PAGE 4 HALSEY ENTERPRISE FEB. 9, 1722 An Intereating Meienge PAPER BOY The news of the week sparkles ear« never to walk by her bonne It have you there, right on the spot to » a » easy enough to use some other A L arg er Uniform ed Body from many diverging facets. the m in ute!" Lee A. White of the Detroit street when be had to go down town. The prediction was accurate. The News tells the Medill school of Than the U . S. A rm y “Th e good ole class o f Nineteen too fatherly " fra , aenlorg' did a), that journalism that American news. Fourteen Is about gone." he said to Fred said they would, and more. For Fred Mitchell, who was still hlg most ' papers are not half ae yellow as the honor of the “f ra t,” »hey coached Intim ate friend when they reached the the desperate Ramsey 1» the technic I t is pleasant to turn from sfo critics say they are— that those senior year. “ Yes. s ir ; It's held to­ of Lumen debate, told hlfll many more l’ iee of the increase of crime, espe­ critics skip the real news, read the gether a good many years, Fred, but things to say than could be said In cially among boys end joung men, more sensational item» and th«-n a fte r Juue It’ll he busted plum up. six mlnules. and produced him. de­ call the papers sensational. In and J hope nobody starts a move to spairing. ghastly and bedewed, In the to the brighter picture preeenleu this they are like some self-styled have any reunions. There's a good Ask to see the new large hall o f the Lumen society at by the Boy Scouts of America. reformers who see only the evil many members of the ole class that eight o'clock on Frl(|»y evening. More lhan a m illirn boys are on that exists and use their lungs Io shaped lens, the correct J can stand and there's some I can't, Four other "twelve-minute debatee” but there's one I Just won't I I f we their way to become helpful, hon­ advertise it instead of working con­ glass for evening wear, ever did call a reunion, that ole Yo­ ( I o be continued, orable citizens. They are bound structively to counteract it by the Colonial. Made in cum girl would start In right away building up the good. Gilded vice by the following oath: and run the whole shehang. and th a t’s likes to be advertised. That brings , either eyeglasses or spec* ‘ ‘On my honor I will do my best— where I'd resign! You know, Fred, Biggest Thing in the World " 1. To do my duty to God and it recruits from among people oth­ the thing I think Is the one biggest ' tacles. (Portland Oregenian) my country, and to obey the scout erwise simple minded. benefit o f graduating from this ole Influenza, which started on the school? It's never seeln' Dora Y<> uin The world court ol law, which law. again.” " 2 . To help other people at all Atlantic coast, has spread over the has ever been regarded as the cor continent. This was again his theme as he sat nerstone of any agreement times, The Portland school authorities by the same friend's side, In the rear “ 3. To keep myself physically nations to settle their disputes bj row o f the class at Commencement, strong, mentally awake, and mor­ have decided to lake special pains peaceful methods, is at last a fact to safeguard dancing in schoel listening to the delivery of the Vale­ ally straight.” dictory. “Thinks she’s Just soobhme, I be eleven judges of thePermaneni buildings against demoralization, A L B A N Y O A tO . And the scout law is: don't she!" he whlsperhd morosely. Court of International Justice held instead of banning it, and oppo­ "A scout’s honor is to be trusted, Harold Albro. “ She wouldn't trade w ith the Pi esl- the inaugural session at The H a g u e nents of all dancing say they will Manufacturing optician. dent o f the United States right now. peace palace on January 30 ano ff be were to violate bis honor by appeal to the couite for its pro­ 'elling a lie, or by cheating, or by Never m in d , Just about a lialf-an- the court is ready to try th not doing exactly a given tisk, hibition. hour more and that's the last o' you, suits of oue nation rgamst another Fifteen years ago thia young man Chicago danceball men have ole girl I Yes, sir, F re d ; one thing we thug the league of nations adds t< when trusted on hit honor, he may was selling newspapers. Then he he- sprung a new one. They say they can feel pretty good over : this and fortifies its organization of the be directed to band over his badge do not want the school students in rim e a messenger boy, an office boy, where we get through w ith Dora