PAGE 2 HALSEY E N TER PR ISE FEB. 9, 1922 W H E R E YO UR T A X E S GO BLOUSED WAIST: FULL SKIRT H A LSEY E N T E R P R IS E »ay« be ba» promise of • job if State and uational taxes have reached An independent—NOT neutral—news- acquitted. The play producer wbo staggering proportions. And they con­ paper, published every Jhursday, wauts Fatty if acquitted ie bold tinue to increase. Every legislature and by W m . H. 4 A. A. W H EELER . The American people do not warn rOD ,n*at. There will be one each Transient advertising. 25c an inch; per week for months to come. Clip them manent, 20c. No discount for time in storage for the first screen 0.1 and place them in your scrap hook. or space which he shall be shown. Io "Paid-for Paragraphic" 5c aline. Noadvertising disguised as news Phone 205 HALSEY, Linn Co., Ore. Feb. 9, 192. The fertilizer trust, which sell nitrates for *48 a ton, is frantic illy and expensively working Io prevent Henry Ford from getting the Muscle Shoals plant, where it «ays he cannot produce nitrates for less than *68 a ton If the trust >ella the truth, why should it wor­ ry about Henry? fo r L in n c o u n ty . W e h a v e in s to c k SA X O PH O N ES in C M elody, T e n o r, C S o p r a n o TRO M BO N ES, CORNET, BA RITO N E (by Edward G. Lowry) Cvvrrlskc Wwtav» Nswapaÿw O w T 1. S o ld o n th e e a s y p a y m e n t p la n WHY YOU’RE INTERESTED I wish you would take what ts S ee th e m w h en in A lb a n y F IG U R E S M A Y L IE written here ss a personal report ad dressed directly to you from me about your business. Don't think of It or The National Fertilizer assoc ia- read It as an article about “politics.’ tion (the fertilizer trust) ts spend­ or remote public affairs at Washing ing money like the Newberry l< too. It la not that at all. It Is what I ask you to think It, a personal preveut congress from allowing business report to you relating to your Henry Ford to buy the Muscl*- Individual concerns, your pocketbook When the Hollywood fiilm direc and your welfare. I have no other Rboals enterprise with the object of furnishing cheap nitrogen for faru tor Stein died at the end of a spies Interest than to tell you the exact the film people, already stung to truth use. _____ Halsey vb . Scio lo f the game, but when ouce started Assume that you have sent me to A large crowd was out to t h c |thwe ™ re “ ?d.e r/ P i(l|y, c Ei,lish Its literature proclaims that sul­ desperai ion by the revelations in Washington to find out for you what •a -ketball game last S a t u r d a ,r c" ? ' 22 t,° ,13 ,n ,avor of Sc,o' l phate of ammonia is sold at whole­ court regarding the orgies their your agents are doing, how they are night. The Scio learn remarked^ The girls’ game was very s ow managing your affairs and spending sale at the factory for $18 a too «tar, Arbuckle, had held, droppef your money. I call them your agents th a t our» was the cleanest ganu at first, but after playing a while the subject aftor at first annouuc- ( How much does the farmer pai for that Is all they are— the President, they have played (maybe that w a s i’ b,tter « « ! « « • witnessed by ug that it would lie probed to Hie the member! of the cabinet, the for it?) • * he spectators. Anna Heinrich because they "cleaned” us so. senators and all the members of the The trust also declares that Foul bottom. As the’the Arbuckle and Glen Holland was the stellar did good work tor the losing side. house of representatives. You hire Stein acaudal» fade farther into th» cannot produce it for less than *6S them, you pay them, and you can Are player of the winning aggregation, The final score was 14 to 9 in fa­ past the announced ardor of the them. "ed Situs playing a close second. vor of Scio. * ton. You may think of them In deferenre This is the last game tbe high Delos Clark and Wayne Rob­ Now Henry Ford has some va- film people for reform of the mov­ and awe as a group of eminent states­ school will play on tiie home floor. ertson starred for Halsey. es seems to cool. gatiea, we’ll admit, in huta man men. or you may call them In flippancy The game was lively