IIA L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E Rho b it her lip. rtn ¿.s v r n “Nothing like one. W e were Just I cd to gel an answer to my question. [ the Halsey degree staff put on trie guyin' him about— about gettln' slicked ' You'd better be running back.” w >rk There were thirty io ti e “ Well— " sides, there's more to It than y o u —' up, kind of, because he sat In front of H ilaey delegation. G-orge Drink - He stood irresolute, not sure that he a «• and wife of Brownsville were "No, there Isn’t,” she Interrupted y o u ; and he hit me with his book strap “I t ’s Just the old brutal spirit that na and I chased him off. Gracious, no; wanted his dinner Just then I t would p eient and Albany was well rep­ have amazed him to face the fact de lions Inherit from the time they wen that wasn't a fight I” "But you fought Llnskl only last Uberately that perhaps he preferred resented. >nly tribes; It's the tribe spirit, a id an eye for an eye and a tooth for a fall." At a meeting at the eourthor e Ramsey chuckled again. “T h a t tooth. I t ’s those things and the love Monday io form a branch of lt,< of fighting— men have always Io ed wasn't even as much like a fight as the I just told this State Tax Reduction league W . to fight. Clvlllza'lon harn’t taken It one with Wesley, out of them ; men «till he e the brute Llnskl I was goln’ to give him a punch Jones, speaker of the house in ti e In the an----- - I Just told him to look In them that loves to fight !’• last regular session of the legieln. I don’t think so,” said Ramsey. out because I was goln' to hit him, and ture, derided the last special l«j_- “Anierlcuns don’t lore to fig h t; 1 don't then I did It, and waited to see if he islature as being one of the nn-i know about other countries, but ws wanted to do anything about It, and he extravagant in the history of the don’t. O f course, here and there, didn’t. T h a t’s all there was to It. and state, appropriating $2,000.000 there’s some fellow that likes to hunt It w a s n t any more like fighting than more than the previous r > ular around for scraps, but I never rnw —than feeding chickens la." session, when piic-s were at lop She l«ughed dolefully. “I t seems more than three or four In my life that peak. acted that way. O f course a football to me rather more like I f than that I ” "W ell. It wasn’t." team often has k Scrapper or two on They had begun to walk oo again, It, but th a t’s different." J. Tomasek of Albany has a “No," she said. “I think you all and Rumsey was aw are that they had Rhode Island red hen that laid an passed the "fra t house." where his really love to fight.” egg 8 inches in circumference one dinner was probably growing cold. He Ramsey was rooked to become argu way snd 61 the other. Come on mentatlve. “I don’t see where you get was aw are of this, but not sharply or with your egg stories. Curiously enough, he did the Idea. Colburn Isn’t that way, nnd insistently back at school there wasn't a single not think about It. H e had begun to find something pleasant in the odd in­ boy that was anything like that.” Six bids were received for the “ W h a t!” She Stopped, and turned terview-, and In w alking beside a girl, 1125,000of Linn county road bonds even though the girl was Dora Yocum. suddenly to face him. offered for sale Saturday, but non* He made no attem pt to account to “W hat's the matter? be said, stop of them were up to par and all ping, too. Something he sold had him self for anything so peculiar. were rejected. Bids came from For a while they went slowly to­ startled her. evidently. Portland, Spokane and Chicago. gether, not speaking, and without des­ "How can yon say such a thing 1" tination, though Ramsey vaguely took she cried. “You love to fight I" It for granted that Dora was going “Me?” Chairman Booth of the Ft te But she wasn't. They “You do I You love fighting. Yon somewhere. I Don’t Think Have Very highway commission promises that emerged from the part of the small always have loved fighting." Much Appetite end Yeeter- the east side Pacific highway He was dnmfounded "W hy, I never town closely built shout the university day," She Said. (which goes thru Halsey) will be nd came out upon a bit of parked had a fight In my life ! ” completed this year. She cried out In protest of such pre­ land overlooking the riv e r; and here icing with Dora Yocum to eating. Dora's steps slowed to an Indeter­ However, he faced no such fact, nor varication. W ell, I never did,” he Insisted, minate halt near a bench beneath a iny fact, but lingered. The Eustachian Tuba. maple tree. m ildly. The Eustachian tube gets It* name “W ell— ” he aald again. “I think I ’ll stay here a while," she from an Italia n physician to whom "W hy, you had a fight about m e !” “You’d better g o .” s a id ; and as he made no response, she Pope Plus rv granted permission to “No, I d id n 't” “I guess I can get my dinner pretty asked: "H ad n ’t you better be going «ear any time. I don't— " He had t dissect human hodles In the further- “ W ith Wesley B ender!” ante of anatomical knowledge. Orig- Ramsey chuckled, “T h a t wasn’t a hack to your 'fra t bouse' for your din­ bought. "Did you— ” ner? I didn’t mean fo r you to come fight I" Inal manuscripts of his works have “Did I what?” out o f your way with me; I only wnnt- 'It wasn't?" Just come to light. “Did you have your dinner before -net you?" "H e was only p reten día*— I see that now I" “I guest he m utt 'a' been." eeld Ramsey, w ith adm irable simplicity “H e didn't talk about anythin * Ilk» that last night. H e was as much for I t as anybody.'