H alsey enterprise VOL. X HALSBY. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. PEU. 16, I92J NO. 24 CLASS PLAY. Jots and Tittles Class, you will have » fill jj it it tbflow in/the'ii- antics in “ L o o h k ä i v n e g ' » " f j o l l r i ‘ l? M í a h r ® y t U J a a f n " u e , ? ” , " ' n * t ^ h S í a 3-act comedy, at the Rialto Theater, Harrisurff Feb. 23 and 24. Reserved seals 35c, children 20c. S h o r t S to r i* 9 o í í , “ | , ? í n .'n g 8 Z n L .i n " 9 o u n ty and in Halsey Particularly ‘ The Oid D is tr .t Scio 1” a il 1 be played toi ight under th« aus­ pices of the Methodist church at the opera house. Some fun. Go. C e n e r ^ ly times, taxes are being paid more promptly in thia co iaty this year than they were in 1921, and they are some taxes, too. WHALETOWSTWO MEN OUT TO SEA They Harpoon the Monster But He Refuses to Play the Game as They Figured. A carload of gravel was received John Widmer fired a charge of last week and has beeu placed on shot to scare a dog belonging to the street« in spots where it was his neighbor. H F Glaser, and - A Delightful Shower P °°r attempts. Farmer of the thot it would do the most good. one of shots killed the animal. Mrs Henry English was delight­ Shedd-Peoria team made the most W illiam Shepherd, formerly a Yesterday he was in court in A l ­ V aliant Southampton Veteran« Have sensational shot of the game. fully surprised by a shower in her Exciting Tim e When They Qe to Clark hooped most of the bas­ firm e r near Peoria, married Miss bany fighting a claim for »150 honor given by the ladies of the Assistants e f Brether« Whe Study club at her home Feb. 14. kets for the clubmen the last half. Alice Forte, aged about 50, at Van­ damage-. Hag Caught W hale. couver last Thursday. Sheperd is 87. Eighteen ladies armed with needles The final score was 18 to 7. The Democrat says the largest and thimbles participated and payroll iu Albany is that of the I here was a change commenc- Southampton.— F o r the second time many helpful stitches were taken. iu two weeks fishermen took to their ng last Sunday in the time of ■choolteachers. Mesdames Templeton,(Stafford mid trains Iroto ways at noon and in In 1921 twenty-two miles of mar­ boats ami went out a fte r a whale, Moore presented a short musical HOLD C0RNCR1B DOORS SHUT the evening. See standing time ket road in Linn county were lh e y bad him hooked, too, and If program and appropriate readings Disks From an Old H arrow Placed table on page 6. the dura thing hadn't up w ith ita tutl rocked and 15 miles graded. Of and knocked Cap'n Silas Edwards out were given by Mrs. Mornhinweg Over Corners of Sections W ill E. H . Hetrick has sold hia farm the »106,000 which this cost, about of the boat Just as he was about to and Mrs. Bond. A large red heart Provo Efficient. near town Mnd gone to Idaho, \»1900 was spent ill clearing and sj>ear It, there might even now be a containing i.any dainty gifts was grubbing, »21,000 for grading and deud whale on the beach. Most cornertbs are built w ith de­ where perhaps the taxes will not presented to the honor guest hy $3760 for bridges and culverts. The whale was sighted by Captain ■ e more than the use of the land tachable sections that are removed to little Margaret 1 empletou who The family will follow Rental and repair of tools amounted Frunk H. W hite, the sea-bitten old was dressed as a kewpie in bright provide a low opening, through which '« worth. to »1150, while surfacing, includ­ m ariner who tends the life saving stn l he corn Is scooped until the crib is Mr. 1’eirick soon. red. ing purchase of rock, hauling and tlon here. When he first saw the nearly filled. A satisfactory’ method The tables were gay with Valen­ Charles Klee,formerly of Browns spreading amounted to $72,800 whale It was about two miles off shore tine place cards and miniature ville who died some time ago iu and moving out to sea w ith the Cooper hearts, three large red hearts con­ California, left about $4500 worth Engineering and overload cost brothers from W a ter M ill. $2956.10, while miscellaneous, taining angel cakes decorated with As a m atter of fact the Cooper <>f property in this county and 150 - such as right of way, damages and brothers had cuught the whale. The more he irt- forming the center- worth io California.' He left ■dvertising, etc., was »1100. How only trouble was that, having caught pieces. Valentine ice cream, can­ neither widow nor child, but there dy and coffee were served. a re 58 known heirs, of whom C. much will it oust to build enough It, they didn't know what to do w ith such roads to attract tne notice ol IL The last event was a contest, C Snyder of the Bank of Brown«- It was some tim e earlier in the