-"ó / C ‘ f c HALSEY ENTERPRIS V CLASS PLAY. l a s / y o u wUI h a v ^ T Jots and Tittles f o l k w m / t h e i r S h o r t S t o r ic s o f H a p p e n in g s in L in n C ou n ty G en erally tier, cousin of Mrs S. E. Evans of Brownsvelle, returned Tuesday to her home after a v iflt at Browns, ville. A SNEAK THIEF Pilfering Prowler at Hotel Halsey R. A. McCully, his hrother.in- Isw, H . R Scott, and wife, Mrs Vena Scott, and Mr» Elisabeth a 3 -a c t c o m e d y , a t th e Mrs. Dr. Marks was in Albany its origin unknown. Mr. Tycer Scott, Mr. Scott’s mother, motored L e a v e s H is T r a v e lin g K it tti rough Halsey Sunday from Thursday. had a couple of ribs, or a part of Eugene R e s e rv e d seats and T a k es $40 An Albany paper gave thetruck- them, removed while ia the coun­ Keith Crews departed for Sun- 35c, children 30c. and-load lim it on county roads as try ’« service, hut the best medical Some time Tuesday night the ho­ nvside, Wash., Friday, after a few 40,000 pounds, using one cipher j authorities ------- .—~ ” of ■ the w government w ^ m m e iu . a r- / tua il j too^inany. The Enterprise gasped * ure him that he has no symptoms weeks’ visit with friends and rela­ tel Halsey was entered, evidently by a traveling hobo, who removed id «aid snty toua. Two tons great white plague. In fact, tives in this vicinity. He was ac­ B r o w n s v ille B r ie fs Rev A. M McClain and wife the transom over the door to the companied to Albany by hie be is a picture of robust health and would have been correct and daughter Ruth left Monday (Regular correspondence) room occupied by Dennis O’Brieu, has evidently been laying on flesh mother. M»ss Undine, daughter of of M r. forenoon by the Ford route for member of a line gang of the O laf Nelson of the south side of late. What matters a rib oi Rev. M. 8. Woodworth Vancouver to spend the week with and Mrs. J. Dannen of Shedd, was ,n d Mountain States Power company garage has been quite sick at the two, anyway? Adam lived a g.,,ut it never limped nor got short f breath. Mouday of the death of Mrs. W ilt now 27 cents and 48-cent ham present at the anneversary cele­ is Mrs. O. M. M iller of Cottage at her home in Corvallis Sunday. 80 cents. i he play *'Looking for Mary bration. M r Harris is the only Grove was a between-trains visitor fane’ ’ will be given hy the H a ria- (chonl won by a score of 17 to 5 The remains were brot here Mon­ charter member of the Albany and the Halsey town team won by The re, day and taken to Crawfords, that Dean Tycer of in Halsey on her retur from Port- •urg high school senior class to * score of 17 to 8. lodge. land Monday. was under treatment night and tomorrow night and ville, where the funeral occurred Brownsvi The K. of P. lodge had a verv on Wednesday. At a general auction sale at M a­ there will probably bo a goodly Mr. aud M rs enjoyable anniversary celebration W itt were old-time residents of rion an $1100 farm tractor used number of Halseyjtea present. Friday night, participated in by u Crawfordsville and vicinity and two years, sold for $300and’a pair Hard wheat flour went up 60 goodiy number of the membore and had a wide circle of acquaintances. of twelve-year-old horses brot $220, ents a barrel last week and a< their friends. The Lodge was or which shows that the motors haven't that "godliness w ith contentment Is 10 cents. Do you know that tho The school election Saturday af­ great gain" ( I T im . 8 :6 ) ganised in 1883 with something backed all the horses off the frius hard wheat flour la slightly the 5. Jezebel’s Inquiry (vv. 5, 6 ). Ap­ like fourteen charter members ternoon in this district (52-74) vet. Bun Sudtell was aectioneer. est there ia not 15 cents actual parently she came w ith the sympa­ only two of whom are now con the proposition to consolidate the K. C. Williamson went to Tan­ itferenoe in value per barrel? It thy of a wife, Inquiring as to the nected with the organization. They Ash Swale and Powell diatricts cause of his behavior, lin t when she is economy to buy the cheaper flour gent Saturday. are W . C. Cooley aud Samuel carried largely in the affirmative, knew of Naboth's refuse! she