Brownsville Briefs Crawfordsville c'o-cd w «>-k .i upuu Uda description, I There were two or more wh(, ,,M eon voi. L • • • « » . r f n r i T (Regular correspondence) siona and »be Christian people not know the a rt of a French dca.*s:ier. A bake aale by the tuisaionarv of the community were g reu II» Those clever ones—and especially I society of the Presbyterian churon benefited. Jenny can make black and pray and is announced to take place at the silver shine until they glow with color, I W illiam Schrunk is reported and that w ith only the merest bit o f a 1 Dunlap drugstore Saturday. quite ill at hia home on Blakel pattern o f trim m ing w ith which to Mrs. George McKinney was the avenue. He has been ailing foi create a contrast. victim (? ) of a very pleasant an. some time. The bodice of this frock Is typical of ' mver-ary surprise at the M K in ­ so many of the newer waists. I t Is ! W. f\ Templeton has been qui ney home Friday evening. Her lust a trifle longer than the normal | friend, Mrs. Fanny Tunperley, sick again for several days and ti ’ nlstllne and manages to give that planned and executed the surprise, family and friends are ntu alarmed about bis condition. inviting in a few intimate friends to spend the evening, and a very enjoyable time it proved to be. FCIt. 9 19 Î2 " Baby Chicks B A R R E D ROCKS, : Donald, San Jose. Cal The Christian church is plan­ ning special meetings to beg u about the middle of the month. 1 Coucilman Ham ill w on the sick having bee«» threatened for a time with pneumonia, but it re- ported better. Their daughter, Mrs. Troutman from near Sbedl, atsists Mrs. H am ill in caring for be: father. lis t, Rev. A M McClain goes to Unico Point schoolhouse three nights th s week to hold spe- «ul W«etin|s Wee tings. qjaetinjs at The Christian church social an­ nounced for Friday evening has I been postponed indefinitely. James Sheridan, breeder of Shire — 1 horses at Shedd, recently sold six brood mares and two stallions to FA R M Sparklet W ith Brilliancy. Last Tuesday the Home Making club met at the home of the leader, Mrs. T. I , Marks, The members have completed two lessons since ¡they started. They had a musical solo and a reading at the meeting. FOR SALE Creation in Ivory and Metal Brocade. O re g o n Jenny’s dress Is made of black crepe. T he French call It "crepe morocain noir.” It la then trimmed w ith the slightest tracery of heads In silver snd Mrs. M. R. Taylor of Corvallis, .former resident of Halsey and sis­ ter of Mrs. Southern, arrived on Tuesday’s train and nlnde a few days’ visit. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Southern called on Mrs. Wheeler j Tuesday, W illiam Marler of Payette, Id * , i ho, stood on the track insteid of Tancred and Hollywood »trains, on the platform when he D igged a $12.50 per 100. H atch ing eggs, $6.00 train at T u ls a M o n d a y e v e n in g per 100. W illia m s W h ite Leghorn Farm H e was knocked d o w n and brui-ed Phone, 3x3 a sey, ( re. ai)(j gpe n t gevertti days in a hos- l pital. SEED STORE Real expression of Paris Is found In the restaurant frock. And this is the tim e o f year when designers over there are bending the best of their ef forts to create dresses of such charac­ ter. Then, observes a fashion w riter Ip the New York Times, while we In Am erica do not go In for the restaur­ ant frock as such, still we have a dis tlnct predisposition to a dress of this type, and It is from those models for Parisian restaurant life that we take many of the Ideas which carry us Into more particularized American crea­ tions. T he dresses, In fact, which are being worn now In Paris are those It behooves us to watch from this side o f the A tlantic, I f we wish to be any­ where In touch with fashions, as they proceed along th e ir varied ways. But the restaurant dresses that are new Just now are the loveliest, it seems, which have ever been made. They are simpler even Ilian the sim­ plest of day-time frocks, hut they have that distinction of cut and line