Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, February 16, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
EEB. 16. 1922
every day in tbe year directly to
(by Edward G. Lowry)
ex-aervice men.
Wwtara Maw
Hospital care and treatment with
board arid lodging are provided for
30,000 men at a cost of {IFJ,000,
000 a year.
The United States government is tbe
Free vocational training is given largest single employer ot men and
I t is easy for others to quote our prices, but hard to match our values. Every advantage gained by our
i > 100,000 disabled men at a cost women In thia country. A t the present
Subscriptions, »1.50 a year in advance ot »30.000 000 a year.
tremendous shoe purchasing power is passed along to our customers. Every price quoted here rings true and
time In the executive civil service of
Transient advertising. 25c an inch; per­
a trial of our shoes w ill prove to you the m erit ot our claim.
Life insurance without cost of the Federal government, and exclusive
manent, 20c. No discount for time administration and at premium« of the army and navy, there are em­
or space
below the rates charged by private ployed approxim ately »50,000 workers,
In ‘ 'P aid -fo r Paragraphs,” 5c a lin e
companies is furnished to 600.000 or one In 73 of all residents on Am eri­
Noadvertising disguised as news
men, the total in force being »8,. can soil, ten years nf age or over, en­
Phone 205
Smart new styles in the finest le s h e rs — black and brown kid and calfskin— with the popular m ilita ry
gaged In gatnfnl occupations. A little
heels. Shoes that add attractiveness to the teet and comfort to the wearer—that give uuusual service at least
while ago. when the number o f federal
More tnan 50,000 medical exam­ employees was even larger than It Is
H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore Feb. 16. 1922
possible cost.
inations are conducted
every now, one person out of every 88 In tbe
United States who had any sort of a
Outside treatment is given to Job at all was working for the govern­
20.000 men every month where it ment. These calculations are based
National, state and municipa is not necessary that they go to on recent estimates of the bureau of
the census In anticipation of the re­
governments are racking then hospitals
The bureau has 1,000,000 cases sults of the fourteenth general census.
brains, not to cut eff the parasites
P rior to the outbreak of the war
on file and receives 1000 new ones
on tbe public treasury but to fi
In 1914, the number of men and women
daily, employing 4000 ex-aervice
Qualities that appeal to men—durability, comfort, style. Made of select quality calfskin, ki I and kan­
more way« of raising in >ney to men and women in disposing of In civil positions in the executive
garoo leathers in brown and black. English lasts and m edium and broad toes in Blucher and straight laced
service was approxim ately 385,630. In '
feed more pamaitea.
them, it has allowed 305,000c->m- 1918 It had grown to 398.832 In 1917, i
in every y H pair.
’ ----- Your
------ money's worth
... ...
Congreve and tbe legislature hav. peiisation claims, h is paid out a fte r our entry Into the war. It was 1
been «welled in membership out o f »300,000,000 in com /•■nation, and 459.798 On June 90, 1919, the number
was 707,448. The number on July 31. '
all proportion lo the work they do bus allowed 148.000 insurance 1920. was 691.116.
claims totaling »1,610.000,000
and they have annexed assistant«
These figures are confessedly ap­
Regarding the much-proclaimed proximations. Since the signing of the
and attacheea and clerks and sec
arm istice the number of federal em­
retarie« and etenographer« and economy at Washlugtou Senator ployees has been decreasing
Un- i
typewriter« and the laird knows
doubtedly the decrease In force will
Sturdy shoes for hoys and girl$ for dress occasions And knock-about wear. Built strongest where mostly
what that the founder« <>( the gov is becoming nauseated by the con­ continue to he made for months to
nec<^e<T They stand for the J. C Penney Co. idea of real wear. Our q m n tity buying plus our store efficiency
come, hut the growth of the govern­
ernrnent never dreamed of, all at
insures them to he
business In the past few years
•my by apologirt« for the adm in­ ment
tbe public expense
has been such as to make It a larger
The fact is that gov­ employer in the post-war period than
They have delegated what were istration.
