PAG E * H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E L y ceu m C ourse expect« to return to Albany the latter pert of the week. T o ile t Herbert Weaver, «on of Mr» E lla Windom of Brownsville, win hae been residing with her for tin past year, »lipped and fell on the •idewalk during the recent eno and broke hie hip, Surgeon» re moved a piece of the bone and h> now goea on crutches. Ringo's Drag Store P o m p e i a n D ay , N i g h t a n d M assag e C re a m P o m e ia n B e a u ty Pow der Mr». W C. E! more brought tv mother, Mrs. Tycer, and Miss* Clevenger and Tycer over iron Brownsville when they took th train here Monday. Mr«. L . A. F ra y ’s daughter, Mis M. B. Morrow, who has been i* Honolulu since November, ex pected to sail for home yesterdu sud be in San Francisco on tin 20th, on her way to Halsey. J. B. Cornett of Shedd ie aeflf* tary of the Wool and Mobui Growers. a rtic le s o f m e rit a t / ) j Pompeian Hloom D je rK is t Cold Cream DjerKis« Face Powder DjerRis» Rouge M e lt« Greaseless Cream. Melba Pace Powder Woodbury Soap Woodbury Face Powder Woodbury Facial Cream > Hudnett Cold Cream > M s via Pace Powder ! Mavis Talcum Powder ( Mavis Toilet Water T h e la s t n u m b e r o f th e g iv e n a t t h e U ia lto T u esd ay L yceum o u rse w ill b e E v e n in g , F e b r u a r y The ly c e u m c o m m itte e a p p re c ia te s th e p a tr o n a g e d i e p e o p l e o f H a ls e y a m i v ic in ity h a v e g iv e n t b e p r e c e d i n g s h o w s a n d g u a r a n t e e s t h a t t h e r e w ill b e u o d i s a p p o i n t m e n t in t h e c o m i n g e n t e r t a i n m e n t . P ric e s , 25 and 50<' > r e s e r v e d s e a ts , library. Ilitl-U S l/ to th e p u b lic I 1« o - .1 L Luncheon was — served b* the hostess. a At the next inerting Baby Chi ks Charles B*rretl has been di vorced from Ora. They were m ar tried in Detroit, Or., in 1914. Mrs B. 8. Clark was a psa«en- irer to Alford Sunday. There sh* viaited at the home of her brother C. A. Curtía • in “ WHITE and UNMARRIED A P a rasp o u n t P ic tu re , PREPARATION OF HAY FOR MARKET Producers Have Suffered Great Losses Because of Use of Improper Methods. Me and Mre. W H. B one drove to Eugene Saturday for a W. H. Truax was sentenced to visit with relatives and friends. 6 days in ja il or $10 fine for |eav R B Mayberry was an A lh i.y ¡ng his snto in the ynsd b«tweeo vi-ntor Sunday. A lbany a l l I jn llo rs o n H r chos Mrs. Mary Pslmer arrived th a the ja il, but after an hour change his mind and paid the fine and morning from California,, wlie.e Product That Grades Highest and ¡she has passed several man lbs with Brings Prices la T hat Having N a t­ $4 90 costs. her daughter, aqd will vi«it her ural Green Color— Tim e of 1’ht, Lake Creek community ot brother, John McNeil, and her son, Cutting Counts. the Farm Bureau, o, which C It. Lyman Palmer. Evans is president, offers 20 cent l*r* P » r«.1 Sr t h , U a lt ,d B ta tM D e p a rtm e n t ot A g ric u ltu r e .> Fhe stale library bonk* have been each fur dead gnple rs mid 5 cent- W hat to do w ith low-grade hay has for moles and rats. N ext meeting called lor, so those having book» '*ng been a vexing problem to the hay out will kindly bring them in Sa’. tonorrow. cade. Losses running Into the thous- urday A new sliijnnjut from the N. T. S teed and son Ercel ar* «tat.