throughout A reception was held for the vis­ and too hasty contempt “a lot of ufacturing business, or in railroa I ind proved to be as exciting as e l ­ iting tjams after the games. After politicians." But whatever you call log on a small scale, he has prove.I The Grain Dealers’ association ected. Scio was ahead from the playing games refreshments were them, they are your hired men. They rst and gained slowly but surely. served and Scio departed in high • marvelous suooesa. There are ii -pent *62,000 fighting the farmers' attend to your collective business, Few baskets were made at the first spiriti. J. B. number of things of which men as • ¡-operative movement and the which Is called the public business. Query: Are they doing It efficiently Th« amartnass of tha bloused wall wise as these fertilizer men aai I dd party managers had no fault and with a single-minded devotion to and full skirt are shown by thia cor " it couldn't be done,'’ hut lie did t to find with the graind^alers’ bloc. your Interests? model. Tha collar and cuffs are c Perhaps the largest Item In the high Just let Ford get hold of lit But a farmers’ bloc is di Hereof, gray wolf. cost of living Is the high cost of S a lm o n , H a lib u t Muscle Shoals plant and then you know. It might disrupt a par- government. And far and away the O th e r F is h in s e a s o n watch these tig tires: $68 a ton as y. Well, yes; it may. largest Item In the high cost of govern­ HINTS TO HOUSEWIVES O rd e rs p r o m p tly S te a k s, C h o p s ment Is the high cost of armament; the lowest lor him and $1K (or the preparation for war. About 90 per R o a s ts , ’C u tle ts. C u re d In making fish cakes have pnti filled b y m a il lu ll, We wouldn’t be surprised It would seem impossible that cent of all government revenues, snd oes dry. M eats o f all k in d s. W h e n in A lb a n y c a ll t > see a tumble in price in both here could lie opposition in the that means the money taken from you Always save scraps of snap; put Ii D re ss e d P o u ltr y ns taxes, goes to pay for wars, past, a jar and flit with water. a n d see o u r goods aaee. -enate to the confirmation of the present and future. Cao baking powder can perforate N o. 118 F ir s t S tr e e t iew peace treaties, hut experience Before I have concluded this series at top for chopping potatoes for haul A USELESS COM MISSION N o . 205 L y o n S tr e e t ■as shown that nothing is imp« • of articles I expect to show you con­ Use paper for cleaning bottoms i clusively that the Impelling motive cooking kettles with cleanser and soap sible in a United States senate. ALBANY that Induced President Harding to call Thia saves time, soap, water and thr The popular notiou that the gov the present conference In Washington nbor of washing doth. eminent guaranteed Io railroads Keep a piece of sandpaper nem A reduction of 76 percent in Hie to consider limitation of armaments 6 per cent return on capital invest­ ul erciiloais death rate hag been was financial The pressing need of the kitchen sink You will find It ve r considering a proposal for a reduc­ entertainment for his victim. ed is a fallacy that seems to have ■o', mpli lied at the demonstration tion or limitation by agreement of war hanriy to clean pots and pans Bir do not use It on aluminum utensils For instance, eleven quick daylight caused mure opinions adverse to U aiioout Farmington, M iss., in expenditure wna not made entirely on The steel wool should be used for murders were committed, on different the ground of morality or righteous­ thia ware. dates, at the corner of Grand and railroads than any other. ts five years’ work. Go thou aud ness, hut as a plan for cutting down To clean white felt hats and make uhrystle streets, at crowded a Junc­ The law gave them no such guar­ Io likewise. the operating expenses of the govern tion almost aa exist« In New York them look like new. take the soft ment antee. The public servicecommis Inner part of a stale leaf of white city. Detective Sergeant Michael Klaa- I f the United States government bread and rub all over the list. It chettl, head of the