PAG E 6 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E Garojobat's organization of Boy Hconta decided to affiliate with other organization« of ecoute in the county. Executive McWain in epected the ecoute and gave them inatructione. If you have a dog and no state licenee vou are liable to be fined ten dollar«. Evening papere arrive lure from the uorth 20 minutes earlier than before M ail to go out on evening trains under the new acbedule must be in the postoffice before 5 o’clock. The average price for hutterfat at the local creamery the last month w a e 34 Jc a pound net to the producer. The girla’ glee club of the high echool is preparing a program of “ rlaaeical, bumoroue, patrioti . eecular and dialect «election«” for the concert which will be given Saturday, March 11. A team of Rebekah», who have been practicing floor work for a couple of week», will go to Sbedd Saturday evening and put on the work there. Brownfville bad a flood H’ lnr- day night when the flume which carries water to lb« flouring mills gave way. The effected ground wav considerably cut up before the accident was discovered and the water abut off. Repairs will o«,si the owner«, W illiam Mills & Son. a pretty penny. These gentlemen have made quite a stir in the flour­ ing business of the Cslapnoia oilv bv their enterprising energy since they acquired the property FEB. 16, 1922 Rialto, Friday R eid »tatee, says: "Lebanon bee one of I d the bureau of LptsTnal revenue the largest end beet equipped vo­ th e ; loaned me e ‘ifachlne and an cational agrii ulture departmotlt operator, and so I know and can tall in Oregon.” Lebanon ba« 27 » tu -! r° ° »hat from 1834 to and through dents enrol led in plant husbandry 1910 th* w ,r Department actually dla- aod the same number ill animal bursed >23,002,890,008.65. In the aame industry, 54 in all r* r i M th* N ,T y Departm ent spent • IN ‘The Love Special A Param ount Picture _ Ed Slortz, late of Brownsville, h s bought an interest in the E lite ! oonfeclionery at Albany. Elnu-r| •W illiam » and Miss Frer-rkeen sold t to him and Ben Gilbert of Port­ land. J in two reels of Laughter Meek Sewver and Mary Boone of Brownsville wfire married Tues­ day. and pensioners of past wara got «5334,679.684.28. That 1» « thundering total of >28,- 9W.788.041.48 for the army and navy ,lo°** '* • * " * out of account the >6,634,079.6P4.23 for pensions. I will let you decide whether any parr of the tw enty-nln« billion dollars Tuesday night there was a de- spent for preparedness, and for w ar prevented our going tq 'w a r or found us prepared when We went to war. The three Items 1 have enumerated shouldn't help wash the dishes ’ are only riba of the skeleton of the We nave not learned the decision cost of w ar preparation and activity. on Ih i» important question, snd I have not been able «o excavate any other detail figures. But It Is known that the war of 1812 noet about >333.- This may le winter, but a Prim­ 703,880. rose blossomed on Wednesday at The cost of the Mexican w ar la esti­ Lyons, in this county. It was a mated to have been >63,605.621. theater Friday in another big virile female Primrose and weighed nine The total cost of the Otvll war, tak­ e :__ t o ,7 r ,.„ „ , . , , . ..o u td o o r role—that of a railroad pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prim ing the period from June 80, 1861, to S nee 1917 Oregon’s bonded debt construction engineer in a moun- June 30, 1866, may be figured cloaely rose are very proud of it. ™ t " tain division T1,e Picturfi « “The at >3,500,000,000. Love Special,” an adaptation of Mrs C T Cook s visiting her The treasury In tha w inter of 1920- 100.000, »31,700,000 of winch "T h o Daughter brothers at Philomath for a tow 21 estimated In a report sent to con­ for roads and expected to be paid the rallroad 8t gress through the secretary that the by automobile and gasoline taxes. | of a Magnate,” written by Frank days. cost of the W orld w ar to ng to that H . Spetnnan. The supporting date had been >24,100,000.000, exclu­ CARE IN SELECTIN G COLORS I ^ X i l b a n ““^ by AgU“ Ayres sive of our loans to the allies and other foreign nations. So you see tha cost o f wara la go­ Bacomlng Colors for Everyday Clothes ing up, no m atter how much money for Mother and Daughters W ill For Sale— Oliver Irp e w rito r No. we spend by w ay of preparation. Add to Happiness. The wild engine ride thru a mountain blizzard at ' night. Kafring flood and thrillirig rescue. The majebtic