« library w ill he sent as nwn I | uids ttf dollars untiiially have been suf- :'ered by producers because of the dtf- both reported ill. *« the present lot is returned. Iculty encountered In disposing of hoy Our railroad time tattle hold Mr and Mrs. R A- Templet *n (hat la Improperly prepared for nittr«; good until next Sunday, when ket. or is of a mixture that causes It visited at tb*-W ill Templeton bom change goes into force. We hav* in Brownsville Monday. They re- to be regarded as of a tow grade. not the new figures for Halsey, bit* port Mr. Témplelos feeling mucl In Departm ent Bulletin 977, "M a r­ expect to publish them next week l*ul ler. keting Hay at Vounlry Points," recent- ly Issued by the United States Depart­ Mrs. C. B Tycer o, Brownsville ment of Agriculture, the failure to M*s Jacob Kutsoh weut to A • went to Portland Monday by w.i\ remedy this situation la ascribed to -any Saturday to visit bar parents of Halsey to be nt the m illin er»- two chief reasons: The producer and opening, expecting to bi gone about for a week or two. VITAL INFORMATION LACKINO SUNDAY M A IL HOURS PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line Thomas Meighan Coming »as much enjoyed The I,b ran ' t L ' i T S S ~ S " * ' . ¡cmnnttee reported another ship Und'« lr' bU Cause L o ~ The production of undesirable mlxV went o, . books, making a total of , - , , ,- -------- turea for the market w ill cause a losa 45 new book« add ed South No, 23, 11:31 , . M, 15, 12:24 p, m. 17, 5.49 p. m. Tb« delivery window of the Haiaey poetoffice is open Sundays grom 9:15 lo 9:45 s. ra. and 12:20 to 12:35 and 5:15 to 5.30 p. n* c lu b l a i t T liu rs d « y a fte rn o o n 1‘h - ■ reasons for the demand for certain lesson, on Oregon, was g 'v e n in ai- sixes and weights are numerous and a b le m a n n e r by M rs . T e m p le to n ’ not »■ways based on fact», It la said, a n d a humorous poem [negio dia However, as In many other klnda of ***’t,] read b y Mrs. Morrihinweg ,r* dln«- 14 P"7» «»e « ’»««' to aim te Mrs. Mark« will have charge ot the leesou. eturn from Junction City and were guests at the J, M . Por­ ter home, MEIGHAN 65« Thomas Meighan, the famous Paramount etar, will be seen at tbe l to the produce as :ong as the market Rialto theater Friday in hia new ■ y A s t o r y o f a c r o o k w i t h photo play, ‘ 'W hite and Unmar­ doe* not want mixtures. Certain ried.” It is said M r. Meighsn has theae are discriminated against regard* a s o u l. less o f their true n utritive or feed« an exceptionally fine part in thia and Ing value. Tbe producer may know» picture, that of a crook who re­ positively that certain mixtures are forms and who finds Jove after palatable and contain more total di­ many exciting happenings. The gestible nutrients than the kinds now­ support is headed by Jacqueline in greatest demand, yet he ia power­ Logan, a former Foilies beauty. less to make feeders realize their value. The state board of health ha sent out a warning to beware i There ware fourteen marri ge colds, a« ari epidemic of iiifitienz ‘ J R SA LE in a rather light form ie sweepi iy W h ite , e Rhori»». I »tiered, H i l ­ and four divorces in Liun count* over the country. ly wood hen, Hogan tied. Mated to in Jauuaiy. pedigreed Hollywood cockerel» Price K arl Bramwell and family were The Introduction and general use of Mr. Jones of the Wood wort li 12 cent, at Brownsville, Oregon. A oany visito’ e Monday Mr . E th ­ a new- kind or m ixture of hay Is a drugstore, Alhsuy, who wsssoiien' Hatching egg«, $5 per hundred ___ undertaking, as In the case el Maxwell of Tangent came home very slow death’s door after an operation fo* B T. K m »r. with them for a few day«’ visit with of clover and alfalfa, appendicitis, is still in theliospits her father, John Porter. About the only'way to avoid trouble hut rspidly recovering. lowed at 10 o'clock and the Times . " ,th undesirable mixtures, says the Baby beef is the finest, tender oya “ this lieu* evidently m *re I he captain of the Rebekah bulletin. 