New York city Ita l­ sion is required by law to fix fares £ In the Washington conference were an Individual we would say that does the work perfectly and takes ian squad, believes that the confession Members of Sicilian Camorra and freights at such figures ss i> (lie Japanese demonstrated the It was broke, for Its erpenses exceed very little time. thinks will y e ld from 5J to 6 per Ita Income. Deal Out Swift Death in To remove fat from hot soup, pour It fact that in open diplomacy (b< Your Interest Is simply this: that through a cloth that has been rinsed In cent. As a m stterof fucttherah s Variety of Forms. bind closed doors) they are crack-, whatever decision ts made you will cold water, and the fat will remain it has fixed, and to which the rail have to pay the bill. If today we la tbe cloth. erjacks, roads are compel b d Io adhere, ha v didn't have these array and navy ex­ pense« you would have to pay In taxes not yielded nearly such a per cent •c Glocks are found to be faster at less than * 1 000.000.000 a year Instead of earnings, and thia fact has made I f y o u h a v e f r ie n d s th e y of *5,000 Orth .000. That mean« we ------------ ; 1 night than in th» day. Just like it impossible for the companies to would have about *4,000,000.000 more s h o u ld h a v e y o u r phot< - Band of Italian Murderara Being flun apid youths and wild women. a year to apend on our private needs borrow money needed for upkeep tc Earth by Head of New York and pleasure«. I frankly confess that g ra p h . Even the percentage provision Detective Squad, Fellow I would enjoy having four-flftha of my Countryman. of the law expires March 1 and the taxes knocked off. Wouldn't you? commission is simply required to Secretary Weeks of the W ar de­ New Y o rk—The Sicilian camorra -W W . First street, Allmny. partment gave public warning a little fix whst it deems fair rates. cun put to shame any ordinary « r th - while ago that the government would tiuake or tornado when It . comes to This is one of the contmissini s require of u* about *17.000.000 In dealing death In various forms, *▼<- which eat up our taxes aud give the next thirty months to meet cur­ deuce collected by the Italian detec­ rent expenses and other obligations. satisfaction to nobody. tive squad of the New York city po Persons who have given close study to ■— ■■ ♦ » - ■ .11 lice department Indicate«. that possibility say that the need will A list of 200 suspected Sicilian kill­ P r o m p t A- e ffic ie n t be nenrar »20.000,000, than »17000,- M«»RE PEACE ON EA R I II ings in New York city atone recently 000. The gCeat bulk of that la for a u to r e p a ir in g has been compiled. In addition to past and prospective war expenditure«. Having "scrapped' the league Fisk and Goodyear Tires and Tube« these there were 70 similar killings In For thts, you and congress and the Before buying tires be sure aud Detroit, 4 In Buffalo, 5 In Syracuse, 4 of nations, as far as the United Executive departments at Washington m Denver, 20 In Chicago and more In investigate our prices are responsible. Yon more than any­ Htates is concerned, for thepiesent % body else for It 1» your money that 1« lord parts A accessories always on hand other cities of the Country. at least, the best we could do was These Camorra killers do the deadly being spent and you can atop It. In It« work assigned them In a neat and or­ to try to lim it war preparations almpleat terms the procedure Is thia: Deal Out Swift Death. derly manner, leaving no evidence Yon earn the money, congress takes It outside the league, as all the rest they are Inclined to make rather s away from you In the form of taxes, of one Bartolo Fontano, a handsome, of the world was trying to do thru social affair of such a murder, as In fo r th e m n n w h o w e a rs and then congress and the Executive youthful, roving barber, will help to ilmost every Instance they have the league. departments spend It. tw o -p ie c e u iid e w e a r. W e | lured their victim« by promisee of a clear up more than a hundred of these A great part of It la wasted. This Is Ihe financial