Yosemite and m rst snow the scenes ever amazin filmctf All blended into a ro­ mance of love and daring that speeds through your blood a mile a minute, with Agnes Ayres and Theodore Roberts and Snooky, the Human Ape >6,907 368.032.84; H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E business we support. W e are all m i­ nority stockholders. The concern has North bonth no other source o f revenue than our ! jg 12.0 j _ m No, 23, 11:29 a. m. contributions. I t doesn't make any ‘ ' 24,' 5.50 p. ni 17, 5.39 p, m. money. In times like these, when al­ most everybody feels that he gets too S U N D A Y M A IL H O URS little for what he sells and has to pay too much for what he b u y * It sefims 1 The delivery window of th i to me the least we can do la to take Halsey postoffice is open Sundays an active and Intelligent Interest In grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m a n d 12 20 this great common enterprise of ours : 1 2 :3 6 a n (j 4 4 5 to 5 ¿ 0 p and make sure that It Is well organ- r lied ; that It doesn't waste or spend extravagantly; that the employee« are paid an adequate wage and have proper working conditions; th a t their morale Is kept high and their enthu­ siasm in our interest unabated; In fine, that as a business it shall be conduct­ ed as efficiently and economically and on as modern scientific principles as For S ile — White Wyandotte any large private business. - cockerels, »2 each. Mary S. Evans. Is It? ______ Route 1. T h a t is a question you must answer Wallace Reid Coming- for yourself a fte r I have acquainted you w ith the actual situation and con­ Wallace Reid comer to the Rialto dition. PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line *7.1,"^'."’,!.'” Th*‘ ,h* H •D*'ou»lr W here Your T axes Go IT. H ow U ncle Sam Spends Your Money in Conduct­ ing Your Business THE BURDEN OF TAXES 9. Two-color ribbou, back spacer C. P. Stafford, ’ Isn’t It more Important that every- tabulator. »25. day clothing, both for mother and Hulsey, Ore. child, should be pretty and becoming than that the “Sunday clothes" or I Leave jo u r otders for land- clothes for special occasions should plaster at the lumber yard, have all the care? A child that wears a becoming school dress w ill be much more likely to take care of It and D r . E . W . Barnum, dentist, at loam better hnhits and w ill be a hnp- Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and pier child than one who Is ashamed ol Friday. Iter clothes. A mother who wears neat, | pretty everyday dresses w ill he hap­ Scopalamin is a nuw serum pier and have a happier fam ily than which, injected into the veins, one v he la o re le as or slovenly ot who w^ara ugly, unbecoming work makes a subject tell ihe truth. dresses. Lets try a shot of it on the Japan­ A becoming color coats no more than ese diplomat who proclaims his an ugly one. Care In selecting colors snd studying the m atter of cutting the :ountry’s desire to evacuate Siberia neck In becoming lines or adding ■hantung, Mongolia and Mau pretty collar« and |>ockets or a few churia. stitches of embroidery to a school dress makes all the difference In the world. Before the w ar the government ol {Joiner Mornhinweg was hoin< the United State« spent about one bil­ from Shedd over Sunday. lion dollars a year for all purposes. Including Interest on the public d eb t R. A- Pierce of Medford went I d the fiscal year ending June 90, 1920, home ’’’uesday after a visit at th» By EDWARD G. LOWRY the first full fiscal year a fte r fighting H A. Anderson home at Browns­ WtoOtsatos Cloto-Uto.' stopped, the government spent In ville. round figures six btlUen four hundred • • 4 Ccosssev A R M «« to L-sdtnv Farto.t6,116,927.689.30, and In the fiscal year C o » rR « b t. W a snd Mrs. L. A Morris of Albany I N 1.11«m i Unica of 1922, which w ill qpd on June 30, M's O. W Frum and daugli- w^rs guest« at lbs R B. Mavberry 1922. It w ill spend nxoge than four bil­ home Sunday. The two ladies srp 'ere Ruth snd Vivian went to A l­ lion dollar«, says Sem etsry Mellon of bany Tuesday. WARS EAT UP THE TAXES slaters of Mr. Mayberry. the Treasury D epartm ent When I set out to discover tor you Miss Adel Edwards returned These figures in d u c e Interest on the - , . 