day those who would use market roada ville is one. Mrs. English receiving the prize, that the Cooper brother« had seen the if they had them? which was a dainty picture. whale and started out In th eir little Notwithstanding the talk of hard SUPS CAPTAIN OUT OF BOAT (Continued on page 5) Another Halsey Victory Halsey Christian Church motor boat to capture it. They had with them a lance bomb gun. an In­ strument highly recommended for whale hunting. This gun la supposed to save w ear and tea r on the nalmul by exploding a charge luslde It and thereupon rendering It more or leas hora de coin! at. Lake Creek Laconics A crew of men working for Mr. 1 -iggett of Peoria are logging on ( barley Wilson’« farm. J. Curtis and wife of Lebanon Jpent Sunday at tbe Henry Brock home. Clarence Williams is very busy ! these days taking orders for day. i old chicks. Claud Cook of Harrisburg haa b«an sawing wood in thia neighbor, hood. Rev. Mr. Hoduett of Peoria has been preaching at Lake Creek evory evening this w e e k. The Farm Bureau meeting held Friday night was well attended. I . J . Jackson was appointed to I co-operate with the county agent to test herds for tuberculosis and M irtin Cummings on thistle con­ trol.] R« y . M r. Hodnett held services at the Methodist church Sunday morning and afternoon. There was a basket dinner at n<>on. Among those from a distance were John Rickhard and fatnilv of A |. ford and J W Lamar and fam ily, M r, Patterson and family and Ueorgo Bayne and of Peoria. High School Notes L. 8. Has Party: Last Thursday eveuing tbe lit. erary society gave a party for ohil- dren front six months to nine years of age. A year was never spent more plensantly than at the party. Amusing events had been planned for every month in the year, and all took part in the performances. A t tbe close of December refresh, ments were served, and as it was time for all small children to be asleep they bid their hostesses and the grandmother goodhy at n ia* O’clock and toddled hemeward. Only girls were at the parly,’ a- no boys belong to the society a| 'ho any student of the high -chm.l may join This was voted l»v girls the liest p ,n f We are all anxiously lo o k t . ward to the next one. W hatnot«; Don’t forget the glee cluo re i. tai March 11. Krcel Sneed, who had been sb. -ent on account of illnese, returned curable by man. II. The F aith fu l Witness (vv. 2-4). T his was a Jewish maid who hud beeu captured by marauding Syrlun troops who mude frequent Incursions Starts fa r Somewhere. Into Is ra e l’s land fo r the purpose of So the Cooper brothers went a fter plunder. Daniel at a la te r date wns outstanding features. the whule and had the good fortune carried sway captive, and he likewise The Halsey boyR did not show ' *»••*» n oia Corncrlb Doers in Placo. wna used of God to bless mnny. Jo­ to be In excellent firing position a* a their usual teamwork, and it is of holding these sections in place Is to seph is another example of one who moment when it saw flt to come to doubtful if their opponent* ever put disks from an old harrow over the surface to blow the w ater out of wus put Into a hard plnce, but became had any. The score at the end o f , fh* corners of the sections and se Its nose. a blessing to others, even to the snv- the first half was 5 to 2 in Halsey’a cure them with bolts. This method “T h a r she blows I” yelled the Cooper lng of his brothers, who sold him. Thia f jt /r v r Is l n in la oa . 1« a «tropic, as Kn» but little a tim e Is required favor. brothers, who had taken a correspond­ Jewish maid pointed out to this great to remove or replace the sections, and The second‘halt was better, as ence course In whale hunting, and man the One who could heal him. hang.' off went the lance bomb gun. there were better shooting and fewer they are held firm ly and w ithout In­ Many are the persons who have beeu Church Ariuarccir.trts ju ry to the lumber,— 8. E. Gibbs, Ames, pointed to Christ as the H ealer of T he lance struck the whale squarely Methodist: la.. In Popular Mechanics Magazine. in the tonneau and the fishermen souls hy children. Sunday School, 10. w aited expectantly for the dull ex­ I I I . Naaman Seeking the H eeler (vv. Preaching. 11. plosion which would Indicate to them 6-0). Junior League, 8, Should Bo Protection F ro r B orer 1. H e goes w ith a le tte r of Intro­ th a t their quarry was about to roll W e H ave Intermediate League, 6:30. Io school th is week h Is to he ho|ied that, with all the duction and great gifts (v. 6 ). In the over and ask to be taken home. ^EVERYTHING No sueh explosion happened. The Epworth League, 6:80. T h e junior class h a - - i Modem Improvements, a mode will he East valuable gifts are taken along fishermen w aited and waited. A ll In a its play and expects it soon Preaching, 7:30. Uncovered of getting rid of bores, for O ptical when In quest of some favor. In this «'Ink the «’hale started for somewhere. 