ami fabric which marks them for leaders In their own generation. Mos' of the draping has disappeared; uneven hems, except those very much re­ strained, are taboo, and altogether tl.e beat of the fresher dresses of this sort hare resolved themselves into quite classic a f f lr a . Quite intereating are the newest of the dresses from three of the leading Parisian couturiers. They are Jenny, f o ir e t and Premet, each of whom Is entitled to a distinct command for fashion as it exists and shall exist. All the waistlines are as long as Is consist­ ent w ith a picturesque effect. The m aterial la the only real consideration about the gowns, and, while the skirts are long, they are not unduly so, to Instigate a riot In the camp of those who hate to ace the skirts of dresses drop too far. a Whit« Leghorns S e n d f o r o u r c a ta lo g to d a ; fo r Leader. A number of candidates for membership were baptized at the Biptist church Sunday evening The church alao enjoyed a fellow­ ship dinner at noou with appro­ priate aervicee. O. A. C. and Mc- » 1 3 P E R 1OO B A B ¥ C H IX M o n e y w ill n o t bn. b e tte r e q u ip m e n t a n d y o t cannot a ffo rd to bn? c h e a p e r m a c h in e s . Fashion Writer Says. Nine me.nbers were publicly received at the Presbyterian cburqli Sunday morning. Ol"’ ** h°«fdlug out a $2tX) fine for making booze. Mrs. A. C. Armstrong, O l TRRN and ______ BUCK K YR zxLillJ T N V d T R A TO RQ & JPT 1 V RROORFRQ vllJLlVO Mr. and Mrs. Charles Child-* have completed arrangements for removing to Albany to liVegs soon »J Mrs. Childs finishes drilling the RESTAURANT FROCK IS GRÄM high school students and other of our citizens who are to give the Garment Simpler Than Simplest Day “ Blue B ird” play on the 16th and time Drees— H a t Distinction of 17th for the benefit of the high Cut and Line Which Marks It school football team fund. Cecil Harriaon left the forepart of ibe week for a visit with rela­ tives and friends near Roseburg. H. A. Wilson will assist in look­ ing after the chickens snd cows during M r Harrison's absence. * > '> « « • . • White Leghorn Baby Chicks dealer Dr A in p that Pierceof breed of horses. MUST WATCH THE MODES OF PARIS Gustavaon’s confectionery store was entered Friday night and sev­ eral box-veof candy taken. Later in the night one of our citizen* waa paaaing the aite of the old livery barn and seeing some boys sitting in the shadows turned his flash light upon them, when they sud­ denly decamped, leaving behind revet a I pounds of candy. No ar. rests have been reported. l i S " ? K ' ‘Es i 1 from heavy laying stock. O. A. C. strain Booking orders taken now for spring 1822. Safe arrival live, vigorous ¡chicks guaranteed. Price $12,50 per 10«. M R S. A. J. JO H N S O N , Halsey, Ore., R. 1, box 46. Phone 3F23. W. D. Washburn, on Halsey avenue, believiug io the early bird and worm story, sowed several pounds of clover seed, last week. This is the first seeding we have beard of. Mr. W. is going quite extensively into the sheep busi­ Keen Eye Should Be Kept on the ness and will need plenty of pas­ French Styles, Prominent ture. Mayor E. E W hite and wife re­ turned the latter part of the Week for a husiiiesa trip to Portland and s visit to their daughter, Mrs, Victor Weber, and fim ily . Mrs. White brought a severe cold back with her and for several days was confined to the house. hive ~ ~ been receiving t h e ir u n ifo r m s $12 PER 1 0 0 Armstrong » tra in * T H O U SA N D OAK Henry Blakely sold forty-five MURPHY'S white Leghorn hens a few day ago at private sale for 75 oente each A lb a n y That wag much above the market price, but the hens were making a good record in egg production. Weather Forecaster G„ Hog failed to see his shadow the other day, much tc the delignt of his ad mirers, who aeem to bold his fore­ casts above those of Uncle 8am. However unreliable the weather may prove his predictions to be, the faith of hie devotees is never shaken. Great it G Hog as a weather prophet ^ (Continue I from