* " I’ve no doubt I" Ramsey made bold to look at her out of the aide o f his eye, and as she was gazing tensely forw ard he contin­ ued his observation for some time. She was Obviously controlling agitation, al­ most controlling tears, which seemed to threaten her very wide-open eyes; I fo r those now fully grown and notice­ able eye-winkers of hers were subject to fluctuations Indicating such a threat She looked "hurt," and Rum- say was touched There was something There Was Something Human About Her, Then, A fte r All. human about her, then, a fte r all. And If he hud put hie feeling Into words at the moment, he would have said that he guessed maybe he could stand this ole girl, for a few minutes sometime better than he'd always thought he could. “W ell," be said, “Colburn prob'ly wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings or anything. Colburn— " “He? He d id n 't! I haven’t the faintest personal Interest In what he did." “O h !" aalil Ramsey. "W ell, excuse m e; I thought prob'ly you were sore because he'd Jollied you about thia pacifist stuff, and then— " "N o !" she said, sharply. "I'm not thinking of his having agreed with me and fonllrfg me about It. H e Just wanted to make a pleasant Impression on a girl, and said anything he thought would please her. I don’t care whether he does things like that or not. What I «are about Is that the principle didn't reach him und that he mocked R I I don't care about a petty treach ery to me, personally, but I — ” Fraternal loyalty could not quite brook thia. "Brother Colburn Is a per fectly hnnor'hle man," said Ramsey •olemnly. "H e Is one of the moat hnnor'hle men In this— " “O f course!" she cried. "Oh. can’t I make you understand that I ’m not condemning him for a little flattery to me? I don’t care two straws fo r his allowing that I didn't Influence him He doesn’t Interest me, plcese under eland." , Ramsey was altogether perplexed "W ell, I don't eee n lia t makes you go for him ao hard, then.” " I don't.” "But you said he wag treach— " " I don’t condemn him for It," she In elated, despairingly. “Don’t you see the difference? I'm not condemning anybody; I ra only lamenting.” "W hat shout?” "About all of you that want w a r !" "M f g olly!" Ramsey exclaimed "You don't think thoae Dutchmen w-ere right to drown hahlea and__" ”N " ' I think they were ghaath m urderers' I think they were detesta hie and fiendish and monstrous and— " “W ell, then, my goodness I W hat do you wani I ” “I don't want w a r!" "You don’t?” “I want C h ristian ity!" the cried. "I c a s t think of tha Germans without | hating them, and ao today, when all | the world la hating them, I keep nty •e lf from thinking of them as much as 1 I « an. Already half the world la full I of w a r; you » a n t to go to w ar to . make things right, hut It won’t ; It » ill only make more w ar I” "W ell, I —" ‘Dou t you a r* » h a t you've dong yon hoys?" she said "Don’t you see what you’ve done w ith your abgurd telegram? That started tha rest: they thought they all had to send telegtama tike that." "W ell, the facility— " "Even they mightn't have thought of It If It hadn't been for the first one. Vengeance la the most terrllde thought; om-e you put It Into iwople a minds that they ought to hure It, It nine away with them." "Well, It Isn't mostly vengeaace wo re a fte r at all There's n lot more to It than Just getting even w ith__” fihe did not heed him "You r * all b lin d ’ You don’t see » h a t you're do lo g ; you don't even see what you’ve done to this peacaflil place here You’ve filled It fu ll of thought* of fury and killing and mu star re— " "Why, no," «aid Ramsey "It was “No-" C alifornia ------------------Now or Go East Thru California \\ hil© the Golden Poppy is in Bloom Attractive Round-trip Fares to Santa Barbara, I xir Angeles and San Diego New One-way and All-year Tares to Eastern Cities Stop at Sao Francisco and l.o* Angeles— world-famous and beatiti- ful cities i T h e Southern Tcific expends 2 5 » of its grqas earnings (or upkeep of its R O A D . J O H N M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent £ f/ee C /ith . J í a i s e y V t i y h S c h o o l (C o n c e rt ¿Rialto /^ 2 2 h erm a n , ....O liver King ...... Offenbach Dear Alberta Koontz Greeting to Spring (The “Bine Danube Waltz") .............. Johan Strauss, Arr. bv M h \ V i l « n n Chit-Chat (Old English Song) Arr. by Alfred Moffat Piano Solo. Bevel of the Wood Nymphs. Barbour ...................................................... Ixmise Bobnett Beading, He Came to Pay, Parinenas Mix .................