1» for the producer to cease e«i beef in the world, A proini- teiosene had been used’’ and it team (B a lf Bond) assisted by the growing them and to produce only the ¡ng calf is fed and handled scien­ vae destroyed Th« paper adds: Noble Grand (his belter lw o -|kln d In demand In the markets to tifically to produce the most rapi> No collection was taken up for th ird s ), served “ eats” which were which Ilia hay Is usually shipped, growth and before it is a year old he widows and orphans of the enjoyed by all on Monday night CnPle" °f the bulletin may be had free after practice. upon application to the department at it is larger than the average ¡remen.” Washington. D. C. two-year-old and of the best » u il. Miss Viola M ix w e il and her ity. A baby bee, club is to b* friend, Mias M ille r of Tang-nt, ADVANTAGE OF VELVET BEAN added to the many at Shedd. topped in Halsey Friday on their Mrs D. K. Dean was on th Coos bay train Friday morn in. when near Mapleton it ran thru landslide that wrecked the cow catcher and tore off all the step on one side of the train. T H 1OM? OMAS 1 4 t li North No. lg, 12:0« p. m. 24, 4.34 p. m. 14. 5:27 p. m. A Good Comedy GIVE LIFE TO PLAIN FROCK For Sale—Oliver Irpew ritor No 9. Two-color ribbon, back spacer tabulator. 125. C. P. St»« rd, Halsey, Ore. Leave your orders for plaster at the lumber yard, land- Dr. E. W. Barnum , dentist, at Hotel Halsey every Tuesday attd Friday. SECRETARY WALLACE ON FARM PROSPECTS When Properly Dried It la Distinct Addition to Protein Concentrates fo r Cattle. Tear 1922 Should Be Better One for the Farmer. When properly dried before ship ment, velvet bean feed la a distinct addition to the protein concentrates at the disposal of northern feeders. • In the opinion o f Dr. J. B. Lindsey of Massachusetts station. It has proved slightly better than wheat bran fur making milk. I f may constitute Money Condition« Are Improving and Noduesd Freight Ratos Lighten Transportation -B urden— Rrleee H it Bottom. X/XH?; « B r a p a M S 'k r t h . U n l« .d s t . t M a t A g rlc w ltu r r I pigs and horses Is considered enough Doctor Lindsey recommends for cows a ration of 40 per cent velvet bean feed, 40 per cent corn or hominy meal or ground oats and 20 per cent cotton seed meal or some other high-grade protein concentrate. D u p .r t m .n t When asked for a statement on the prospect« of the farm er In 1922 Sec­ retary of A g riculture W allace said All-over op«n «mbroidorod not com­ that no man whose opinion 1« worth bined with val lace makes thio eol'ar considering would care to make any ind cuff u t a drossy feature of an hard and fgst prophecies. H e added, >thorwi«< plain frock. however. tbi|t there are sign* which Indicate that,[the coming year should SIMPLE AND EFFICIENT POKE | YEW SATIN EVENING WRAPS he a better one for the farm er and for those who deal with him than was Oovleo Recently Invented to Prevent Among these hopeful sign» he Softest and Moat Clinging M aterials 1921 Animal From Forcing Itself mentioned the follow in g: Are Used Thia Season for Through Fences. Credit conditions are better both Droea Oocaalone. ' through regular channels and through The Scientific American In Illu s tra t­ Some of the evening wraps fo r the the special agencies created to meet ing and dewcrlblng an anlmnl poke, the «easoti are made of the softest and' the farm er'« need«. Interest rates also Invention of H. Gerdes o f Benkelman most clinging niaterlnls. One. fo r In­ are softening. Neb., says: Reductions already made In freight stance, w h s of dark blue crepe. It was An object of the Invention Is the fashioned in rape effect and bad large rates on farm product« lighten hy provision of a poke o f simple and revere of pure white ermine. Op«the that much the transportation burden efficient construction which Is formed lower part of the cape and at the ride« which the farm er has been carrying. «ere placed shaped panels o f^ tb e Coat of producing farm crop« will »rrnlne fur. Another wrap w-aa of be low er relatively In 1922 than In the dealers do not yet agree as to what pern satin to which wag attached at 1921 a week. I he 5 ehergall Meat oom pan y ot constitutes quality In hay. and many Very likely there w ill he a redne- he shoulders an overmnntle of fiic«, headed by cord and frill o f the lice. tton In the acreage of «ome o f the Glen Fox passed through Hala*y Albany affotdi