page 1) The Albany Boy Scouts Halsey, Oregon. ! Saturday, Feb 4, Mrs. Eliza , Robe reached the 87th milestone in her earthly pilgrimage. Some of her friends remembering the an- niversary called at her home and offered their congratulations, j We understand that one of our poultryrnen is considering an offer of $1 per head for a thousand white Leghorn hens Among egg pro­ ducers this seems to be one of the most popular breeds. k PAG E 5 J o ts a n d T ittle s D .iitz t ia n «1 © :□ k * Ozark Is a corruption of the t i e u c h words aux area, meaning "w ith howa,” ■ term deacrtptlve of the Indians who inhabited the country. A school election has been called for February 18 to vote on the consolidation of the 52-74 (Brownsville) district with the Ash Swale district. There Beenis to be some opposition developing among the Ash Swaleites on the ground of a probable increase of taxes in their district. However, their school advantages would be great­ ly increased. While of course feeling the weight of years, she is still quite active, and her mental faculties are "prac­ tically unimpaired and she con- verses most entertainingly of the early history of Oregon and Linn countv, which have been her home much longer than the average life­ time. — H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E Black Crepe Frock W ith Silver Beads effect of complete Indifference to waistline of any sort. But, as a mat ter of fact, it is studiously arranged on a foundation or lining dress, which holds It uncompromisingly In place. The bigness of the sleeves Is only an excuse for giving actual gruce and line to that portion of the frock, and the sleeves are a center of the design of the costume as a whole. Around Naw York Just recently great many dresses of this general character have been noted. They were mostly made of a dull and heavy crepe, or of a shiny black gntin of one of the standard and reliable weaves, lint the sleeves are always very big and floppy, and they manage to give n grace Io the costume which Is distinctly new and which. It has been noted. Is some­ thing wlildh adds a totally novel char acter to the gowns of this season. •Many of these dresses are m ale without any trim m ing whatever and most of them are In black. They are the smartest of all, beyond any doubL But here have been seen frocks made in the most b rillian t o f colored crepes and satins, which have held th eir place along with the general throng In a quite remnrkahle way. Colors Much More In Vogue. The later news from Paris says that colors are much more In vogue than they h ate been In the recent past. But In New York, wherever well-dressed women sre gathered together, there Is I surprising preponderance of blnck. During the last few weeks one hns noted some exception to this general rule In the way o f all-w h ite frocks seen on many of the younger girls of the theater and dances. But, as a rule, these frocks are made along plain and simple lines, just ns th e ir black sisters, and they take the tone of th eir gen­ eral effect from their harmony with the personality of the wearer. Often a white dress on a very ac­ centuated brunette type w ill create the most vividly colorful effect. And again the all-hlack costume on a girl whose hair and complexion are a light blonde are the things which make every beholder sit up and take par tlcular notice. Prem et’s gown Is maih from a combination of black satin am a vivid blue chiffon, upon which fouu datlon are sewn black Jet cabochons I d a regularity o f pattern which la ro o s i Channing. Again the w aistline Is long, without being too unwieldy Iff its general pro portions, and again the design and con structlon of the frock are so simph that they seem to defy competition In that p articu lar direction. The black satin Is ao arranged that it seems to make the foundation gown, but noth ing of that sort has really huppened The two materials are so blended that between them, they make a pattern and a clever combination that seems destined to