Y "H e is loyal to all to whom loy­ w i d for the reign of law in place a stock boy and a salesman. Recently cum I" We make a ally is due; his scout leader, bis in their halls because thev demor­ he. Lawrence Quigley, was inaugurat­ of the reign of war. alize the habitues. Ramaey and Fred had arranged to tome, and parents and country. ed as mayor of Chelsea. Mass. He Specialty o f Participation in the proceeding One state has passed a law pro­ room together at Greenfield, the seal " He must be prepared at ant is but twenty-eight years of age. Five of Ihe court will open one of sev of the slate university, and they madi Friendship, iittie to save life, help injured per­ hibiting the study of Darw in’s the­ years ago he was elected to the Mas­ the short Journey In company the fol eral doors by which we may enter ories in the schools. This will sachusetts general court (legislature), sons, and share the home duties, Engagement and into full membership. We shah lowing September. They arrived hl probably increase the sale of Dar being the "house baby”. H e resigned forsake the leaders who look back­ lie must do at least one good turn wiu’s books. larlous, anticipating pleasurable ex W edding during the w ar to enter the navy. cltementa In the way of “fraternity ward and shall follow those who •o somebody every day. Wilbur Glenn Voliva, head Rings " He is a friend to all and a pledging* and tnltlatloua, encounters look forward until we take our the Zion community near Cbicag Let Us Listen. w ith sophomores, class meetings, and proper place in the family ol •rother to every other scout. M . f r e n c h & S o ns lA t ns listen only to the experience " H e is polite to all, especially is seeking a teacher for the school elections; and, also, they were not ah nations. ALBANY OREG. hat nrges ns on; It 1» always higher aolutely without Interest In the matter *o women, children, old people, there who will maintain that tin- of (llrla , for the state university was tnd the weak and lielpless. He world is flat with a wall of ic< than that which! throws or keeps Where the Money Goes co educational, and I, was bu, natural »Bit not take par for being help­ around it and a roof overhead oi hack.— M seterllnck. to expect In so broad a Held, all new which are fixed the heavenly bod ful or courteous. (Dearborn Independent) to them, a possible vision of something He is a friend to animals. He ies. "Mystery of my-teries ! H j f e4MMWNMe*e*W4NMfi»«<<4Pg4P#W«*4W4F»«9Hf»4WW4F»4?#4Fel4WWg|| rather thrillin g They whispered M rked as has been Director Whoso readeth, le will not k ill uor hurt any living is mystery. cheerfully of all these things during Dawes’ work ol pruning expendi- » Hilverizere Fanning Mills him understand." the process of m atriculation, and lures, be has not been able to bal- creature needlessly, but will attire Massachusetts Puritans are n<> Plows r Tractors ■o save aud protect all harmless signed the registrar's hook on a fresh i ce bis budget. Total expendi extinct. They are endeavoring t< fe. p ag e; hut when Fred had w ritten Ills W agons K Cream Ü uie-i for the Bscs) year endiuy stop, by law, the playing of che- " He obeys bis parents, scout- name under Ramsey's and blotted I, Disc Harrow*« el Separators June30, 1923, have been hammete<> u« took the liberty of turning over I he master, patrol leader, and all oilier or checkers on Sunday Springtooth H arrows/Orders taken for Harness Congress has agreed that th leaf to examine some of the auto­ down to $3,506 754,727, as com­ luly constituted autboritiog H Eutopean debts to ibisgovernmrn Manure Spreaders graphs of their future classmates, pared with $3,907.922,366 for tin He smiles whenever be can. But (he ex­ w ritten on the other side. Then he u, current fiscal year His obedience to orders is prom pt shall he refuud-d on extended time C , Special prices for Binders if taken soon tered an exclamation, more droll tluin cess of expenditures over receipts President Harding makes tli and cheery. He never shirks uor dolorous, though It affpcted to he whol in the estimates for next year art grumbles at hardship . welcome announcement that "H e li ly the la tte r; for the shock to Fred placed at $167, 671,977 aa compared " He does not wantonly destroy aod-Maria” Dawes has pared ex was by no means so painful as It was with the defiicit of $24,468,703 for '-A Lornhiniveg - property. He works faithfully, penditures down until this fiscu to his friend. his year. year will