'i Is too bad that a poor wretch can Prayer meeting, Thursday 8. case the value was perhaps iOO.(SX). A program will he given it .<)• r And the Cooper brothers, having E Y E S T R A IN he punished for stealing your pocket 2. H e goes to the wrong place (vv. the auspices of the literary « • . Kev, C. T . Cook, Pastor lodged th eir harpoon securely In the 1« the Cause of M any handkerchief or gloves and that no «, T). T he maid did not suggest that Wednesday morning, F -i.r ia 22 H U M A N IL L S J whale, found themselves accompany­ Piiiiiahmeiit can he Inflicted on those C hristian: I f Naaman would be w ith the king he at the high school. T h e a fie r iio o u ing It. If your eye9 g ive you trouble or ■ "h o steal your time and with It your would be recovered of his leprosy, but 10 Bible scnool. They tried reversing the engine In is s holiday for both schools. S P p y°r,TQg l , ?.V'” ,re »nn(>yinK einper and patience, aa well as the w ith the prophet of God. W e should 11, sermon, ' 1 W hat’s In Baseball haa been tuk n up hv the hope that by so doing they might n K E LS. We can Relieve Y o u . ) '■right thoughts that maybe have en­ be very careful that we go to the Name?” convey to the whale their luck of In­ the boys during the past week tered your mind but were frightened right place w ith our troubles and sins. 6:30, Christian Endeavor, Lou- N eith er the king’s power nor Naamau s terest In any extensive sea voyage. Quibs: » » a y hy the bore— llk t the Irishman *St St' " • Albany. Phone The motion waa entirely lost ou their who lost his fortune before La got IL ise Rohnett leader. money could avail anything in ihls Mrs. Bond (in Eng IV class) — iptlve, who kept right on. —Lord Rvron 7:30, sermon. ‘‘Conversion case. The prophet of God can bring T he Cooper brothers then tried to ‘ ‘Now, class, in these talks, as Made P lain .” greuter blessing than kings and rich Increase the speed of the boat so thnt well as your themes, you mast tell men. 'hey might overtake the whale and ex­ who the moat important charac. 8. Naaman at the door of Bllaha plain the situation, which. In a word, Pine Grove Church: ters are. John, you dido t tell us (vv. 8. 8 ). Elisha, upon learning of waa thia: Sunday School, 10. in your talk who the most impor. the king’s embarrassment, sent to him, T he line connecting the boat w ith tant ones were ” Preaching, 11, by Bro. Eggly. saying, "Let lilm come now to m e." 'he whale was taut, and the fishermen Prayer-ffceeting, 7. John L .— ’ Well, I said ' I . ' ” Naaman appeared before Elisha's door could not free themselves. As fast ns Bible Study, Wednesday, 7. Mrs. Bond (to Grace R who In great splendor. He did not come 'h e ir boat went the whale went faster. as a suppliant, but us one who could There was nothing to do but adm ire had said ’'There waa just room for pay a goodly sum fur healing. four of us” in her ta lk )— "G 'ace, 'he scenery aa It passed them.. IV . Naaman Haaled (vv. 10-16). you d id n 't tell ua who the char, Captains to the Rescue. L Elisha's message (v. 10). Go acters were.’’ >By R E V P t F 1T Z W A T E R . D. D .. They had gone about a mile and a wash in Jordan seven times. T eachar o t tn g lla h B ible In (ha M oody Grace R. —"They were my girl half, and were still going, «lien Cap- 2. Naaiuan's anger (vv. 11, 12). He B ib it in s titu te o f C h lca co .) aln W hite h iw what was up and friend and myeelf and I don’ t C o p y rig h t, ) t l j . W so tsra N e w sp ap er U a ta n thought that Elisha should have shown Iped all his trusty whale hunters to know who the other two were.” deference to hitn. People today think heir posts. In response to the call 1 ( Maybe they were two more trir' that their rank and wealth entitle LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 19 nme Captain Silas Edwards. Ed friends.) them to different treatm ent hy God. Vhlte, F rank Burnett, W illia m Bennet T hey turn away from the humble way ELISH A AND NAAMAN T H E nd Brr.stua Howland. of the Cross, God's method of salva­ Patent medicine concerns have a SYRIAN They launched a boat and headed tion. Klch and poor, high and law They for the whule and Ita regretful cap- I •oft thing in »dvertising. are alike in God's sight. Keasonlngs UBfiRON TE X T —II King« |:I-2T. fora. By the lim e they reached the have been won I to send out offers of the flesh must be supplanted by the G O L D E N T K X T -B le a a d i« Lord. O m r scene the whale had Its mind on some of perhaps one tenth of the r e g u . obedience of faith . aoul. and fo r g e t not a ll hla benefit«: W ho thing other than additional whale hun­ lar price and a few poor b,.