It had ever been In the pre-w ar period.
and ought to be the duties of the ernment expenditures have in­
These thousands o f men and women
law-makers and law-enforcement
working for the government comprise
Of course Mr. King ia a demo­ every type o f ability and Intelligence
officer« to boards and commissions
T h e ir duties cover a range of activities
W orld’s
w'lich in turn have their hordes of crat or he would not talk that w .y tliat fn r exceeds that exercised for
underling«,all at the puhlicexpeu-c,
------ ----- ------------ other public or private employers; for,
buy mg
and searchlights and microscopes
l ^,e
remains that on the besides Its task o f law m aking and law
for our
are being used in looking for new heel« of Mr. w
. - a . — i . - public
. . m s - ...
national finance, the government Is
-5 312 stores
way« to get reveuue out of the dear juicing over the aliened overcoming charged with promoting the health and
of the deficits in the budget and welfare o f Its people, o f promoting
their home Interests, their agricultural,
The nation owes a bigger debt ' his assertion that he has been con­ mining, manufacturing, shipping, fish
o rg a n iz a tio n
than statesmen of fifty years ag > verted to the bonus proposal be­ Ing and transportation Interests
To do this It must Investigate, con­
would have deemed possible for all cause funds are in sight to oarry
trol and eradicate diseases that attack
the nations of the world.
persons, plants and animals. It must
The state of Oregon, which a mittee is searching frantically for inspect livestock, foods and drugs. It
must study conditions and progress In
needed for that purpose
Boy Scouts in the Forest
few yeara ago was proud to he out the » 1 income
I education. la b o r and com m erce.
Cape Costumes fo r Sports.
prevent Individual men nr groups
of debt, is staggering under a
Boy scouts are coming to be rec­
The cai»e costume has ma^c strides
o f men from using unfair business
In popularity lately, especially In ognized by the forest rangers as
bonded indebtedness on which the has fallen the heaviest on th
tweeds and other sports wear fabrics. allies in the fire campaign in the
farmer. In Oregon Lite local taxe- methods, w hether In hanking, trans
interest alone is a heavy burden.
portotloo, trade or manufacture.
One shopper wore a brown homespun national forests of tho northwest
An auto stage line has begun to ulone equal the rental value of
T he government must administer
Kingly Downfall.
cape, short at tbe front and falling be­
They camp in the Cascades, the
And while public lands and the affairs of the
low the hips at tbe back, over a frock Siskiyous, in Deschutes and Whit-
Use the Pacific highway, which we farms in many cases
Indians, and educate children
with the brown material for front and nan forests,
have accommodatingly built to everything the farmer sells has Alaska I t grants patents of Inven
Portland scout6 have
ro id Scotty,» Shipped to Washington
heck pane! and circular sections of
cainp at Wahtum
p uallel the Southern Pacific an I
Hon, It sets the clocks o f the country
brown and while plaid for the sides
From South Dakota, la Put Out in
lake and scouts camp in Washing
divide the business with it, when everything he must buy is held at forecasts the weather, and makes
of the skirt, this plaid also collaring
Sevan-Hour Battle W ith
ion and Alaska forests.
observations n f the stars and heavenly
he cape.
no funds were forthcoming to build the top notch by non-competitive bodies. It constructs buildings, docks
Younger Bull.
The boy scout learns that the
market roads to the hack country umbinea oí producers uud dealers
mads, bridges. Irrigation works, builds
forest ranger will be his friend if
A Daily Prayer.
id develop the productive pose
Keep back thy servant also from pre­ be will be always careful with his
It is no cause fur wonder that canals
for years leader of the famous herd
ordnance and amm unition, clotfhlng
Inlllie. of lands that would furnish there is a “ firm bloc.”
If the and other supplies for Its soldiers and o f buffalo near Pierre, S. D., but re sumptuous sins ; let them not have <to­ campfires,
ut in ion over me; then shall I be up­
S> interested are some scouts
profitable freight to tite railroads bloc were not l i k e l y to block some anllors It makes all Ita own money cently shipped here w ith several hun right, and I shall lie Innocent from the
and scout masters in the protec-
dred o f his kind, has met his kingly
and add millions to Oregon's of the games by which tho fanner
great transgression. Lev the words nf
He has been dethroned,
t'on of tlie foiesia from fire that
tributes all m all and many packages
my mouth, and the meditation of my
is exploit« I it would not be adver­
•nine field officers of th« forest
The government does everything
heart be acceptable in thy sight, O
The terrific fight. In which fences
The stags autos, with all others tised eo extensively and so vilu- that any employer in the United States
have recommended that
Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer.
sheds were demolished and hui^e
scout masters he appointed as fire
— Psalm 19:13-14.
in the Hate, are taxed in elate peratively by the smug advocates does. In addition to a great many and
holes dug In the earth, and “Old
things that no other employer does
guards, and many forest officeis in
license feet and in taxes on their o f government by party, which it How does It treat Its people? Is II Scotty,” bleeding, haggard, was van
Oregon and Washington act as
Wickedness As a Fire.
fuel in an en leaver to pay part of threatens as tbs burstiug of the a good employer or a bad employer? qulshed. lasted seven hours. A ne
Wickedness hurneth as a fir e ; It
cout masters of local troops.
reservoir threatened Johustown, Are Its employees contented? These bull, "Y a k to u n ” by name, reign, shall devour the briers and thorns.2-
the road-bond debt.
supreme, having gained the title to
are questions that I should advise the
Isnlub, 9 : IS.