wew vi­ but the other districts voted again t Mrs. Elden Cross visited Albany Barger. Mtee Kump went to Shedd FaU olently angry. T h a t a humbly sub­ urday. consolidation, so there will be no dturday. Rev. A. M. McClain and Misses union at present. ject should refuse to conform to the desire of the king was an Insult which Helen McClain and Glenda Ross, H. R. Commons took a Saturday J. W. Moore was in Albany she would not brook. >>ain for Albany, The remains of Borden Dunlop en route to Salem Friday afternoon Friday. II. Ahab Taking Possession of Na­ to attend the Christian Endeavor were brot to Brownsville Saturd ly Elsie, Ray and W alter DeVine W . H- Kirkpatrick of Halsey, both’s Vineyard (vv. 7-16). convention, had car trouble and evening from Salem, where he had children of Mrs. D. DeVine of after about two months in an Al- I . Jezebel's treachery (vv. 7-15). were compelled to leave their ma died the day before of tuberculosis, Sweet Home, have been sent by bauy hospital, died there Saturday. (1 ) H er contemptuous question (v chine at Albany and continue their aud interred in the Masonic ceme r Church Announcements Red Cross Nurse Forrest to the The body was brot to Pins Grove 7 ). She taunted him for his coward tery Monday at ten o’clock by the jour ley on the train. Methodist: Ice. The fea r of being thought weak B >ys’ and Girls’ Aid society at cemetery Tuesday for burial. aide of his mother, who passed Sunday School, 10. John Rebhan and one of the moves a weak man quickly. (2 ) H er Portland. away about five years ago. A The I), E, Nehergsll Meat com­ Preaching, 11. south side garage men had a head- exhortation to Ahab (v. 7). “Arise, eat Chester A. Lyons of the big pany of Albany has been getting bread, and let thine heart be merry Junior League, 8, on collision on the south approach brother is ooufined to the sanita­ br >ther home at Lebanon ie so food meat aud fish orders forom its ad­ rium from the same dread disease. A w ife has great Influence over her to the bridge Friday morning, in Intermediate League, 6:30. of boys that be and bis wife have vertising in the Enterprise and or­ I husband. M any a man has been saved Epworth League, 6:80. which their cars were somewhat Win. Schrunk returned for the That company’s from discouragement and therefore one of their own, born at their ders it continued. disabled. The occupants escaped week end from a Portland hospital, Preaching, 7:30. defeat, through hla wife's Influence home in Portland on the 7tb. good« please and sales are followed injury. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. where he is taking treatment for a U nfo rtun ately in this case the In George B. Whitooinb. a pioneer ny repeat orders. nervous trouble. He Is much en­ Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, fluence of the w ife Is bad. (3) of the Big Bottom country, near Joseph Hume is rebuil ling the Mrs. Frank Gray and Mrs. couraged to think he will be helped H er promise to Ahab (v. 7 ). " I »11 furnace at his hop yard. Cascadia, where he early to< k a Douglas Taylor were in Albany by the treatment. give thee the vineyard o f Naboth. Pine Grove Church : She took m atters Into her own hands homestead claim, over thirty years Saturday. Mrs. Richards, who had spent Fred H am ill, who was call-d Sunday School, 10. I f Ahab was too weak to be king, six ago, was recently found dead in a several weeks visiteng with her Dillard Price of Stewart & Price Preaching, 11, by Bro. Fggly. would rule fo r him. (4 ) H e r wicked cabin in Jackson county, where lie sister, M ’S. W . C. Cooley, aud here from East Cleveland, Ohio, visited Albany Monday. Prayer-meeting, 7. scheme (vv. 8-15). She wrote letter- "ived while engaged in mining brothers, Mack, Ed and Sam Saw­ by the death of his father, A. S. H am ill, has decided to remain W P. Wahl was an Albany vis­ In Ahab's name, sealed them w ith hl Bible Study, Wednesday, 7. “ The Blue B ird ,” played at yer, left Monday for her home at seal and sent them to the elders nn< itor Friday. and care for his mother, who is Brownsville Thursday night by a Gold H ill. nobles who were dwelling In the city