show a surplus instead wastes nothing, and makes the Ramsey leaned forward aud read This increase of $143.108,274 in best use of his opportunities. Ho of the predicted deficit of a milli<> the name indicated by Frad'a fore' the deficit is more that accounted And Mr, Lowry begin finger. -aves hi» money so that he msy |or two. »r in the decrease of $605,270,913 pay bis own way, be genetous to this week on page 2 of the Enter DORA YOCUM. n estimated receipts. If next prise bis recital of how our taxr ii . . . When they go, hack to Ihelr year’s receipts were placed at the those in need, aud helpful to wor­ Read the article thy objects. He may work for pay, are wasted. i: pleasant quarters at Mrs. Meigs', fac­ -ante figures as those of 1921-1922, but must not receive tips fur cour- flow week to week, ing (he campus. Ramsey was still un ■ .. i 1 be comparison would show a b«|. Montgomery, Ward & Co. an able to talk of anything except the tenes or good turns. nce of ♦ > k O.8O2, 210 on the right nounce that the firm's busiue-r lamentable discovery; nor were his Fire, theft, collision, property damage and ; He has Ihe Courage to face de of the treasury ledger. companion's burlesquing efforts to con danger in spile of fear, and to stand netted a loss of about $2,000,IXX Of the total estimated expendi- sole him of great aval,, though Fred personal liability. Protect yourself against < up for the right against the coax­ the fast year. ures for the fivcal year ending read from aome old book or something. ing of friends or the jeers or threats loss. . • une 80, 1923 (the first year cov. I guess we go, to siaud up there and of enemies, and defeat does not Warmed Over try, anyway." ered by tne new budget system,) down Idin, "A ll right," said Ramsey, " I f they p prcxim aiely $ 2 , 900,000,(XX) IS til The following paragraphs are " He keeps clean in body and wan* me ,o commit suicide they can ty for past wats and to keep up th printed with the dates aud eveij thought, stands fpr clean speech, send me one o' theli ole 'Assignments.' ighling forces of ihe nation, leav- th ng as they would have bee« clean sport, clean habits, and trav I won', need to commit suicide, though ng only about $600,0(XJ,000 for the worded if the printers could hav. «Is with a clean crowd. I guess. All I'll do, I'll Just fall over peace time pursuits of the national pul them iu type last week; He is n-ver nt toward God, He In a fit. and stay In It.” establishment. And. In truth, when he received his is faithful in his religious duties M r. Williamson, who owns a firs, “Assignment,” one Monday morn and respects the convictions ol farm helweeu Halsey aud Browi s- Ing, a month later, he seemed In a Pictures Free for Schools others in matters of custom and ville, was over from Rickreall th, fe lr way to fulfill his prophecy. The religion.” first of the week looking after bus The 600 lantern slides formetly attention of his roommate, who an, ta cheaper than wood and an oil heater gives com An American huiness man hav­ mess and visiting his patents, win Oil Stoves Oil fort in z bedrdotu on a cold morning. elnnglng to Mrs C E Frost ol at a window of their study, was a t­ ing temporarily lost his bearings live on the place. M r W illiam Tfte-'housewife is as much entitled to modern tracted by sounds of strangulation rtlsnd and need in well known Kitchen Ranges ,Xipnieut in a Londan fog paused on a street sou is in the employ of a largt as the grain grower. "W hat on earth'a the matter, Ram ­ lectures have been secured by the coiner. A newsy, seeing the gen­ dairy firm uear Rickreall. sey ?" M a z d a I.a ttitiQ A gogd.-Jight w ill m ake your eyes last longer and x,elision board of Ihe U. of O. ir io z .n n l a a i i i p a better service. tleman's diiemma, asked if he could “L o o k ! Look a, th is!" nd will be loaned free, the same M n . Wm. Robina and daughtn be of any assi«tance. The genfe. Fred took the card and examined I, Granite and Alminutn Ware »re kitchen pleasures. *- other university slides, to schools with an amazement gradually merg­ mau accepted the boy's guidance to of Lebanon left for home Tueaoaj, nd oommuni ies of the stale. after a visit at the F. W . Robin- ing Into a pleasure altogether too per hie hotel and naturally offered il Tile slides are for the most part cepllble: guide a substantial tip. The boy home. catilifully colored and in some drew himself up with dignity and A S S IG N M E N T Harry Stewart of Crawfordsvil i islauces are