1 wh* r* the money you pay as federal Warren Kean of East Knox Bnlte F D r .i id 1 a y « fro m a s - ta r of « S everal weeks taxes goes I did not have fa r to look public debt which amounts to about is in a hospital as the result o' » in 1 o r t la n d , w h e re she has been I t goes fo r wars, past, present and one billion dollars, but Include noth­ peculiar accident. H e tripped re c e iv in g m e d ic a l tre a tm e n t. I prospective. Last year a little over 90 ing for sinking fund or other debt re­ over a wire and fell and burst bi« demption. Including both Interest and per cent of the national Income went Mrs. Henry Zimmertnan was ao j vermiform appendix. that way. In the report of the secre­ sinking fund, the government will Albany visitor Friday. tary of the treasury submitted to con­ spend more than four times as much An underground railroad cross­ Mr. and Mr«. W. H. Beene were | gress In December, 1920, he re m arks: the fiscal year 1922 as It spent yearly ing la to b« constructed at Murd»- before the war. A n a nalysis o f go vernm ent expenditures in Albany Friday. Delicate Scent. croek, thia county, the railroad for the decal year 1W0, on the baste of These expenditure« and these heavy A dash of delicate perfume may ha | Among the Halaey people seen d a l* r trea s u ry statem ents, develops the charge« are a p a rt of the pri<» of vic­ company pav ing 40 t»»r cent of the k in s f a r t th a t or ..................... ** * th e net * o rd in a ry die tory. Tour whole present problem Is added as the final touch to the tol- cost and coiintv snd slate each 30 ou the streets of Albany Friday Ctrl buraements or ».«W.OOO.O» abou t 90 per p«'- cant. Wouldn’t it be well to were Amos Ramsay and Harry cast roneleted or exp enditu res under the to curtail them. It concerns you to fo llo w in g heads. know just how these Immstase’ sums reconstruct the name of the creek, Commons. Purchase o f obligations o f fo r ­ were gathered and how much'you paid disagreeable to the rest o f ihe world too f Mrs. Fred Taylor of Corvallis I eign g o ve rn m e n t! ................. j «1.000,000 and are paying towatd them, for of ent ' .......................... l.»t 1,000.«» Cecil Harrison of Brownsville, arrived Bunday and is the guest of N W a a v r y departm Tha Dove and J.sue. course we, the tax payers, the men and d e p a rtm e n t ................... "84.000,«00 Now when all the people were Largo Saving Is Made In Replacement whose wife recntly died of pneu her father, J. C. Standish. women with Jobs, the men and women Shipping board ............................. «31,000,000 F ederal control of tra n s p o rta ­ who have what the census calls gain baptized, It came to pass, that Jeans w io n ia , baa been taken down with Whore Short-Lived Tim ber la M's. Fannie Stair returned Sun­ tion systems and paym ents ful occupation« paid every cent of it. also being baptized, and praying, tho the same trouble while visiting her day from a short visit with frieutb Used— Decay i t Lets Rapid to the ra ilro a d s under the It was our money until ths govern­ heaven was opened, and the Uidy tra n sp o rtatio n act. 1980 ......... 1,097,000.000 friends in southern Oregon, in Northern States. at Corvallis ment took It. Ghost descended In bodily shape like In tere s t on the public d e b t....... 1,(00.000.000 Tension» .......................................... 218 000.000 L et us examine the fiscal year 1920 n dove upon hlin. and a voice came Dewey Gilkey, a Coos counts* L W. Byerlay returned 8und»y W a r .r is k Insurance ..................... 117.000.000 (P r sp a r sd by th s U n ited S tate« D ep a rtm en t I have not the detailed account for from heaven, which sald. Thou art o f A trleu ltu r o ) bov. was in town Tuesday, being f 1 tun a short business trip to Port­ Purchase o f fed e ra l fa rm -lo a n 1921, but It was slightly leas than the Although more expensive at the out­ my beloved Hon; In thee I am well on his return from a trip to O kla­ land. bonds .............................................. to, 000.000 year previous, as the year ending June pleased.— L uke 3:21-22. set, creosoted post» are generally more homa, where he says times are 30, 1922, w ill be a slightly less burden Total ..........................................18, 714.900.090 economical to use than many kinds Mr«, G. T. Kitchen attended pretty hsrd and no prospect« for Substantially all the expenditures sn us than the year preceding. Ac­ The Unrighteous. I untreated, short-lived woods, be- family reunion at Eugene the Iasi better aoon, as it is very dry. win­ entering Into this total, and a large cording to a careful analysis made by The ways of peace have they not ''auee thelr much greater lasting of the week on the occasion of ih ter grain having died out. He departure for Dunsmuir, Cal., o share of the expenditures on various Ihe la te Dr. E. B. Rosa, of the United known : there la no fear of God before Tu a ll,|es, the forest service of the went over to Brownsville to look minor accounts, represent burdens di­ tbalr eyes.