Brownsville Briefs C’ m e ery Mr«. H im ii who had been i'll for several rnouui*' fam ily saw the kiln lighted for the (Regular correspondence) •n-r Gin»- Up i o tw enty veurs ago is prostrate with grief and has the ò t L ù UIU George Kraus Was i.ursing a ro. c m the hrm bud a LI, Svw.M .b.i'.vun trade, | A jlb : re 3 r » ' i t n sympathy of the entire community bust boil on each band last week, the pipes being used by Kuropean In rural Eng'.and a child bo.«, ul. „ T fl| which interefered greatly with his trailers to barter w ltli natives for Friday la believed to be unlucky, unless Legion and Lincoln I v u I work in the store. a apoenful of salt Is tied up In his The American Legion and G. A ! christening gewn. About two score young people R were guests of the Brownsville met M the Presbyteriau manse Methodist church Sunday and then Cleveland Chemist Declares Un­ Friday evening io a Valentine par was a large attendance and a pro­ dertakers Will Have Pros­ FOR SALE ty and spent a delightful time gram that was well received. The event was under the auspice* S. C. W h ite Leghorns. Ttncred, I I -I perous Year About 1926. Jesse R . H inroan, representing lywooil hens. Hogaaizcd. Mated to of the Endeavor society. the American Legion, spoke on the pedigreed Hollywood cockerels. Price 12 cents at Brownsville, Oregon. N. W. Windom moved bia house­ | object of that organisation and on Hatching eggs, $5 per hundred. hold goods from Harrisburg last Americanism. B. T . Kumler. J F. Venner, representing the week. Grand Army, paid tribute to Mrs. Charles Stull was called Lincoln. It Remove« the Oxygen From the K C.W . L E G H O R N S here from her home in Seattle last Tancred and C. F Blood, Causes Lip« and Body to Rev. C. G. Morris, the pastor, Armstrong strains, $ , 2 P E R 1 0 0 week by tbe death of her father, eloquently lauded honest A»»e as > . Turn Blue and Hae the Sam * A. fe. H »mill. Baby chicks hatched for parties wish­ Effect ae Asphyxiation. patriot, as a citizen, as president, ing Io furnish their own eggs Reason Herbert Weaver is recovering as a Cbiistian gentleman m his able Satisfaction guaranteed C all or Cleveland, O — Undertakers w ill have from an operation on one of h ii personal life. phone your orders a prosperous year about 1926, In the legs to relieve a trouble arising Besides an excellent musical opinion of analytical and consulting ! Mrs. A. C. Armstrong, from an injury. program Mrs. Leon Morae sang a chemists here, because, they claim, the I solo. Halsey, Oregon O rlni Reaper Is w hetting his scythe fo r , Mrs. C. S. Hand and Miss Kieth SOIlIv- U l ATH Baby Chicks DANGER FROM RAW FUSEL OIL Baby Chicks McHargue, who is boarding with Getting Rid of Parasites the Hands and attending high During 1921 over foity million school, were both under the doc- pounds of wool war marketed co­ to i’s care for several days. operatively in the United States Rev. W . J. Large, Preabyterial by wool marketing associations in Sunday school missionary fur the fifteen states. Other wool states Willamette district, was here last are now preparing to adopt thi- week in the interest of the work in method, as only by the orderly this community. marketing of graded wool* direct Lisle Weaver, who lias been ill to mills throughout the entire s-a in a Portland hospital for some son can fair and just prices for time, ie reported improving and it wools be received. Several of the large woolen an I is tbot w ill soon be back in bis po­ worsted manufacturers who this sition in tbe city, year for the first time in the his- Lawrence Templeton and Arthur tory of Oregon were able to buy Keen have their plana about com­ commercially graded valley wool- plete for a pleasure trip thru a por­ have expressed themselves as wel tion of California by auto. pleased with the grades offered The Christian church people will and the association’s methods of begin a series of evangelistic meet, doing business, and there is a de­ ings next Sunday. mand for many times the entire coast product. The elimination of In view of tbe fact that the sher­ iff is sending out bis annual notice middlemen's expenses and profit- to please remit, taxes aeem to b“ has been enormous. the most lively topic of conversa­ tion among property owners here­ abouts. FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL GIRL Charles Sterling's sale Saturday afternoon drew quite a crowd and in most c ises satisfactory price- were received. Wood sold for from $1.85 to $ 1.75 a tier, cedar po-ts 15c and 17c, and a few ties for 16c. Five pigs weighing about fiftv pounds each went at $4 75 and $5 The evangelistic meetings held in the Union Point schoolhouse last week by Rev A. M McClain were well attended and no little interest was aroused. There were some Conversions and others were deeply concerned. Mr. McClain has been in the ministry almost a quarter of a century and in that time has conducted seventy-two series of evangelistic meetings in which there have been m toy con verts. a harvest o f prohibition liquor d rin k ­ er». Hundreds of persons are slowly but surely asphyxiating themselves, ac­ cording to J. SI. Kovachy, assistant city chemist, by unsuspectingly assim­ ilating the potsoos found in almost every sample of w hat was believed to be “pure, bonded" liquor. Hundreds of samples are brought to Kovachy each month for analysis, he said, and all thus fa r analyzed Tiave contained a high percentage o f fusel oil In the raw. in large quantities, consumed by steady drinking, fusel oil changes ' the blood from oxyhemiglobln to methemiglobin, he insists. I Sam* a* Asphyxiation. In other words, Kovachy says, fusel oil removes the oxygen from the blood, causes the lips and body to turn blue and has the same effect as as­ phyxiation. “Illic it peddlers of whisky use