very frail. He has sent for hie Mr. and Mrs. Henry English combination of pupils and othei Sunday School Lesson w ith Naboth, asking them to proclaln Special evangelistic meetings l>e- wife, whom he expects soon. a fast, as though some great calamity local talent, for the benefit ol Spent the week end with the form­ gan at the Christian church Sunday REV p B. 1'ITZWATER, D. D er's mother in Eugene. James Ferrell and fam ily have Taachar of English Blbla In the Moody had befallen the nation, arid place Na school athletics, was pronounced under the direction of Evangelist Bible of Chicago.) both before the public as the one w h< the biggest hit in Brownsville’s Alfred Savage was among the Straub. There was a large co t- had quite a tussle with the g ip C ® » rrl» h Institute t. I l l ) , W a . t . r n N * w a p . p .r V n l.n . So many failed to gain Halsey ites »««■■ on the streets of was the cause o f It all. They were history. gregation present in the evening, and are not all yet recovered, hut instructed to And two false witnesses admittance that a repetition was Albany Friday. some of the other churches dismiss, are improving. who would testify against Naboth given the next night. LESSON FOR JANUARY 29 ing their services, and Mr. Straub The charge they brought according t< C. H Koontz left Sunday noon preached a helpful sermon. He At a meeting io Albany Thurs­ for Koeeburg to be in attendance wat E L IJ A H IN N A B O T H ’S V IN K Y A R D the wlcke<^ device o f Jezebel Great Killing of Rabblta. uses the stereopticon to throw both blasphemy against God and the king day, which had been called by L at the retail merchants* convention, Monon, In d .— Ten men from the pictures and songs upon the screen Naboth's only offense was hla refusal E. Arnold of Lebanon, »bo has LESSON T E X T .-I K ings 11:1-». m session there this week. Knights o f Pythias lodge killed 120 rab­ which adds to the interest of the GOLDEN T E X T -B e aura your sin will to sell his estate, contrary to the law the largest poultry plant in the (Continued on page 3) of God. When they had »Toned to county, forty.five L ;no and B o. services, which will continue as bits the other night, and then a rabbit And you out__Num. JJ:H. banquet was held In the lodge hull. R E F E R E N C E MATERIAL—Lav M a » death Naboth and hla sons ( I I Kings ton poultry men formed a branch long as the interest justifies. An.oa 11-10, Micah 1:1-4. The hunters left here In automobiles 8 :2 6 ), they came and told Jezeb el P lU M A R r TOPIC—The Bin of Salllah of the Pacific Co-operative Poultry The “ Blue Bird” play last week and covered the te rrito ry adjoining aaaa. Com man Derivative. who In turn came to Ahab w ith the Produ 'e rs ' association for co-oper. When she escape» from the vlgllunro was a complete snccess so far as thia place In alx hours. It was the big J U N IO R T O P IC —E lija h Danouacss a Inform ation and directed him to take Solflah King. stive marketing poultry produc •, of a chaperon It would hardly occur the presentation of the program gest slaughter of rabbits ever record possession of the vineyard. ed here. IN T ER M ED IA TE A N D BENIOR TOPIC io a fa ir damsel that hsr action and was concerned, but the financial 2. Ahab goes to Jezreel to take pos The Methodists took in over $36 ihe |H-r»»n eluded are of common ort- —Jehovah'» Champion Feared. returns were scarcely sufficient to FOUND PEO PLE AND A D U L T TOPIC session of Naboth’s vineyard (v. 16) at “ The Old District School” tta. A cape la a covering for one’s Aged Man Proud Father. -R e sp e c tin g the R ights o f Others. Ahab had not killed Naboth, hut h< the Rialto last Thursday night meet the expenses The attend­ ■diouldera, a protection; a chaperon Mammoth Spring, A rk.