "Red Book’ is an annual And the Karstens flock has made uralisation examiner at Seattle, late W . H. Kirkpatrick. left the latter part of the week for publication issued by the state de­ has written to Judge Bingham: a 65-per-cent laying record this Rev. A. M- McClain and family Mabel Robinson returned partment of education, in the in­ California, where they are seeking winter. “ Your course in requiring wives of Wednesday from a week’s visit terest of the boys’ and girls’ in ­ a location to engage in the drug returned Friday evening from their applicants to go on record, while business. If a satisfactory busi­ visit to Vancouver and Portland, Getting down to brass tacks, can somewhat of a departure, is a with her mother in Salem. dustrial club work. the man who has a hide to sell do splendid requirement, and I ran ness is found they will send for and the following day M r. M The book contains stories of The Halsey Athletic club went M rs. Cox and the grandchildren. Clain was called to Crawfordsville better than have it tanned into glad to inform yon that a numl er io Juuction City and got beaten, achievement by boys and girls in to preach Mrs, Lsedom's funeral whatever kind of leather he wants, The illustra­ 1 f other judges have realized the 10 to 8, at Basket ball on roller ihe Oregon schools. The Crawfordsville people are sermon at the Hub tannery, advertised ou importance of this matter and »re 'kates. tions are numerous and varied, already planning for their big an­ and are featured by a photograph Mr. Norcross, Albany, was here pige 3. column 8? «And can he requiring the wives to come into nual fourth of July event. A fine Hbmer Mornhinweg spent Sun- showing a number of prize indus­ Friday and Sunday In the inter­ not beat the high cost of factory-\courtand ¿how that they too » e program is under way. lay with his parents in Halos) trial clubs of the state. est of the near-east relief work, »Hade shoe« by having some made willing to take the oath of a] e- Inoluded are the Shedd Short­ A meeting of the taxpayers of which he presented in the public by home shoemakers, as our graud- giance and perform the duties o md his mother accompanied h m on his return to Shedd Monday to horn Calf club, Lake Creex Jersey this vicinity was held at the city schools and the churches. He re­ fathers did? American citizenship. pirticipute in the celebration of Calf club, Shedd Jersey Calf club, hall Saturday afternoon for the ported generous responses from our his birthday. Shedd Cooking club and the Oak- purpose of selecting a delegate to people generally I I is understood training and upon whom the future the convention of the State T.>x our publio schools undertook the Thorough going newspaper pub­ ttiHe Pig club and band. of the nation p o litically and rell There are 16 projects: Corn lishers figure that t(ie proportion Reduction league at Portland support of three orphans. glously so largely depended. H e made of reading matter to advertising growing, potate growing, vegeta­ M trch 20, and also to urge a large regular rounds In visitation and 1n- Prof Caswell, chairman of the ought to be from 40 to 60 per cam. ble garden project, poultry raising, attendance at the county meeing atructlon. Schools were located at New Era committee of the W iliam pork production, sheep raising, at Albany on March 16. Thera Gllgal, Bethel and Jericho. H is edu­ That la why city papers often issue ette Presbytery, will be over from fifty or 100 pages. They secure to calf raisiug, dairy herd record was a large attendance, as the sub­ ftugeue next Sunday, to pre«t nt cational work shows him to have been much advertising that they must keeping, canning, home making, ject of taxes is one in which >> 11 that work from the Presbyterian ■lot merely an ieonoclast but a states increase the reading matter to bal. sewing, rabbit raising, home beau, are vitally interested. Ed H o . man of a high order. pulpit. loway was chairman and Era k ance it The Enterprise seldom tification, goat raising, stock judg­ 2. Trains Elisha to be his successor The union service at the Chris- {ii-a below the highest percentage ing canning contest and rabbit McKsr.and secretary. M r. H 1- ( W . 