*•••................................... J a n e t Boggs Serenade Franz Schubert. Arr. by A. Monestal Ma ( urlv-beudetl B abby....................... (J. A. Clutsam Piano Duet, Waltz and Finale. Boehm C ro w fo o t; G e o rg e G, Hockensmith, Halsey, Ada George, Harrisburg; .1. » . C noett, Labal ii«»n, J. VV Evans, Ha'say; Linnie 3. Harbin, Waterloo; Louisana M. Hlevint, Tangent; Fauuie Grubbe, Albany; En«ms Cross«n, Center; ■ ladyaS. Holloway, Price; Gcorgie I Jlis, Sweet Home; Ralph Cri nise, Albany, and Lewis Crandall Ltb- mon. PROGRAM El»b and Plow.................... () Lovely Night I Barcarolle) Vocal Solo, Spring’s a Ixivable Lady E. Keith Elliott,f..................... ? th««a Du let did that to us, and. be T " ( l Jury List The following 17 women and 14 men have been <1 awn for j t i r i Inly Ala B. Marshall, Knox Butte; Paul Horner, Mill City; Preslon Ireland, M ill City; Ma«t In n Clinton, Harrisburg ; Florence Cheadle, Lebanon, Clara Eva Vlurphy. Holley; Mabel Buber, langenl; Mary Jane Reynolds, Syracuse; Charles B irtu , Provi’- fence, Roy Weaver, Albanv;W»rne Joncer, Lacomb, Alta Brown, Fox Valley; Theodosia Harding. I.a- otnb; Addte B. Davidson, Leba- ion; Warren Kean, Knox Butte: Mack Slate, Albany; Alma Som tnerville, Harrisburg; Frank M. Southern Pacific Lines ALBANY ORCO. Harold Albro. Manufacturing optician. We make a Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and W edding Rings F. M. F r e n c h & S o n s ALBANY OREG. 1922 S a y s : H -re I am w ith a grip full of everything that goes to make up life Same w ill m ik e t h . most of m i. They w ill be the Savers an I in r e ­ turn w ill reap Comfort. Happiness an 1 Plenty. Others w ill waste me and Shedd Shota Nina Kumpapeut the week ei.'l at the VV. V. Shearer home Mr. and Mr« A D. Elder have I irrived in Ix*e Angela«. They ex- 1 eel to be in California for »ever.il veake. Mr». Jack Cornett is on the »ick | at thia week. Leonard Wilson, who has been sick for ai.me time, is improving. W e w ill H e lp y o u S a v e I t The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon 'W here Savings are s a fe ” ’ * Four per cent and no worry, ‘ ””r - n t f i » ffn g k gk m m ur HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY, O REG ON Capital and Surplus $35,000 Interest paid oh time certificates of deposit W e invite your banking business C. IL KOONTZ, Pres. ~ ~ D 7 t a YLOR, Vice-Pres. B. M. BOND, Cashier Pulverizers (Fanning Mills e® Plows Tractors W agons I Cream , Disc H arrow sa Separators « feprmgtootb H arrow s/O rders taken for Harness Manure Spreaders amns A *o>d ’’«’»t w ill make your eye* last longer and | . 1 give better service. Granite and Aluminum \Y a r e ,r e W lelw a pleasnres. C ross & W h ite The King of I „ t . My Shepherd I . | . o .....k . ( h Gounod. Arr. bv Frank E rnes s,tJurd?/ ni»h|. "i>etethe she.id A boiiK of Liberty.................... Mr».H. H. A B aaeb'"a oi th. " ' w ** A' " e a tUr,wdsi bfiid a join» • d SS A R A R A S A R A R S S R S A a a a a . . a .......................... J. VV MOORE ' ^ « ’« v / > E s ta te a n d ^2nsitrance a a .............. , , L j n riri? THE tiei rge H. Dannen list con pitted bia bridge across the aril rs » . . Louise snd DeRtts RobnettLi « 1 I eventually pay in Regret, W ant, M ise ry , (To be continued) — fi_____________ For further particular* aak agent* O n t o m e /r b s t. ____ “ Well, aren't you—” She shook her head. “I don't want any." “ Why n o t r ’ " I don’t think people have very much appetite today and yesterday," she said, w ith the hint of a sad laugh, “all over Am erica.” " N o ; I guess that's so.” " ft’s too te rrib le !" she snld. “1 can't ait and eat when I think of the Lusitania— of all thoae poor, poor peo­ ple strangling In the w ater— " "N o; I guess nobody can eat much. If they think about that." “And of what It's going to bring. If we let It," she went on. "As if this killing weren’t enough, we want to add our k illin g ! Oh, th a t’s the most ter­ rible thing of a ll— the thing It makes »•(thin u a ! Don't you understand?" She turned to him appealingly, and he felt queerer than ever. Dusk hud fallen. Where they stood, under the young-leaved maple tree, there was but a fain t lingering of afterglow , and this mystery her face glimmered wan and sweet; so that Ramsey, Just then, was like one who discovers an old pan, used in the kitchen, to be made of chased sliver. "W ell, I don’t feel much like dinner right now," he said. “W e— we could ¡It here aw hile on this bench, prob'ly.” See----------- ------ Shelltex order Shelltex er other Shur-on products you get what you order. And we retain the confidence and good will of out customers.