make the gown which shall be the most successful o f the season. Shepherd Collie Pups C A R L SEEFELD A. Peterson Practical Shoe Repairing. Fine Dress Shoes a Specialty 501 Lyon s t , Albany, Oregon, Shoe Repair Shop The drama, ‘‘The Old District School,” has been p ostpo ned u n til Feb. 16, Thursday evening of next week. Tickets on sale at Stewart art & Price’s. Everyone help for this is for a worthy cause, given by the Epworth League Iver Johnson, who did a lot of the work preparatory to the pav­ ing of Brownsville, passed thru Halsey Monday on his wav to Col­ lage Grove, where he ha- five mile- >f logging railroad to build. Next Sunday will be known ns “ Boy Scout Sunday” and Rev. C. Ain prepared to do all kinds of T- Cook will preach a sermon es­ shoe repairing. Satisfaction guar pecially for the boys at the M. E. church at I t o’clock. The day be­ nnteed. ing Lincoln’s birthday, the affair JEWETT the COBBLER. may perhaps be called a double- header. Two doors north of the hotel I. O. 0 . F. W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 65. Regular meeting next Saturila! night. M r. and Mrs. A. W. Haynes came from their home near Irving Tuesday and took Mrs. Wheeler for a ride in their car— her first rid« since the forepart of Decem­ ber, when she became partially paralyzed. A C- H»yman, county agent,, says Prof H. E Cosby will tell how to hatch, brood and care fo r Office 1st door south of school house baby chicks at the next series of From this gown It w ill be seen thnt Halsey, Oregon. meetings at the poultry demonstra­ no p articu lar accent hns been put np- in Real Estate. tion farms, which will be held n the waistline. At that point a Dealer Handles Town and Country Property. Feb. 10 at 9:30 at J. C. Huber’s, simple fold o f the m aterial has been at the sole claim ant to distinction, and G ive him a call and see if he can fix tlhany coiumuiiitv, nt 2:30 Mrs. O. T. Karstens’, Harmony It hns succeeded In preserving the you up. community, and at E. J Hender­ straight line of the gown with perfect ffect. son’s, Brownsville, at 10 next day. Draping Is Interesting. W. J. Ribelin s ANITA RY The revival meetings at the M- E. church beginning Feb. 19 will he under the leadership of Rev. E. Firat-claaa work yuarnteed R Parrot! and wife of St. Paul, K A R L BRAM W ELL. Minn, Do not forget the date. Plan to get to the fiist meeting to begin w ith, they are still expected to wear clothes to make them long- and get an interest in the king- looking in spite of themselves. And Irtm of God. A ll are cordially in­ for the Indies who are really tall to vited to come and help. begin w ith— why there Is no end to C. T. Cook, pastor. Electric H aircutting, Massaging the heights they w ill manage to reach and Shampooing. County Agent Heyman an. with the aid o f the modern dress They must Dot be afraid of their own Cleaning and Pressing. nonncea that Rev. E. B. Fitta, O. exaggerated lines, that Is all. They A. C. dairy apecialist, will tell LARING LINES IN TOPCOATS must frankly accept the fact that they which feeds mnke the best hal. are the lenders of style and play Into meed ration at Mr. Karstens* the hands o f the dressmakers who New M odelt Flara From Belt to Hem place, Harmony community, at A R C H IE C O R N E L IU S and Belt I t Low; Qivee Long- wish to use every atom of the height 9:30 Feb. 13; at A. A. McKenzie’s, W aisted Effect. which Is theirs by nntural birthright Kingston community, at 2:80 the Polret Is usually noted for doing the same dav and next Salurdty a t T he straight up and-down line la no outre thing in the way of women's E x p e rt workmanship. Watches and 9:30 at Ernest Pugh 's, Sli-dd, and dress. He Is the Insurgent In the longer smart In topcoats. T he new clocks a specially. al 2:30 at F M Bear’s, Plainview models flare gracefully from belt to camp. Ami yet when you w hittle II O R E G O N He adds ‘ ‘If you have one or 1-cd it will pi lion, you find that in some ways he I a long-walsted effect. Sometlmea the g i la the