of foreigh manufac­ explained that he was a Boy Scout was a Halsey visitor Mooday, Tw elve M inute Debate Class of 1(118. ture They cuver euch subjects and that Boy Scouts did not take Subject, Resolved: That Germany « the cathedrals o, Europe, the pay for doing their good turns. Mias Barber of Eugene returned •a both legally and morally Justified old rush io Alaska, the Speuisb- In her invasion of Relglum. The g eiiiltn u ti’s inteie-t was to Halsey Tuesday to bs with hei V'ueriLan war, London, the Scan- (Debaters are notified tha, each w ill aroused to the extent that he sister, Mrs J I). P itm an. linavian countries, Ihe Rhine coun­ he held strictly to the following ached- sought out Baden Powell, the Mr and Mrs. G. W Mornhin- n le : Affirmative. 4 min., first. Nega­ try and illustraleu hymns. founder of scouting sad chief ol weg were iu Brownsville Tuesday tive, 4 min., firs,. Affirm., 2 min., sec­ the British Scouts association, and Vocational School T alk» ond Meg., 2 min., second.) learned what this scouting busi and Wednesday of this week. Affirmative, R Mil.HOLLAND, 1 8 nese really was. When the busi. (Brownsville Times) J. W Rector aud W . W . A b n - Negative. D. YOCUM, 18. nees man returned to America, he h iu i were doing business iu A l­ The vocational talks in the Concluding his reading, which was interested others in the scout move­ bany yesterday. oral, the volatile M itchell made nse Brownsville public ecboolsfor Feb­ ment. The result was that ihe February 6 Boy Scouts of America was incor­ o f his voice In a manner of heathenish ruary are as follows; Clifford Cornutt, as leader of co­ W illia m M ills, " M illin g F lo u r," porated February 8, 1910 holaterousnees. and presently reclined operative sbippiu g of livestock l i ­ upon a lounge In laugh Ihe better. Ills th grade. On June 15, 1916, congress the Plainview irrm bureau commu. stricken comrede. meanwhile, recov­ February 18—D r. Waltz, ‘ •M i­ granted the organization a special uity, marketed six carloads ol ered so fa r as to pace the floor. 'T in nor Emergencies,” high school HALSEY, OREGON federal charter, among other things, lambs with success gotn' to pack up and light out for February 1 8 - Mrs W illiam giving the Boy Scouts of America hom e!" he declared over and over. '■lid«. " N a tu re S tu d y ,” grades The Peoria farm bureau bas F exclusive right to the name and And even oftener he read and reread Fel tuary 20 Gilbert Da weon, G. Munson as leader of the tuber­ the card to make sure of the actual­ adaptions the eof, insignia and uni­ Interest paid on time certificates o f deposit culosis fight and cow testing, J. T ity of tha’ fata l coincidence, "D. Yo­ ' B ikety,” grades. form. February 27—D r Shelton, “ In - Porter of poultry culling. P. Il We invite your banking business cum, 1 8 .” Freerksen of rodent control and " I f I could do It,” he vociferated, tp ira iio n and Personal E fficie ncy," Missionary Society H. KOONTZ. Pres’ D ?TAYLO R , Vice-Pres. W, G Abraham of war on the “ I f I could stand np there and debate high school February 27— Mrs. B. R Forbea. one o' thelr darn ole debates la the The W . F M. 9 enjoyed the Canada thistle. B. M. BOND. Cashier fl.-a, place— I f I had the gall to even "Th e Ait of Decorsting," grades. hospitality of Mrs. J C. Standi-h Tbs Lebanon Criterion begins try II. why, my gosh' you don', sup­ last Friday aternoon. its twenty-fifth volume ibis week pose Fm goln' to ge, up there and An interesting talk on li dia was with A. C Saunders aa editor and L e w ’« Bestowal argue w „h tha, girl, do you? That's To he right moat of the time yoo given by Mrs Sidney smith. manager, W . C. DePew retiring, a ho, way to ge, an education stand A note of greeting fmm Mrs, after nine years’ service, to wre«- nn«l a’m to he right all o , the time up there and argue with a girl before That mean» constant effort to under W illiam Wbeelet was appreciated lle with the poetmeeterehip of lh » i| • couple o* hundred people I My »» “land each problem that comet np f an Inch thick and W laches la dr­ ee inference I Standard Rearers hold a bazaar in W h ite— "XVhat did poor «Id Jop«» leave h l* eon?" Brown— "Oh. he left March. M's W illiam Beene was a gueet him the cap*city for h«rd work which Home-made candy waz eerved I It wa* quite as good at new; b f tb * b o iU N JOB»» b i^ M l/ k*d M W IL” Edncatiau Automobile Character M ake your dream t come true. T ra v e l I Start now. 4 per cent interest and no w orry i!