— D r D. F. eagerly accepted the prize without to ance Thursday night was large, Standard Bearers took in $6 r -r was originally a klhd o f hood, also a Curtis, aged eighty, and whose w ife la 1. Ahab Covata Naboth’s Vineyard q ti I ring as to how It was secured but Friday evening was only about forty four years of age. Is the fath er (w . anuy— a satisfactory showing all protection, uow a protector; slipping I I I . E lijah in Naboth’s Vineyard half as good. round. The audience was w e ll >ff one's c«pe (ex cappa) one makes of a twelve-pound baby girl bom re­ 1 Location e f the vineyard (v. 1). Announcing Doom Upon Ahab (vv 17 ones escape. From cape ala« la de­ pleased. On account of illo'ss, Miss Bse- cently. Thia la the couple's tw elfth It Joined Ahab’s summer home io Jez- 26). rived "cbapel," originally a shrine In >te Templeton has been unable to child, two of whom are dead. reel. He wanted to transform It Into 1. Doom upon Ahab (vv. 17-22). The Mountain States Power which was preserved die cape of RL an herb garden and thus round out E lija h told him the dogs should lick 1 iok after her duties at the lilra ry •o m p a n y is buying cedar poles 60 -Martin. his property. for a time or two and Mrs. Tuning his blood In the place where the) feet long and 8 Inches thru at the 2. Ahab's proposal (v. 2 ). He of­ supplied for her. licked the blood of Naboth. E vil was top for the milllon-dollar counec- fered to buy It outright fo r tnot.ey, or to fall upon Ahab and his posterity, Arrowhead Buried Lines te Ba Rsmambared. In the course of th eir development give In exchange a better one. Ahab's even wipe out his seed and name. He turn that will make it part of _ in Tree 175 Years string of wire reaching to San Diego all creatares have become fitted to wish for It was a selfish whim. He was g uilty of conspiracy, murder, rob Ihelr surroundings Man Is adapted did not at all need It. l * r y , perjury, blasphemy, though he Raymond. Wash.— An W e H ave B Gould of Crawfordsville ask- te the world he lives In Its processes 3. Naboth's refusal (v. 8 ). It was had been silent and Inactive. God $192 from the county for damage head shot Into a huge flr tre n t i c s in “ L o o k i n g f o r M a r y J a n e , ’ ’ an d *n H a ls e y P a r tic u la r ly Rialto Theater, Harrisurff Feb. 23 and 24. * m EVERY THING O ptical e y e s t r a in Is the Cause of M any H U M A N IL L S I f your eyes g ive you trouble or „ „ your glasses are annoying SRR US. We can Relieve You B a n cr o ft O p tica! C o. t H3 lat S t W Albany. Phone . a near here was recently dlacov ered In a log by a local lumber company The rings above the arrowhead w ere c o u n t e d and ___ they showed 175 years of growth The arrowhead » a s o f blue flint and well formed Historiana here believe It was made by a member of the Chinook or Che halla tribes, who occupied tills section. for a twofold reason: (1 ) regard for held him responsible fo r Jezebel's acts the paternal estate; (2 ) obedience to fo r he was king and head o f the ua God's law (L e v 2S:28-M , ef. Num. 86: tlon. T he day o f reckoning did come 7 B). H la refusal was on conscientious to Ahab ( I Kings 22:38). grounds A king, even, baa no right 2. Doom upon Jezebel (vv. 2.T26, to ask Rf his subjact th a t ha violate Kite likewise should be eaten by dog» hla conscience. hy the wall of Jezreel T his was lit ­ 4. Abab'a behavior (v. 4). H e came erally fulfilled ( I I Kings 0:33-37). Into bla house, lay down upon hla bed "Re sure your sin w ill find you out.” and refused to eat. T he king was IV . Ahab’s Repentance (vv. 27-20). sulking like a spoiled child. This Is Bees use of this, God promised to a picture o f w hat a fool even a king, withhold Judgment during his life ­ m y {pat) uf hlmsgif. Let q , H arp time. done to his stock by dogs. The program for the concert to be given by the Oirle’ Glee elub of the high school M «rch 11 is already made up. Yon can find it on page 4 of this issue. ordinarily give him satisfaction. Even when they bring frustration and sor­ row, the facts may he faced with no­ bility e f soul, and with courage, through the spiritual resources at ble command.— Exchange. W hy «heuld T h e y f you think th a t country It on Polltlclsn— "M y this country would decline anything.”- Ixmdon Weekly Telegm ph. The Reform er— "Do A Shedd reporter writes: TI e farmers’ and grammar school has. ctatesmanshlp In this T he ket ball team« went to Halaev to the decline?” hoy. no statesman In play the town team end g n m m tr school there. » The Sbedd grommar