2-8). There was a real friend ­ This week it ie able judging contest. loway was chosen a debg te to the tian church Sunday evening, in ship between E lija h anil Elisha n med—60. t give more than that in fm r state convention and P. B. Beatty which all the churches united, w is though the one was old and the other Halsey Christian Church attended. Evangels The more advertising the w»i e sc ed alternate. A large Iirg e ly Spankiuga Promised young. Elisha came Into the life of p ges. number became membeis of the S raub discussed with animation E lijah In the field when E lijah callei' more pages. In reproducing the following dis­ him from the plow ( I Kings 10:19-21) league by signing cards and pa>- the proposition: * ‘Is Church Me n (Continued on page J) patch from tbe daily press we Church Announcement! Elisha clung to hla master to the very ing a fee of 25 cents. Several bership Essential to Salvation?” would call tbe attention of boys to last In spite o f three urgent request* speeches were made by local meh High School Notes So many of our people are sick Christian: ' the fact that in Oregon they are fo r him to remain behind. .These Sundav School, 10. with tbe flu or grip that it is d iffi­ liable to arrest and punishment if tests were somewhat like those of lh< The glee club is putting the fin­ Preaching, 11. cult to enumerate them. M aster w ith Peter (John 21 :15-17) ishing touches on the selections for they smoke cigarets while under 21 Endeavor, 0:30, and to dealers to the fact that they T he great object was to get him rendi P. B. Beatty attended a me t the recital March 11, W e H ave Preaching, 7:30. to take np the work which E lijah was break tbe law if they sell tobacco ing of the assessors of Linn county [ EVERY THING to lay down. The order of progress Class Events: Lester Jones, Minister. to miuore: at Albany the latter part of the of the Journey Indicates, says Sco The seuior class has received M at Witkower. justice of the O ptical week, getting instructions and con­ Methodist: field, “the experience of every child number of plays from which to peace, and sage of Evanston, who sulting with reference to the work o f God who enters Into a vital experl choose the class play. E Y E S T R A IN Altho ths decrees what Northwestern univer­ Sunday School, 10. of making the antiunl assessment. ence o f God's best. T h a t walk begar «eninra considered it would “ lower lS*tke Cause of M any sity boys and oo-«ds may not do— Preaching, I I . at Gllgal. The typical significance o< H U M A N IL L S their dignity’’ to allow the juniors and wbat will happen to them if Rev. M . S . Woodworth and H Junior League, 8, Gllgal cannot be mistaken by an» I f your eyes give you trouble or o see the books, they left them ia they do—today handed down a A. Wilsou drove to Lebanon S it- Intermediate League, 6:30. reader o f Joshua. Gllgal was the plan your glasses are annoying uch a conspicuous plaoe that they new decalogue whose misdemran- urday for a hiief visit. Epworth League, 6:80. where a redeemed people rolled «»■«; S E E US. We can Relieve You ■vere given a thoro onoe over by ort are punishable with spankings. the reproach of Egypt (Josh. 5:1-11) Preaching, 7:30. M rs . S i m Sawyers assisted in Bancroft Optical Co. The rules,designed to apply to “T h e next stage was Bethel— hous< said juiiiois. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. 313 1st St. W. Albany, Phone ne - Cooley & C >’• store several days o f God— the place o f vision, of splr The junior class haa decided not all classes of university students, Rev, C. T. Cook, Pastor in M r. Cooley’s absence. ttiikl Insight, fo r Bethel was the pine« io give the play It had planned on high school pupils and just kids,' where Jehovah gave Jacob the grea living, as there is too large a roy­ ere to lie enforced, in the case of ladder vision (Gen. 28:1-19). H. | Pine Grove Church: alty on it. A new play will be de­ masculine offenfiers, by Policeman must go on from Bethel to Jordan Exman and in the case of girls by ified on in the near future. Sunday School, 10. Jordan stands fo r the New Testament Policewoman Jewell. The mini­ Last Friday the students of the Preaching, 11, by Bro. Eggly. truth, crucified with Christ. There mum spank sentence is five and Prayer-meeting, 7. English I V class wrote deecrip, on the resurrection side of Jordan Bible Study, Wednesday, 7. the g ift of power aw aited the prophet.' boos of Halsey citizens, not jfiv- the m izim um 25. Here are the rules: log tbe uatnes but allowing tbe H I. E lijah's Rapture (vv. 9-11). Don’t wear “ sloppy” (1. e., un­ lass to guess who they were, 1. Elisha's request of E lija h (v. ») Sunday School Lesson T he w alk of Elisha w ith E lija h iron fisny of the aforementioned ciii- buckled) galoehes. Gllgal to Jordnn haa prepared him foi ziiis would have been pleased to Don’t swear in public, unless 21 <«> R iV , F B FITZW ATER, D. D.. the final question of E lija h before hit know the opinion the younger set or over. Teacher «1 English B ib l. In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) rapture. E lija h now knew that II gave of them. Don’t nee cigarete, unless 21 or C opyrigh t. 1)22. W oatora N ew sp a p er U ntoa was safe to allow Elisha to choose foi » over. himself. Elisha made a noble request Whatnots: Don’t spoon in sn automobile Thursday afternoon the glee club — did not ssk for riches, honor or posl LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 5 bere the public can see tlon. H e supremely desired the quail fivored the high school with a Don’t get dormitory decorations Orations which would enable him t« number of eelnctieua which were E L IJ A H T A K E N U P IN T O H E A V E N by stealing *’souvenirs. ” | w orthily succeed E lijah. Ciirtmisl» ijoyed by all. Don’t take some one elee's auto­ ■ enough, however, Elisha performe« LEBBON T E X T.—II K ings. 1:1-1*. Janet Boggs, Reporter. mobile for a joy-ride. GOLDEN T E X T .-B e thou faithful unto I tw ice as many miracles as Elijah. death, and 1 wUI give thee a crew s of 2. T he condition of receiving Don’t ‘ fly-ride” (ride on run­ Ufe.dftav i l b Grange Notes steadfastness and perseverance (v ning board, radiator or tire carrier) R E F E R E N C E M A T ER IA L—Mark S:Z-S; 10). He muat have faith In the In Cal I »po o * grange No. 411, on automobiles. It Tltn 4.J-Z. visible life In order to have power foi Br iwusville, met Feb. 26 with PRIMARY TOPIC—God Takas Elijah to Don't book sleds on automobiles Heaven. public m inistry. < W o rh y Master G >l'ia Ackerman Don’t roller skate in tbe down- JUNIO R T O P IC -E lijah Taken Up Into 3. E lija h ’s rapture (v. 11). Il Heaven. in the chair, with a good crowd at- town district. seems th a t he went to heaven In s IN TER M ED IA TE A N D SENIO R TOPIC tending Don’t be a rowdy In an ice cream chariot o f fire enveloped by the whirl —Jehovah’s Champion Rxalted. A good, hot dinner was eerved parlor. TOUNO PEO PLE AND ADULT TOPIC wind. E lija h underwent that changi 1- DIvIne Approval of F aithful Service Parents who desire will be per­ which all believers shall experience at by the women's work comm tine E H A V E O B T A IN E D a b ountiful stock of Spring Wash Goods. These mitted to do their own spauking. the appearing o f C hrist ( I Cor. 16:51 at noon. I. God Reveals to E lija h H la Ap­ The brothers on that committee 52). m aterials are suitable for making dresses, waists, skirts and other w ish proaching Rapture (v 1). garm ents I he IV . The S pirit e f E lijah Upor deserve special mention for “ Better Homes for Oregon’’ is I t was mode known to E lija h that Elisha (vv. 12-15). way they helped in serving dinner. the new slogan around which the Prices are lower than naual. and we welcome a quality comparison of our he «as to go to heaven by a w h irl­ 1. Elisha s cry (v. 12). He erlw Our meet mg opened promptly practical scientists and scientific wash materials w ith any sim ilar goods, regardless of price. wind. T here la a striking correspond­ ence between his life and his home- a fte r E lija h , - D i e chariot of Israe' at 1 o’clock sud the minutes of practicers of Ofpgon home-making T h h 1 the last four meetings were reed by going. Much of his life was charac­ and the horsemen thereof f" will rally for tbeir first separate terized with th * rush of the atomi. so shows the value of a godly man to ' th« secretary. conference at the stale collega, hla country. I t Impllea that E lijah God chose to take him home to h im ­ A vote was carried that grange Corvallis, March 20-25. was the true national defense. God self In tbe w hirlw ind. Aa a reward llnces and chnracter are more Impor property be not loaned hereafter. for his falthfulnene. God lifte d the Three officers who were not font than artnlea and navies It Isn't necessary, under normal Beaded V o ile sim ilar to finer grades of S ilk Tisane Ginghams in a variety of prophet over death Into heaven. imported swiases, dots, checks and fig new checks, stripes and novelty plaids, 2. Elisha uses the power (vv. 13 present last lime were duly in­ Conditions, for any congressional E lijah did not chouse the time of hla urea. Yard, 7 5 c . priced, the yard, at 79c. 14) . H e had faith to put the power stalled candidate to spend »290,000.—A l­ home going, hut was ready. Dress Ginghams in a large assortment to test. Soma real live-wire members bany Herald. II . E lijah's Cleelng M inistry ( w . Uen” 77 ,o 52 ,B