eth- vlacefnte for flavoring purposes in some Case«. and this is very Injurious if taken in any quantity, acting as a heart depressment,” the chemist de­ clared. M. E. Crutls, proprietor o f the Chem­ ical Laboratories, advises the present- day d rinker to “analyze well before using." Traces of adulteration that clip y e a r a fte r year from a life have been found in almost every bottle of alleged "bonded" liquor be bus an­ alyzed, he asserted. . • “It is true a portion o f the contents of most hotties is pure bonded whisky T h a t gives It the color, flavor and taste." Curtis added. “But the good liquor is mixed w ith ingredients that are harm ful to the human system, and the question uppermost tn the minds o f those who come to me fo r analysts of th e ir liquor Is ,how to rem ote the ingredients and leave the bonded stuff." Gross Misrepresentation. That "bonded" whisky Is being grossly misrepresented by bootleggers was revealed recently when a raid of a printing shop In the downtown sec- tlon by federal and police officials un­ covered a plänt which is said to have been devoted exclusively to the manu­ facture of Counterfeit labels and hot tied In bond revenue stamps.. The labels were sim ilar to those used by prominent distillers on popu­ la r brands of Intoxicating liquors pre vioiis to the eighteenth amendment go leg Into effect. Ten thousand alleged counterfeit revenue stamps were confiscated. Fed eral secret service operatives declare that statements made by some o f the six persons arrested In connection with the raid indicate that $50,000 had been “cleared” during the last year through sales of (he labels to bootleggers In Kansas City. New York, Chicago, De trott and other cities. Tbe bake sale at the Dunlap drugstore Saturday returned the ladies of the Presbyterian mission, arv society $22 and thia sum will be increased by gifts of money by some who could not help with the bake. One of our citizen^ who is very much interested in the line of work in which Dr. W P. W hile, who conducted the Bih|e school here for eight days, is engaged not ouh took care of the larger part of the expenses, amounting to about $33. but gave an offering of $50 in ad. dition. By their works ye shall know them, Andrew Dougherty is the delegate from the local church to a called Copper colored duvetyn, w h it* «Ilk meeting of Willamette Presbytery, embroidery and black fu r are com­ which meets in Albany Friday. bined t * make thia frock moat fetch­ REGAINS SIGHT, LOSES JOB When His Blindness la Cured, Poeition in Broom Shop in Cleveland Ceases. ing for the well dressed high school Misses Helen McClain and G'en- mis*. It also boasts a Paris label. The da Ross are two of our young peo­ hat ia of black velvet w ith touch of ple who will attend the state Chris­ blue. tian Endeavor convention at Salem Feb. 16 to 19. I f the amount of practice being put on the Blue Bird piav, to be given tonight and tomorrow nivhl, is any criterion tbe entertainment will be exceptionally good. The co«lumes and and draperies are said to be verjr fine. W et Umbrellas. Always stand wet umbrellas on their handle* to dry. T his allows the w ater to run out of them tnstend of Into the part where the silk and ribs meet, thus reusing the metal to rust and the silk Is r o t Saqe Advice. The south aide athletic club is “Don't walk dp floor worrvtn' T w it said to lie drawing large crowds on open nights. The boxing bouts roh debts." ««Id Uncle Rhen. “Do vftb travelln' outdoors where mebbe seem to be a great attraction. you'll find s Job d st’ll help make » The funeral of the late A. 8. p aym ent" H am ill, who died so unexpectedly of pneumonia laat week Wednes. day, was held at the home on B akelv avenue Thursday afternoon a1 2, Mr. McClain having charge of the services The son wlio-e home ¡»Jo Cleveland, Ohio, an-fj Prom pt u*rnteeil simple si Ip-on-frock, so sim ilar to the survivor, The Democrat pub- KARL BRAMWELL style affected by the junior*. lished it. Women are expected to want a The etale board of examiners great many fabrics tn all-w hite, or will give n prize fur the In s t ea-«y white w ith one gay color which gives on “ The Teeth and Their R I.,. brightness without garishness, and this, too, helps to make the way of the Electric Good Health by pupil« in Haircutting, Massaging | l’,,n Child's dress designer an easy one. the fifth and sixth grades in the and Shampooing. Good taste marks the choice of design public schools and another for tbe Cleaning and Pressing. beat essay on “ Health anil Happi- and coloring. One finds here a white crepe de nea« Through Goixi Care of the chine, w ith tiny check of bright red Teeth” by members ol the seventh woven or printed on the fabric, and and eighth grades. Both slate »ml there a light Jade green canton crepe ARCHIE CORNELIUS county prizes are offered. w ith large check made by a white cord o f artificial silk. Many of the sport Dean Tycer of Brownsville is ie- silks carry out the quieter giughnm ceiving aanitariuin treatment fur Ideas In softer effects than are usually E xpert woe man-hip. -Watches •nil I tuberculosiaof the lung- contracted found In the cottons. Others use plain cl ick* * specialty. in the service in France. Miss or fancy stripes. H A I.S K Y O R E G O N Forrest, the Red Cross nurse, die- T he crepe fancies are probably In covered his case and explained how the m ajo rity for sport wear, and sre he cou'd get the government assist­ more suitable for the young dress than ance he was entitled to. the artificial silk materials would he. For summery afternoon frocks there Preceding the wedding of Alex­ are charming printer) crepe de chines, ander Miner, a San Francieco busi­ frequently w ith tiny floral putterns. ness man, and Miss Myrtle M uir well spaced on white grounds T he pat­ All work