burden of niilits- murder«, but he admits that he doe« pleasant party. The parties are al established, conceded, confessed, and not hope to obtain convictions In all rism pressed so heavily upon all h a v e a n u m b e r o f s p l e n ­ acknowledged by congress, which ways provided Jnat prior to the and cases. den and violent demise of the guest the world that the proposal of this d id w ool g a r m e n ts , th e authorizes the expenditures, and by Jo whom marked attention la paid. country was gladly accepted, fi t b e s t o f q u a lity , g a r m e n ts the executive officers of the govern Awful Thought. ment who do the actual spending It Often Work In Daylight the other nations who were invited th a t to d a y w o u ld s e ll fo r A young woman was dining at • la your money that you have earned No expense Is spared to make these to our little conference are carr v THOM AS In your bna'neaa, on your farm, or by affairs real events, in most Instances. «trange house On the table was a »U. y e t to c lo s e o u t the labor of your hands, that Is being ing much more grievous buidens M EIGHAN Weddings, dinners, duck hunts and au­ dish of boiled onions and when her expended and wasted at Washington tomobile rides have been used as hoateaa was serving these and re­ than w® are in war (axes, much a« h a v e m a d e a p ric e o f Every cent that la extravagantly or means to decoy victim« out of their marked that, of coarse, she liked them, we growl ai.out ouia in “ W H ITE needlessly expended by the govern own neighborhoods and to lonely spots the young woman replied enthusias­ ment you could have In your pocket to and The Enterprise is publishing a where the murders have been commit­ tically: “Oh, yes. Indeed; If there 1« meet the Increased coat of food, lodg ted most efficiently. There are excep­ one vegetable I like It ,s oiled bun­ series of articles bv Mr. Lowi » UNM ARRIED Just think. If her hostess' bus- Ing and clothing, doctor«' hills and tions. of course. In a rush a murderer ion«. that let light in on the causes of amusements, or to put away and save raunot always be expected to provide band had been a chiropodist t—Boston Transcript against a rainy day. I f you only de the tax burdens we carry. P h ra in o u n t mnnded determinedly and unitedly Poverty, not mercy nor jus: ic , . . j P ic tu r e that governmental extravagance should has impelled other nations in sc-I I\ l t l l l VOIIF OI UCT cease. I can tell yon some of the conditions capt our proposal for redttcli n of of governmental spending and how armament, and the outlo >k fori your money la chucked about, and I peace is mucti improved. can tell you how you can stop It. The T h e la st n u m b e r o f th e L y c e u m c o u r s e w ill h e power la yours, and until you exer giv en a t th e else It waste and exrrav agance will Two trials of Roscoe A buckle not atop Woodworth Drug Co. ALBANY, OREGON CDfCy Juicy Tinder rnLufli VICTIMS LURED THROUGH PARTIES NEMESIS ON TRAIL Clifford’s Studio HERE’S A H ALSEY GARAGE REAL BUY Halsey Garage Foote Bros., Props. RIALTO FRIT AY »3. • $ 1 .2 5 A L y ceu m C ourse for killing Miss Rapp® h«xe failed, the jurors in the first standing two for cnvictioii to ten for acquittall and in tbe other ten for conviction tn two for acquittal. He is to be tn s l again. Tbe fat catouier R ia lto The Oreat Salley. T h e . t o r e w ith » » p w r e d e a l to r e v e ry c u s to m e r, m»» departure ALBANY OEKGOY alba , from It under any dr- cui"M* nc* * " * • nD<1* r rh» »uapldon cf being bo policy at *11 -Bdmqpd Borka, T u esd ay E v e n in g , F e b r u a r y 1 4 th A s to r y o f a c ro o k w ith T h e lv e e u m c o m m itte e a p p r e c ia te s th e p a tr o n a g e so u l. th e p e o p l e o f H a lse y a n d v icin itv h a v e g iv e n th e and p re c e d in g sh o w s a n d g u a r a n te e s th a t t h e r e w ill b e a . _ • C o m o J . . . 1,0 d is a p p o in tm e n t in th e c o m in g e n te r ta i n m e n t. Good C om edy | P r ic e s , ¿5 and 5 0 ; reserved seats. ( l i t 111 ^ Q Iir \jA ln t r v m n * • m A Vw - m . — — ^ .— A . a