When the stage line began to Pa., before that city fell.
railroad men, the miners and other
the self-same tactics used by the old
An independent— N O T neutral—uews-
paper. published every Thursday,
by W m H . & A. A. W H E E L E R .
Win. H. W' heki . kk Editor.
M b ». A A. WHKKLKB Business Manager
and Local News Editor.
S h o es for M e n
W om en
Style, Fit, Wear, at Low Prices
Shoes for Women
$2.98, $3.98, $4.98, $5.90
Shoes for Men
$ 2 .9 8 , $ 3 .9 8 , $4.98, $5.90
Shoes for Boys and Girls
Rightly Priced at
317 West First st., Albany, Oregon.
workers who seek nationalization of
Industry, to look Into before they com
mlt themselves.
Let them find cat for themselves
what government ownershtp would
mean to them
The first thing they w ill discover, as
I discovered when I began the present
Inquiry, is that nobody knows, and
nobody In the government service Is
charged w ith
knowing, the exact
number of employees in the service
from day to day. Even more astound
Ing. nobody knowa, or Is charged with
know mg, even approxim ately, the sum
of the payroll of the United States
It Is not possible to find out within
hundreds o f thousands of dollars how
much the United States pays yearly
or monthly In salaries and wages
went to the Treasury department, to
the appropriations committee o f con
gress. and elsewhere where I thought
the Inform ation might be lodged, but
nobody knew. I was »old vaguely that
the government was not run on an
The congressional
Ha i Arbuckle lieen acquitted h'a asset and lia b ility basis, and therefore
, It was not necessary to know the exact
charged w ith fin d in g m oney to backers were prepared to have l*1* i number o f employees on the payroll
pay soldiers bonuses, $850,000,. 1 picture Hashed upon screens in all
I f the average compensation Is »1.
000 of which will be wanted in each parts of the country. Clacquer-* 100. the federal civil service payroll
of the next three years, is consid. would have beeo noiay and hi« now amounts to more than seven
hundred m illion dollars annually. The
criny eight sources, each of which vindication and Ills p o p u l a r i t y ! largest single branch la the Post Olfice
is objected to by th« fellows ft would have been proclaimed.
Il department, w ith nearly 900,000 em
Would hit.
Mr, Longworth is *'•! be a long time before the ployees The W a r department has
more than 125,000 civilian employees
head nf the committee and o n i of fathers an I mothers of Ametica the Navy department about 90,000, and
the eight is tohac, o, cigars and »ill want their children taught to the Treasury department about 60 000
No other branch has as many as 25.000
run the cities along its route got
busy on schemes to raise revenue
The revelations of eaturnalian
from it
Junction C ity wante I lif e and correlated murder In the
»240 per y e a r p e r car for allowing || illywooJ film colony in Califor-
it to bring passengers into its heav. mt have led to a prop real that
tnly precincts.
Sutherlin wanted1 congress appoint a national board
»1 id per car, Cottage ( rove would of til u censors, Oreat I
be sat isfied with $»(), while Eugene dreJs, perhaps thousands, of jobs
said “ Biing ’em heie free
YYe could thus be provided for ih-t
want their trade,
Monroe talked faithful among tbe ruling party,
the latter way,
whichever that might be, auJ sa il
At Junction t'ilv the oompnnv faithful ones would be no in irj
refused to pay and dropped pas- useless and no more useful tha i
•augers at the cily limits on one <bev are flow. Possibly they would
aide, picking th*ui up again at the give a small percentage of their
other. I'hen the city compromised salaries toward paying the bor­
on »100 a year, presumably for all rowel money whleh both parlies
the company's cars.
W * are nul ¡owe
informed on this point.
cigarets. which of course would hit ‘dm re that profligate and obscene
« Ï
those Cigsrct- th a t M r , L iu g w u r t h *----------
- tin
». .
I ploys
iHi.iXei ag
one In seventy three of all this
enjoys smoking in public.