most conservative of all. One skirt section la circu lar In cut to give Prof F tie’ Instr'lcii this graceful flare , and sometimes V- point upon which he does Insist, and biggc-l indnstrv 1 I n The draping of strings of Jet Jewels the Inleresting feature trim m ing of this gown of Prem et’s. Against the lighter color they sre always posed, and they are allowed to swing In loose, mg lines, contributing their effect to he general gathering-together of lines which all tend In up and down and xaggerated directions. Ladies must tie tall in the modern clothes, and tall without the slightest Interruption to hat scheme. Even I f they are short Barber Shop and Baths BARBER SHOP E. C . M IL L E R w ATCHMAKER& Jeweler ' shuped sections are set In at the sides. ! A stunning topcoat la of cashmere radl- I nnt, a beautiful new eoat fabric of | soft, silky texture, In the new M alay brown shade. C ircu lar sections are j -et In to give a saucy awing and flare declares that every woman shall be to the coat below the belt, but the up- an Individual, individually dressed, and per part la slightly fitted by darts amt In this respect he has the quality of the coat sleeves, though loose. Ill smoothly. T he' »pedal feature ta a leading all o f the other designers. long "throw collar." w ith a scarf end that extends from the draped choker collar ao th a t the tasseled end may be tossed back over one shoulder to which he sticks with a tenacity that la surprising, is the fact that women must have the bravery always to do the new and the picturesque thing He w ill not consent to th eir sinking Into the mass picture in any way. He F. M. GRAY, Drayman. All work done promptly reasonably. Phone No. 269. and C. C . B R Y A N T ATTO RNEY AT LA W The Halaev p<>pnl <«••• pp g*« d, clean 11 <1 ii ► i u in t iii h i a i tin l; h i i- i ll- l.ty l l t r i e w a - n good s’ .. » in i f a ir a I Ii m la in i'. N'-X M' : I I e c n c ln d .i.c " ' i i i h c e iim (•" i - ■ there >• m l I ha I n I u. • I, Chance the price nf id i , | - - i n Ii - l«en reduced, as will be seen in Rld'g. the advertisement elsewhere, H a l­ sey has given belter patronage to Albany, Oregon. T h e A r r iv a l o f Ihe lyceum than the neighboring Lang Tim e Growing. and larger towns of Brown-ville th a t b o x o f C a n d y I l requires more than a ceBlury tor and Harrisburg, and Ihe prospect a cedar tree to grow large enough io is that the guarantors who made ie always quite an e v e n t; but how the yield a 30-foot telephone pole. The Men, Women, Girl«, this course possible will not be enthusiaam dampens if the confection- I eucalyptus tree w ill attain a larger Bachelors, Widows, etc, etc. called upon to pay «uch a deficit as ery falls short of what the appreciative growth In th irty y e a n and its wood Ie occurred in those cities. one has a rig h t to expect. If you »end quite as dura hie. 201 New First N at’l Rank LO N ESO M E? a box ol onr delicioui confections th e y 'll | be everything she dreamed of and Paradise Fish. Among Ihe paradise Ash. found In more f f eouree our confectionery ie pure, and it surely cannot be called high China, the male blows bubbles until a sticky froth floats oo the surface of in price. the w a te r: to the undersurface of thia be Ira n tie rs the eggs as soon ae they sre laid guarding them from destruc­ Stewart & Price Confectionery tion by bis mat«. Join our Correspondence Clnh and make many interesting friend« G el acquainted throughout Ihe world through our medium. M arry W ealth. H ap p ie r,» Hundred» rich, attractive and genial, w illin g to wed. Photos Free. Send 50 cents for four months' anbacriptioo. $1.00 for one year. Mi»» Maude Ackley of Albany came to the Ribelin home Friday ¡evening. Sunday »he spent the day with Mra. L, A. Pray. Mon­ day Mrs. Pray and Mias Ackley dined with M i’ s Mary La Rue. F L O R E N C E B E L L A IR E Mess Ackley has also been visiting She 200 Montague Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. Mrs, Fox while io H als«/. i