a market for all producers lack vital m arket Inform a­ tion regarding the preparation of hay The lace was threaded w ith ateel-col- 41 ain o f which we now have such a Monday on his way to Brownavilh- ki ids of stock except horses an for term inal and consuming markets. red met at thread«. A «econd manti« Isrge surplus, and thia should tend representing Fletschner, Mevei mules anu is constantly shipping Color Counts Moot. uy the carload It else hae a of raapberry-colored silk and toward better prices & Co Quality of bay la at present In rimmed with gray fox and garlands of The paralyzing effect o f the sudden Lion county packing plant when Miss Gladys Clevenger ot C a li­ Hie Ltnnore bland of cured meat Heated largely by its color, wldch o«es. Evening frock« are of gorgeous drop In prices last year Is wearing Is used to gauge the stage of m aturity fornia, who lias been visiting (In 1« put up. giving a chance to buy ■Ilka and lacea. One exceedingly pret­ off. and farm ers w ill enter the new at which It Is cut The hay that ty model was of apricot silk, trimmed year more hopefully, believing- that Tvcers at Brownsville, went lo •loins products in that line. Do vlth gold lace. Another wa« of white the worat Is over. Albany M inday with little V ir mg such a laige business, it is able Congress has Indicated a w llllng- satin over a »liver lace skirt, which gm i* Tycer of th" latter city. to carry a much more complete * as caught up with a bouquet ot blue ne»a to enact anch legislation as prom­ Mr Gage has a lettr fioiu Pori liue of meats, poultry and fis1. ise« to be helpful *nd cherry -colored roses. Orford saying that our little old 'b in a butcher in a little town Shewing the Invention ao Applied Farm ers are coming to see more 154-Vear-Old Bible Found. clearly that the task of putting farm ­ earthquake broke crockery god ike Halsey is warranted in hand­ with spur» mounted to automatical!, Goshen N Y .— Miaa Carol Ute Vail ing en sound business h«s|, | , really »book doors from their lunges there, ing. 1 hie week the company lia- engage the neck of an animal when h ha» Just found In her home In M ont­ up to them and that through organiza­ which goes to confirm the claim u, au advert is e m e u t which Ihoae who attem pts to force his way through gomery. Orange county, a Dutch book tion they can reduce m arketing costa. the wise msn that the disturbance want something choice by mail m fence; by means of a lever the spui printed 164 year« ago In old Hetland In thia they w ill have Increasing help who visit Albany will do well t*. **re s*o held that they w ill not enga: Dutch language. It wa« believed that «»entered in sea west of here. from the Departm ent of Agriculture read her ancestors brought h to thia coun the neck of the animal under oornu and the various state agricultural col­ T. J. Skirvin and wife visited conditions. ry The hook was a Dutch Bible, lege« which now see better than be­ Mr», Skirvin*« relatives at Tan Mrs B'«t 8. Clark was host«,» printed In 1758. T he name of Mias fore thet they m in t give the fa n n e r g-nt Stturdav. t a meeting uf the Women's Study Veil'« great grandmother, Sarah Brett, PRODUCE HIGH-GRADE SEED the same sort of help In the m arketing was inscribed on a leaflet, and It had E C M ille r and wife were ni of hi« crops that they have been giv­ been handed down from generation to Tangent Sunday. Many Farmer« Are Not Careful l ing him In the production. generation along w ith other old re lic , Prevent M ixture and Keep Out In the Industrial and flnanclal cen­ Mr. and M r-. J. C Ackerman >f Revolutionary and Coloqjel days H arm ful Weeds. ter« there la coming to be a better un­ and M 's Effie Bavarian«! o L A W Y E R AND N O TA R Y derstanding o f the Im portant p art the Brownsville called at the Wheel* , Even In communities where a all farm er playa In our general economic - n home Friday Mr-*. Mary Weal gle variety of a crop is raised almo» scheme, and consequently a decidedly B rownsvii i.