— Romans 3:17-18. | United States Department of A gricul­ ber sister, Mrs. Childers, und niece. rectly traceable to the war. to past State« bureau of standards, a govern around. raent scientist who was deeplv and In­ ture has determined. The exceptions Miss Winona Waddell. wars or to preparedness for future telligently Interested Ip the subject, The Portland Journal wants to I woul<1 be ln lenaote localities w ith ' ‘Grandma’’ McRurnayof Peoris F H Porter left Monday nigh' »•ars. These figures serve to indicate every man. woman and child In this Retold whv, if the Waehinglon cheap " 0<* 1 and lahf>r- «"«I where it will ha 75 tomorrow and her neigh- for Portland with a car of eight the direction which sincere efforts to country contributes an average of '(inference has put an end to w a r !” «xf * nslve t0 obtain creosote bo-a propose to hold a grand oele- j • n o tb e r C o nference is n r t I l«rae sav^pg In the replacement red polled cattle which be had told reduce the cost of the government fifty-three dollars In taxea to the sup­ ti" Ice rtriaa r é Z ïr  Pr ° P ' * fid charges, which ordinarily mount up so must take. port of tha national government. Ac­ brat ton, to parties n eastern Oregon. ’ h‘* h *" « fence, and the Then I found M r. Gilbert, the t i n d e r tually It Is nearer fifty-fou r than fifty s u b m a r nes . 7 5 Wilmette Forster spent Ihe week three dollar«, but I am taking the s u b m a rin e » a n d poison gas in w a -? j use of cheap and Inferior kinds of M ’ s W tst of Brownsville re­ secretary of the treaaury. saying; end with her sister, Blanche Fora- turned io Halsey dtlndiy and ia | T h e re has been m uch Id le ta lk to th« smaller sum fo r the safe of the round woods In the first place, much more number T h a t Is. the-sveragc fam ily ter of Eugene, returning Monday employed at the Henry English affect th a t tha excessive cost o f govern than offset the Increased coat of Tlmsly. m eat le due to Inefficiency an d e x tra v a of five persona pays 8265 g y w r out evening. treatm ent w ith creosote. home. Lord Frederick Hamilton tells MMMtf thorough ta n c e In the executive departm ents o f Ita earnluga to th frle d e ra l govern , . . . I w ,,h o u t doubt th e re has bean araete and xcellent stories In "Here, .flie r e and Treated posts are a good investment, The final number of the lyceum H r, H'erlay wa«|nn Ihe sick I'at tn » m .le n c y to th e vdrtoue governm ent de- ment alone. In addtffpin to w hat la Everywhere," Here Is one of Arch- and their use where lasting woods are ! b * r ,m * n ts and eetabltehm ente. and m m h paid for state, countyj#>d city taxes course, Tuesday night, drew the Ihe first of the week bishop Mu gee of Knglund: When lie scarce or expensive is a sign o f sound can be accomplished, and ha« alreadv The estimated averag»r^early Income second largest of Ihe Judgment In farm management. «'ss a bishop of Peterborough be met O W Frutn shipped a carload »coompllahad. by thg Introduction "’7 • fam ily of five is 'aamethlng more ecsaon and was well received, hnt, Of hay . hi. week In M ircola. The best treatm ent Is that which j o7 d*i than >700 But befor^-ahy of that >700 n the poorer quarters of the town, n »he guarantor« lose ahoul »7 apiece -allor who hud Juat It 'died out of u result« in the deepest penetration Into M r. N .ncy Palmer ha. been i11 | n ^ *’" la spent >265 m utt be turned over to public house The man recognized the wood with the least absorption of at. that B um s w ho encouraged , the genera, government to run the 4S0 00,000 or H0o « n ano by c are fu l and an- them to make Ihe venture sn d j ,he p,>t 'he bishop, and. raising hl» ha> d in ,i creosote. The butts of the post« business of the U n ite d State«. entlfic reo rg an isation o f the governm ent • • eature of mock betted tloo. called should be placed for one to two hours promised patronage never attended Mrs. L A Pray got a dispatch buelneea The actual amount th a t each one of Wit, "The Lord be with you." "And In creosote heated to a tem perature of Th» figures show th a t over SO ««, once The entire senes has been J yesterday saying that her daugh ue peld wee >53.77 I T . paid It through with thy spirits." answered Magee 180 degree« to 220 degrees F. It Is e to ta l a n n u a l expenditures the medium of Internal revenue taxes creditable and «ell worth the cost, ter, Mrs. M itvw, arrived at Bai o • f n t th« o f go th vernm ent a re rela te d to w ar Important to treat the wood to a height duties ------- on imported ar- hut the latter ought Io l>e more Fran.'