< ->.e ,,f fo rg lv eth all th in e Iniqultlea, w ho h ealeth 8. Naaman's obedience (vv. IS, 14), all th y d la a a a e a -P a . 1(4:2, I. ters, ao they were able to get up close publishers would accept, tin ..... g Through the earnest entreaty of his R E F E R E N C E M A T E J U A D -L u k « <:1»- to It. They even circled around once, that a little cash was better til:,II servants his pride and prejudice were W: 5.12-1« looking fo r a soft spot for the lance nothing It's worse than nothing. PRIM ART TOPIC—A U ttla Olrl Help- overcome, and he did « h a t the proph­ they Intended to toss Into It. ln« People in Linn county make it et commanded. T he result of his obe­ Then steadying him self In the bow possible for the Enterprise to ex­ J U N IO R T O PIC —A Y oung G irl’s Berv- dience was that bla flesh "came again lea. of the boat, Cap’n Edw ard« rose to the ist. They pay regular prices. Jf IN TERM EDIATE A N D SEN IO R TOPIC as the flesh of a little child." best o f hla alxty-flve years o f ability —Bllaha Helping a Foreigner. 4. Naaman acknowledgea Jehovah outside advertisers want the serv­ and stood posed w ith a long lance In YOUNG PEOPIJE A ND ADULT TOPIC (▼. 15). A fte r bis cleansing he came ice they must pay the same. The his hand ready to end everything. - H o w to Ove cotna National and Racial again to the prophet and said, "Now Prejudice«. Jnst at this moment, however, the Cheney Medical company offered I know th a t there la no God In all the «'hale came out of Its reverie and 'his paper »9 a year for three years earth, but In Israel.” T he vital point I. Naam an’a F atal Defect (v. 1). smacked the bow of the boat a gentle for eighteen lines in reading matter o f teaching In this lesaon Is how near He waa a great man, but a leper. tap w ith Ita ta ll. Cap'n Edwards he We disguise no advertising es ly Naaman missed being healed. He waa held in high esteem by th e Ing la the bow of the boat he was new«. In ’Paid-for Paragraphs” T he three enemies which almost kept king, because through him the S yri­ next seen struggling In the w ater and him from being heeled w ere: (1) Pride yelling fo r some one to take him out. the eighteen lines would cost :toc ans had been delivered from th eir ene­ 4 week or »46 80 a year, which is ( r . 11). H e was Insulted because the mies. He waa not only a capable T h e Cooper brother« made uae of what a Hslseyile would pay. The Bum o f God did not come out to such general, bnt waa a very brave man— the momentary respite to looaen their a distinguished man as be was. (2) valorous. Every unregenerate man. harpoon line. And the whale went on Cheney offer being refused, it was Preconceived opinion (v. 11). "J Ita way. regardless o f his gift« end possessions, T h e whalers then devoted raised to $10 a year with the an. ’ ’This ¡a the best has thia one fata l d efe c t H e may he thought." M any sinners procrastinate th eir attention to rescuing Cap'n E d­ nouncement: because they have preconceived opln- , wards, and to expreaalng In broad we can do.’’ It went into i he w»ale a mighty w arrior, a greet orator, a Iona as to how God ought to save. (3) terms th e ir dealre fo r vengeance. gifted w riter, a roan o f profound learn­ basket. We will not ask H ilw y Prejudice (v. 12). Rivera o f Damas­ ing, an honorable statesman, hut If be people to support a medium thru cus are better than Jordan. Count- j la an unbeliever In C h ris t he Is a lost which nostrums are puffed for less thousands are loet by these ene sinner— leper. Leprosy la a type of •w aken* Own« e Mountain practically nothing. ralea. God haa provided only one way «In. Note Ita characteristics: Spokane Is said to he tbe ooly city Loathsome, hereditary, Infections, to aava men from their sins— the way In Areerira to own a mountain, Il la o f the Cross. Three carloads of mohair started th irty mile« from the city a 4 la separating, deatructiv», deceitful, In­ from Albany for Boston last wr?k. celled Mount Spokane. The Halsey Athletic club de- feated the Shedd-Peoria aggrega­ tion last night in a rough-and- tumble game. Numerous tumbles and very poor shooting were the. Bancroft Optical Co. <» How do You Select a Corset gg -" Is it style, appearance, comfort or long wear that influences your choice ? Sunday School Lesson Don’t you think it would be be9t to try to find all these things, and more, in one corset ? Bon Ton Corsets embody every feature mentioned, with the further advantage of suprem e style and m oderate price. $ 3 . 5 0 and $ 5 .5 0 | Special Hill Red Can Coffee, 1-, 2J- and 5 pound cans, M)c a pound M. V. Koontz Co e