*, O kkoon I mother «», the ladies, went hums I exclusively there Is a place for th ! Man Is Saved From more Intelligent and sympathetic a t­ I with them. production of pure a«ed for local sal Wolves by Jackrabbit I I titude toward him and h it problems. saya D. W. Freer, extension speclall W ith prices of farm product, fo il­ W 1 I,ane, Hie Brownsville I In «eld crop* for the Missouri Colle; ing and fhe fnture very uncertain, Roundup, Mont.— W. H. White» I IC B N S K D F U N 8 R A L D IR E C T O R S jeweler, a,id wife called on th* i o f Agriculture. even those farm ers who had money « rancher In the Cameron I Wheelers Sunday ami Mr. I.a u ­ H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON Inspecting a Car of Hay. Many farmers do not go to the tro* Creek district, while w s lk ln r I l»ld hy— and there are a large number include«! our local jeweler, A to Phono .» Phone IS I hie to keep thetr seed up to a hlg across the fields unarmed, no- I of such— have been restricting their gradea hlgheat. and consequently bring, standard tint allow It to become mlxe* nelius, In his visit. Rranchei et buying to w hat they had to have. tired that two wolves were fol I I •he moat money, ia usually that having Brownsville. Phone 4 7 0 5 . weed Infested and diseased and at Now w ith the growing b elief thnt Glenn Chance wag a Brownsvil e lowing him Not even a stone • he heat natural green color. Hay glad lo pay a good price every fo­ leleev Phone 166, Frank K irk , Mg* I price« hava hit bottom, buying w ill be an I Cr«w or*iavilie visum the h i was aval,able as a weapon and a lealera can often te!l from the color ye a r, for high grade seed. resumed and should Increase In vol­ ot ibs weak. W hite gave him self up fo r loot. ! whether hay wn» rut early, medium Those who are favorably sitúale ume. and m anufacturers and retsllers As the wolves drew near, ready or late, and In tt e lr opinion the heat a r * I V 1 T 1 1 J I V O accomnlaliono* Mrs. George Haves spent the can produce pure seed to meet thl who make or sell things that farm ers to attack a Jack rabbit Jumped , week end with friends |n Corvallis. ■ rlivlee no lougerliireded, or mcsee,1e.l bay la the early cut hay and the local demand. Seed produced for thl J need er want should have better bust J up In th eir path and they sud l*ooreat that which w a , *'ut late. '-y better one«, which «omeboly Wont.! pnrptw sections si lea«l. does not o, Brownsville v is ite d a t the | \ •n the community, because fkrmei 1 we can enter the new year In a spirit and covert eh«t ia < O il 1 la now carrying a gun. igree with the term inal market theory Hteveueon and J W M iller h o m e - IXiyer w ill not pay ae advanced price lk on "nlv Iraah into good V A u l l of noperuineaa hopefulness and good cheer I see - m of quality aa Indicated by color Many i * Halsey Sunday, seed that la very little better the ___ aothlnr which indicates boom times producer« prefer medium or late cut their own. f * rn’* r In the near future, hut M an M ust n a v e M u s tic ite . hay. eape* tally for horwea, becauee It Tbe Time« does not come o r 11« her child stories In which, on i dependent upon him of hale« la an Important factor, since breeh e mew) wld e brtek." «atd Char after refilling its chemical tank, ke our stage melodrama. It always there la sometimes a difference o f aev receipt of your name with addreaa con* co«l Eph. moodtty. -he gwtne ptek nr which had. , been . , thoughtfully grade * the hairless man who figures as the „ , . , ---------------- - • | píete W rite to G M itchell. .W Pearl era! dollar» a ton In the . . . . «ame r .» • iot «' Info-metlon *hout a enttln klnr* _ . R elb og atone. befv.eb.ud, bul ou, f0|. „ y llta ln — National Geographic Society hav m «raal! or l « | j Mee «f ^'-Dc*ltiogu"— Xl*'ba»»-» r « * t * * “ •■ •« — < •too * o ttu ro I I , gravitates down