«co Irom Honolulu on Val- O u t o f to ta l exp enditu re« d u rin g ¡Mp of , and _ , cns'oms „ of a foot above the proposed ground Weddings, No Bridegrooms Udeg divided as follow s: evenly distributed. A lew have enlioe « day and will be here thr about m .*» . oooa » abou t 544 blllien a rep Polynesia la probably the only place Hne. In the southern states the entire resented exp enditu re» d ire c tly traceable Per had to hoar tha hrunt of the co«l last of the week te the w a r, to past wara, or te prepared n the world where the marriage feast post should then be submerged into Capita of what the many enjoyed. neee fo r fu tu re w are O f thia, about akes place without the pretw-nce ot oil. at SO degrees to 100 degree« F., Income and exceea p r o fit.. George Smith ol I^chauoti oan e tl «00.000.0» w ent for th e a rm y and navy ...« 3 7 ,2 0 he bridegroom. For some unckplatnol for one or two hours, or for such a tim e Cigar« and to b a c c o .,,.................... over 4MO.OOO.OOO fo r the shipping board, in on Wednesday*« train. . . . 177 en»on the yonng man 1« aeni Into the as la necessary to get good penetra- over 11.WO.000,000 fo r th e railro a d s , another Transportation and. other n tlll- W. A. Carpy and wile came home *• <**■«’ ’,wo fo r in tere « t on the public debt “* ......................... > bush when the bride becomes a mem­ won. in ihe North, where decay Is 2.72 1 altnoat IWO.onooao fo r purchase of oblige less rapid, the hot treatm ent Is ap- yederday from a trip to Balem. Auto«, candy, fur«. Jewelry, etc. 2.62 ber of hla fam ily, and he Invariably tlona o f foreign governm ents on account --------------- p,,e<, on,y ,0 butts, which are etnalna there during the subsequent of tholr w a r expenditure«, and tha rem ain- Beverage« ................. ., 1.86 Mrs. Uinstead, late of Halaey dar fo r penalona. w a r risk slletm onta and festivities it is only when the guests J 2 1° remain for two or three Special taxes on capital stock, mlacollanooua Item « related to n a r An who ia resitting in Berkeley; ia ae H e ................................x . . . . .......... .911 have departed and the girl la left hours In the cooling process, the tops o f tho expenditures of the firet riously ill and baa been taken to «nalyata elng treated by painting or dipping elx m onths of the fiscal year 14X1 give« Estate Inheritance . ¿ i ................. .97 »lone that messengers are dispatched 'o r him. e tm lla r results T h e figures also show her daughter'« home io that city In creosote. Stamps on legal papyc« e t c . . . . .79 th a t tha to ta l cost o f running w h at may e perspire- Admissions to amusements, etc. ku rth e r Inform ation on creosotlng ,T7 tion Price MV Geotge \V Laubner visited A l. ha term ed tho e lv ll oatabltahm ent proper Insurance and m ls c e lltn e o ta .. . th a t la to aay. tha various governm ent Care of Palm a t” «»« w ill be found m Farmers’ he it yesterday. Odo- Ro No departm ents, boards and cruninleetone end Palms like pit nty of alr at fbelr Rulletln 744. Preservative Treatm ent M um leg!«lalive »«txbllahm ent. have net Total Keith Crewe rtf Bniinrsi'le, tha .853.77 rent*. On this account It 1« „ good or Farm Timbers, available upon re- much exceeded UMI. non ,000 even la the a b ­ dea to »tlr the top sell W sh , arrived hers yesterday n o rm a l w a r years qtieet from the Departm ent o f A g ri­ The taxpayer Is next of kin to the I sought ilctolls. details. I f more than 90 r th >. * J ’ ” '* ’ t,Ck nOW ""I* »>"’0 culture. from D xter, where he had been treaaury. At atty rate he Is the firs? M sn n e n t per cent of the entire diahuraemeuts 'Vash the o’-'alde of , he po, v uing his uncle, John Crewse person notified when the treasury of 1930 went for past and prospective W illiam s' -fte n to remove the dirt accumul»f|pn H is Ihe g'leet of John For er. needs money, and he always has to dig which makes the receptacle less per STARTING TREE PLANTATIONS wars, how much had we been apend Dav»«' down Into hla Jeans fo r whatever Is L M. Curl of Albany has file I log to keep the world safe for democ-