— ♦
country's workers and calls for the
expenditure o f such a large part of
The director of the United Stales
Harrisburg Rultetin inti- our annual revenue« Is entitled to
veterans’ bureau says:
mates that people of that town your serious consideration. Von and
The government in 19JJ is ex ­ hoped for a graen old age and con- you alone put up the money.
pending on disabled ex-service m u «taut tenure of office for Commis­
»510,000,(100 —mote than ita entire sio ne r Harlow of I.ane counly. It
Sulphur W hale.
expenditure prior to 1897, |i it ,j„. «•VS: “ Harrisburg people hoped
The snlphnr whale that la found In
ing m< re for its disabled veterana
the Pacific has a peculiar preference
that any other country, though that he would stick until the com- for deep water, and Is called the bot­
many nations lost far more men pbtion of the Harrishttrg bridge, tom whale hy many seagoing men. It
han the United States lost.
ut he proposes to quit with the 1» frequently more than 100 feet In
Q»«r f 1,000,WO cash is p * p j! end of bii prevent t«rgj ”
length, and la egarded hv many as the
largegt mammal tbpt ev«y Uw«<.
buffalo years ago on the Dakota
Movies at the Schools
S a n ita ry H a ir Brushes.
Eighty booking« among tbe
On a rriv al here the herd of buffalo,
W hen washing hair brushes rlnoe
high schools of Orpgon ha.ve been
purchased by local capitalists, w eie
them In cold water, well salted. This
made for “ Last Davsnf Pom peii,”
liberated In an extensive fenced area
assists sterilization and the brlstlet
“ Julius Caesar,” “ Merchant of
of hills and valleys.
“Scotty" whs dry stiller than ever.
V enice," and “ Pilgrim’s Progress,”
haughtily parading his 3,000 pounds
of selfishness when a plcturesqu
special educational films that are
young bull, nearly equal In size, made
being secured by the extension
Both Responsible
a vicious lunge at the wrinkled old
No side s actually to hlnioe hi division nf the University of Ore­
king. "Scotty" swung and caught tbe the thousands of unhappy mnrrin sps gon for the use of the schools.
blow w ith his head. Then started the existing today
From fie altar step i
A large n u m b e r o f the high
battle, the most rem arkable ever w it­ lo the end of their llv « a inau and schools b o o k in g the film s
nessed In this section o f the Wes,
woninn musl realize that it Is » game
th e ir ow n inovi ug p ic tu re m a ch in e s.
G reat calm settled over the big herd of give and take all through. No .ne j
as the two fighters bellowed and
s Infallible, and although nn Ideal r ay I he schools without equipment o f
>e found lo have feel of clay no .r > their own have made arrangements
The fighters pawed earth,
plunged and tore a t each other w ith
■an afford to throw stones nt the •»(»- with the local theaters for show­
in g the pictures.
horns and hoofs.
The battle scene onsite side.— Ella Wheeler U n c i
shifted back and forth on the prairie
for seven hours, when darkness al
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * ' • * * * % -B .* * % % -^ % -
lowed "Old Scotty ’ to lose his ail
veraary and limp painfully away.
Yakim a Indians who saw the ani­
mals fighting are now fearfu l lest
these animals, so near their reserva
ill A ll
lion, break out o f the confines and In
B o I I a L s t U s I I i
vade thetr Tillages.
It Is estimated hy the owners of
this newly established herd thm
there w ill he an annual Increase of 50
calves. I f as anticipated then eacl
N o.
•lutumn 50 of the largest animals w ill'
N o.
t>s slaughtered for the Pacific Coast
^ alm«pv Halibut
Vi« i /v>
Other Hsh in season
btpaks, ( hops
Orders promptly
'Cullets. Cured
filled by mail
Meats of all kinds
When in Albany call
Dressed Poultry
and see our goods
118 First Street
2(1.) Lyon Street
a ■■•.wkiiMiikb v
1* ****** ****** ***A **\ava%% ******* ^4
Puzzling Murder Mystery
la Uncovered by Cat
T he A rriv a l of
that box of Candy
W heeling.— T he frantic efforts
o f a cat to get out of a w in­
dow at Warwood, a suburb, led
to the discovery of an unsolved
murder. Thomas Panlach. fo r­
ty. was fonnd on the floor by
those who went to release the
The m an’s bend was al
moat severed An ax and razor
lay nearhy. T h r ift stamps and
stocks ta the value of sev­
eral thousand dollars were not
1« always qnite an e v e n t; but how
rnthuM «.,,, dtnipen, , f |h f confeiti(m
e r y f . i l . short of what t h . a p p ^ u t v .
one has a rig ht lo e x p ^ ,
I f y<m
a box ot our delicious confections they
be evervthing fhe (lre, me,,
more Of eonrs« onr confect,onerv „
pare. .n ,l it , Breiv M noo|
in price
S tiw iii & Prie; Confectionery